Community Blog Embarking into the Cloud Native Era

Embarking into the Cloud Native Era

This article discusses the cloud native era and how Alibaba Cloud embarked into this exciting new frontier in the cloud computing space from the very beginning.

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Cloud computing has forever changed the IT landscape of the world, with the world's enterprise and institutions all migrating to the cloud. One important development in Cloud is that of Cloud-native applications, which can fully utilize the essential advantages of cloud computing. Alibaba Cloud, being at the cutting-edge of this technology, has embarked into this exciting new frontier in the cloud computing space from the very beginning.

The Cloud and the Cloud Native Era

Over the past few decades, enterprise IT architectures have gone through three major stages: standalone, distributed, and cloud computing. Within a decade of the birth of cloud computing, most Internet companies have launched their applications in the cloud. Today, enterprises and institutions in the financial, manufacturing, medical, as well as governmental sectors are gradually migrating to the cloud.

The cloud migration of enterprises is not only about upgrading their infrastructure and platforms, but also about shedding the traditional approaches of designing applications. Cloud-native applications must be designed based on the characteristics of the cloud, from their architecture and development, to their deployment and maintenance. Cloud-oriented design must be applied throughout the entire lifecycle of applications. Only in this way will applications run efficiently in the cloud and fully utilize the advantages brought on by the distributed architecture and elasticity of the cloud.

Cloud Native and Alibaba Cloud

Cloud native is a set of groundbreaking ideas that stimulate the development of brand-new technologies, such as containers, microservices, and service meshes. Alibaba Cloud is the first technology company in China to deploy cloud-native technologies. Alibaba Cloud attended 2019 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit (June 24 to June 26) and shared its cutting-edge technologies and applications based on the cloud native initiative with users worldwide. During the event, Alibaba Cloud also launched products and services such as ACK Edge Kubernetes and a cloud-native application management and delivery system.

Timeline of Cloud Native Services at Alibaba Cloud

November 2011 Alibaba Group became the first enterprise in China to adopt container technologies.
December 2015 Alibaba Cloud launched Container Service and Container Registry.
May 2016 Alibaba Group containerized its internal applications.
July 2016 CITIC Group containerized its large-scale business in Alibaba Cloud public cloud, first in the industry.
November 2016 Core applications of the 11.11 Global Shopping Festival ere containerized, to handle peak traffic of 175,000 transactions per second.
November 2017 Alibaba Cloud became one of the first cloud service providers that passed the Kubernetes consistency certification.
December 2017 Alibaba Cloud joined CNCF as a platinum member.
February 2018 ACK supported Olympic Games on the Cloud for International Olympic Committee.
August 2018 The deep learning tool Arena developed by Alibaba Cloud was accepted by the Kubeflow community.
November 2018 Dragonfly, a cloud-native image distribution system, became a CNCF project.
January 2019 Xiang Li, a senior Alibaba engineer, became the first Chinese member of CNCF TOC.
January 2019 Alibaba Cloud was the only Chinese enterprise listed in the Competitive Landscape: Public Cloud Container Services Market by Gartner.
February 2019 Alibaba Cloud opened source of a GPU Sharing tool to resolve pain points of GPU resource sharing and scheduling.
March 2019 Alibaba Cloud released its whole range of cloud native services.

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