)、SSD 云盘(cloud_ssd
)、ESSD 云盘(cloud_essd
)、ESSD AutoPL 云盘(cloud_auto)、弹性临时盘-标准版(elastic_ephemeral_disk_standard)和弹性临时盘-高级版(elastic_ephemeral_disk_premium)。 -
- 在线扩容时,实例状态为运行中(
)。 - 离线扩容时,实例状态为运行中(
- 在线扩容时,实例状态为运行中(
您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
- 操作:是指具体的权限点。
- 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
- 对于必选的资源类型,用前面加 * 表示。
- 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用
- 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
- 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
ecs:ResizeDisk | update | *Disk acs:ecs:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:disk/{#diskId} |
| 无 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
DiskId | string | 是 | 磁盘 ID。您可以调用 DescribeDisks 查询磁盘 ID。 | d-bp67acfmxazb4p**** |
Type | string | 否 | 扩容磁盘的方式。取值范围:
| offline |
NewSize | integer | 是 | 希望扩容到的磁盘容量大小。单位为 GiB。取值范围:
| 1900 |
ClientToken | string | 否 | 保证请求幂等性。从您的客户端生成一个参数值,确保不同请求间该参数值唯一。ClientToken 只支持 ASCII 字符,且不能超过 64 个字符。更多信息,请参见如何保证幂等性。 | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 |
"OrderId": "20413515388****",
"RequestId": "F3CD6886-D8D0-4FEE-B93E-1B732396****"
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidDataDiskSize.ValueNotSupported | The specified DataDisk.n.Size beyond the permitted range, or the capacity of snapshot exceeds the size limit of the specified disk category. | 指定的 DataDisk.n.Size 超出允许范围,或者快照的容量超过指定磁盘类别的大小限制。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Conflict | %s | 您输入的参数无效,请检查参数之间是否冲突。%s为变量,将根据调用API的实际情况动态返回错误信息。 |
400 | IncompleteParamter | Some fields can not be null in this request. | 请求中缺失参数。 |
400 | InvalidRegionId.MalFormed | The specified RegionId is not valid. | 指定的地域不存在,请检查该参数是否正确。 |
400 | InvalidParam.Type | The specified type is not supported. | 指定的参数Type无效。 |
400 | LastOrderProcessing | The previous order is still processing, please try again later. | 订单正在处理中,稍后重试。 |
400 | InvalidStatus.Upgrading | The instance which the disk attachs is upgrading; please try again later. | - |
400 | InvalidSystemDiskSize.ImageNotSupportResize | The image of the instance does not support resize. | - |
400 | InvalidSystemDiskSize.ImageNotSupportResize | The specified image does not support resize. | 指定的镜像不支持扩容。 |
400 | InvalidDisk.DetachedSystemDisk | The specified disk is a detached system disk, does not support this operation. | - |
400 | OperationDenied.NotEnoughCapacity | The capacity of the current dedicated block storage cluster is not enough to expand. | - |
400 | IncorrectDiskStatus.ReplicationStatusNotFound | Disk replication status not found. | - |
400 | IncorrectDiskStatus.InReplication | Disk already in replication. | - |
400 | QuotaExceed.DiskCapacity | The used capacity of disk type has exceeded the quota in the zone, %s. | 指定磁盘类型的已用容量超出可用区配额限制,您可以前往配额中心查询和申请提升磁盘容量配额。 |
400 | NoPermission.Price | The operation requires price permission. Please either apply for permission from your main account, or set the parameter AutoPay as true. | - |
400 | NoPermission.Refund | The operation requires refund permission. Please apply for permission from your main account. | 该账号无权限操作退款,主账号需要授权退款相关权限。 |
400 | InvalidOperation.InstanceRenewWithDowngradeInPlan | The operation is denied due to the specified instance has renew with downgrade record in plan. | 存在未生效的续费降配订单。订单生效前不允许此操作。 |
400 | InvalidSystemDiskSize.ValueNotSupported | The specified system disk size is invalid. | 无效的系统硬盘大小。 |
403 | OperationDenied | The type of the disk does not support the operation. | 此磁盘种类不支持指定的操作。 |
403 | OperationDenied | The status of the disk or the instance that the disk is attaching with does not support the operation. | 此磁盘或实例状态无法执行指定的操作。 |
403 | InvalidDiskSize.TooSmall | Specified new disk size is less than the original disk size. | 指定的新磁盘小于原始磁盘。 |
403 | InvalidDiskSize.TooLarge | Specified new disk size is beyond the permitted range. | 指定的新磁盘大小超过限制。 |
403 | InstanceExpiredOrInArrears | The specified operation is denied as your prepay instance is expired (prepay mode) or in arrears (afterpay mode). | 实例已过期或者欠费,请您续费或者结清后再进行操作。 |
403 | DiskError | Incorrect disk status. | - |
403 | DiskInArrears | The specified operation is denied as your disk owing fee. | 指定的磁盘已欠费。 |
403 | IncorrectInstanceStatus | The current status of the resource does not support this operation. | 该资源目前的状态不支持此操作。 |
403 | DiskCreatingSnapshot | The operation is denied due to a snapshot of the specified disk is not completed yet. | 指定的磁盘正在创建快照。 |
403 | InvalidDiskSize | Specified new disk size is less than or equal the original disk size. | 指定的新磁盘大小必须大于原始磁盘大小。 |
403 | Operation.Conflict | The operation may conflicts with others. | 该操作与其他操作冲突。 |
403 | InstanceLockedForSecurity | The instance is locked due to security. | 您的资源被安全锁定,拒绝操作。 |
403 | IncorrectDiskStatus | The current disk status does not support this operation. | 当前的磁盘不支持此操作,请您确认磁盘处于正常使用状态,是否欠费。 |
403 | UserNotInTheWhiteList | The user is not in disk white list. | 您不在磁盘白名单中,请加入白名单后重试。 |
403 | InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupported | The specified disk category is not supported. | 指定的云盘类型不支持当前操作。 |
403 | InvalidRegion.NotSupport | The specified region does not support resize online. | 该地域不支持在线扩容。 |
403 | InvalidDiskCategory.NotSupported | The specified disk category does not support resize online. | 指定的磁盘类型不支持在线扩容。 |
403 | IncorrectInstanceStatus | The current status of the resource does not support resize online. | 当前资源的状态不支持此操作。 |
403 | InvalidInstanceStatus.NotRunning | The status of instance to which the disk attachs must be running when resizing online. | 在线调整磁盘大小时,磁盘连接到的实例的状态必须正在运行。 |
403 | IncorrectDiskStatus | The current status of the resource does not support resize online. | 磁盘状态不支持在线扩容。 |
403 | InvalidOperation.InstanceTypeNotSupportOnlineResize | The instance type of the specified instance does not support resize online. | - |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.CMKUnauthorized | The CMK needs to be added ECS tag. | CMK 未授权 |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.CMKNotEnabled | The CMK needs to be enabled. | 加密云盘设置了 KMSKeyId 后,CMK必须处于启用状态。您可以调用密钥管理服务的 DescribeKey 接口查询指定CMK的相关信息。 |
403 | InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.KMSUnauthorized | ECS service have no right to access your KMS. | ECS 服务无权访问您的 KMS。 |
403 | InstanceSpecModification.NotEffective | The instance which the disk attachs has been reserved for making a spec modification and not taken effective in the current contract period. | - |
403 | InvalidDiskSize.NotSupportResizeOnline | The current size of the resource does not support resize online. | - |
403 | SecurityRisk.3DVerification | We have detected a security risk with your default credit or debit card. Please proceed with verification via the link in your email. | 我们检测到您的默认信用卡或借记卡存在安全风险。请通过电子邮件中的链接进行验证。 |
403 | QuotaExceeded.PostpaidDataDiskCapacity | The quota of postpaid data disk capacity exceeds. | 按量付费数据盘使用容量超出配额。 |
403 | InvalidOperation.MultiAttachDiskNotSupportResizeOnline | Multi attach disk does not support resize online. | 开启多重挂载特性的云盘不支持在线扩容。 |
403 | InvalidDataDiskSize.ValueNotSupported | The specified data disk size is not valid. The disk size must be larger than the original size. | 指定的数据盘大小不是有效的,磁盘扩容的大小需要大于原来的大小。 |
403 | InvalidDataDiskCategory.ValueNotSupported | The specified Category of Data Disk is not valid. | 指定的数据盘磁盘类型不支持 |
404 | InvalidDiskId.NotFound | The specified disk does not exist. | 指定的磁盘不存在。请您检查磁盘 ID 是否正确。 |
404 | InvalidInstanceId.NotFound | The specified InstanceId does not exist. | 指定的InstanceId不存在。 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 内部错误,请重试。 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | 内部错误,请重试。 |
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