
更新时间:2024-06-18 07:02


HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400DryRunOperationRequest validation has been passed with DryRun flag set.本次操作为预校验操作,并未真正生效。DryRun置为false,重新执行本次操作,操作会生效。诊断
400SystemBusySystem is busy, please try again later.当前系统繁忙,请稍后重试。诊断
400IdempotenceProcessingThe previous request is still processing.-诊断
400IdempotenceSignatureMismatchThere is an idempotence signature mismatch between this request and the previous request.-诊断
429ThrottlingRequest was denied due to flow control.当前请求过于频繁,请稍后重试。诊断
403UnauthorizedRegionThe specified region of %s is not authorized.指定地域%s不可见。诊断
403UnauthorizedZoneThe specified zone of %s is not authorized.指定可用区%s不可见。诊断
400UnsupportedRegionThe feature of %s is not supported in region of %s.特性%s还未在地域%s开通。诊断
400UnsupportedZoneThe feature of %s is not supported in zone of %s.特性%s还未在可用区%s开通。诊断
400OperationFailed.ResourceGroupStatusCheckFailThe operation failed because of ResourceGroupStatusCheckFail.操作失败,原因是ResourceGroupStatusCheckFail。诊断
404ResourceNotFound.ResourceGroupThe specified resource %s is not found.资源%s不存在。诊断
400OperationDenied.ServiceManagedResourceThe operation is not allowed because the current resource is managed resource.操作被拒绝,原因是当前操作资源为托管资源。诊断
500InternalErrorThe request failed to be processed due to unknown errors or exceptions.由于未知错误、异常或失败,请求处理失败。诊断
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