您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
- 操作:是指具体的权限点。
- 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
- 对于必选的资源类型,用前面加 * 表示。
- 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用
- 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
- 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
rds:ResetAccountPassword | update | *DBInstance acs:rds:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:dbinstance/{#dbinstanceId} |
| 无 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
DBInstanceId | string | 是 | 实例 ID。可调用 DescribeDBInstances 获取。 | rm-uf6wjk5**** |
AccountName | string | 是 | 数据库账号名称。 | test1 |
AccountPassword | string | 是 | 新密码。 说明
!@#$&%^*()_+-= | Test123456 |
"RequestId": "D4D4BE8A-DD46-440A-BFCD-EE31DA81C9DD"
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | %s | DB Operation Failed:%s. | - |
400 | Account.UpdateError | Update Account failed, please check your input value | 更新账户失败, 请检查请求参数,或实例参数策略配置 |
400 | Database.ConnectError | Database connect error. please check instance status and database processlist | 数据库连接异常,请检查实例状态及数据库的连接池 |
400 | GdnRole.NotSupport | Specified gdn role is not support. | gdn角色不允许删除账号。 |
400 | InvalidAccountPassword.Format | Specified account password is not valid. | 账户密码无效,请重新按照规范设置账户密码。 |
400 | IncorrectAccountStatus | Current account status does not support this operation. | 当前账号状态不支持此操作。 |
400 | InvalideStatus.Format | The instance status does not support this operation. | 实例状态不支持此操作。 |
400 | InvalidParam | Parameter error, please check the parameters. | 参数错误,请检查参数。 |
400 | Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate | A package instance is not allowed to operate independently. | 套餐实例不允许单独操作。 |
400 | Price.PricingPlanResultNotFound | Pricing plan price result not found. | 定价计划价格结果没有找到。 |
400 | Order.NoRealNameAuthentication | You have not passed the real-name authentication and do not meet the purchase conditions. Please log in to the user center for real-name authentication. | 您还未通过实名认证,不符合购买条件,请登录费用与成本进行实名认证。 |
400 | InsufficientAvailableQuota | Your account quota limit is less than 0, please recharge before trying to purchase. | 您的账户可用额度小于0,请先充值后再尝试购买。 |
400 | CommodityServiceCalling.Exception | Failed to call commodity service. | 调用商品服务返回失败。 |
400 | RegionDissolvedEOM | Dear customer, Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region. Cloud services in this region will cease operations. You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders. Thank you for your understanding and support. | 客户您好,阿里云计划对当前地域进行优化调整,该区域云服务将停止运营,为确保您的业务连续性及数据迁移工作的平稳过渡,您目前无法操作新购类型的订单,感谢理解与支持。 |
400 | Commodity.InvalidComponent | The module you purchased is not legal, please buy it again. | 您购买的模块不合法,请重新购买。 |
400 | RegionEndTimeDissolvedAustralia | Cloud services in the Australia (Sydney) region will be discontinued. Set the validity date to September 30, 2024 or earlier than September 30, 2024. | 客户您好,该地域已裁撤。 |
400 | Price.CommoditySys | Commodity system call exception. | 商品系统调用异常。 |
400 | Pay.InsufficientBalance | Insufficient available balance. | 可用金不足。 |
400 | Order.PeriodInvalid | There is a problem with the period you selected, please choose again. | 您选购的周期有问题,请重新选购。 |
400 | pay.noCreditCard | Account not bound to credit card. | 账户未绑定信用卡。 |
400 | Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder | There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased. Please pay or void it before placing the order. | 您选购的服务存在未支付订单,请支付或作废后再下单。 |
400 | noAvailablePaymentMethod | No payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method. | 没有为您的帐户指定付款方式。我们建议您添加一种付款方式。 |
400 | BasicInfoUncompleted | Your information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation. | 您的基本信息未完善,请在操作前先完善您的基本信息。 |
400 | Risk.RiskControlRejection | Your account is abnormal, please contact customer service for details. | 您的账户出现异常,详情请联系客服。 |
400 | BasicInfoUncompleted | Your information is incomplete, Complete your information before the operation. | 您的信息不完整,请在操作前填写您的信息。 |
400 | Api.NotSupport | Specified api is not supported. | 当前接口不支持。 |
400 | ContainForbiddenLabelError | There is a label that prohibits placing orders. Please contact your distributor for assistance. | 存在禁止下单的标签,请联系您的分销商处理 |
400 | InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound | The DBInstanceId provided does not exist in records. | 提供的DBInstanceId不存在。 |
400 | InvalidInstanceLevel.DiskType | Specified instance level not support request disk type | 当前实例规格不支持该存储类型。 |
400 | KmsApiError | User secret key invalid. | 用户密钥失效。 |
400 | System.SaleValidateFailed | Sales expression validation system error. | 销售表达式校验系统错误。 |
400 | Abs.InvalidAccount.NotFound | account is not found. | 账户不存在。 |
400 | SqlExecuteFailedOrTimeout | sql command execution failed or timed out:%s. | sql命令执行失败或执行超时 |
400 | ColdData.EngineVersionNotSupport | The current instance engine version not support coldDataEnabled. | 当前实例引擎版本不支持归档冷数据。 |
400 | ColdData.MinorVersionNotSupport | The current instance minor version not support coldDataEnabled. | 当前内核版本不支持归档冷数据。 |
400 | IncorrectTargetClasscode | The current instance type does not support this operation. | 当前规格不支持此操作。 |
400 | InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate | Specified connection string already exists in the RDS. | 链接地址名重复,请重新设置连接字符串。 |
400 | RequiredParam.NotFound | Required input param is not found. | 没有传入必要的参数。 |
400 | Parameters.Invalid | Parameter error, please check the parameters. | 参数错误,请检查参数。 |
400 | BackupPolicyNotSupport | Cold Data won't open with CrossBackup or Flash Backup, please check Backup Policy. | 数据归档不支持跨地域备份和秒级快照,请检查备份策略。 |
400 | InvalidReleasedKeepPolicy.Format | Specified Released Keep Policy is not valid. | 实例释放后的归档备份保留策略无效。 |
400 | InvalidDBInstanceEngineType.Format | the DB instance engine type does not support this operation. | DB实例引擎类型不支持此操作。 |
400 | Pay.NoCreditCard | No credit cards. | 无信用卡。 |
400 | VpcNetworkTypeNotSupport | The vpc network type instance does not support this operation. | vpc网络类型实例不支持此操作。 |
400 | MirrorInsExists | Specified DB instance mirror ins already existed. | 当前数据库实例镜像已存在。 |
400 | UnsupportedClassCode | The specified DB instance class stops selling. | 实例规格停止售卖。 |
400 | InvalidBackupSet | The specified database does not exist in the backup set. | 备份集中没有指定的数据库。 |
400 | OrdTCommodityQueryError | Failed to query for product. | 查询产品失败。 |
400 | ProductInstanceReleased | The instance has been released. Please check before placing the order. | 实例已释放,请核实后下单。 |
400 | RegionEndTimeDissolvedIndia | The region is no longer supported. | 指定的地域无效。 |
403 | IncorrectDBInstanceType | Current DB instance type does not support this operation. | 操作失败,该实例状态下不支持此操作。 |
403 | IncorrectDBInstanceState | Current DB instance state does not support this operation. | 当前实例状态不支持此操作。 |
403 | IncorrectAccountType | Current account type does not support this operation. | 当前账户类型不支持此操作,请选择正确的账户类型。 |
403 | IncorrectDBInstanceCharacterType | Current DB Instance character_type does not support this operation. | 当前DB实例字符类型不支持此操作。 |
403 | IncorrectAccountPrivilegeType | the current account privilege type does not support this operation. | 当前账户权限类型不支持此操作 |
403 | OrderStatus.UnPaid | The specified db instance has unpaid order. | 实例当前存在未支付订单,请支付后重试。 |
403 | InvalidReduceDiskSize | The storage capacity after the scale-down must be larger than the used amount. | 缩容目标容量不能小于当前存储空间使用量 |
403 | CloudSSDNotSupport | Cloud ssd does not support this operation, please upgrade to essd. | SSD盘不支持此操作,请升级至ESSD。 |
403 | InvalidUserOperatorPermission | The user permission does not support this operation. | 用户权限不支持此操作。 |
403 | InvalidVswitchId | Specified conn vswitch id is not valid. | 指定的VSwitchId格式不正确或为空 |
403 | IncorrectMinorVersion | Current engine minor version does not support operations. | 当前引擎小版本不支持此操作。 |
403 | OperationDenied.ZoneResource | There is no available zone for inventory. | 没有可用的库存区域。 |
403 | NotInFlowController | Sorry,no permission. | 非集团上云用户不可用,无权限。 |
403 | InvalidKmsKey | Kms key is disabled. | Kms key已禁用。 |
403 | InvalidInstanceLevel.Malformed | Current DB instance level does not support this operation. | 当前数据库实例级别不支持此操作。 |
404 | InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFound | The database instance does not exist. | 数据库实例名称不存在。请确认数据名称是否正确。 |
404 | IncorrectDBInstanceLockMode | Current DB instance lock mode does not support this operation. | 操作失败,实例处于锁定状态。 |
404 | InvalidAccountName.NotFound | Specified account name does not exist. | 当前账户名不存在,请确认或选择正确的账户名。 |
404 | InvalidClusterKms | The current instance does not authorized to access the Key Management Service. | 当前实例未授权访问密钥管理服务。 |
404 | Request.NotFound | The requested resource is not available. | 请求的资源不可用。 |
404 | HostInfo.NotFound | The specified host info is not found. | 指定的主机信息不存在。 |
500 | ExternalFailure | The request processing has failed due to external service failure. | 请求服务失败,请稍后重试。 |
500 | RequestMetaDataFailed | The service request failed. Please try again later or contact service personnel. | 请求服务失败,请稍后再试或联系服务人员。 |
500 | InvokeProxyFailure | The request processing has failed due to service failure of rds api. | 由于rds api服务失败,请求处理失败。 |
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2024-06-19 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2024-05-28 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2024-05-24 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2024-02-22 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2022-10-28 | OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |
2022-06-23 | OpenAPI 描述信息更新、OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |