"Type": "ALIYUN::DTS::SynchronizationJob2",
"Properties": {
"Status": String,
"Reserve": Map,
"DataSynchronization": Boolean,
"DelayPhone": String,
"DedicatedClusterId": String,
"ErrorNotice": Boolean,
"DtsJobName": String,
"DelayRuleTime": Integer,
"DtsInstanceId": String,
"DbList": Map,
"FileOssUrl": String,
"DataCheckConfigure": Map,
"DtsBisLabel": String,
"Checkpoint": String,
"DisasterRecoveryJob": Boolean,
"DtsJobId": String,
"DelayNotice": Boolean,
"DataInitialization": Boolean,
"DestinationEndpoint": Map,
"SourceEndpoint": Map,
"ErrorPhone": String,
"StructureInitialization": Boolean,
"SynchronizationDirection": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
Status | String | 否 | 是 | 资源的状态。 | 取值:
Reserve | Map | 否 | 是 | DTS的保留参数。 | 通过指定此参数,可以向DTS任务添加源实例或目标实例的更多配置。 例如,指定目的Kafka数据库的数据存储格式和CEN实例的ID。 |
DataSynchronization | Boolean | 是 | 是 | 是否进行增量数据迁移或增量数据同步。 | 取值:
DelayPhone | String | 否 | 否 | 延迟报警的联系人手机号码。 | 多个手机号码以英文逗号(,)分隔。 说明
DedicatedClusterId | String | 否 | 否 | DTS专属集群ID。 | 用于将同步任务调度到指定的DTS专属集群上。 |
ErrorNotice | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否监控异常状态。 | 取值:
DtsJobName | String | 是 | 是 | 同步任务名称。 | 建议配置具有业务意义的名称(无唯一性要求),便于后续识别。 |
DelayRuleTime | Integer | 否 | 否 | 触发延迟报警的阈值。 | 单位为秒且需为整数,可根据业务需要设置阈值,建议设置10秒以上,避免因网络、数据库负载等原因导致的延迟波动。 说明 当DelayNotice取值为true时,本参数必须传入。 |
DtsInstanceId | String | 否 | 否 | 同步实例ID。 | 无 |
DbList | Map | 是 | 是 | 同步对象。 | 格式为JSON串。更多信息,请参见迁移、同步或订阅对象说明。 |
FileOssUrl | String | 否 | 是 | 任务文件的OSS地址。 | 无 |
DataCheckConfigure | Map | 否 | 否 | 迁移或同步实例的数据校验任务。 | 格式为JSON字符串,如参数限制或告警配置等信息。更多信息请参见DataCheckConfigure属性。 |
DtsBisLabel | String | 否 | 否 | DTS实例的环境标签。 | 取值:
Checkpoint | String | 否 | 否 | 增量数据迁移的启动位点或者同步位点。 | 格式为Unix时间戳,单位为秒。 |
DisasterRecoveryJob | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否为灾备实例。 | 取值:
DtsJobId | String | 否 | 否 | 同步任务ID。 | 无 |
DelayNotice | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否监控延迟状态。 | 取值:
DataInitialization | Boolean | 是 | 是 | 是否执行全量数据迁移或全量数据初始化。 | 取值:
DestinationEndpoint | Map | 是 | 是 | 目标实例配置。 | 更多信息,请参见DestinationEndpoint属性。 |
SourceEndpoint | Map | 是 | 是 | 源实例配置。 | 更多信息,请参见SourceEndpoint属性。 |
ErrorPhone | String | 否 | 否 | 异常报警的联系人手机号码。 | 多个手机号码以英文逗号(,)分隔。 说明
StructureInitialization | Boolean | 是 | 是 | 是否执行库表结构迁移或初始化。 | 取值:
SynchronizationDirection | String | 否 | 是 | 同步方向。 | 取值:
说明 只有当同步任务的同步拓扑为双向时,本参数传入Reverse才会生效。 |
"DataCheckConfigure": {
"fullCheckMaxReadRps": Integer,
"dataCheckNoticePhone": String,
"incrementalCheckDelayNotice": Boolean,
"incrementalCheckDelayNoticeValue": Integer,
"incrementalCheckDelayNoticePeriod": Integer,
"dataCheckDbList": String,
"checkMaximumHourEnable": Integer,
"fullCheckRatio": Integer,
"checkMaximumHour": Integer,
"fullCheckFixData": Boolean,
"fullCheckModel": Integer,
"incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeValue": Integer,
"incrementalDataCheck": Boolean,
"incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeTimes": Integer,
"fullCheckMaxReadBps": Integer,
"fullCheckValidFailNotice": Boolean,
"fullCheckErrorNotice": Boolean,
"incrementalCheckValidFailNoticePeriod": Integer,
"incrementalCheckDelayNoticeTimes": Integer,
"fullCheckReferEndpoint": String,
"fullDataCheck": Boolean,
"incrementalCheckValidFailNotice": Boolean,
"fullCheckNoticeValue": Integer,
"incrementalCheckErrorNotice": Boolean
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
fullCheckMaxReadRps | Integer | 否 | 否 | 每秒读取数据的最大行数。 | 取值为0~9007199254740991的整数。 说明 取值为0时表示不做限制。 |
dataCheckNoticePhone | String | 否 | 否 | 全量或增量数据校验任务告警联系人的手机号。 | 当校验任务触发告警时,将以短信的形式通知告警联系人。 |
incrementalCheckDelayNotice | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否进行增量数据延迟告警。 | 取值:
incrementalCheckDelayNoticeValue | Integer | 否 | 否 | 增量数据校验任务延迟时间的告警阈值。 | 单位为秒。 说明 当incrementalCheckDelayNotice取值为true时必填。 |
incrementalCheckDelayNoticePeriod | Integer | 否 | 否 | 增量数据校验任务延迟告警的统计周期。 | 取值:
说明 当incrementalCheckDelayNotice取值为true时必填。 |
dataCheckDbList | String | 否 | 否 | 数据校验对象。 | 无 |
checkMaximumHourEnable | Integer | 否 | 否 | 全量数据校验任务是否配置超时设置。 | 取值:
说明 当fullCheckModel取值为1时必填。 |
fullCheckRatio | Integer | 否 | 否 | 全量数据校验任务的抽样比例。 | 取值为10~100的整数,单位为%。 说明 当fullCheckModel取值为1时必填。 |
checkMaximumHour | Integer | 否 | 否 | 全量数据校验任务的超时设置。 | 取值为1~72的整数。在全量数据校验任务启动后开始计时,若校验任务未在指定时间完成则强制结束。 |
fullCheckFixData | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否补齐数据。 | 取值:
fullCheckModel | Integer | 否 | 否 | 全量数据校验任务的模式。 | 取值:
incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeValue | Integer | 否 | 否 | 增量数据校验任务不一致数据的告警阈值。 | 当incrementalCheckValidFailNotice取值为true时必填。 |
incrementalDataCheck | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否进行增量数据校验。 | 取值:
incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeTimes | Integer | 否 | 否 | 增量数据校验任务不一致告警统计周期的数量。 | 当incrementalCheckValidFailNotice取值为true时必填。 |
fullCheckMaxReadBps | Integer | 否 | 否 | 每秒读取的最大数据量(Byte)。 | 取值为0~9007199254740991的整数。 说明 取值为0时表示不做限制。 |
fullCheckValidFailNotice | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否进行全量校验数据不一致告警。 | 取值:
fullCheckErrorNotice | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否进行全量数据校验失败告警。 | 取值:
incrementalCheckValidFailNoticePeriod | Integer | 否 | 否 | 增量数据校验任务不一致告警统计的周期。 | 取值:
说明 当incrementalCheckValidFailNotice取值为true时必填。 |
incrementalCheckDelayNoticeTimes | Integer | 否 | 否 | 增量数据校验任务延迟告警统计周期的数量。 | 当incrementalCheckDelayNotice取值为true时必填。 |
fullCheckReferEndpoint | String | 否 | 否 | 全量数据校验的基准。 | 取值:
fullDataCheck | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否进行全量数据校验。 | 取值:
incrementalCheckValidFailNotice | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否进行增量校验数据不一致告警。 | 取值:
fullCheckNoticeValue | Integer | 否 | 否 | 全量数据校验不一致数据的告警阈值。 | 当fullCheckValidFailNotice取值为true时必填。 |
incrementalCheckErrorNotice | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否进行增量数据校验失败告警。 | 取值:
"DestinationEndpoint": {
"Role": String,
"OracleSID": String,
"UserName": String,
"OwnerID": String,
"InstanceID": String,
"IP": String,
"Port": String,
"DatabaseName": String,
"Region": String,
"InstanceType": String,
"EngineName": String,
"Password": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
Role | String | 否 | 否 | 为拥有目标实例的阿里云账户配置的资源访问管理(RAM角色)的名称。 | 在不同阿里云账户间进行数据迁移或同步时,需要配置此项。 |
OracleSID | String | 否 | 否 | Oracle数据库的SID信息。 | 当取值为Oracle,且Oracle数据库为非RAC实例时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
UserName | String | 否 | 否 | 目标库的数据库账号。 | 迁移不同的数据库所需的权限有所差异,请参见迁移方案概览中对应的配置案例。 |
OwnerID | String | 否 | 否 | 目的数据库所属的阿里云账号ID。 | 仅在配置跨阿里云账号的数据迁移时本参数才可用,且必须传入。 |
InstanceID | String | 否 | 否 | 目标实例ID。 | 当取值为RDS、ECS、MongoDB、Redis、DRDS、PetaData、OceanBase、PolarDB、PolarDB_o、AnalyticDB或Greenplum时,本参数才可用且必须传入对应的实例ID(例如取值为ECS,则需要传入ECS实例ID)。 |
IP | String | 否 | 否 | 目标库的连接地址。 | 当取值为LocalInstance或Express时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
Port | String | 否 | 否 | 目标库的服务端口。 | 当取值为ECS、LocalInstance或Express时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
DatabaseName | String | 否 | 否 | 待迁入的数据库名称或鉴权数据库名称。 | 取值:
Region | String | 否 | 否 | 目标库所属的地域ID。 | 当取值为LocalInstance时,您可以传入cn-hangzhou或者离自建数据库地理距离最近的地域ID,请参见支持的地域列表。 |
InstanceType | String | 是 | 否 | 目标库的实例类型。 | 取值:
EngineName | String | 否 | 否 | 目标库的数据库类型。 | 取值:
说明 当取值为RDS、PolarDB、ECS、LocalInstance或Express时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
Password | String | 否 | 是 | 目标库数据库账号的密码。 | 无 |
"SourceEndpoint": {
"OracleSID": String,
"UserName": String,
"InstanceID": String,
"IP": String,
"Port": String,
"VSwitchID": String,
"DatabaseName": String,
"EngineName": String,
"Role": String,
"OwnerID": String,
"Region": String,
"InstanceType": String,
"Password": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
OracleSID | String | 否 | 否 | Oracle数据库的SID信息。 | 当取值为Oracle,且Oracle数据库为非RAC实例时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
UserName | String | 否 | 否 | 源库的数据库账号。 | 迁移不同的数据库所需的权限有所差异,请参见迁移方案概览中对应的配置案例。 |
InstanceID | String | 否 | 否 | 源库的实例ID。 |
IP | String | 否 | 否 | 源库的连接地址。 | 当取值为LocalInstance或Express时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
Port | String | 否 | 否 | 源库的服务端口。 | 当取值为ECS、LocalInstance或Express时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
VSwitchID | String | 否 | 否 | 用于数据传输链路的vSwitch的ID。 | 无 |
DatabaseName | String | 否 | 否 | 待迁移的数据库名称或鉴权数据库名称。 |
EngineName | String | 否 | 否 | 源库的数据库类型。 | 取值:
说明 当取值为RDS、PolarDB、ECS、LocalInstance或Express时,本参数才可用且必须传入。 |
Role | String | 否 | 否 | 指定源实例的授权角色。 | 当源实例与目标实例所属阿里云账号不同时,需传入该参数,来指定源实例的授权角色,以允许目标实例阿里云账号访问源实例的实例信息。 说明 角色所需的权限及授权方式,请参见跨阿里云账号任务如何配置RAM授权。 |
OwnerID | String | 否 | 否 | 源实例所属的阿里云账号ID。 | 仅在配置跨阿里云账号的数据迁移时本参数才可用,且必须传入。 |
Region | String | 否 | 否 | 源库所属的地域ID。 | 当取值为LocalInstance时,您可以传入cn-hangzhou或者离自建数据库地理距离最近的地域ID,请参见支持的地域列表。 |
InstanceType | String | 是 | 否 | 源库的实例类型。 | 取值:
Password | String | 否 | 是 | 源库数据库账号的密码。 | 无 |
格式ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01' Parameters: SourceEndpoint: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: UserName: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The database account of the source database. **Note**: In most cases, this parameter is required. The permissions that are required for the database account vary with the migration or synchronization scenario. Password: Default: null Type: String Description: en: The password of the source database account. InstanceID: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The ID of the source instance. If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, you must specify the ID of the database instance. For example, - If the source instance is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, you must specify the ID of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. - If the source instance is a self-managed database, the value of this parameter varies with the value of SourceEndpointInstanceType. - If InstanceType is set to ECS, you must specify the ID of the ECS instance. - If InstanceType is set to DG, you must specify the ID of the database gateway. - If InstanceType is set to EXPRESS or CEN, you must specify the ID of the VPC that is connected to the source instance. **Note**: If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to CEN, you must also specify the ID of the CEN instance in the Reserve parameter. IP: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The IP address of the source instance. **Note**: This parameter is required only when **InstanceType** is set to **OTHER**, **EXPRESS**, **DG**, or **CEN**. Region: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The ID of the region in which the source instance resides. **Note**: If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, this parameter is required. InstanceType: Type: String Description: en: >- The type of the source instance. Valid values: Alibaba Cloud database instances: - **RDS**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance, or ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance - **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster - **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance - **DISTRIBUTED_POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 (formerly DRDS) instance - **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance - **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance - **DISTRIBUTED_DMSLOGICDB**: Data Management (DMS) logical database Self-managed databases: - **OTHER**: self-managed database with a public IP address - **ECS**: self-managed database hosted on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance - **EXPRESS**: self-managed database connected over Express Connect - **CEN**: self-managed database connected over Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) - **DG**: self-managed database connected over Database Gateway **Note**: If the source instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), you must set this parameter to **OTHER** or **EXPRESS**. Then, you can connect the PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster to DTS as a self-managed database by using a public IP address or Express Connect. If the source instance is a self-managed database, you must deploy the network environment for the database. VSwitchID: Default: null Type: String Description: en: The ID of the vSwitch used for the data shipping link. DatabaseName: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The name of the database which contains the objects to be migrated in the source instance. **Note**: This parameter is required only when the source instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), a PostgreSQL database, or a MongoDB database. EngineName: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The database engine of the source instance. Valid values: - **MYSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or self-managed MySQL database - **MARIADB**: ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance - **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster - **POLARDB_O**: PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle) - **POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance - **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance - **ORACLE**: self-managed Oracle database - **POSTGRESQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance or self-managed PostgreSQL database - **MSSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance or self-managed SQL Server database - **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance or self-managed MongoDB database - **DB2**: self-managed Db2 for LUW database - **AS400**: self-managed Db2 for i database - **DMSPOLARDB**: DMS logical database - **HBASE**: self-managed HBase database - **TERADATA**: Teradata database - **TiDB**: TiDB database - **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance or self-managed Redis database **Note**: Default value: **MYSQL**. If EngineName is set to **MONGODB**, you must also specify the architecture type of the **MongoDB** database in the **Reserve** parameter. Role: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account that owns the source instance. **Note**: This parameter is required when you migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. OwnerID: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source database belongs. **Note**: You can specify this parameter to migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. In this case, you must specify **Role**. OracleSID: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The system ID (SID) of the Oracle database. **Note**: This parameter is required only when **EngineName** is set to **ORACLE** and the Oracle database is deployed in an architecture that is not a Real Application Cluster (RAC). Port: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The port number of the source instance. **Note**: This parameter is required only when the source instance is a self-managed database. Type: Json Description: en: Source instance configuration. Checkpoint: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The start offset of incremental data migration or synchronization. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Status: Default: null Type: String Description: en: |- The status of the resource. Valid values: - **Synchronizing**: Start the task. - **Suspending**: Suspend the task. - **Stopping**: Stop the task. AllowedValues: - Synchronizing - Suspending - Stopping DisasterRecoveryJob: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether the instance is a disaster recovery instance. Valid values: **true** and **false** DtsJobId: Default: null Type: String Description: en: The ID of the DTS task. DtsJobName: Type: String Description: en: The name of the DTS instance. DataSynchronization: Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to perform incremental data migration or incremental data synchronization. Default value: **false**. Valid values: **true** and **false**. SynchronizationDirection: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The synchronization direction. Default value: Forward. Valid values: - **Forward**: Data is synchronized from the source database to the destination database. - **Reverse**: Data is synchronized from the destination database to the source database. **Note**: The default value is **Forward**. The value Reverse takes effect only if the topology of the data synchronization task is two-way synchronization. DataCheckConfigure: Default: null AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: fullCheckErrorNotice: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to trigger an alert if the full data verification task fails. Valid values: **true** and **false**. **Note**: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the full data verification task fails, an alert is triggered. fullCheckValidFailNotice: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to trigger an alert if inconsistent data is detected by the full data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**. **Note**: For example, you set this parameter to true. If the number of inconsistent data entries detected by the full data verification task is greater than or equal to the threshold that you specified, an alert is triggered. incrementalCheckValidFailNotice: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to trigger an alert if inconsistent data is detected by the incremental data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**. **Note**: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the cumulative number of inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task in several statistical periods is greater than or equal to the threshold that you specified, an alert is triggered. dataCheckNoticePhone: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The mobile number of the alert contact for a full or incremental data verification task. If an alert is triggered for a verification task, a text message is sent to notify the alert contact. fullCheckReferEndpoint: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The benchmark for full data verification. Valid values: - **all**: checks the data consistency between the source and destination databases based on the source and destination databases. - **src**: checks the data consistency between the source and destination databases based on the source database. Objects that exist in the destination database but do not exist in the source database are not checked. - **dest**: checks the data consistency between the source and destination databases based on the destination database. Objects that exist in the source database but do not exist in the destination database are not checked. fullCheckModel: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: |- The mode of the full data verification task. Valid values: - **1**: verifies the data by sampling ratio. - **2**: verifies the data by row. AllowedValues: - 1 - 2 incrementalCheckDelayNotice: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to trigger an alert on the data latency of the incremental data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**. **Note**: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the cumulative latency of the incremental data verification task in several statistical periods is greater than or equal to the threshold that you specified, an alert is triggered. incrementalCheckValidFailNoticePeriod: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The statistical period of an alert on inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task. Valid values: - **1**: 1 minute - **2**: 5 minutes - **3**: 10 minutes - **4**: 30 minutes **Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**. AllowedValues: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 incrementalCheckDelayNoticeTimes: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The number of statistical periods of an alert on the data latency of the incremental data verification task. **Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckDelayNotice** parameter is set to **true**. fullCheckMaxReadBps: Default: null MinValue: 0 Type: Number Description: en: >- The maximum number of bytes that are read per second. Valid values: integers from 0 to 9007199254740991. MaxValue: 9007199254740991 incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeTimes: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The number of statistical periods of an alert on inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task. **Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**. fullCheckMaxReadRps: Default: null MinValue: 0 Type: Number Description: en: >- The maximum number of data rows that are read per second. Valid values: integers from 0 to 9007199254740991. MaxValue: 9007199254740991 incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeValue: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The alert threshold for inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task. **Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**. fullDataCheck: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to perform a full data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**. fullCheckRatio: Default: null MinValue: 10 Type: Number Description: en: >- The sampling ratio of the full data verification task. Valid values: integers from 10 to 100. Unit: percent. **Note**: This parameter is required if the **fullCheckModel** parameter is set to 1. MaxValue: 100 incrementalCheckDelayNoticeValue: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The alert threshold for the data latency of the incremental data verification task. Unit: seconds. **Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckDelayNotice** parameter is set to **true**. checkMaximumHourEnable: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- Specifies whether to configure a timeout period for the full data verification task.Valid values: - **0**: does not configure a timeout period for the full data verification task. - **1**: configures a timeout period for the full data verification task. **Note**: This parameter is required if the fullCheckModel parameter is set to 1. AllowedValues: - 0 - 1 dataCheckDbList: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The objects whose data is to be verified. The value must be a JSON string. incrementalCheckErrorNotice: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to trigger an alert if the incremental data verification task fails. Valid values: **true** and **false**. Note: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the incremental data verification task fails, an alert is triggered. checkMaximumHour: Default: null MinValue: 1 Type: Number Description: en: >- The timeout period of the full data verification task. Valid values: integers from 1 to 72. Countdown begins the moment the full data verification task is started. If the task is not complete within the specified timeout period, the task is forcibly stopped. MaxValue: 72 incrementalCheckDelayNoticePeriod: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The statistical period of an alert on the data latency of the incremental data verification task. Valid values: - **1**: 1 minute - **2**: 5 minutes - **3**: 10 minutes - **4**: 30 minutes **Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckDelayNotice** parameter is set to **true**. AllowedValues: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 fullCheckFixData: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to replace the inconsistent data. Valid values: **true** and **false**. Default value: false. **Note**: For example, you set this parameter to true. If the destination database has data that is inconsistent with the data in the source database, the data values of the destination database are replaced with those of the source database. fullCheckNoticeValue: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The alert threshold for inconsistent data entries detected by the full data verification task. **Note**: This parameter is required if the **fullCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**. incrementalDataCheck: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to perform an incremental data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**. Type: Json Description: en: >- The data verification task for a data migration or synchronization instance. StructureInitialization: Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to perform schema migration or schema synchronization. Default value: true. Valid values: **true** and **false**. DelayRuleTime: Default: null Type: Number Description: en: >- The threshold for latency alerts. Unit: seconds. You can set the threshold based on your business requirements. To prevent jitters caused by network and database overloads, we recommend that you set the threshold to more than 10 seconds. ErrorPhone: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The mobile numbers that receive status-related alerts. Separate multiple mobile numbers with commas (,). **Note**: This parameter is available only for users of the China site ( Only mobile numbers in the Chinese mainland are supported. You can specify up to 10 mobile numbers. Users of the international site ( cannot receive alerts by using mobile numbers, but can configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console. DtsInstanceId: Default: null Type: String Description: en: The ID of the DTS instance. DestinationEndpoint: AssociationPropertyMetadata: Parameters: UserName: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The database account of the destination database. **Note**: In most cases, this parameter is required. The permissions that are required for the database account vary with the migration or synchronization scenario. Password: Default: null Type: String Description: en: The password of the destination database account. InstanceID: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The ID of the destination instance. If the destination instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, you must specify the ID of the database instance. For example, - If the destination instance is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, you must specify the ID of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. - If the destination instance is a self-managed database, the value of this parameter varies with the value of SourceEndpointInstanceType. - If InstanceType is set to ECS, you must specify the ID of the ECS instance. - If InstanceType is set to DG, you must specify the ID of the database gateway. - If InstanceType is set to EXPRESS or CEN, you must specify the ID of the VPC that is connected to the destination instance. **Note**: If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to CEN, you must also specify the ID of the CEN instance in the Reserve parameter. IP: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The IP address of the destination instance. **Note**: This parameter is required only when **InstanceType** is set to **OTHER**, **EXPRESS**, **DG**, or **CEN**. Region: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides. **Note**: If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, this parameter is required. InstanceType: Type: String Description: en: >- The type of the destination instance. Valid values: Alibaba Cloud database instances - **RDS**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance, or ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance - **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster - **DISTRIBUTED_POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 (formerly DRDS) instance - **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance - **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance - **ADS**: AnalyticDB for MySQL V2.0 cluster or AnalyticDB for MySQL V3.0 cluster - **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance - **GREENPLUM**: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance - **DATAHUB**: DataHub project - **ELK**: Elasticsearch cluster - **Tablestore**: Tablestore instance - **ODPS**: MaxCompute project Self-managed databases - **OTHER**: self-managed database with a public IP address - **ECS**: self-managed database hosted on an ECS instance - **EXPRESS**: self-managed database connected over Express Connect - **CEN**: self-managed database connected over CEN - **DG**: self-managed database connected over Database Gateway **Note**: If the destination instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), you must set this parameter to OTHER or EXPRESS. Then, you can connect the PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle) to DTS as a self-managed database by using a public IP address or Express Connect. If the destination instance is a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance, you must set this parameter to ECS or EXPRESS. Then, you can connect the Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance to DTS as a self-managed database connected over ECS or Express Connect. If the destination instance is a self-managed database, you must deploy the network environment for the database. Role: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account that owns the destination instance. **Note**: This parameter is required when you migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. DatabaseName: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The name of the database which contains the objects to be migrated in the destination instance. **Note**: This parameter is required only when the destination instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), a PostgreSQL database, or a MongoDB database. EngineName: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The database engine of the destination instance. Valid values: - **MYSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or self-managed MySQL database - **MARIADB**: ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance - **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster - **POLARDB_O**: PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle) - **POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance - **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance - **ORACLE**: self-managed Oracle database - **POSTGRESQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance or self-managed PostgreSQL database - **MSSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance or self-managed SQL Server database - **ADS**: AnalyticDB for MySQL V2.0 cluster - **ADB30**: AnalyticDB for MySQL V3.0 cluster- **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance or self-managed MongoDB database - **GREENPLUM**: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance - **KAFKA**: Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance or self-managed Kafka cluster - **DATAHUB**: DataHub project- **DB2**: self-managed Db2 for LUW database - **AS400**: self-managed Db2 for i database - **ODPS**: MaxCompute project - **Tablestore**: Tablestore instance - **ELK**: Elasticsearch cluster - **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance or self-managed Redis database **Note**: Default value: **MYSQL**. If this parameter is set to **KAFKA**, **MONGODB**, or **PolarDB**, you must also specify the database information in the Reserve parameter. OwnerID: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination database belongs. **Note**: You can specify this parameter to migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. In this case, you must specify **Role**. OracleSID: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The system ID (SID) of the Oracle database. **Note**: This parameter is required only when **EngineName** is set to **ORACLE** and the Oracle database is deployed in an architecture that is not a Real Application Cluster (RAC). Port: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The port number of the destination instance. **Note**: This parameter is required only when the destination instance is a self-managed database. Type: Json Description: en: Destination instance configuration. ErrorNotice: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to monitor the task status. Valid values: **true** and **false**. FileOssUrl: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The URL of the Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket that stores the files related to the DTS task. Reserve: Default: null Type: Json Description: en: >- The reserved parameter of DTS. You can specify this parameter to add more configurations of the source or destination instance to the DTS task. For example, you can specify the data storage format of the destination Kafka database and the ID of the CEN instance. DelayPhone: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The mobile numbers that receive latency-related alerts. Separate multiple mobile numbers with commas (,). **Note**: This parameter is available only for users of the China site ( Only mobile numbers in the Chinese mainland are supported. You can specify up to 10 mobile numbers. Users of the international site ( cannot receive alerts by using mobile numbers, but can configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console. DelayNotice: Default: null Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to monitor the task latency. Valid values: **true** and **false** DataInitialization: Type: Boolean Description: en: >- Specifies whether to perform full data migration or full data synchronization. Default value: **true**. Valid values: **true** and **false**. DtsBisLabel: Default: null Type: String Description: en: >- The environment tag of the DTS instance. Valid values: **normal** and **online**. DbList: Type: Json Description: en: The objects that you want to migrate or synchronize. DedicatedClusterId: Default: null Type: String Description: en: The ID of the DTS dedicated cluster on which the task runs. Resources: SynchronizationJob: Type: 'ALIYUN::DTS::SynchronizationJob2' Properties: SourceEndpoint: Ref: SourceEndpoint Checkpoint: Ref: Checkpoint Status: Ref: Status DisasterRecoveryJob: Ref: DisasterRecoveryJob DtsJobId: Ref: DtsJobId DtsJobName: Ref: DtsJobName DataSynchronization: Ref: DataSynchronization SynchronizationDirection: Ref: SynchronizationDirection DataCheckConfigure: Ref: DataCheckConfigure StructureInitialization: Ref: StructureInitialization DelayRuleTime: Ref: DelayRuleTime ErrorPhone: Ref: ErrorPhone DtsInstanceId: Ref: DtsInstanceId DestinationEndpoint: Ref: DestinationEndpoint ErrorNotice: Ref: ErrorNotice FileOssUrl: Ref: FileOssUrl Reserve: Ref: Reserve DelayPhone: Ref: DelayPhone DelayNotice: Ref: DelayNotice DataInitialization: Ref: DataInitialization DtsBisLabel: Ref: DtsBisLabel DbList: Ref: DbList DedicatedClusterId: Ref: DedicatedClusterId Outputs: DtsJobName: Description: The name of the DTS job. Value: 'Fn::GetAtt': - SynchronizationJob - DtsJobName DtsInstanceId: Description: The ID of the DTS instance. Value: 'Fn::GetAtt': - SynchronizationJob - DtsInstanceId DtsJobId: Description: The ID of the task. Value: 'Fn::GetAtt': - SynchronizationJob - DtsJobId
格式{ "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01", "Parameters": { "SourceEndpoint": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "UserName": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The database account of the source database.\n**Note**: In most cases, this parameter is required. The permissions that are required for the database account vary with the migration or synchronization scenario." } }, "Password": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The password of the source database account." } }, "InstanceID": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the source instance. If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, you must specify the ID of the database instance. For example, \n- If the source instance is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, you must specify the ID of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. \n- If the source instance is a self-managed database, the value of this parameter varies with the value of SourceEndpointInstanceType.\n- If InstanceType is set to ECS, you must specify the ID of the ECS instance.\n- If InstanceType is set to DG, you must specify the ID of the database gateway.\n- If InstanceType is set to EXPRESS or CEN, you must specify the ID of the VPC that is connected to the source instance.\n**Note**: If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to CEN, you must also specify the ID of the CEN instance in the Reserve parameter." } }, "IP": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The IP address of the source instance. \n**Note**: This parameter is required only when **InstanceType** is set to **OTHER**, **EXPRESS**, **DG**, or **CEN**." } }, "Region": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the region in which the source instance resides.\n**Note**: If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, this parameter is required." } }, "InstanceType": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The type of the source instance. Valid values:\nAlibaba Cloud database instances:\n- **RDS**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance, or ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance\n- **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster\n- **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance\n- **DISTRIBUTED_POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 (formerly DRDS) instance\n- **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance\n- **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance\n- **DISTRIBUTED_DMSLOGICDB**: Data Management (DMS) logical database\nSelf-managed databases:\n- **OTHER**: self-managed database with a public IP address\n- **ECS**: self-managed database hosted on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance\n- **EXPRESS**: self-managed database connected over Express Connect\n- **CEN**: self-managed database connected over Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN)\n- **DG**: self-managed database connected over Database Gateway\n**Note**: If the source instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), you must set this parameter to **OTHER** or **EXPRESS**. Then, you can connect the PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster to DTS as a self-managed database by using a public IP address or Express Connect. If the source instance is a self-managed database, you must deploy the network environment for the database. " } }, "VSwitchID": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the vSwitch used for the data shipping link." } }, "DatabaseName": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The name of the database which contains the objects to be migrated in the source instance.\n**Note**: This parameter is required only when the source instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), a PostgreSQL database, or a MongoDB database." } }, "EngineName": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The database engine of the source instance. Valid values:\n- **MYSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or self-managed MySQL database\n- **MARIADB**: ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance\n- **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster\n- **POLARDB_O**: PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle)\n- **POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance\n- **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance\n- **ORACLE**: self-managed Oracle database\n- **POSTGRESQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance or self-managed PostgreSQL database\n- **MSSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance or self-managed SQL Server database\n- **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance or self-managed MongoDB database\n- **DB2**: self-managed Db2 for LUW database\n- **AS400**: self-managed Db2 for i database\n- **DMSPOLARDB**: DMS logical database\n- **HBASE**: self-managed HBase database\n- **TERADATA**: Teradata database\n- **TiDB**: TiDB database\n- **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance or self-managed Redis database\n**Note**: Default value: **MYSQL**.\nIf EngineName is set to **MONGODB**, you must also specify the architecture type of the **MongoDB** database in the **Reserve** parameter." } }, "Role": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account that owns the source instance.\n**Note**: This parameter is required when you migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts." } }, "OwnerID": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source database belongs.\n**Note**: You can specify this parameter to migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. In this case, you must specify **Role**." } }, "OracleSID": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The system ID (SID) of the Oracle database.\n**Note**: This parameter is required only when **EngineName** is set to **ORACLE** and the Oracle database is deployed in an architecture that is not a Real Application Cluster (RAC)." } }, "Port": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The port number of the source instance.\n**Note**: This parameter is required only when the source instance is a self-managed database." } } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Source instance configuration." } }, "Checkpoint": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The start offset of incremental data migration or synchronization. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC." } }, "Status": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The status of the resource. Valid values:\n- **Synchronizing**: Start the task.\n- **Suspending**: Suspend the task.\n- **Stopping**: Stop the task." }, "AllowedValues": [ "Synchronizing", "Suspending", "Stopping" ] }, "DisasterRecoveryJob": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether the instance is a disaster recovery instance. Valid values: **true** and **false**" } }, "DtsJobId": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the DTS task." } }, "DtsJobName": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The name of the DTS instance." } }, "DataSynchronization": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to perform incremental data migration or incremental data synchronization. Default value: **false**. Valid values: **true** and **false**." } }, "SynchronizationDirection": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The synchronization direction. Default value: Forward. Valid values:\n- **Forward**: Data is synchronized from the source database to the destination database.\n- **Reverse**: Data is synchronized from the destination database to the source database.\n**Note**: The default value is **Forward**.\nThe value Reverse takes effect only if the topology of the data synchronization task is two-way synchronization." } }, "DataCheckConfigure": { "Default": null, "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "fullCheckErrorNotice": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to trigger an alert if the full data verification task fails. Valid values: **true** and **false**.\n**Note**: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the full data verification task fails, an alert is triggered." } }, "fullCheckValidFailNotice": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to trigger an alert if inconsistent data is detected by the full data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**.\n**Note**: For example, you set this parameter to true. If the number of inconsistent data entries detected by the full data verification task is greater than or equal to the threshold that you specified, an alert is triggered." } }, "incrementalCheckValidFailNotice": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to trigger an alert if inconsistent data is detected by the incremental data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**.\n**Note**: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the cumulative number of inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task in several statistical periods is greater than or equal to the threshold that you specified, an alert is triggered." } }, "dataCheckNoticePhone": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The mobile number of the alert contact for a full or incremental data verification task. If an alert is triggered for a verification task, a text message is sent to notify the alert contact." } }, "fullCheckReferEndpoint": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The benchmark for full data verification. Valid values:\n- **all**: checks the data consistency between the source and destination databases based on the source and destination databases.\n- **src**: checks the data consistency between the source and destination databases based on the source database. Objects that exist in the destination database but do not exist in the source database are not checked.\n- **dest**: checks the data consistency between the source and destination databases based on the destination database. Objects that exist in the source database but do not exist in the destination database are not checked." } }, "fullCheckModel": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The mode of the full data verification task. Valid values:\n- **1**: verifies the data by sampling ratio.\n- **2**: verifies the data by row." }, "AllowedValues": [ 1, 2 ] }, "incrementalCheckDelayNotice": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to trigger an alert on the data latency of the incremental data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**.\n**Note**: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the cumulative latency of the incremental data verification task in several statistical periods is greater than or equal to the threshold that you specified, an alert is triggered." } }, "incrementalCheckValidFailNoticePeriod": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The statistical period of an alert on inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task. Valid values:\n- **1**: 1 minute\n- **2**: 5 minutes\n- **3**: 10 minutes\n- **4**: 30 minutes\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**." }, "AllowedValues": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] }, "incrementalCheckDelayNoticeTimes": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The number of statistical periods of an alert on the data latency of the incremental data verification task.\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckDelayNotice** parameter is set to **true**." } }, "fullCheckMaxReadBps": { "Default": null, "MinValue": 0, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The maximum number of bytes that are read per second. Valid values: integers from 0 to 9007199254740991." }, "MaxValue": 9007199254740991 }, "incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeTimes": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The number of statistical periods of an alert on inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task.\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**." } }, "fullCheckMaxReadRps": { "Default": null, "MinValue": 0, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The maximum number of data rows that are read per second. Valid values: integers from 0 to 9007199254740991." }, "MaxValue": 9007199254740991 }, "incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeValue": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The alert threshold for inconsistent data entries detected by the incremental data verification task.\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**." } }, "fullDataCheck": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to perform a full data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**." } }, "fullCheckRatio": { "Default": null, "MinValue": 10, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The sampling ratio of the full data verification task. Valid values: integers from 10 to 100. Unit: percent.\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **fullCheckModel** parameter is set to 1." }, "MaxValue": 100 }, "incrementalCheckDelayNoticeValue": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The alert threshold for the data latency of the incremental data verification task. Unit: seconds.\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckDelayNotice** parameter is set to **true**." } }, "checkMaximumHourEnable": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to configure a timeout period for the full data verification task.Valid values:\n- **0**: does not configure a timeout period for the full data verification task.\n- **1**: configures a timeout period for the full data verification task.\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the fullCheckModel parameter is set to 1." }, "AllowedValues": [ 0, 1 ] }, "dataCheckDbList": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The objects whose data is to be verified. The value must be a JSON string." } }, "incrementalCheckErrorNotice": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to trigger an alert if the incremental data verification task fails. Valid values: **true** and **false**.\nNote: For example, you set this parameter to **true**. If the incremental data verification task fails, an alert is triggered." } }, "checkMaximumHour": { "Default": null, "MinValue": 1, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The timeout period of the full data verification task. Valid values: integers from 1 to 72. Countdown begins the moment the full data verification task is started. If the task is not complete within the specified timeout period, the task is forcibly stopped." }, "MaxValue": 72 }, "incrementalCheckDelayNoticePeriod": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The statistical period of an alert on the data latency of the incremental data verification task. Valid values:\n- **1**: 1 minute\n- **2**: 5 minutes\n- **3**: 10 minutes\n- **4**: 30 minutes\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **incrementalCheckDelayNotice** parameter is set to **true**." }, "AllowedValues": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] }, "fullCheckFixData": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to replace the inconsistent data. Valid values: **true** and **false**. Default value: false.\n**Note**: For example, you set this parameter to true. If the destination database has data that is inconsistent with the data in the source database, the data values of the destination database are replaced with those of the source database." } }, "fullCheckNoticeValue": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The alert threshold for inconsistent data entries detected by the full data verification task.\n**Note**: This parameter is required if the **fullCheckValidFailNotice** parameter is set to **true**." } }, "incrementalDataCheck": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to perform an incremental data verification task. Valid values: **true** and **false**." } } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "The data verification task for a data migration or synchronization instance." } }, "StructureInitialization": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to perform schema migration or schema synchronization. Default value: true. Valid values: **true** and **false**." } }, "DelayRuleTime": { "Default": null, "Type": "Number", "Description": { "en": "The threshold for latency alerts. Unit: seconds. You can set the threshold based on your business requirements. To prevent jitters caused by network and database overloads, we recommend that you set the threshold to more than 10 seconds." } }, "ErrorPhone": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The mobile numbers that receive status-related alerts. Separate multiple mobile numbers with commas (,).\n**Note**: This parameter is available only for users of the China site ( Only mobile numbers in the Chinese mainland are supported. You can specify up to 10 mobile numbers. Users of the international site ( cannot receive alerts by using mobile numbers, but can configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console." } }, "DtsInstanceId": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the DTS instance." } }, "DestinationEndpoint": { "AssociationPropertyMetadata": { "Parameters": { "UserName": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The database account of the destination database.\n**Note**: In most cases, this parameter is required. The permissions that are required for the database account vary with the migration or synchronization scenario." } }, "Password": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The password of the destination database account." } }, "InstanceID": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the destination instance. If the destination instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, you must specify the ID of the database instance. For example, \n- If the destination instance is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, you must specify the ID of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. \n- If the destination instance is a self-managed database, the value of this parameter varies with the value of SourceEndpointInstanceType.\n- If InstanceType is set to ECS, you must specify the ID of the ECS instance.\n- If InstanceType is set to DG, you must specify the ID of the database gateway.\n- If InstanceType is set to EXPRESS or CEN, you must specify the ID of the VPC that is connected to the destination instance.\n**Note**: If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to CEN, you must also specify the ID of the CEN instance in the Reserve parameter." } }, "IP": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The IP address of the destination instance. \n**Note**: This parameter is required only when **InstanceType** is set to **OTHER**, **EXPRESS**, **DG**, or **CEN**." } }, "Region": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides.\n**Note**: If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, this parameter is required." } }, "InstanceType": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The type of the destination instance. Valid values:\nAlibaba Cloud database instances\n- **RDS**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance, or ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance\n- **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster\n- **DISTRIBUTED_POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 (formerly DRDS) instance\n- **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance\n- **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance\n- **ADS**: AnalyticDB for MySQL V2.0 cluster or AnalyticDB for MySQL V3.0 cluster\n- **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance\n- **GREENPLUM**: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance\n- **DATAHUB**: DataHub project\n- **ELK**: Elasticsearch cluster\n- **Tablestore**: Tablestore instance\n- **ODPS**: MaxCompute project\nSelf-managed databases\n- **OTHER**: self-managed database with a public IP address\n- **ECS**: self-managed database hosted on an ECS instance\n- **EXPRESS**: self-managed database connected over Express Connect\n- **CEN**: self-managed database connected over CEN\n- **DG**: self-managed database connected over Database Gateway\n**Note**: If the destination instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), you must set this parameter to OTHER or EXPRESS. Then, you can connect the PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle) to DTS as a self-managed database by using a public IP address or Express Connect.\nIf the destination instance is a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance, you must set this parameter to ECS or EXPRESS. Then, you can connect the Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance to DTS as a self-managed database connected over ECS or Express Connect.\nIf the destination instance is a self-managed database, you must deploy the network environment for the database." } }, "Role": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account that owns the destination instance.\n**Note**: This parameter is required when you migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts." } }, "DatabaseName": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The name of the database which contains the objects to be migrated in the destination instance.\n**Note**: This parameter is required only when the destination instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle), a PostgreSQL database, or a MongoDB database." } }, "EngineName": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The database engine of the destination instance. Valid values:\n- **MYSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or self-managed MySQL database\n- **MARIADB**: ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX instance\n- **PolarDB**: PolarDB for MySQL cluster\n- **POLARDB_O**: PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with Oracle)\n- **POLARDBX10**: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance\n- **POLARDBX20**: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance\n- **ORACLE**: self-managed Oracle database\n- **POSTGRESQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance or self-managed PostgreSQL database\n- **MSSQL**: ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance or self-managed SQL Server database\n- **ADS**: AnalyticDB for MySQL V2.0 cluster\n- **ADB30**: AnalyticDB for MySQL V3.0 cluster- **MONGODB**: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance or self-managed MongoDB database\n- **GREENPLUM**: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance\n- **KAFKA**: Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance or self-managed Kafka cluster\n- **DATAHUB**: DataHub project- **DB2**: self-managed Db2 for LUW database\n- **AS400**: self-managed Db2 for i database\n- **ODPS**: MaxCompute project\n- **Tablestore**: Tablestore instance\n- **ELK**: Elasticsearch cluster\n- **REDIS**: ApsaraDB for Redis instance or self-managed Redis database\n**Note**: Default value: **MYSQL**.\nIf this parameter is set to **KAFKA**, **MONGODB**, or **PolarDB**, you must also specify the database information in the Reserve parameter." } }, "OwnerID": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination database belongs.\n**Note**: You can specify this parameter to migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. In this case, you must specify **Role**." } }, "OracleSID": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The system ID (SID) of the Oracle database.\n**Note**: This parameter is required only when **EngineName** is set to **ORACLE** and the Oracle database is deployed in an architecture that is not a Real Application Cluster (RAC)." } }, "Port": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The port number of the destination instance.\n**Note**: This parameter is required only when the destination instance is a self-managed database." } } } }, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "Destination instance configuration." } }, "ErrorNotice": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to monitor the task status. Valid values: **true** and **false**." } }, "FileOssUrl": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The URL of the Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket that stores the files related to the DTS task." } }, "Reserve": { "Default": null, "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "The reserved parameter of DTS. You can specify this parameter to add more configurations of the source or destination instance to the DTS task. For example, you can specify the data storage format of the destination Kafka database and the ID of the CEN instance. " } }, "DelayPhone": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The mobile numbers that receive latency-related alerts. Separate multiple mobile numbers with commas (,).\n**Note**: This parameter is available only for users of the China site ( Only mobile numbers in the Chinese mainland are supported. You can specify up to 10 mobile numbers. Users of the international site ( cannot receive alerts by using mobile numbers, but can configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console." } }, "DelayNotice": { "Default": null, "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to monitor the task latency. Valid values: **true** and **false**" } }, "DataInitialization": { "Type": "Boolean", "Description": { "en": "Specifies whether to perform full data migration or full data synchronization. Default value: **true**. Valid values: **true** and **false**." } }, "DtsBisLabel": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The environment tag of the DTS instance. Valid values: **normal** and **online**." } }, "DbList": { "Type": "Json", "Description": { "en": "The objects that you want to migrate or synchronize." } }, "DedicatedClusterId": { "Default": null, "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "The ID of the DTS dedicated cluster on which the task runs." } } }, "Resources": { "SynchronizationJob": { "Type": "ALIYUN::DTS::SynchronizationJob2", "Properties": { "SourceEndpoint": { "Ref": "SourceEndpoint" }, "Checkpoint": { "Ref": "Checkpoint" }, "Status": { "Ref": "Status" }, "DisasterRecoveryJob": { "Ref": "DisasterRecoveryJob" }, "DtsJobId": { "Ref": "DtsJobId" }, "DtsJobName": { "Ref": "DtsJobName" }, "DataSynchronization": { "Ref": "DataSynchronization" }, "SynchronizationDirection": { "Ref": "SynchronizationDirection" }, "DataCheckConfigure": { "Ref": "DataCheckConfigure" }, "StructureInitialization": { "Ref": "StructureInitialization" }, "DelayRuleTime": { "Ref": "DelayRuleTime" }, "ErrorPhone": { "Ref": "ErrorPhone" }, "DtsInstanceId": { "Ref": "DtsInstanceId" }, "DestinationEndpoint": { "Ref": "DestinationEndpoint" }, "ErrorNotice": { "Ref": "ErrorNotice" }, "FileOssUrl": { "Ref": "FileOssUrl" }, "Reserve": { "Ref": "Reserve" }, "DelayPhone": { "Ref": "DelayPhone" }, "DelayNotice": { "Ref": "DelayNotice" }, "DataInitialization": { "Ref": "DataInitialization" }, "DtsBisLabel": { "Ref": "DtsBisLabel" }, "DbList": { "Ref": "DbList" }, "DedicatedClusterId": { "Ref": "DedicatedClusterId" } } } }, "Outputs": { "DtsJobName": { "Description": "The name of the DTS job.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "SynchronizationJob", "DtsJobName" ] } }, "DtsInstanceId": { "Description": "The ID of the DTS instance.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "SynchronizationJob", "DtsInstanceId" ] } }, "DtsJobId": { "Description": "The ID of the task.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "SynchronizationJob", "DtsJobId" ] } } } }