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Simple Log Service:GetLogs

更新時間:Sep 18, 2024

Queries the logs of a Logstore in a project.

Operation description

Usage notes

Note Simple Log Service allows you to create a Scheduled SQL job. For more information, see Create a Scheduled SQL job.
  • Host consists of a project name and a Simple Log Service endpoint. You must specify a project in Host.

  • If the number of logs in a Logstore significantly changes, Simple Log Service cannot forecast the number of times that you must call this operation to obtain the complete result. In this case, you must check the value of the x-log-progress parameter in the response of each request and determine whether to call this operation one more time to obtain the complete result. Each time you call this operation, the same number of charge units (CUs) are consumed.

  • After a log is written to a Logstore, you can call the GetHistograms or GetLogs operation to query the log after a short latency. The latency of a query varies based on the type of the log. Simple Log Service classifies logs into the following types based on the log time:

    Real-time data: The difference between the time record in a log and the current time on Simple Log Service is within the interval (-180 seconds,900 seconds]. For example, if a log was generated at 12:03:00, September 25, 2014 (UTC) and Simple Log Service received the log at 12:05:00, September 25, 2014 (UTC), Simple Log Service processes the log as real-time data. This type of log is usually generated in common scenarios. 
    • Historical data: The difference between the time record in a log and the current time on Simple Log Service is within the interval [-604,800 seconds,-180 seconds). For example, if a log was generated at 12:00:00, September 25, 2014 (UTC) and Simple Log Service received the log at 12:05:00, September 25, 2014 (UTC), Simple Log Service processes the log as historical data. This type of log is usually generated in data backfill scenarios.

    After real-time data is written to a Logstore, the data can be queried with a maximum latency of 3 seconds. For 99.9% of queries, the latency is no more than 1 second.

Note Simple Log Service calculates the difference between the log time that is specified by the __time__ field and the receiving time that is specified by the __tag__:receive_time field for each log. The receiving time indicates the time at which Simple Log Service receives the log. If the difference is within the interval (-180 seconds,900 seconds], Simple Log Service processes the log as real-time data. If the difference is within the interval [-604,800 seconds,-180 seconds), Simple Log Service processes the log as historical data.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request syntax

GET /logstores/{logstore}?type=log

Request parameters


The name of the project.


The Logstore whose logs you want to query.


The beginning of the time range to query. The value is the log time that is specified when log data is written.

  • The time range that is specified in this operation is a left-closed, right-open interval. The interval includes the start time specified by the from parameter, but does not include the end time specified by the to parameter. If you specify the same value for the from and to parameters, the interval is invalid, and an error message is returned.
  • The value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
Note To ensure that full data can be queried, specify a query time range that is accurate to the minute. If you also specify a time range in an analytic statement, Simple Log Service uses the time range specified in the analytic statement for query and analysis.

If you want to specify a time range that is accurate to the second in your analytic statement, you must use the from_unixtime or to_unixtime function to convert the time format. For more information about the functions, see from_unixtime function and to_unixtime function. Examples:

  • * | SELECT * FROM log WHERE from_unixtime(__time__) > from_unixtime(1664186624) AND from_unixtime(__time__) < now()
  • * | SELECT * FROM log WHERE __time__ > to_unixtime(date_parse('2022-10-19 15:46:05', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')) AND __time__ < to_unixtime(now())

The end of the time range to query. The value is the log time that is specified when log data is written.

  • The time range that is specified in this operation is a left-closed, right-open interval. The interval includes the start time specified by the from parameter, but does not include the end time specified by the to parameter. If you specify the same value for the from and to parameters, the interval is invalid, and an error message is returned.
  • The value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
Note To ensure that full data can be queried, specify a query time range that is accurate to the minute. If you also specify a time range in an analytic statement, Simple Log Service uses the time range specified in the analytic statement for query and analysis.

If you want to specify a time range that is accurate to the second in your analytic statement, you must use the from_unixtime or to_unixtime function to convert the time format. For more information about the functions, see from_unixtime function and to_unixtime function. Examples:

  • * | SELECT * FROM log WHERE from_unixtime(__time__) > from_unixtime(1664186624) AND from_unixtime(__time__) < now()
  • * | SELECT * FROM log WHERE __time__ > to_unixtime(date_parse('2022-10-19 15:46:05', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')) AND __time__ < to_unixtime(now())

The search statement or the query statement. For more information, see Log search overview and Log analysis overview. If you add set session parallel_sql=true; to the analytic statement in the query parameter, Dedicated SQL is used. For example, you can set the query parameter to * | set session parallel_sql=true; select count(*) as pv. For more information about common errors that may occur during log query and analysis, see How do I resolve common errors that occur when I query and analyze logs?

Note If you specify an analytic statement in the value of the query parameter, the line and offset parameters do not take effect. In this case, we recommend that you set the line and offset parameters to 0 and use the LIMIT clause to limit the number of logs to return on each page. For more information, see Paged query.
status: 401 | SELECT remote_addr,COUNT(*) as pv GROUP by remote_addr ORDER by pv desc limit 5

The topic of the logs. The default value is double quotation marks (""). For more information, see Topic .


The maximum number of logs to return for the request. This parameter takes effect only when the query parameter is set to a search statement. Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 100. Default value: 100.


The line from which the query starts. This parameter takes effect only when the query parameter is set to a search statement. Default value: 0.


Specifies whether to return logs in reverse chronological order of log timestamps. The log timestamps are accurate to the minute. Valid values:

  • true: returns logs in reverse chronological order of log timestamps.
  • false (default): returns logs in chronological order of log timestamps.
  • The reverse parameter takes effect only when the query parameter is set to a search statement. The reverse parameter specifies the method used to sort returned logs.
  • If the query parameter is set to a query statement, the reverse parameter does not take effect. The method used to sort returned logs is specified by the ORDER BY clause in the analytic statement. If you use the keyword asc in the ORDER BY clause, the logs are sorted in chronological order. If you use the keyword desc in the ORDER BY clause, the logs are sorted in reverse chronological order. By default, asc is used in the ORDER BY clause.

Specifies whether to enable the Dedicated SQL feature. For more information, see Enable Dedicated SQL. Valid values:

  • true: enables the Dedicated SQL feature.
  • false (default): enables the Standard SQL feature.

You can use the powerSql or query parameter to configure Dedicated SQL.


Response parameters


The status of the query and analysis results. Valid values:

  • Complete: The query is successful, and the complete query and analysis results are returned.
  • Incomplete: The query is successful, but the query and analysis results are incomplete. To obtain the complete results, you must repeat the request.
Note You can use the *|select count(*) as count statement to obtain the total number of logs. You can also call the GetHistogram operation to obtain the number of logs that are generated within each subinterval of a time range and add the numbers to obtain the total number of logs. If you do not need to obtain the total number of logs, you can modify the offset parameter in the request and repeat the request multiple times. If the value of the x-log-progress parameter is Complete and the number of returned rows is less than the number of requested rows, all logs are read.

The number of rows that are returned.

Note The total number of logs that meet the specified conditions is not returned. To query the total number of logs that meet the specified conditions, you must specify a query statement. For example, the query statement request_method:GET|select count(*) as count can be used to query the total number of logs whose request_method is GET. For more information, see Best practices for query and analysis and Examples for querying and analyzing logs by using SDK for Java.

The number of rows that are processed in the query.


The time that is consumed by the query. Unit: milliseconds.


The name of the server.


The content type of the response body.


The content length of the response body.


Indicates whether the connection is persistent. Valid values:

  • close: The connection is non-persistent. A new TCP connection is established for each HTTP request.
  • keep-alive: The connection is persistent. After a TCP connection is established, the connection remains open, and no more time or bandwidth is consumed to establish new connections.

The time when the response was returned.

Sun, 27 May 2018 08:25:04 GMT

The request ID.


An array of logs. Each element in the array indicates a log.

[{'remote_addr': '198.51.XXX.XXX', 'pv': '1', '__source__': '', '__time__': '1649902984'}, {'remote_addr': '198.51.XXX.XXX', 'pv': '1', '__source__': '', '__time__': '1649902984'}, {'remote_addr': '198.51.XXX.XXX', 'pv': '1', '__source__': '', '__time__': '1649902984'}, {'remote_addr': '198.51.XXX.XXX', 'pv': '1', '__source__': '', '__time__': '1649902984'}, {'remote_addr': '198.51.100.XXX', 'pv': '1', '__source__': '', '__time__': '1649902984'}]


Sample success responses


    "test": "test",
    "test2": 1

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.