Community Blog Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing

Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing

In this article, we will introduce the neural networks which can be applied to natural language processing (nlp).

Researchers are increasingly interested in the application of the deep learning model for natural language processing (NLP), focusing on the representation and learning of words, sentences, articles, and relevant applications. For example, Bengio et al. obtained a new vector image called word embedding or word vector using the neural network model [27]. This vector is a low-dimensional, dense, and continuous vector representation, and contains semantic and grammatical information of the words. At present, word vector representation influences the implementation of most neural network based NLP methods.

Researchers designed the DNN model to learn about vector representation of sentences, which includes sentence modeling of the recursive neural network, the recurrent neural network (RNN) and the convolutional neural network (CNN) [28-30]. Researchers applied sentence representation to a large number of NLP tasks and achieved prominent outcomes, such as machine translation [31, 32] and sentiment analysis [33, 34]. The representation of sentences and the learning of articles are still relatively difficult and receive little research. An example of such research is that done by Li and his team, who implemented a representation of articles by encoding and decoding them via hierarchical RNN [35].

Given the language representation capability that CNN and RNN have shown in the NLP field in recent years, more researchers are trying the deep learning method to complete key activities in the QA field, such as question classification, answer selection, and automatic response generation. Also, the naturally annotated data [50] generated by internet users for exchange of information, such as microblog replies and community QA pairs provide reliable data resources for training the DNN model, thereby solving the data shortage problem in the QA research field to a large extent.

DNNs are gaining popularity in the world of machine translation. Researchers have designed various kinds of DNNs, such as deep stack networks (DSNs), deep belief networks (DBNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In NLP, the primary aim of all DNNs is to learn the syntactic and semantic representations of words, sentences, phrases, structures, and sentences so that it can grasp similar words (phrases or structures).

CNN-based sentence modeling can be presented as a "combination operator" with a local selection function. With the progressive deepening of the model level, the representation output obtained from the model can cover a wider range of words in a sentence. A multi-layer operation achieves sentence representation vectors of fixed dimension. This process is functionally similar to the recurrent operation mechanism [33] of "recursive automatic coding."

The sentence model formed through one layer of convolution and global max pooling is called a shallow convolutional neural network model. It is widely used for sentence level classification in NLP, for example, sentence classification [36] and relation classification [37]. However, the shallow convolutional neural network model can neither be used for complicated local semantic relations in sentences nor provide a better representation of semantic combination at a deeper layer in the sentence. Global max pooling results in the loss of word order characteristics in the sentence. As a result, the shallow convolutional neural network model only can be used for local attribute matching between statements. For complex and diversified natural language representations in questions and answers, the QA matching model [38-40] usually uses the deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) to complete the sentence modeling for questions and answers and conducts QA matching by transferring QA semantic representations from high-level output to multilayer perceptrons (MLP).

For more information, please go to QA Systems and Deep Learning Technologies – Part 2.

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