Community Blog Analyze How Velox Does Serialization From the Source Code

Analyze How Velox Does Serialization From the Source Code

This article analyzes Velox's serialization and deserialization process from a source code perspective.

By Huolang, from Alibaba Cloud Storage Team



Velox, as a computing engine, can be embedded and used by Presto and Spark. In the Operator data transfer, Velox utilizes the columnar structure RowVector, while Presto and Spark have their corresponding data structures, SerializedPage and UnsafeRow, for communication between compute nodes. When using the Velox computing engine with Presto and Spark, there is a need for converting between these two data formats.

To address this, Velox provides the VectorSerde interface and a registration method called registerVectorSerde. By implementing and registering the corresponding VectorSerde interface, external systems can achieve mutual conversion with Velox's RowVector.

In this article, we will focus on describing two representative implementations of the VectorSerde interface: PrestoVectorSerde and UnsafeRowVectorSerde. These implementations are used to convert RowVector to Presto's SerializedPage and RowVector to Spark's UnsafeRow, respectively. SerializedPage and UnsafeRow represent column and row models.

Furthermore, we will introduce the basic implementations of StreamArena, ByteStream, and other classes related to Velox's memory management during serialization. Following that, we will delve into the implementations of PrestoVectorSerde and UnsafeRowVectorSerde.

Classes Related to Memory Management

Overview of StreamArena


Let's first understand the memory-related concepts through this diagram:

  • Page is the memory page defined in Velox. The size is defined by the AllocationTraits::kPageSize (4K), which is also the smallest unit that StreamArena requests.
  • PageRun refers to multiple consecutive pages. PageRun provides the data() method to point to the first address of PageRun.
  • Allocation stores an array of PageRun. Allocation is obtained by the MemoryPool::allocateNonContiguous method, which can specify the number of pages to be requested.

    • MemoryPool is the memory management interface of Velox. It manages memory requests and releases at various levels in the form of a tree. You can manage memory requests at the query, task, node, and operator levels separately. It will not be detailed in this article.
    • The destructor of the Allocation directly releases the memory requested in the Allocation.
  • StreamArena is a vector whose element is Allocation and exposes two interfaces for memory requests:

    • newRange: Specifies the required number of bytes, which requests the relevant size through memoryPool. It should be pointed out that the memory requested by newRange is the multiples of the number of pages, but it will not exceed the size of PageRun.
    • newTinyRange: Instead of requesting through memoryPool like newRange, it requests memory directly in StreamArena by using a member variable of the vector type. This type of memory is usually small and does not require a page size of 4K to request.
    • The memory requested by newRange and newTinyRange is implemented with ByteRange. ByteRange mainly includes pointer buffer and length size, which point to the start position and size of the requested memory, respectively.

Implementation of Allocation & PageRun

The PageRun structure is relatively simple, and the header address is specified in the constructor.

Allocation contains the vector of PageRun.

class PageRun {
    PageRun(void* address, MachinePageCount numPages) {
      auto word = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(address); // NOLINT
      data_ =
          word | (static_cast<uint64_t>(numPages) << kPointerSignificantBits);
    template <typename T = uint8_t>
    T* data() const {
      return reinterpret_cast<T*>(data_ & kPointerMask); // NOLINT
    uint64_t data_;
class Allocation {
  MemoryPool* pool_{nullptr};
  std::vector<PageRun> runs_;

Implementation of StreamArena

  • StreamArena uses allocations_ to store the requested memory allocation, and uses currentRun_ and currentPage_to point to the indexes of PageRun and Page of the Allocation currently needed:

    • During the newRange request, whether the number of indexes of the current PageRun exceeds the total number of PageRuns in the current Allocation will be checked. If it exceeds, a new Allocation is required.
    • Find the appropriate number of pages in the current PageRun, and then assign values to the buffer and size of the range.
  • tinyRanges_is a vector of strings:

    • During newTinyRange, apply for a new string in the vector, set a specific size, and then assign values to the buffer and size of the range.
class StreamArena {
  // All allocations.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<memory::Allocation>> allocations_;
  // The allocation from which pages are given out. Moved to 'allocations_' when used up.
  memory::Allocation allocation_;
  int32_t currentRun_ = 0;
  int32_t currentPage_ = 0;
  memory::MachinePageCount allocationQuantum_ = 2;
  std::vector<std::string> tinyRanges_;
void StreamArena::newRange(int32_t bytes, ByteRange* range) {
  VELOX_CHECK_GT(bytes, 0);
  memory::MachinePageCount numPages =
      bits::roundUp(bytes, memory::AllocationTraits::kPageSize) /
  int32_t numRuns = allocation_.numRuns();
  if (currentRun_ >= numRuns) {
    if (numRuns) {
        std::max(allocationQuantum_, numPages), allocation_);
    currentRun_ = 0;
    currentPage_ = 0;
    size_ += allocation_.byteSize();
  auto run = allocation_.runAt(currentRun_);
  int32_t available = run.numPages() - currentPage_;
  range->buffer =
      run.data() + memory::AllocationTraits::kPageSize * currentPage_;
  range->size = std::min<int32_t>(numPages, available) *
  range->position = 0;
  currentPage_ += std::min<int32_t>(available, numPages);
  if (currentPage_ == run.numPages()) {
    currentPage_ = 0;
void StreamArena::newTinyRange(int32_t bytes, ByteRange* range) {
  range->position = 0;
  range->buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(tinyRanges_.back().data());
  range->size = bytes;

Overview of ByteStream


According to the introduction above, StreamArena can be used to request memory and store the memory in ByteRange. ByteStream is used to serialize and deserialize data, which reads and writes data of a specific type and stores ByteRange. The main method is as follows:

  • The append family of generic methods provides the means to write different types of data. The data is eventually written to a ByteRange.
  • The read family of generic methods provides the read of a specific type. The source of the read is a ByteRange.

Serialization Interface


VectorSerde is used to serialize and deserialize RowVector. From the structure of VectorSerde:

  • Serialization: Instead of providing the serialization method directly, VectorSerializer is used to serialize the Vector and provides createSerializer methods to create VectorSerializer. When creating a VectorSerializer:

    • Specify the type of the RowVector, which contains the name and type of each column.
    • Specify the number of rows to be serialized.
    • Specify the StreamArena to be used. During serialization, intermediate results need to be stored in the StreamArena.
  • Deserialization: Use the deserialization method to deserialize a vector from a ByteStream to a RowVector.
class VectorSerde {
  virtual std::unique_ptr<VectorSerializer> createSerializer(
      RowTypePtr type,
      int32_t numRows,
      StreamArena* streamArena,
      const Options* options = nullptr) = 0;
  virtual void deserialize(
      ByteStream* source,
      velox::memory::MemoryPool* pool,
      RowTypePtr type,
      RowVectorPtr* result,
      const Options* options = nullptr) = 0;


VectorSerializer does not provide a method for direct serialization, but provides the append method: Append data first, and then flush the results to OutputStream.

  • The append method adds a portion of data rows to the "internal storage" of the serializer.
  • The flush method writes "internal storage" to the OutputStream.
class VectorSerializer {
  virtual ~VectorSerializer() = default;
  /// Serialize a subset of rows in a vector.
  virtual void append(
      const RowVectorPtr& vector,
      const folly::Range<const IndexRange*>& ranges) = 0;
  /// Serialize all rows in a vector.
  void append(const RowVectorPtr& vector);
  /// Write serialized data to 'stream'.
  virtual void flush(OutputStream* stream) = 0;

Both VectorSerde and VectorSerializer interfaces need to be implemented during the interconversion of external system data structures to Velox's RowVector. For example:

  • PrestoVectorSerde and PrestoVectorSerializer for Presto SerializedPage.
  • UnsafeRowVectorSerde and UnsafeRowVectorSerializer for Spark UnsafeRow.

Next, I'll parse the two implementations separately.



In the process of exploring its implementations, we also need to pay attention to the request and copy of memory.


Before introducing serialization and deserialization, the structure of SerializedPage needs to be briefly introduced. For more information, see SerializedPage Wire Format.

Overall Structure

The format includes header, number of columns, and columns. The number of rows is stored in the header.


Column Structure

The column structure also contains column headers, null flags, and actual values.

  • Column header: Indicates the type of the column.


  • Null Flags: Uses one byte to indicate whether nullFlag exists. Each bit is used to identify whether a row is null.


  • The column content: Classified into the following types based on the column type:

    • Fixed-length columns: Mainly used for basic type encodings such as BYTE, INT, SHORT, LONG, and INT128. Unlike the fixed-length column of Velox, FlatVector occupies space for null rows. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
    • Variable-length column: Mainly for VARCHAR and other types. The value of each row is not fixed, and compared with the fixed-length column, you need to store an additional offset to specify the start position of each row of data.
    • Composite column: Includes the ARRAY, MAP, and ROW types. The storage of Composite columns includes that of columns of the base type.
  • Example of a fixed-length column:


  • Example of a variable-length column:


Implementation of Serialization


The implementation of the PrestoVectorSerializer is relatively clear:

  • During the construction, the corresponding VectorStreams are created based on the columns of the RowVector. The VectorStream is used to store the serialized data of each column.
  • Serialization by column is created during appending, and the main work is implemented in serializeColumn.

Here are some questions, and let's study them one by one.

  • How does VectorStream store data? Is the pointer to the data in the RowVector or the copy memory stored?
  • How to deal with the situation where serializeColumn does not perform any special processing for each column of RowVector? For example, what if a column is ConstantVector or DictionaryVector?
class PrestoVectorSerializer : public VectorSerializer {
      std::shared_ptr<const RowType> rowType,
      int32_t numRows,
      StreamArena* streamArena,
      bool useLosslessTimestamp) {
    auto types = rowType->children();
    auto numTypes = types.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < numTypes; i++) {
      streams_[i] = std::make_unique<VectorStream>(
          types[i], streamArena, numRows, useLosslessTimestamp);
  void append(
      const RowVectorPtr& vector,
      const folly::Range<const IndexRange*>& ranges) override {
    auto newRows = rangesTotalSize(ranges);
    if (newRows > 0) {
      numRows_ += newRows;
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < vector->childrenSize(); ++i) {
        serializeColumn(vector->childAt(i).get(), ranges, streams_[i].get());
  void flush(OutputStream* out) override {
    flushInternal(numRows_, false /*rle*/, out);
  int32_t numRows_{0};
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VectorStream>> streams_;
} // namespace


VectorStream is used to serialize SerializedPage. Its members store the column headers, null flags, and length required in the SerializedPage structure. SeralizedPage also supports the encoding of the ROW, ARRAY, and MAP types. Correspondingly, VectorStream uses nested VectorStream for these three types.


Initialize Memory

  • children_: indicates the child VectorStream of the ROW, ARRAY, and MAP types, which correspond to the three SerializedPage types.
  • header_: used to store header information for each data type.
  • nulls_: used to store the null values.
  • lengths_: used to store the length.
  • values_: used to store actual values.
class VectorStream {
  const TypePtr type_;
  ByteRange header_;
  ByteStream nulls_;
  ByteStream lengths_;
  ByteStream values_;
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VectorStream>> children_;

When a VectorStream is constructed, the preceding members are initialized, and the ByteStream::startWrite method is called for memory requests. The memory is prerequested based on the data type of each column in the RowVector.

The following lists the important field initialization code: the length_ in the code corresponds to the offsets in the SerializedPage.

  • For ROW, ARRAY, and MAP types, in addition to lengths_ initialization, children_ initialization is also required because they are nested structures.
  • For VARCHAR and VARBINARY types, lengths_ and values_ are initialized.
class VectorStream {
      const TypePtr type,
      StreamArena* streamArena,
      int32_t initialNumRows,
      bool useLosslessTimestamp)
      : type_(type),
        nulls_(streamArena, true, true),
        values_(streamArena) {
    if (initialNumRows > 0) {
      switch (type_->kind()) {
        case TypeKind::ROW:
          if (isTimestampWithTimeZoneType(type_)) {
            values_.startWrite(initialNumRows * 4);
        case TypeKind::ARRAY:
        case TypeKind::MAP:
          hasLengths_ = true;
          lengths_.startWrite(initialNumRows * sizeof(vector_size_t));
          for (int32_t i = 0; i < type_->size(); ++i) {
            children_[i] = std::make_unique<VectorStream>(
        case TypeKind::VARCHAR:
        case TypeKind::VARBINARY:
          hasLengths_ = true;
          lengths_.startWrite(initialNumRows * sizeof(vector_size_t));
          values_.startWrite(initialNumRows * 10);
          values_.startWrite(initialNumRows * 4);
  const TypePtr type_;
  ByteRange header_;
  ByteStream nulls_;
  ByteStream lengths_;
  ByteStream values_;
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VectorStream>> children_;


The serialized Append method ultimately calls the serializeColumn method for each column, which specifically handles each column type in its implementation. For example, the serializeFlatVector method is called for data of the Flat type.

The main process for each serialization is to write the data to the length_ and values_ fields of the VectorStream, based on the format of the extracted data. For composite types, recursive calls are used.

It is important to note that when data is written to the StreamArena memory, a memory copy is used, even for data of the String type. This means that a complete copy of the RowVector data is stored in the StreamArena.

void serializeColumn(
    const BaseVector* vector,
    const folly::Range<const IndexRange*>& ranges,
    VectorStream* stream) {
  switch (vector->encoding()) {
    case VectorEncoding::Simple::FLAT:
          serializeFlatVector, vector->typeKind(), vector, ranges, stream);
    case VectorEncoding::Simple::CONSTANT:
          serializeConstantVector, vector->typeKind(), vector, ranges, stream);
    case VectorEncoding::Simple::BIASED:
      switch (vector->typeKind()) {
        case TypeKind::SMALLINT:
          serializeBiasVector<int16_t>(vector, ranges, stream);
        case TypeKind::INTEGER:
          serializeBiasVector<int32_t>(vector, ranges, stream);
        case TypeKind::BIGINT:
          serializeBiasVector<int64_t>(vector, ranges, stream);
          throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid biased vector type");
    case VectorEncoding::Simple::ROW:
      serializeRowVector(vector, ranges, stream);
    case VectorEncoding::Simple::ARRAY:
      serializeArrayVector(vector, ranges, stream);
    case VectorEncoding::Simple::MAP:
      serializeMapVector(vector, ranges, stream);
    case VectorEncoding::Simple::LAZY:
      serializeColumn(vector->loadedVector(), ranges, stream);
      serializeWrapped(vector, ranges, stream);
  • The flush method

serializeColumn writes data to the memory of the StreamArena, and the flush method can write data to the OutputStream strictly in the SerializedPage format. The ROW, ARRAY, and MAP types recursively call the flush method of children.

void flush(OutputStream* out) {
    out->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(header_.buffer), header_.size);
    switch (type_->kind()) {
      case TypeKind::ROW:
      case TypeKind::ARRAY:
      case TypeKind::MAP:
      case TypeKind::VARCHAR:
      case TypeKind::VARBINARY:

In the flush method of the PrestoVectorSerializer, the flush method of the corresponding VectorStream is called one by one based on the number of columns.

Implementation of Deserialization

Deserialization refers to the conversion from the SerializePage binary format to RowVector.

  • From the function signature, it can be seen that the output type RowType needs to be passed in, indicating that the columns of the RowVector are known before deserialization.
  • The source of deserialization is ByteStream, which consists of a set of ByteRange.
void deserialize(
      ByteStream* source,
      velox::memory::MemoryPool* pool,
      std::shared_ptr<const RowType> type,
      std::shared_ptr<RowVector>* result) override;

The core method of deserialization is readColumns, which reads the data of each column to the children of the result.

auto children = &(*result)->children();
  auto childTypes = type->as<TypeKind::ROW>().children();
  readColumns(source, pool, childTypes, children);

Next, take a look at the core implementation of readColumns:

  • In readColumns, read functions for different data types are first defined: For the simple types, use the read function, and for the complex types, use a separate read method.
  • Then, call the corresponding type of the read method one by one according to the type of each column.
void readColumns(
    ByteStream* source,
    velox::memory::MemoryPool* pool,
    const std::vector<TypePtr>& types,
    std::vector<VectorPtr>* result) {
  static std::unordered_map<
          ByteStream * source,
          std::shared_ptr<const Type> type,
          velox::memory::MemoryPool * pool,
          VectorPtr * result)>>
      readers = {
          {TypeKind::BOOLEAN, &read<bool>},
          {TypeKind::TINYINT, &read<int8_t>},
          {TypeKind::SMALLINT, &read<int16_t>},
          {TypeKind::INTEGER, &read<int32_t>},
          {TypeKind::BIGINT, &read<int64_t>},
          {TypeKind::REAL, &read<float>},
          {TypeKind::DOUBLE, &read<double>},
          {TypeKind::TIMESTAMP, &read<Timestamp>},
          {TypeKind::DATE, &read<Date>},
          {TypeKind::VARCHAR, &read<StringView>},
          {TypeKind::VARBINARY, &read<StringView>},
          {TypeKind::ARRAY, &readArrayVector},
          {TypeKind::MAP, &readMapVector},
          {TypeKind::ROW, &readRowVector},
          {TypeKind::UNKNOWN, &read<UnknownValue>}};
  for (int32_t i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) {
    auto it = readers.find(types[i]->kind());
    it->second(source, types[i], pool, &(*result)[i]);

The following are examples of simple and complex types:

  • Simple types: First read the size, then create a FlatVector of a specific size based on the size, and finally assign a value to the flatVector.
template <typename T>
void read(
    ByteStream* source,
    std::shared_ptr<const Type> type,
    velox::memory::MemoryPool* pool,
    VectorPtr* result) {
  int32_t size = source->read<int32_t>();
  if (*result && result->unique()) {
  } else {
    *result = BaseVector::create(type, size, pool);
  auto flatResult = (*result)->asFlatVector<T>();
  auto nullCount = readNulls(source, size, flatResult);
  BufferPtr values = flatResult->mutableValues(size);
  readValues<T>(source, size, flatResult->nulls(), nullCount, values);
  • Complex types: Take MapVector as an example. First, extract the key and value of the mapVector as children, write the value to the children by recursively calling readColumns, and then set the vector of the key and value to the MapVector. Similarly, for other complex types, children are serialized first and then assigned to the complex type.
void readMapVector(
    ByteStream* source,
    std::shared_ptr<const Type> type,
    velox::memory::MemoryPool* pool,
    VectorPtr* result) {
  MapVector* mapVector =
      (*result && result->unique()) ? (*result)->as<MapVector>() : nullptr;
  std::vector<TypePtr> childTypes = {type->childAt(0), type->childAt(1)};
  std::vector<VectorPtr> children(2);
  if (mapVector) {
    children[0] = mapVector->mapKeys();
    children[1] = mapVector->mapValues();
  readColumns(source, pool, childTypes, &children);
  mapVector->setKeysAndValues(children[0], children[1]);

Similarly, in the process of deserialization, data is copied from ByteStream to Vector, and memory copy occurs.


UnsafeRow Structure

Multiple Rows

UnsafeRow is used in Spark and is a binary row-oriented storage format. Data is stored row by row. The binary representation of multiple rows of data is as follows:

  • It starts with the size of the occupied space of the row, followed by the binary content of UnsafeRow. After that, the data of the next row is stored in sequence.



  • UnsafeRow represents a row of data. Each row of data has multiple columns. For different types, UnsafeRow defines three parts: null flags, fixed-length data, and variable-length data.

    • If multiple columns are of simple type fields such as bool, int, and short, because the simple types can be overwritten by 8 bytes, they are directly stored in the fixed-length data area by column.
    • If multiple columns cannot be overwritten by 8 bytes, such as those of the string type, the fixed-length data area will store the pointer and length of each string, and the actual string value will be stored in the variable-length area.
    • For columns of Array, Map and Struct types, the main differences are in the variable length area, which can be shown in the following figure. For example, for the Map type, the length of keys will be stored in the variable length area first, then the number of fields of key, null flag, and the actual value of key, and then the number of fields of value, null flag, and the actual value of value.


Serialization Interface


Similarly, UnsafeRowVectorSerde inherits from VectorSerde and focuses on the implementation of UnsafeRowVectorSerializer. The main process is as follows:

  • Construct UnsafeRowFast based on the input RowVector.
  • Calculate the total size of the RowVector, and then request the corresponding memory size. The requested memory is stored in buffers_.

    • Note: The lifecycle of the requested memory, buffers_ lifecycle, and UnsafeRowVectorSerializer are synchronized.
  • The contents of the Vector are then serialized to the specified memory location by calling the UnsafeRow.serialize method on a row-by-row basis. This process uses a memory copy approach.
  • The flush method is relatively simple and directly writes out the memory in buffers_. The format in buffers_ directly corresponds to the binary format of UnsafeRow.
class UnsafeRowVectorSerializer : public VectorSerializer {
  using TRowSize = uint32_t;
  explicit UnsafeRowVectorSerializer(StreamArena* streamArena)
      : pool_{streamArena->pool()} {}
  void append(
      const RowVectorPtr& vector,
      const folly::Range<const IndexRange*>& ranges) override {
    size_t totalSize = 0;
    row::UnsafeRowFast unsafeRow(vector);
    totalSize = //... calculate total size
    BufferPtr buffer = AlignedBuffer::allocate<char>(totalSize, pool_, 0);
    auto rawBuffer = buffer->asMutable<char>();
    size_t offset = 0;
    for (auto& range : ranges) {
      for (auto i = range.begin; i < range.begin + range.size; ++i) {
        // Write row data.
        TRowSize size =
            unsafeRow.serialize(i, rawBuffer + offset + sizeof(TRowSize));
        // Write raw size. Needs to be in big endian order.
        *(TRowSize*)(rawBuffer + offset) = folly::Endian::big(size);
        offset += sizeof(TRowSize) + size;
  void flush(OutputStream* stream) override {
    for (const auto& buffer : buffers_) {
      stream->write(buffer->as<char>(), buffer->size());
  memory::MemoryPool* const FOLLY_NONNULL pool_;
  std::vector<BufferPtr> buffers_;


UnsafeRowFast accepts RowVectors and converts the RowVectors to DecodedVectors.

  • DecodedVector decoded_ is used to store the decoded result of RowVector. This prevents the vector from being peeled layer by layer during operations.
  • std::vector children_; is used for ARRAY, MAP, and ROW types to store the child UnsafeRowFast corresponding to the three types. This nesting method is commonly used and is also used many times in the previous VectorStream.
  • The initialize method is used to initialize the encoded_ and children_.
  • Serialize is used to write the data of a specific row to the buffer.
class UnsafeRowFast {
  explicit UnsafeRowFast(const RowVectorPtr& vector);
  /// Serializes row at specified index into 'buffer'.
  /// 'buffer' must have sufficient capacity and set to all zeros.
  int32_t serialize(vector_size_t index, char* buffer);
  explicit UnsafeRowFast(const VectorPtr& vector);
  void initialize(const TypePtr& type);
  const TypeKind typeKind_;
  DecodedVector decoded_;
  /// ARRAY, MAP and ROW types only.
  std::vector<UnsafeRowFast> children_;
  std::vector<bool> childIsFixedWidth_;

children_ and encoded_ are implemented in the initialization function. The details are as follows:

  • For the ArrayVector type, directly set elements to children_.
  • For the MapVector type, set mapKeys and mapValues to children_.
  • For the RowVector type, set each column to children_;
  • For other simple types, mainly set fields such as valueBytes_.
void UnsafeRowFast::initialize(const TypePtr& type) {
  auto base = decoded_.base();
  switch (typeKind_) {
    case TypeKind::ARRAY: {
      auto arrayBase = base->as<ArrayVector>();
    case TypeKind::MAP: {
      auto mapBase = base->as<MapVector>();
    case TypeKind::ROW: {
      auto rowBase = base->as<RowVector>();
      for (const auto& child : rowBase->children()) {
    case TypeKind::BOOLEAN:
      valueBytes_ = 1;
      fixedWidthTypeKind_ = true;
    case TypeKind::TINYINT:
    case TypeKind::SMALLINT:
    case TypeKind::INTEGER:
    case TypeKind::BIGINT:
    case TypeKind::REAL:
    case TypeKind::DOUBLE:
    case TypeKind::DATE:
    case TypeKind::UNKNOWN:
      valueBytes_ = type->cppSizeInBytes();
      fixedWidthTypeKind_ = true;
      supportsBulkCopy_ = decoded_.isIdentityMapping();
    case TypeKind::TIMESTAMP:
      valueBytes_ = sizeof(int64_t);
      fixedWidthTypeKind_ = true;
    case TypeKind::VARCHAR:
    case TypeKind::VARBINARY:
      // Nothing to do.
      VELOX_UNSUPPORTED("Unsupported type: {}", type->toString());

The serialization process mainly calls the serializeRow method by traversing children, which is also used to distinguish between fixed-length columns and non-fixed-length columns:

  • If it is a fixed-length column, call the serializeFixedWidth method to serialize it.
  • If it is a non-fixed-length column, the serializeVariableWidth method is called, and the size and offset are stored in the fixed-length area.
int32_t UnsafeRowFast::serializeRow(vector_size_t index, char* buffer) {
  auto childIndex = decoded_.index(index);
  int64_t variableWidthOffset = rowNullBytes_ + kFieldWidth * children_.size();
  for (auto i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
    auto& child = children_[i];
    // Write null bit.
    if (child.isNullAt(childIndex)) {
      bits::setBit(buffer, i, true);
    // Write value.
    if (childIsFixedWidth_[i]) {
          childIndex, buffer + rowNullBytes_ + i * kFieldWidth);
    } else {
      auto size = child.serializeVariableWidth(
          childIndex, buffer + variableWidthOffset);
      // Write size and offset.
      uint64_t sizeAndOffset = variableWidthOffset << 32 | size;
      reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(buffer + rowNullBytes_)[i] = sizeAndOffset;
      variableWidthOffset += alignBytes(size);
  return variableWidthOffset;

Next, look at the specific implementations of fixed-length and non-fixed-length columns:

  • Fixed-length columns: Use memcpy to write the decoded data to the buffer.
  • Non-fixed-length columns:

    • For the varchar/varbinary type, perform memcpy based on the string length.
    • For ARRAY, ROW, and MAP types, call sub-methods for serialization. In fact, these methods will eventually call the serializeFixedWidth and serializeVariableWidth methods, and the specific implementations will not be repeated.
void UnsafeRowFast::serializeFixedWidth(
    vector_size_t offset,
    vector_size_t size,
    char* buffer) {
  // decoded_.data<char>() can be null if all values are null.
  if (decoded_.data<char>()) {
        decoded_.data<char>() + decoded_.index(offset) * valueBytes_,
        valueBytes_ * size);
int32_t UnsafeRowFast::serializeVariableWidth(
    vector_size_t index,
    char* buffer) {
  switch (typeKind_) {
    case TypeKind::VARCHAR:
    case TypeKind::VARBINARY: {
      auto value = decoded_.valueAt<StringView>(index);
      memcpy(buffer, value.data(), value.size());
      return value.size();
    case TypeKind::ARRAY:
      return serializeArray(index, buffer);
    case TypeKind::MAP:
      return serializeMap(index, buffer);
    case TypeKind::ROW:
      return serializeRow(index, buffer);
          "Unexpected type kind: {}", mapTypeKindToName(typeKind_));

Deserialization Interface


Deserialization uses the UnsafeRowDeserializer::deserialize method and accepts the vector of string_view. Each element of the vector represents a row of data, and the convertToVectors method is mainly called during deserialization.

static VectorPtr deserialize(
      const std::vector<std::optional<std::string_view>>& data,
      const TypePtr& type,
      memory::MemoryPool* pool) {
    return convertToVectors(getBatchIteratorPtr(data, type), pool);
  • The convertToVectors method accepts a DataBatchIterator and then calls different methods to deserialize depending on data types.
static VectorPtr convertToVectors(
      const DataBatchIteratorPtr& dataIterator,
      memory::MemoryPool* pool) {
    const TypePtr& type = dataIterator->type();
    if (type->isPrimitiveType()) {
      return convertPrimitiveIteratorsToVectors(dataIterator, pool);
    } else if (type->isRow()) {
      return convertStructIteratorsToVectors(dataIterator, pool);
    } else if (type->isArray()) {
      return convertArrayIteratorsToVectors(dataIterator, pool);
    } else if (type->isMap()) {
      return convertMapIteratorsToVectors(dataIterator, pool);
    } else {
      VELOX_NYI("Unsupported data iterators type");

getBatchIteratorPtr generates different DataBatchIterators according to different data types.

inline DataBatchIteratorPtr getBatchIteratorPtr(
    const std::vector<std::optional<std::string_view>>& data,
    const TypePtr& type) {
  if (type->isPrimitiveType()) {
    return std::make_shared<PrimitiveBatchIterator>(data, type);
  } else if (type->isRow()) {
    return std::make_shared<StructBatchIterator>(data, type);
  } else if (type->isArray()) {
    return std::make_shared<ArrayBatchIterator>(data, type);
  } else if (type->isMap()) {
    return std::make_shared<MapBatchIterator>(data, type);
  VELOX_NYI("Unknown data type " + type->toString());
  return nullptr;

In convertToVectors, take convertPrimitiveIteratorsToVectors as an example, which eventually calls the createFlatVector.

  • First, convert the iterator to a PrimitiveBatchIterator to get the number of rows and build the corresponding FlatVector.
  • Then, call the iterator->next() method on a row-by-row basis for data iteration. In the process of iteration, read data according to the type of data.

    • If it is the StringView type, read the data in the variable-length area.
    • For other Primitive types, read the data of the fixed-length area.
template <TypeKind Kind>
  static VectorPtr createFlatVector(
      const DataBatchIteratorPtr& dataIterator,
      const TypePtr& type,
      memory::MemoryPool* pool) {
    auto iterator =
    size_t size = iterator->numRows();
    auto vector = BaseVector::create(type, size, pool);
    using T = typename TypeTraits<Kind>::NativeType;
    using TypeTraits = ScalarTraits<Kind>;
    auto* flatResult = vector->asFlatVector<T>();
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
      if (iterator->isNull(i)) {
        vector->setNull(i, true);
      } else {
        vector->setNull(i, false);
        if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, StringView>) {
          StringView val =
          TypeTraits::set(flatResult, i, val);
        } else {
          typename TypeTraits::SerializedType val =
                  typename TypeTraits::SerializedType>(
          TypeTraits::set(flatResult, i, val);
    return vector;

For the ROW, ARRAY, and MAP types, convertStructIteratorsToVectors, convertArrayIteratorsToVectors, and convertMapIteratorsToVectors are called respectively in a similar way, which is parsing them in a row-by-row manner and building the corresponding vectors.


For classes that have implemented VectorSerde, they can be registered in the system using the registerVectorSerde method. The system can then utilize the getNamedVectorSerde method to find the corresponding VectorSerde implementation class for serializing and deserializing external data formats. Here is a brief summary:

• VectorSerde serves as the interface for external communication with the Velox engine. The system's extensibility is maintained through this interface, allowing external implementations to handle reading and writing of external data without directly modifying the Velox engine.

• When working with Velox Vector, it is important to be familiar with the different encoding types available, especially in columnar scenarios. Different encodings have corresponding "Fast Path" execution paths to improve efficiency.

• Multiple memory copies can be observed during the serialization and deserialization process. This is because the lifecycle of the original data ends during the execution of Serde. Using memory references may not be safe in this context, and further investigation is required for this part of the logic.

• In the implementation of StreamArena, consideration is given to requesting small-sized memory. For page sizes smaller than 4K, memory is directly allocated using vector.

• The two serialization methods mentioned earlier in Velox have fixed schemas, meaning the number and format of columns are predetermined. Velox itself, as well as Presto and Spark, follow column-specific patterns. This article does not cover scenarios where the schema is not fixed, known as SchemaFree, where the columns of each row can vary.


Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are for reference only and don't necessarily represent the official views of Alibaba Cloud.

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