"Type": "ALIYUN::OSS::Website",
"Properties": {
"BucketName": String,
"WebsiteConfiguration": Map
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
BucketName | String | 是 | 否 | 存储空间名称。 | 无 |
WebsiteConfiguration | Map | 否 | 否 | 网站配置。 | 更多信息,请参见WebsiteConfiguration属性。 |
"WebsiteConfiguration": {
"IndexDocument": Map,
"RoutingRules": List,
"ErrorDocument": Map
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
ErrorDocument | Map | 否 | 否 | 默认错误页面的属性。 | 更多信息,请参见ErrorDocument属性。 |
IndexDocument | Map | 否 | 否 | 默认主页的属性。 | 更多信息,请参见IndexDocument属性。 |
RoutingRules | List | 否 | 否 | 路由规则列表,最多20条。 | 更多信息,请参见RoutingRules属性。 |
"IndexDocument": {
"Type": String,
"Suffix": String,
"SupportSubDir": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
Suffix | String | 是 | 否 | 默认首页。 | 设置默认首页后,如果您访问以正斜杠(/)结尾的对象,OSS将返回到此默认首页。 |
SupportSubDir | String | 否 | 否 | 当访问一个子目录时,是否跳转到该子目录下的默认首页。 | 选项范围如下:
Type | String | 否 | 否 | 当访问一个以非正斜杠(/)结尾且不存在的对象时,在设置了默认首页之后的行为如下。 | 这仅在SupportSubDir设置为true时生效,并且在RoutingRule之后ErrorFile之前生效。 假设默认首页为index.html,尝试访问的文件路径为,而ABC这个对象并不存在。此时,根据Type的不同值,其行为如下:
"RoutingRules": [
"Condition": Map,
"RuleNumber": Integer,
"Redirect": Map
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
Condition | Map | 是 | 否 | 匹配条件。 | 此规则仅在满足指定的全部项目时执行。只有当此容器下的每个节点的所有条件都得到满足时,才会被视为匹配成功。更多信息,请参考Condition属性。 |
RuleNumber | Integer | 是 | 否 | 匹配并执行RoutingRule的序列号,OSS将根据此序列号顺序匹配规则。 | 如果匹配成功,则执行该规则,不再执行后续规则。 |
Redirect | Map | 是 | 否 | 指定当此规则被匹配时应执行的操作。 | 更多信息,请参考Redirect属性。 |
"Condition": {
"IncludeHeaders": List,
"KeyPrefixEquals": String,
"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": String,
"KeySuffixEquals": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals | String | 否 | 否 | 当访问指定的对象时,为了符合此规则,必须返回此状态。当跳转规则为镜像回源类型时,此字段必须为404。 | 无 |
IncludeHeaders | List | 否 | 否 | 此规则仅当请求中包含指定的头部且其值为指定的值时才会匹配。 | 最多可设置10个这样的条件。 |
KeyPrefixEquals | String | 否 | 否 | 要匹配的对象名称的前缀。 | 无 |
KeySuffixEquals | String | 否 | 否 | 要匹配的物体名称的后缀。 | 无 |
"IncludeHeaders": [
"Equals": String,
"Key": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
Key | String | 是 | 否 | header名称。 | 无 |
Equals | String | 否 | 否 | header值。 | 无 |
"Redirect": {
"MirrorURL": String,
"ReplaceKeyWith": String,
"MirrorHeaders": Map,
"HttpRedirectCode": String,
"EnableReplacePrefix": Boolean,
"PassQueryString": Boolean,
"MirrorFollowRedirect": Boolean,
"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": String,
"RedirectType": String,
"MirrorPassQueryString": Boolean,
"MirrorCheckMd5": Boolean,
"Protocol": String,
"HostName": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
RedirectType | String | 是 | 否 | 指定跳转的类型。 | 可选范围如下:
EnableReplacePrefix | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 如果将此字段设置为true,对象的前缀将被ReplaceKeyPrefixWith指定的值替换。如果未指定此字段或为空,则表示对象的前缀将被截断。 | 说明 当ReplaceKeyWith字段不为null时,此字段不能设置为true。 默认值:false |
HttpRedirectCode | String | 否 | 否 | 当进行跳转时返回的状态码。 | 此设置仅在“RedirectType”被设为“External”或“AliCDN”时有效。默认值为302。 可选值:
HostName | String | 否 | 否 | 跳转的域名。 | 该域名应遵循域名规范。 如果你想访问的文件是test,协议设置为 |
MirrorURL | String | 否 | 否 | 仅当RedirectType设置为Mirror时,此规则才有效。 | 源URL必须以http://或https://开头,并以正斜杠(/)结尾,OSS将据此后续拼接对象名称来构成返回的URL。 例如,若要访问的对象名为myobject,假如您将其配置为 |
MirrorHeaders | Map | 否 | 否 | 指定回传到源端的头部信息。 | 此设置仅在RedirectType设为Mirror时生效。更多信息,请参考MirrorHeaders属性。 |
MirrorFollowRedirect | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 当镜像回源后得到的结果是3xx状态码,并且指定了Location时,是否继续跳转到该指定位置以获取数据。 | 此设置仅在RedirectType配置为Mirror时生效。 例如,当我们镜像请求回到源站时,源站返回了一个302状态码并指定了Location。
MirrorPassQueryString | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 与PassQueryString相同,但优先于PassQueryString。 | 此设置仅在RedirectType设置为Mirror时有效。 默认值:false |
MirrorCheckMd5 | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否回源检查MD5。 | 此配置仅在RedirectType设置为Mirror时生效。 当MirrorCheckMd5设置为true时,如果源站返回的响应中包含了Content-Md5头信息,OSS会检查拉取的数据MD5是否与该头信息匹配,如果不匹配,则不会将数据保存到OSS上。 默认值:false。 |
PassQueryString | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 当执行跳转或回源镜像时,是否携带请求参数。 | 如果用户以包含请求参数(如 a=b&c=d)的方式请求OSS,并且设置PassQueryString为true,那么如果规则配置的是302跳转,这些请求参数会被添加到跳转的Location头部中。例如,Location变为: 有效值:true、false(默认)。 |
Protocol | String | 否 | 否 | 协议。 | 当执行跳转操作时,如果RedirectType被设置为External或AliCDN,具体的协议遵循以下规则: 如果需要访问的文件是“test”,并且希望用户被重定向到“ 这里的“Protocol”参数值可选为:"http" 或 "https",用来指示跳转链接应该使用的网络协议。在上述例子中,选择的是"https",意味着通过安全的HTTPS协议进行跳转。如果选择"http",则Location头部会相应地变为" |
ReplaceKeyWith | String | 否 | 否 | 请求中对象的名称。 | 使用Redirect规则时,请求中的对象名称将被ReplaceKeyWith指定的值替换,这使得设置变量成为可能。目前支持的变量是${key},它代表请求中对象的名称。 假设要访问一个测试对象,如果将ReplaceKeyWith设置为prefix/{key},那么实际上就是在访问时,对象的路径会被重写为包含前缀“prefix/”。所以,当请求的对象是“test”时,Location头部(即访问的URL)会指向" |
ReplaceKeyPrefixWith | String | 否 | 否 | 重定向规则。 | 如果设置条件为KeyPrefixEquals针对"ABC/",并且ReplaceKeyPrefixWith针对"def/",那么为了访问名为"ABC/test.txt"的对象,根据您的描述,重定向规则将会把对象的前缀"ABC"替换为"def"。 因此,原本的Object路径是"ABC/test.txt",经过重定向规则处理后,将会变为"def/test.txt"。所以,根据这个假设情景,用户尝试访问" 请注意,这个解释基于您提供的信息和典型的云存储服务中URL重定向规则的工作方式。实际行为可能还需要参考具体实施该重定向策略的系统或服务的文档。 |
"MirrorHeaders": {
"PassAll": Boolean,
"Pass": List,
"Sets": List,
"Remove": List
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
PassAll | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否透传除以下头部之外的其他头部到源站。 | 此设置仅在RedirectType配置为Mirror时生效。
默认值:false |
Pass | List | 否 | 否 | 将指定的头部信息传递给源。 | 此操作仅在将RedirectType设置为镜像(Mirror)时有效。 每个头部的长度最多为1,024字节,并且只能包含字符集0-9、a-z、A-Z和破折号(-)。 此字段最多可以指定10个头部信息。 |
Remove | List | 否 | 否 | 禁用指定头部向源的传递。 | 这仅在将RedirectType设置为Mirror时有效。 每个头部的长度最多为1,024字节,并且字符集包括0-9、a-z、A-Z和破折号(-)。 此字段最多可以指定10个。 |
Sets | List | 否 | 否 | 设置一个头部到源服务器,当请求被返回给源服务器时,该头部将被设置,无论指定的头部是否包含在请求中。 | 此功能仅在将RedirectType设置为Mirror时生效。 此容器最多可以为10个组指定此设置。更多信息,请参考Sets属性。 |
"Sets": [
"Value": String,
"Key": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
Key | String | 是 | 否 | 将Header键的大小限制为最多1024字节,且必须与Pass使用的字符集相同。 | 此设置仅在RedirectType被设为Mirror时生效。 |
Value | String | 是 | 否 | 将标头的值设置为最大1024字节,不包括\r\n。 | 此设置仅在RedirectType被设置为镜像(Mirror)时有效。 |
"ErrorDocument": {
"HttpStatus": String,
"Key": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
Key | String | 是 | 否 | 默认的错误页面。 | 当指定了一个错误页面时,如果访问的对象不存在,将会返回这个错误页面。 |
HttpStatus | String | 否 | 否 | 错误页面的HTTP状态码。 | 有效值:
格式ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01' Parameters: BucketName: Type: String Description: en: Bucket name. Required: true WebsiteConfiguration: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: IndexDocument: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: Type: Type: String Description: en: |- Behavior when an Object that ends with a non-forward slash (/) and does not exist is accessed after setting the default home page. It only takes effect when SupportSubDir is set to true, and it takes effect after RoutingRule and before ErrorFile. Assume that the default home page for the index. The HTML, to access the file path for, and ABC this Object does not exist, at this moment, in different values corresponding to the Type of behavior is as follows: - 0 (default) : Check if abc/index.html exists (Object + forward slash (/) + home page) and return 302 with the URL code of /abc/ as Location header (forward slash (/) + Object + forward slash (/)). If it doesn't, it will return 404 and keep checking ErrorFile. - 1: Directly return 404, error NoSuchKey, continue to check ErrorFile. - 2: Check if abc/index.html exists and return the contents of the Object if it does. If it doesn't, it will return 404 and keep checking ErrorFile. AllowedValues: - '0' - '1' - '2' Required: false Suffix: Type: String Description: en: |- Default home page. After setting the default home page, if you visit an Object ending with a forward slash (/), OSS will return to this default home page. Required: true SupportSubDir: Type: String Description: en: |- Whether to jump to the default home page of a subdirectory when accessing it. The range is as follows: - true: Go to the default home page in a subdirectory. - false (default) : Instead of going to the default home page in a subdirectory, go to the default home page in the root directory. Assume that the default home page for the index. The HTML, to access, if set SupportSubDir to false, Then go to; If set SupportSubDir is true, then transferred to the AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' Required: false Type: Json Description: en: The properties of default home page. Required: false RoutingRules: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameter: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: Condition: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: IncludeHeaders: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: Equals: Type: String Description: en: The value of the header. Required: false Key: Type: String Description: en: The name of the header. Required: true AssociationProperty: List[Parameters] Type: Json Description: en: This rule will only match if the request contains the specified Header and the value is the specified value. Up to 10. Required: false MaxLength: 10 KeyPrefixEquals: Type: String Description: en: The prefix of the Object name to be matched. Required: false HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: Type: String Description: en: When accessing the specified Object, this status must be returned to match this rule. This field must be 404 when the jump rule is mirror-back to the source type. Required: false KeySuffixEquals: Type: String Description: en: The suffix of the Object name to be matched. Required: false Type: Json Description: en: |- Conditions for matching. This rule is executed if the specified items are all satisfied. A match is only considered if all conditions for each node under this container are met. Required: true RuleNumber: Type: Number Description: en: Match and execute the sequence number of the RoutingRule, OSS will match the rules in turn according to this sequence number. If the match is successful, this rule is executed and no subsequent rules are executed. Required: true MinValue: 1 MaxValue: 20 Redirect: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: MirrorURL: Type: String Description: en: |- Mirror back to the source station address of the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. The origin URL must begin with http:// or https:// and end with a forward slash (/), which OSS will follow with the Object name to form the return URL. Name to access the Object myobject, for example, if you specify this to, then back to the source URL for, if you specify this to, Back to the source URL as Required: false ReplaceKeyWith: Type: String Description: en: |- With Redirect, the Object name is replaced with the value specified by ReplaceKeyWith, which allows you to set variables. The currently supported variable is ${key}, which represents the name of the Object in the request. Suppose to access the Object for the test, if set ReplaceKeyWith to prefix/${key}. The suffix, is the Location head to Required: false MirrorHeaders: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: PassAll: Type: Boolean Description: en: |- Whether to pass through other headers to the source except the following headers. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. - content-length, authorization2, authorization, range, date and other headers - Headers starting with oss-/x-oss-/x-drs- Default value: false Required: false Pass: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameter: Type: String Description: en: |- Specifies the Header that is mirrored back to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Each Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-). AllowedPattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,1024}$ Required: false AssociationProperty: List[Parameter] Type: Json Description: en: |- Pass through the specified Header to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Each Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-). A maximum of 10 can be specified for this field. Required: false MaxLength: 10 Sets: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: Value: Type: String Description: en: Set the value of the Header to a maximum of 1024 bytes without \r\n. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Required: true MaxLength: 1024 Key: Type: String Description: en: Sets the Header key to a maximum of 1024 bytes in the same character set as Pass. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. AllowedPattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,1024}$ Required: true AssociationProperty: List[Parameters] Type: Json Description: en: |- Set a Header to the origin, and it will be set when the request is sent back to the origin, regardless of whether the specified headers are included in the request. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Up to 10 groups can be specified for this container. Required: false MaxLength: 10 Remove: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameter: Type: String Description: en: |- Disables pass-through of the specified Header to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Each Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-). AllowedPattern: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,1024}$ Required: false AssociationProperty: List[Parameter] Type: Json Description: en: |- Disables pass-through of the specified Header to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Each Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-). A maximum of 10 can be specified for this field. Required: false MaxLength: 10 Type: Json Description: en: Specifies the Header that is mirrored back to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Required: false HttpRedirectCode: Type: String Description: en: |- Status code returned when jumping. Only if RedirectType is set to External or AliCDN.The default value is 302. Value: 301, 302, 307 AllowedValues: - '301' - '302' - '307' Required: false EnableReplacePrefix: Type: Boolean Description: en: |- If you set this field to true, the prefix of Object is replaced with the value specified by ReplaceKeyPrefixWith. If this field is not specified or is empty, it means that the Object prefix is truncated. Notes: This field cannot be set to true when the ReplaceKeyWith field is not null. Default value: false Required: false PassQueryString: Type: Boolean Description: en: |- Whether to carry request parameters when performing a jump or mirroring back to the source rule. Does the user request OSS with the request parameters? a=b&c=d, and set PassQueryString to true, if the rule is a 302 jump, then this request parameter is added in the Location header of the jump. For example,, the jump type is mirror back to the source, then this request parameter will also be carried in the initiated back to the source request. Valid values: true, false (default) Required: false MirrorFollowRedirect: Type: Boolean Description: en: |- If the result obtained by mirriling back to the source is 3xx, whether to continue to jump to the specified Location to obtain data. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. For example, when we mirror back to the source, the source returns a 302 with Location specified. - If set to true, OSS will continue to request the Location. It can jump up to 10 times, and if it jumps more than 10 times, it fails to return the mirror back to the source. - If set to false, OSS will return 302 and pass through the Location. Default value: true Required: false ReplaceKeyPrefixWith: Type: String Description: en: |- This value will be substituted for the prefix of the Object name in Redirect. If the prefix is empty, the string is inserted before the Object name. Notes: Only ReplaceKeyWith or ReplaceKeyPrefixWith nodes are allowed. Hypothesis to access the Object for ABC/test. TXT, if set KeyPrefixEquals for ABC /, ReplaceKeyPrefixWith for def /, then the Location head to Required: false RedirectType: Type: String Description: en: |- Specifies the type of jump. The range is as follows: - Mirror: Mirror back to the source. - External: External branch, i.e. OSS will return a 3xx request specifying the branch to another address. - AliCDN: Aliyun CDN jump, mainly used for the CDN of Aliyun. Unlike External, OSS adds an additional Header. After identifying this Header, Aliyun CDN will actively jump to the specified address and return the obtained data to the user instead of returning the 3xx jump request to the user. AllowedValues: - Mirror - External - AliCDN Required: true MirrorPassQueryString: Type: Boolean Description: en: |- Same as PassQueryString, but takes precedence over PassQueryString. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. Default value: false Required: false MirrorCheckMd5: Type: Boolean Description: en: |- Whether to check MD5 back to the source body. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror. When MirrorCheckMd5 is set to true, and the response returned by the source contains the Content-Md5 Header, OSS checks whether the pulled data MD5 matches this header, if not, it is not saved on OSS. Default value: false Required: false Protocol: Type: String Description: en: |- Protocol when jumping. Only if RedirectType is set to External or AliCDN. If the file you want to access is test, set to go to, and set Protocol to https, the Location header is Value: http, https AllowedValues: - http - https Required: false HostName: Type: String Description: en: |- The domain name of the jump, the domain name should conform to the domain name specification. If the file you want to access is test, the Protocol is set to https, and the Hostname is set to, the Location header is Required: false Type: Json Description: en: Specifies the action to be performed when this rule is matched. Required: true Type: Json Description: en: The properties of routing rule. Required: false AssociationProperty: List[Parameter] Type: Json Description: en: The list of routing rules, up to 20. Required: false MaxLength: 20 ErrorDocument: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: HttpStatus: Type: String Description: en: 'The HTTP status code of the error page. Valid values: 200, 404 (default).' AllowedValues: - '200' - '404' Required: false Key: Type: String Description: en: |- The default error page. When an error page is specified, if the accessed Object does not exist, this error page is returned. Required: true Type: Json Description: en: The properties of default error page. Required: false Type: Json Description: en: Website configuration. Required: false Resources: Website: Type: ALIYUN::OSS::Website Properties: BucketName: Ref: BucketName WebsiteConfiguration: Ref: WebsiteConfiguration
格式{ "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01", "Parameters": { "BucketName": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Bucket name." }, "Required": true }, "WebsiteConfiguration": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "IndexDocument": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "Type": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Behavior when an Object that ends with a non-forward slash (/) and does not exist is accessed after setting the default home page. It only takes effect when SupportSubDir is set to true, and it takes effect after RoutingRule and before ErrorFile.\nAssume that the default home page for the index. The HTML, to access the file path for, and ABC this Object does not exist, at this moment, in different values corresponding to the Type of behavior is as follows:\n- 0 (default) : Check if abc/index.html exists (Object + forward slash (/) + home page) and return 302 with the URL code of /abc/ as Location header (forward slash (/) + Object + forward slash (/)). If it doesn't, it will return 404 and keep checking ErrorFile.\n- 1: Directly return 404, error NoSuchKey, continue to check ErrorFile.\n- 2: Check if abc/index.html exists and return the contents of the Object if it does. If it doesn't, it will return 404 and keep checking ErrorFile." }, "AllowedValues": [ "0", "1", "2" ], "Required": false }, "Suffix": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Default home page.\nAfter setting the default home page, if you visit an Object ending with a forward slash (/), OSS will return to this default home page." }, "Required": true }, "SupportSubDir": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Whether to jump to the default home page of a subdirectory when accessing it. The range is as follows:\n- true: Go to the default home page in a subdirectory.\n- false (default) : Instead of going to the default home page in a subdirectory, go to the default home page in the root directory.\nAssume that the default home page for the index. The HTML, to access, if set SupportSubDir to false, Then go to; If set SupportSubDir is true, then transferred to the" }, "AllowedValues": [ "true", "false" ], "Required": false } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "The properties of default home page." }, "Required": false }, "RoutingRules": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameter": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "Condition": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "IncludeHeaders": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "Equals": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The value of the header." }, "Required": false }, "Key": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The name of the header." }, "Required": true } } }, "AssociationProperty": "List[Parameters]", "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "This rule will only match if the request contains the specified Header and the value is the specified value. Up to 10." }, "Required": false, "MaxLength": 10 }, "KeyPrefixEquals": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The prefix of the Object name to be matched." }, "Required": false }, "HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "When accessing the specified Object, this status must be returned to match this rule. This field must be 404 when the jump rule is mirror-back to the source type." }, "Required": false }, "KeySuffixEquals": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The suffix of the Object name to be matched." }, "Required": false } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Conditions for matching.\nThis rule is executed if the specified items are all satisfied. A match is only considered if all conditions for each node under this container are met." }, "Required": true }, "RuleNumber": { "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "Match and execute the sequence number of the RoutingRule, OSS will match the rules in turn according to this sequence number. If the match is successful, this rule is executed and no subsequent rules are executed." }, "Required": true, "MinValue": 1, "MaxValue": 20 }, "Redirect": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "MirrorURL": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Mirror back to the source station address of the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nThe origin URL must begin with http:// or https:// and end with a forward slash (/), which OSS will follow with the Object name to form the return URL.\nName to access the Object myobject, for example, if you specify this to, then back to the source URL for, if you specify this to, Back to the source URL as" }, "Required": false }, "ReplaceKeyWith": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "With Redirect, the Object name is replaced with the value specified by ReplaceKeyWith, which allows you to set variables. The currently supported variable is ${key}, which represents the name of the Object in the request.\nSuppose to access the Object for the test, if set ReplaceKeyWith to prefix/${key}. The suffix, is the Location head to" }, "Required": false }, "MirrorHeaders": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "PassAll": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Whether to pass through other headers to the source except the following headers. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\n- content-length, authorization2, authorization, range, date and other headers\n- Headers starting with oss-/x-oss-/x-drs-\nDefault value: false" }, "Required": false }, "Pass": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameter": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Specifies the Header that is mirrored back to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nEach Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-)." }, "AllowedPattern": "^[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,1024}$", "Required": false } }, "AssociationProperty": "List[Parameter]", "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Pass through the specified Header to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nEach Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-).\nA maximum of 10 can be specified for this field." }, "Required": false, "MaxLength": 10 }, "Sets": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "Value": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Set the value of the Header to a maximum of 1024 bytes without \\r\\n. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror." }, "Required": true, "MaxLength": 1024 }, "Key": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Sets the Header key to a maximum of 1024 bytes in the same character set as Pass. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror." }, "AllowedPattern": "^[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,1024}$", "Required": true } } }, "AssociationProperty": "List[Parameters]", "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Set a Header to the origin, and it will be set when the request is sent back to the origin, regardless of whether the specified headers are included in the request. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nUp to 10 groups can be specified for this container." }, "Required": false, "MaxLength": 10 }, "Remove": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameter": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Disables pass-through of the specified Header to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nEach Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-)." }, "AllowedPattern": "^[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,1024}$", "Required": false } }, "AssociationProperty": "List[Parameter]", "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Disables pass-through of the specified Header to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nEach Header is at most 1,024 bytes long and has the character sets 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and dash (-).\nA maximum of 10 can be specified for this field." }, "Required": false, "MaxLength": 10 } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Specifies the Header that is mirrored back to the source. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror." }, "Required": false }, "HttpRedirectCode": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Status code returned when jumping. Only if RedirectType is set to External or AliCDN.The default value is 302.\nValue: 301, 302, 307" }, "AllowedValues": [ "301", "302", "307" ], "Required": false }, "EnableReplacePrefix": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "If you set this field to true, the prefix of Object is replaced with the value specified by ReplaceKeyPrefixWith. If this field is not specified or is empty, it means that the Object prefix is truncated.\nNotes: This field cannot be set to true when the ReplaceKeyWith field is not null.\nDefault value: false" }, "Required": false }, "PassQueryString": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Whether to carry request parameters when performing a jump or mirroring back to the source rule.\nDoes the user request OSS with the request parameters? a=b&c=d, and set PassQueryString to true, if the rule is a 302 jump, then this request parameter is added in the Location header of the jump. For example,, the jump type is mirror back to the source, then this request parameter will also be carried in the initiated back to the source request.\nValid values: true, false (default)" }, "Required": false }, "MirrorFollowRedirect": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "If the result obtained by mirriling back to the source is 3xx, whether to continue to jump to the specified Location to obtain data. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nFor example, when we mirror back to the source, the source returns a 302 with Location specified.\n- If set to true, OSS will continue to request the Location.\nIt can jump up to 10 times, and if it jumps more than 10 times, it fails to return the mirror back to the source.\n- If set to false, OSS will return 302 and pass through the Location.\nDefault value: true" }, "Required": false }, "ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "This value will be substituted for the prefix of the Object name in Redirect. If the prefix is empty, the string is inserted before the Object name.\nNotes: Only ReplaceKeyWith or ReplaceKeyPrefixWith nodes are allowed.\nHypothesis to access the Object for ABC/test. TXT, if set KeyPrefixEquals for ABC /, ReplaceKeyPrefixWith for def /, then the Location head to" }, "Required": false }, "RedirectType": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Specifies the type of jump. The range is as follows:\n- Mirror: Mirror back to the source.\n- External: External branch, i.e. OSS will return a 3xx request specifying the branch to another address.\n- AliCDN: Aliyun CDN jump, mainly used for the CDN of Aliyun. Unlike External, OSS adds an additional Header. After identifying this Header, Aliyun CDN will actively jump to the specified address and return the obtained data to the user instead of returning the 3xx jump request to the user." }, "AllowedValues": [ "Mirror", "External", "AliCDN" ], "Required": true }, "MirrorPassQueryString": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Same as PassQueryString, but takes precedence over PassQueryString. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nDefault value: false" }, "Required": false }, "MirrorCheckMd5": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Whether to check MD5 back to the source body. This only works if RedirectType is set to Mirror.\nWhen MirrorCheckMd5 is set to true, and the response returned by the source contains the Content-Md5 Header, OSS checks whether the pulled data MD5 matches this header, if not, it is not saved on OSS.\nDefault value: false" }, "Required": false }, "Protocol": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Protocol when jumping. Only if RedirectType is set to External or AliCDN.\nIf the file you want to access is test, set to go to, and set Protocol to https, the Location header is\nValue: http, https" }, "AllowedValues": [ "http", "https" ], "Required": false }, "HostName": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The domain name of the jump, the domain name should conform to the domain name specification.\nIf the file you want to access is test, the Protocol is set to https, and the Hostname is set to, the Location header is" }, "Required": false } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Specifies the action to be performed when this rule is matched." }, "Required": true } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "The properties of routing rule." }, "Required": false } }, "AssociationProperty": "List[Parameter]", "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "The list of routing rules, up to 20." }, "Required": false, "MaxLength": 20 }, "ErrorDocument": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "HttpStatus": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The HTTP status code of the error page. Valid values: 200, 404 (default)." }, "AllowedValues": [ "200", "404" ], "Required": false }, "Key": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The default error page.\nWhen an error page is specified, if the accessed Object does not exist, this error page is returned." }, "Required": true } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "The properties of default error page." }, "Required": false } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Website configuration." }, "Required": false } }, "Resources": { "Website": { "Type": "ALIYUN::OSS::Website", "Properties": { "BucketName": { "Ref": "BucketName" }, "WebsiteConfiguration": { "Ref": "WebsiteConfiguration" } } } } }