bytea ST_AsHMT(trajectory trajectory_set, geometry extent, int4 width, int4 height, int4 value default 1, boolean point_mode default false);
bytea ST_AsHMT(trajectory trajectory_set, geometry extent, int4 width, int4 height, int4 value);
bytea ST_AsHMT(trajectory trajectory_set, geometry extent, int4 width, int4 height, int4 value, boolean point_mode);
bytea ST_AsHMT(trajectory trajectory_set, geometry extent, int4 width, int4 height, float8 value);
bytea ST_AsHMT(trajectory trajectory_set, geometry extent, int4 width, int4 height, float8 value, boolean point_mode);
返回一个基于protobuf的二进制数据结构用于表示每个网格点上数值。 proto文件如下所示:
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
message HMT {
required Type type = 1; // data value type
required uint32 rows = 2; // rows of matrix
required uint32 columns = 3; // columns of matrix
required uint32 srid = 4; // columns of matrix
required float xmin = 5; // xmin
required float ymin = 6; // ymin
required float xmax = 7; // xmax
required float ymax = 8; // ymax
oneof matrix {
intMatrix intValues = 10;
doubleMatrix doubleValues = 11;
message intMatrix {
repeated sint32 values = 12 [packed = true];
message doubleMatrix {
repeated double values = 13 [packed = true];
enum Type {
INT32 = 0;
参数名称 | 描述 |
geometry_set | 聚合函数使用的几何列字段。 |
extent | 需要统计的地理范围,只获取其外包框。可结合ST_TileEnvelope函数进行使用。 |
width | 统计的网格的宽度,对应到结果的columns。 |
height | 统计的网格的高度,对应到结果的rows。 |
value | 需要进行统计的数值,统计时会针对该数值进行求和计算。 |
point_mode | 是否采用点模式,如使用点模式仅统计落入网格内的点。 |
-- create table
CREATE test_table AS
SELECT i as num,
st_MakeLine(ST_Point(i::numeric/10, i::numeric/10), ST_Point((i+10)::numeric/10, (i+10)::numeric/10)),
'[2010-01-01 14:30, 2010-01-01 15:30)'::tsrange, NULL) as traj,
i*100::int4 weight,
i*i*i::float8 volume
FROM generate_series(1, 100) i;
-- count quantity
SELECT ST_AsHMT(traj, --trajectory type
ST_MakeEnvelope(0, 0, 10, 10), -- Extent
1024, -- Width, in pixel
800 -- height
FROM test_table;
-- count value
SELECT ST_AsHMT(traj, --trajectory type
ST_MakeEnvelope(0, 0, 10, 10), -- Extent
1024, -- Width
800, -- height
weight -- value column
FROM test_table;
-- complex count
SELECT ST_AsHMT(traj, --trajectory type
ST_MakeEnvelope(0, 0, 10, 10), -- Extent
1024, -- Width
800, -- height
weight / volume * 1.2 -- complex value
FROM test_table;
-- point mode
SELECT ST_AsHMT(traj, --trajectory type
ST_MakeEnvelope(0, 0, 10, 10), -- Extent
1024, -- Width, in pixel
800, -- height,
1::integer, -- value
true -- point mode
FROM test_table;
-- where clause
SELECT ST_AsHMT(traj, --trajectory type
ST_MakeEnvelope(0, 0, 10, 10), -- Extent
1024, -- Width, in pixel
800 -- height
FROM test_table
WHERE num <5;