Community Blog Cloud Resource Usage Monitoring with Cloud Monitor

Cloud Resource Usage Monitoring with Cloud Monitor

This blog gives you a complete guidance on Alibaba Cloud's resource monitoring service, Cloud Monitor.

By Prashant Mishra, Alibaba Cloud MVP and CEO, Founder Click2Cloud Inc.

One of the best aspects of cloud computing is the cost savings it can bring to individuals and enterprises alike. But without proper management or with suboptimal configurations, this benefit may not be as apparent as one may have hoped for. Thus, it is important for enterprises to keep track of the consumption of cloud resource and data whenever adopting a cloud-based design.

Although seemingly straightforward, such task can be daunting and laborious, especially when you have hundreds or thousands of resources being managed on a cloud platform like Alibaba Cloud. Keeping such colossal data is a hectic task, and this may lead to additional costs to maintain and manage the infrastructure, setup, billing, and budget management.

Alibaba Cloud Monitor

Continuously keeping track of your daily or monthly spends on data resources is not an easy task. To cope with this issue, Alibaba Cloud provides customers with a cloud resource monitoring tool, Cloud Monitor. Cloud Monitor keeps the systematic records of data usage, which allows customers of Alibaba Cloud to keep the record of overall CPU usage, total network usage.

This service provided by Alibaba Cloud helps individuals and enterprises to keep track of the availability of services, and to manage services by monitoring specific metrics. It also helps you to thoroughly understand your resource usage, which can help you plan better for upcoming usages and spends for systematic business growth. Cloud Monitor also helps businesses to observe response time, availability, resource consumption levels, predictive analysis, performance, cost savings, and time management.

Cloud Monitoring

Let us look at a typical architectural diagram of cloud monitoring:

Fig 1: General Architecture of Cloud Monitoring Framework

Cloud technology comes with many different parts, and it is very important to inspect each part by monitoring so that it gives users a value specific output. Cloud Monitor primarily includes website monitoring, total network usage, database monitoring, virtual network monitoring, cloud storage monitoring, virtual machine monitoring, and CPU monitoring.

The above is a system architecture of the cloud monitoring framework. It consists of cloud, platform-as-a-service (PaaS), Software-as-a-service (SaaS), image name, session time, session, memory usage, OS name, OS version, architecture, and IP address.

Cloud monitoring monitors the overall part of the cloud infrastructure. Including all subparts that are depicted in the above architectural diagram.

Alibaba Cloud Cloud Monitor makes things simple. Here are some of its key capabilities:

  • Ability to monitor large volumes of cloud data across many distributed locations.
  • Gain visibility into application, user, and file behavior to identify potential attacks or compromises.
  • Continuous monitoring to ensure new and modified files are scanned in real-time.
  • Auditing and reporting capabilities to manage security compliance.
  • Integrating monitoring tools with a range of cloud service providers.
  • Ultimately cloud monitoring leads to cost monitoring and cost savings.

Alibaba Cloud Monitor integrates data analysis capabilities that help to gain insights into the cloud services one uses.

  • Benefits of cloud monitor:
  • Data visualization
  • Seamless integration
  • Cost-effective
  • Secure

Types of Cloud Monitoring

Fig 2: Types of cloud monitoring

Unified Monitoring: It gives a complete visibility to your IT infrastructure.

End-User Experience Monitoring: This monitoring type is beneficial in terms of providing critical web and mobile app performance that supports millions of requests.

Cloud Server Monitoring: This helps to correlate infrastructure to application performance for any business transactions.

Virtual Infrastructure Monitoring: It helps to monitor virtual infrastructure, often scaled out as IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service). It supports real time metrics with platforms like OpenStack.

Database Monitoring: With database monitoring, user can monitor queries, availability, data integrity, database, usage, and so forth.

Alibaba Cloud's Cloud Monitor service helps customers to view the running status and metrics of cloud services and allows to set alarms for the metrics.


If you are currently using cloud services, keeping track or your data usage, generating reports, and managing the overall infrastructure are essential in order to help you calculate and manage budgets for your business. Alibaba Cloud Monitor is one of the best services provided to cloud users for keeping track of resources usage, total CPU usage, network details and cost savings.

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