Community Blog An Interpretation of PolarDB-X Source Codes (3): CDC Code Structure

An Interpretation of PolarDB-X Source Codes (3): CDC Code Structure

Part 3 of this 10-part series introduces the code engineering structure of GalaxyCDC and shows the construction process of the local development and debugging environment.

GalaxyCDC is a core component of the cloud-native distributed database system PolarDB-X, responsible for the generation, distribution, and subscription of global incremental logs. GalaxyCDC allows PolarDB-X databases to provide incremental logs that are compatible with MySQL Binlog formats and protocols. This allows us to seamlessly connect with downstream tools of MySQL Binlog. This article will give a systematic introduction to the code structure of GalaxyCDC and explain how to quickly build a development environment.

Overall Architecture


As shown in the preceding figure, the PolarDB-X contains four core components. Compute Node (CN) is responsible for computing, Data Node (DN) is responsible for storing, Global Meta Service (GMS) is responsible for managing metadata and providing TSO services, and Change Data Capture (CDC) is responsible for generating change logs. CDC (as export of Binlog data) is responsible for three aspects:

  1. Based on TSO, the original physical Binlog of each DN is sorted and merged to build a globally ordered transaction queue.
  2. Persistently store the data in the transaction queue to a storage medium to generate a logical Binlog file compatible with the MySQL Binlog format.
  3. Provide consumer subscription services compatible with the MySQL Dump protocol and provide the Replication service externally.

Help us understand more vividly that GalaxyCDC is a Streaming system, InputSource is the original Binlog of each DN, Computing logic is a series of computing rules and processing algorithms (sorting, overshooting, shaping, merging, etc.), and TargetSink is a global logical Binlog file that shields the internal details of distributed databases and provides the Replication capability compatible with MySQL ecosystem. Its run time state diagram is shown below:


From the perspective of technical architecture, CDC consists of three core components: Daemon, Task, and Dumper, which are shown below:


  1. A node represents a running node, which can be a physical machine, an ECS, or a Docker container. We can deploy 1 to n Nodes. However, if we need HA capabilities, we must deploy at least two Nodes.
  2. Each Node runs a Daemon process, which is responsible for monitoring, controlling, and scheduling. Its positioning can be similar to NodeManager in Hadoop. Multiple Daemon processes will have a Leader role, which is obtained through preemption and is responsible for some centralized control functions.
  3. Dumper pulls processed Binlog data from a task, persistently stores the data to a logical Binlog file, and provides the MySQL Dump-compatible Replication service. Each Node will run a Dumper process, one of which will be selected as Master, and the other Dumper roles will be Slave. The slave will copy the global logical Binlog file of Master in real-time. When a failure occurs, Daemon will be responsible for the failover of Master.
  4. The task is the kernel of CDC, which is responsible for transaction sorting, data shaping, transaction merging, DDL processing, metadata lifecycle management, and other functions. The entire CDC cluster will only have one Task process. The scheduler will select the Node with the lowest load to run Task and try to ensure that Dumper Master and Task are in different Nodes.

Engineering Structure

The GalaxyCDC project code is managed on GitHub (repository address) and follows the Apache License 2.0 protocol. GalaxyCDC is a multi-module Java project. Services are exposed between modules through interfaces. The module relationships are recorded in pom.xml. You can run the mvn dependency:tree command to view all dependencies.


As shown in the figure above, the whole project contains 15 directory modules (CDC also has some functional modules in the GalaxySQL project. Please refer to [Annex 3] for details). Each module is introduced below.

[Module] codestye

It provides a built-in code style configuration file, mainly for IDEA. If you are interested in contributing source code, you can set it based on the style file.

[Module] docker

It provides a series of Docker-related configuration files. You can quickly build a Docker image locally by running the build.sh in the directory.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-assemble

It is a program building module providing related configurations (such as building and packaging). If the mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true is executed in the root directory of the GalaxyCDC project, the polardbx-binlog.tar.gz package will be generated in the target directory of the assemble.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-canal

The Binlog data parsing module references the source code of the open-source Canal and customizes much. The core codes are described below:

Package (File) Name Features
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.canal.binlog It defines various data models corresponding to the MySQL Binlog Event and the core implementation of Decode for Binlog binary data.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.canal.core Canal's run time kernel module, including data parsing process management, ddl processing, permission management, HA processing.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-common

The public library module provides basic tools, domain models, data access, and public configurations. The core codes are introduced below:

Package (File) Name Features
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.domain It contains the definition of the domain model class, where the source code under the po package is automatically generated by the code generation tool and corresponds to the CDC metadata table.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.dao It contains all the data access layer class definitions and is automatically generated by the code generation tool.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.heartbeat The TsoHeartbeat component is included to ensure that Binlog streams continue to flow forward. This is a necessary condition for generating virtual TSO in hybrid transaction policy scenarios.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.leader It provides a LeaderElector based on the MySQL GET_LOCK function implementation.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.rpc It defines the Rpc interface for data interaction between Task and Dumper.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.scheduler It includes the implementation of functions related to cluster scheduling and resource allocation.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.task It contains the functions related to the timing heartbeat of the Task and Dumper components.
generatorConfig.xml It is a code generator configuration file, which uses MyBatis Generator for automated code generation.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-daemon

The daemon process module provides functions (such as HA scheduling, TSO heartbeat, information collection monitoring, and OpenAPI access). The core codes are introduced below:

Package (File) Name Features
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.daemon.cluster com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.daemon.schedule It includes cluster control-related functions, such as heartbeat, run time topology scheduling, and HA detection.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.daemon.rest It contains several Rest-style interfaces, such as alarm event collection, Metrics collection, and system parameter setting.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-dumper

The global Binlog dump module receives the Binlog data written by the Task module and offers data persistence. It provides a data subscription service compatible with the MySQL dump protocol. The core codes are described below:

Package (File) Name Features
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.dumper.dump.client Data synchronization is performed between the primary and secondary Dumpers and the corresponding Client implementation.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.dumper.dump.logfile The logical Binlog file building module's two core classes are LogFileGenerator and LogFileCopier, which are responsible for processing logical Binlog files of Dumper Master and Dumper Slave.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-format

The data shaping module converts the format of physical Binlog (adding columns, deleting columns, and converting physical database tables into logical database and table names, etc.) to ensure the converted data format and logical database and table schemas maintain the same state.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-meta

The metadata management module maintains historical versions of all logical and physical databases and tables of the PolarDB-X based on timelines. It can create schema snapshots at any given point in time. This module provides basic support for DDL processing and Binlog shaping. The module also maintains the SQL script definition (src/main/resources/db/migration) of the CDC system database and tables. CDC uses Flyway to manage the table structure.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-monitor

Monitoring module (a built-in monitoring implementation) is used to manage and maintain monitoring events. In the running state, the monitoring information is sent to the daemon process through the module.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-protocol

It is a definition module of the data transmission service protocol. CDC uses gRpc and protobuf to transmit data. This module defines the data protocol interface and data exchange format, whose core codes are introduced below:

Package (File) Name Features
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.protocol It contains the data exchange format definition between Task nodes and Dumper nodes.
com.aliyun.polardbx.rpc.cdc It contains the definition of the data exchange format between Dumper nodes and CN nodes.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-storage

The data storage module is encapsulated and extended based on rocksdb. When memory resources are insufficient (such as large transactions and big columns), it is used to transfer memory data to disks.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-task

It is the core task module, which can be considered the kernel of CDC. The core business logic (such as transaction sorting, shaping, merging, DDL processing, and metadata lifecycle maintenance) is completed in this module. The core codes are introduced below:

Package (File) Name Features
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.extractor It includes a first-level sorting function, which parses the original physical Binlog of each DN and sorts it by TSO, supplemented by data shaping, metadata history version maintenance, DDL processing, etc.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.merge It includes a global sorting function, receives ordered queues of the first-level sorting output, performs multileg merging, and outputs the globally ordered transaction queues.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.collect The transaction merging function is included to extract data from globally ordered transaction queues and merge local transactions with the same transaction id to obtain a complete global transaction.
com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.transmit The data transmission function is included, and the sorted and merged data is sent to the downstream Dumper component through the transmission module.

[Module] polardbx-cdc-transfer

It is a built-in transfer program. The correctness of the CDC global Binlog can be verified by running the transfer program. The use of the method will be described in detail later.

Database and Table Description

The system metadata table of CDC is stored in the GMS metadatabase. The metadata table is introduced below:

  • binlog_system_config

It is a system parameter information table, which stores system-level parameter configurations.

  • binlog_task_config

It is a topology configuration table of system run time, which stores the configuration information of dumper and task, such as specifying which node to execute on, Rpc port value, and running memory.

  • binlog_node_info

A node information table that stores information (such as the resource configuration and runtime state of each node). Each node corresponds to one record in the table.

  • binlog_dumper_info

It is a dumper running state information table. Each dumper process corresponds to one record in the table.

  • binlog_task_info

It is a task running a state information table. Each task process corresponds to one record in the table.

  • binlog_logic_meta_history

It is a logical database and table metadata information history table, which is used to record each logical DDL SQL and its corresponding database and table topology information.

  • binlog_phy_ddl_history

A record table rests in the physical database and table metadata information, which is used to record each physical DDL SQL.

  • binlog_oss_record

It is a Binlog file information table. Each logical Binlog file corresponds to one record in the table.

  • binlog_polarx_command

It is a command information table, through which some interactions between CDC and CN are completed, such as triggering the full initialization of metadata.

  • binlog_schedule_history

The scheduling history table. Each time a cluster is rescheduled ( such as a Rebalance triggered by node downtime), historical information is recorded in the table.

  • binlog_storage_history

The DN node history table. When a PolarDB-X performs horizontal scale-out or scale-in, the number of DN will change. Each change will be notified to CDC with tagging, and CDC will record all change history by timeline through this table. Each time the Dumper process starts, it queries the maximum TSO recorded in the logical Binlog file and sends it to the Task process. The Task queries the list of DN that should be connected from the binlog_storage_history table through this TSO.

  • binlog_env_config_history

It is a parameter change history table. Some parameters in CDC need to be bound to the timeline. This table is used to record the change history of parameters. Similar to binlog_storage_history, the system uses TSO as the benchmark and uses the parameters of the corresponding period.

  • binlog_schema_history

Flyway Execution History Table

Development Guidelines

Let's introduce how to build a development environment based on source code to facilitate secondary development or code debugging:

1.  The minimum requirement of JDK is 1.8.

2.  Prepare a PolarDB-X instance (start CN + DN and do not start CDC components), which can be deployed through pxd method or source code compilation and installation.

3.  Prepare the GalaxySQL source code and run the mvn install -D maven.test.skip=true -D env=release command to obtain the polardbx-parser package. CDC references this module.

4.  Prepare the GalaxyCDC source code and adjust the configuration in dev.properties. Adjust the configuration according to the actual situation. The configurations that may need to be adjusted include:


5.  Run mvn compile -D maven.test.skip=true -D env=dev in the GalaxyCDC root directory to compile the CDC source code

6.  Start Daemon process and run the com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.daemon.DaemonBootStrap

7.  Start Task process, run the com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.TaskBootStrap, and specify the input parameter "taskName=Final"

8.  Start the Dumper process, run the com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.dumper.DumperBootStrap, and specify the input parameter "taskName=Dumper-1"

9.  Execute some SQL through PolarDB-X Server and observe whether Binlog data is generated in the {HOME}/binlog directory:

create database transfer_test;
CREATE TABLE `transfer_test`.`accounts` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `balance` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `gmt_created` datetime not null,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8  dbpartition by hash(`id`) tbpartition by hash(`id`) tbpartitions 2;
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (1,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (2,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (3,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (4,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (5,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (6,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (7,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (8,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (9,100,now());
INSERT INTO `transfer_test`.`accounts` (`id`,`balance`,`gmt_created`) VALUES (10,100,now());

10.  Version 8.0 is recommended to install MySQL on Docker. An installation example is provided below:

docker run -itd --name mysql_3309 -p 3309:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql
Log on to the docker instance: docker exec -it mysql_3309 bash.
Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf. 
  a. Add the following configuration to disable Gtid (GalaxyCDC global Binlog currently does not support Gtid).
  b. Change the server id to avoid duplication with the primary database.
   server_id = 2
Restart a docker instance: docker restart mysql_3309.

11.  Log on to the newly installed MySQL client and run the following commands to check whether the accounts table and other information have been synchronized to MySQL:

stop slave;
reset slave;
start slave;

12.  You can run the transfer program in the transfer project to test in the transfer scenario and start the entry class:com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.

The transfer.Main is where different performances can be seen when TSO is enabled, and TSO is not enabled. The former ensures strong consistency (consistent balances can be queried from downstream MySQL at any time), while the latter only ensures final consistency. After stopping the test program, you can use the following SQL to verify whether the data on both sides are consistent.

`SELECT BIT_XOR(CAST(CRC32(CONCAT_WS(',', id, balance, CONCAT(ISNULL(id), ISNULL(balance))))AS UNSIGNED)) AS checksum FROM accounts;`

Core Code

The following are some core classes in the CDC Stream procedure, which form the structure of the CDC run time. It is easy to use quickly.

  • Core components responsible for processing physical binlogs:

com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.extractor.BinlogExtractor com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.extractor.filter.RtRecordFilter com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.extractor.filter.TransactionBufferEventFilter com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.extractor.filter.RebuildEventLogFilter com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.extractor.filter.MinTSOFilter com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.extractor.DefaultOutputMergeSourceHandler

  • Core components responsible for local sorting of physical binlogs:


  • Core components responsible for global sorting and merging:


  • Core components responsible for transaction merge:

com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.collect.handle.TxnShuffleStageHandler com.aliyun.polardbx.binlog.collect.handle.TxnSinkStageHandler

  • Core components responsible for data transmission:


  • Core components responsible for data storage:


  • Core components responsible for writing data to logical Binlog files:


  • Core components responsible for primary/secondary replication of Dumper:


  • Core components responsible for global scheduling of overall runtime:



This article mainly introduces the code engineering structure of GalaxyCDC, lists the metadata table list, shows the construction process of the local development and debugging environment, and gives the core function components. I hope you are more familiar with the codes of GalaxyCDC through practices based on the introduction given in this article and some information given in the appendix. Later, we will launch a series of articles focusing on each point and provide a more detailed interpretation of the source code.

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