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的形式,查看单个命令的所有选项信息,例如执行alter help
alter Alter table 更新表信息
clear Clear the screen 清空屏幕
config Setup the configuration to access Tablestore 配置接入信息
consume_tunnel Consume tunnel and print stream data. 消费通道并打印stream数据
create Create a new table 创建表
create_index Create a new secondary index 创建二级索引
create_instance Create a new instance. 创建实例
create_search_index Create a new search index 创建多元索引
create_tunnel Create tunnel. 创建通道
del Delete the specific row of table. 删除表中数据
desc Describe table. 查看表信息
describe_instance Describe the instance, to get the detail info. 查看实例信息
describe_search_index Describe the search index to get detail info. 查看多元索引信息
describe_tunnel Get the tunnel's detail info. 获取通道信息
drop Drop the table 删除表
drop_index Drop the secondary index 删除二级索引
drop_search_index Drop search index. 删除多元索引
drop_tunnel Drop the tunnel. 删除通道
enable_service Enable ots service before you start to use Tablestore, it is totally free. 开通表格存储服务,开通过程免费
exit Exit the program 退出程序
export Export the whole data of table to file. 导出表中数据到本地文件
get Get row by primary key from table. 读取一行数据
get_splits Logically divide the data of the full table into several splits close to the specified size. 将全表数据在逻辑上划分成接近指定大小的若干分片
getts Get data from timeseries table 查询时序数据
help Display help 查看帮助信息
import Load the data into table, only WideColumn table is supported. 导入数据到数据表中。只有数据表支持此操作
import_timeseries Load the data into time series table, only TimeSeries table is supported. 导入数据到时序表中。只有时序表支持此操作
list List all tables 列出表名称
list_instance List all the instances. 列出实例列表
list_search_index List all the search indexes of the table. 列出多元索引列表
list_tunnel List all the tunnels of the table. 列出通道列表
press_check Check data for press 检测压测状态
press_input Input data for press 插入数据进行压测
put Insert a row into table. 插入新数据到数据表
putts put data to a timeseries table 写入时序数据到时序表
query_ts_meta Query timeseries meta information. 检索时间线
quit Quit the program 退出程序
scan Scan table. 扫描表数据
search Execute search query on search index. 使用多元索引查询数据
sql Run in SQL mode, then you can use SQL to select data. 进入SQL模式,您可以使用SQL语句查询数据
update Update the row in table, it will insert a new row if it is not exist. 更新一行数据
update_ts_meta Update attributes for timeseries 更新时间线的属性
use Choose table to use. 选择进行操作的表