Community Blog An Introduction to Knative's Shortcut, Kn

An Introduction to Knative's Shortcut, Kn

This article introduces Kn, the Knative shortcut.

By Li Peng (Yuanyi)

Kn is a client for Knative command line operation. It allows users to operate the related resources of Knative easily.

Kn Installment

You can download the corresponding Kn binary from the official websites below:

Kn uses the same config file as kubectl. The default file is $HOME/.kube/config.


You can use Kn to perform operations for Knative services, including list, create, delete, apply, and update.

Service Creation

1.  Run create:

kn service create

For example:

$ kn service create helloworld-go --env TARGET=knative --image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:73fbdd56
Creating service 'helloworld-go' in namespace 'default':
  0.116s The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
  0.216s Configuration "helloworld-go" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
  3.075s ...
  3.149s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
  3.299s ...
  3.762s Ready to serve.
Service 'helloworld-go' created to latest revision 'helloworld-go-pyqqz-1' is available at URL:

2.  Run apply:

kn service apply

For example:

# Create an initial service with using 'kn service apply', if the service has not
# been already created
kn service apply s0 --image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:73fbdd56
# Apply the service again which is a no-operation if none of the options changed
kn service apply s0 --image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:73fbdd56
# Add an environment variable to your service. Note, that you have to always fully
# specify all parameters (in contrast to 'kn service update')
kn service apply s0 --image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:73fbdd56 --env TARGET=knative
# Read the service declaration from a file
kn service apply s0 --filename my-svc.yml

Service Query

Query service lists:

kn service list
NAME            URL                                        LATEST                  AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
helloworld-go   http://helloworld-go.default.example.com   helloworld-go-pyqqz-1   55s   3 OK / 3     True

Query service details:

kn service describe helloworld-go
Name:       helloworld-go
Namespace:  default
Age:        14m
URL:        http://helloworld-go.default.example.com
  100%  @latest (helloworld-go-cvclp-2) [2](9m)
        Image:  registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:160e4dc8 (pinned to 032b80)
  OK TYPE                   AGE REASON
  ++ Ready                   9m
  ++ ConfigurationsReady     9m
  ++ RoutesReady             9m

Details in the YAML format:

$ kn service describe helloworld-go -oyaml
apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
kind: Service
    serving.knative.dev/creator: 1041208914252405-1606806762
    serving.knative.dev/lastModifier: 1041208914252405-1606806762
  creationTimestamp: "2020-12-09T06:07:41Z"
  generation: 2
  name: helloworld-go
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "39555635"
  selfLink: /apis/serving.knative.dev/v1/namespaces/default/services/helloworld-go
  uid: 763e8214-7c2d-476c-bd88-40b32a30597d
        client.knative.dev/user-image: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:160e4dc8
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: helloworld-go-cvclp-2
      containerConcurrency: 0
      - env:
        - name: TARGET
          value: knative
        image: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:160e4dc8
        name: user-container
          successThreshold: 1
            port: 0
        resources: {}
      timeoutSeconds: 300
  - latestRevision: true
    percent: 100
    url: http://helloworld-go.default.svc.cluster.local
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-12-09T06:13:33Z"
    status: "True"
    type: ConfigurationsReady
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-12-09T06:13:34Z"
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-12-09T06:13:34Z"
    status: "True"
    type: RoutesReady
  latestCreatedRevisionName: helloworld-go-cvclp-2
  latestReadyRevisionName: helloworld-go-cvclp-2
  observedGeneration: 2
  - latestRevision: true
    percent: 100
    revisionName: helloworld-go-cvclp-2
  url: http://helloworld-go.default.example.com

Service Update (Create a New Version)

3.  Run update:

kn service update NAME

For example:

$ kn service update helloworld-go --image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:160e4dc8
Updating Service 'helloworld-go' in namespace 'default':
  3.609s Traffic is not yet migrated to the latest revision.
  3.631s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
  4.066s Ready to serve.
Service 'helloworld-go' updated to latest revision 'helloworld-go-cvclp-2' is available at URL:

Run apply for service update:

kn service apply
# Add an environment variable to your service. Note, that you have to always fully
# specify all parameters (in contrast to 'kn service update')
kn service apply s0 --image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:160e4dc8 --env TARGET=knative

Service Deletion

For example:

kn service delete helloworld-go

Version Management

Version Check

kn revision list
helloworld-go-cvclp-2   helloworld-go   100%             2            40s     4 OK / 4     True
helloworld-go-pyqqz-1   helloworld-go                    1            6m29s   3 OK / 4     True

Version Details Check

$ kn revision describe helloworld-go-cvclp-2
Name:       helloworld-go-cvclp-2
Namespace:  default
Age:        3m
Image:      registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/knative-sample/helloworld-go:160e4dc8 (pinned to 032b80)
Env:        TARGET=knative
Service:    helloworld-go
  OK TYPE                  AGE REASON
  ++ Ready                  3m
  ++ ContainerHealthy       3m
  ++ ResourcesAvailable     3m
   I Active                 2m NoTraffic

Version Deletion

$kn revision delete helloworld-go-pyqqz -1
Revision 'helloworld-go-pyqqz-1' deleted in namespace'default'.


In addition to the service and revision mentioned above, Kn also supports the following resource operations:

  • Kn broker: manage brokers
  • Kn channel: manage channels
  • Kn route: manage routes
  • Kn source: manage sources
  • Kn trigger: manage triggers
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