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Service Catalog:List of operations by function

更新時間:Jul 31, 2024
This product(servicecatalog/2021-09-01) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (11370001915) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Service Discovery

GetProductAsEndUserGetProductAsEndUserQueries the information about a product as a user.
ListProductsAsEndUserListProductsAsEndUserQueries products as a user.

Service Request

ListLaunchOptionsListLaunchOptionsQueries launch options.
LaunchProductLaunchProductLaunches a product.
TerminateProvisionedProductTerminateProvisionedProductTerminates a product instance.
UpdateProvisionedProductUpdateProvisionedProductUpdates the information about a product instance.


CreateProvisionedProductPlanCreateProvisionedProductPlanCreates a plan.
GetProvisionedProductPlanGetProvisionedProductPlanQueries the details of a plan.
ListProvisionedProductPlansListProvisionedProductPlansQueries a list of plans. You can query plans from the end user dimension or from the review dimension.
CancelProvisionedProductPlanCancelProvisionedProductPlanCancels a plan.
UpdateProvisionedProductPlanUpdateProvisionedProductPlanUpdates a plan.
ApproveProvisionedProductPlanApproveProvisionedProductPlanReviews a plan.
ListProvisionedProductPlanApproversListProvisionedProductPlanApproversQueries a list of plan reviewers.
ExecuteProvisionedProductPlanExecuteProvisionedProductPlanRuns a plan.
DeleteProvisionedProductPlanDeleteProvisionedProductPlanDeletes a plan.


GetProvisionedProductGetProvisionedProductQueries the information about a product instance.
ListProvisionedProductsListProvisionedProductsQueries product instances.
GetTaskGetTaskQueries the information about a task.
ListTasksListTasksQueries tasks.


CopyProductCopyProductReplicates a product.
CreateProductCreateProductCreates a product.
DeleteProductDeleteProductDeletes a product.
UpdateProductUpdateProductUpdates the information about a product.
GetProductAsAdminGetProductAsAdminQueries the information about a product as the administrator.
ListProductsAsAdminListProductsAsAdminQueries products as an administrator.

Product Version

CreateProductVersionCreateProductVersionCreates a product version.
DeleteProductVersionDeleteProductVersionDeletes a product version.
UpdateProductVersionUpdateProductVersionUpdates the information about a product version.
GetProductVersionGetProductVersionQueries the details of a product version.
ListProductVersionsListProductVersionsQueries the versions of a product.


CreateTemplateCreateTemplateCreates a template. Service Catalog saves the template based on the parameters that you specify and returns the URL of the template.
GetTemplateGetTemplateQueries the details of a template.

Product Mix

CreatePortfolioCreatePortfolioCreates a product portfolio.
AssociateProductWithPortfolioAssociateProductWithPortfolioAdds a product to a product portfolio.
DeletePortfolioDeletePortfolioDeletes a product portfolio.
DisassociateProductFromPortfolioDisassociateProductFromPortfolioRemoves a product from the product portfolio.
UpdatePortfolioUpdatePortfolioUpdates the information about a product portfolio.
GetPortfolioGetPortfolioQueries the information about a product portfolio.
ListPortfoliosListPortfoliosQueries product portfolios.


CreateConstraintCreateConstraintCreates a constraint.
DeleteConstraintDeleteConstraintDeletes a constraint.
UpdateConstraintUpdateConstraintUpdates the information about a constraint.
GetConstraintGetConstraintQueries the information about a constraint.


AssociatePrincipalWithPortfolioAssociatePrincipalWithPortfolioGrants a Resource Access Management (RAM) user or RAM role that belongs to the current Alibaba Cloud account the permissions to access a product portfolio.
DisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolioDisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolioRevokes the permissions to access a product portfolio.
ListPrincipalsListPrincipalsQueries the Resource Access Management (RAM) users and RAM roles that are granted the permissions to access a product portfolio.


ListRegionsListRegionsQueries regions.

Tag Option

GetTagOptionGetTagOptionQueries the details of a tag option.
DisAssociateTagOptionFromResourceDisAssociateTagOptionFromResourceDisassociates a tag option from a resource.
ListResourcesForTagOptionListResourcesForTagOptionQueries the resources that are associated with a tag option.
UpdateTagOptionUpdateTagOptionUpdates the tag option.
ListTagOptionsListTagOptionsQueries a list of tag options.
DeleteTagOptionDeleteTagOptionDeletes a tag option.
CreateTagOptionCreateTagOptionCreates a tag option.
AssociateTagOptionWithResourceAssociateTagOptionWithResourceAssociates the tag option with a resource.