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PolarDB:Restore a released cluster

更新時間:Jul 30, 2024

The cluster recycle bin stores released PolarDB clusters. You can perform actions on these clusters, such as restoring the released clusters to new clusters and deleting the backup sets of released clusters. This topic uses a PolarDB for MySQL cluster as an example to describe how to restore clusters in the cluster recycle bin.


  • Released clusters in the cluster recycle bin must have at least one backup set. If all the backup sets of a cluster have been deleted, you cannot restore the released cluster.

  • After a cluster is released, all level-1 backups in the cluster recycle bin are asynchronously archived to level-2 backups at a rate of approximately 150 MB/s. For more information about backups, see Data backup.


  1. Log on to the PolarDB console.

  2. In the upper-left corner, select the region where the cluster to which you want to connect is deployed.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Cluster Recycle Bin.

  4. Find the cluster that you want to restore, and click Restore Data to New Cluster in the Actions column.

    Restore data to a new cluster

  5. Select Subscription or Pay-as-you-go for the Billing Method parameter.

    • Subscription: When you create a cluster, you need to make a payment for the use of the cluster for a specific period of time.

    • Pay-as-you-go: When you create clusters, you do not need to make a payment first. You are charged for the computing and storage resources that you use.

  6. Set the parameters that are described in the following table.




    The region of the cluster. You cannot change the region after the cluster is created.


    Make sure that the PolarDB cluster and the ECS instance to which you want to connect are deployed in the same region. Otherwise, the PolarDB cluster and the ECS instance can communicate only over the Internet, which results in decreased cluster performance.

    Creation Method

    Select Restore from Recycle to restore the released cluster from the cluster recycle bin.

    Source Version

    Select the version of the released cluster.

    Deleted Clusters

    Select the ID of the released cluster.

    Backup History

    The backup set.


    The Backup History drop-down list displays the timestamps of backup sets in UTC. However, the Data Backups tab displays timestamps of backup sets in the same time zone as the system time. Make sure that you choose the correct backup set.

    For example, if the timestamp of a backup set on the Backups tab is 11:19:30 on May 28, 2021 (UTC+08:00), select 2021-05-28T03:19:30Z (UTC) in the Backup History drop-down list.

    Database Engine

    By default, the database engine version of the PolarDB cluster is the same as that of the released cluster. You do not need to change this parameter value.

    Database Edition

    By default, the database edition of the PolarDB cluster is the same as that of the released cluster. You do not need to change this parameter value.


    By default, the product edition of the PolarDB cluster is the same as that of the released cluster. You do not need to change this parameter value.


    • If your source cluster edition is Cluster Edition (Recommended) cluster, this parameter is set to one read-write node and one read-only node by default. You can select two nodes (a primary node and a read-only node) or one node (a primary node).

    • If your source cluster edition is Multi-master Cluster (Database/Table) Edition, the system automatically creates two primary nodes that have the same specifications. You do not need to configure this parameter.

    Primary Zone

    Select the primary zone where you want to deploy the new cluster.


    In regions that have two or more zones, PolarDB automatically replicates data to the secondary zones for disaster recovery.

    Enable Hot Standby Storage Cluster

    • When this feature is enabled, the primary cluster and a hot-standby cluster for the primary cluster are deployed in the specified region. The primary cluster contains compute nodes that serve as standbys for each other, and primary storage. The two clusters each have three replicas, which adds up to six replicas. This delivers higher SLA than when this feature is disabled.PolarDB

    • When this feature is disabled, only the primary cluster is deployed. The cluster has three replicas, and the storage unit price is half of that when this feature is enabled. This delivers lower SLA than when this feature is enabled.


    Select General-purpose or Dedicated for PolarDB Cluster Edition. Valid values:

    • Dedicated: The computing resources of a host such as CPU cores that are allocated to each PolarDB cluster are exclusive to the cluster. This improves performance stability.

    • General-purpose: Idle computing resources such as CPUs are shared among clusters on the same host for cost-effectiveness.

    For more information about the comparison between the types of specifications, see Comparison between general-purpose and dedicated compute nodes.


    Select a node specification. The maximum storage and performance of a cluster vary based on the node specification. For more information, see Compute node specifications of PolarDB for MySQL Enterprise Edition.


    To ensure that the new cluster runs as expected, we recommend that you select a node specification that is higher than the node specification of the original cluster.

    PolarProxy Type

    PolarDB supports Standard Enterprise Edition and Dedicated Enterprise Edition.

    • Standard Enterprise Edition: If your cluster is a General-purpose cluster, you can select this database proxy type, which shares CPU resources with smart elastic scaling within seconds provided based on business loads.

    • Dedicated Enterprise Edition: If your cluster is Dedicated, you can select this database proxy type, which occupies all allocated CPU resources and provides better stability.


    PolarProxy Enterprise Edition is currently provided free-of-charge but may charge fees in the future.

    Storage Type

    PolarDB supports the PSL5 and PSL4 storage types.

    • PSL5: the storage type supported by historical versions of PolarDB. This was the default storage type for PolarDB clusters purchased before June 7, 2022. It delivers higher performance, reliability, and availability.

    • PSL4: a new storage type for PolarDB. Standard Edition uses the Smart-SSD technology developed in-house by Alibaba Cloud to compress and decompress data in SSDs. This storage type can minimize the storage costs of data while maintaining a high disk performance.


      The storage types of existing clusters cannot be changed. To use PSL4, we recommend that you purchase a new cluster, set the storage type to PSL4, and then migrate data to the new cluster.

    Storage Engine

    PolarDB supports InnoDB and InnoDB & X-Engine.

    • InnoDB: deploys only the InnoDB storage engine.

    • InnoDB & X-Engine:: deploys both InnoDB and X-Engine. After you select this option, set the ratio of X-Engine Memory Usage. For more information, see Overview.

    Storage Billing Method

    PolarDB supports the Pay-as-you-go and Subscription billing methods for the data storage of your clusters.

    • Pay-as-you-go: The storage capacity is provided based on a serverless architecture. This way, you do not need to specify the storage capacity when you purchase clusters. The storage capacity of the clusters can be automatically scaled up as the volume of data increases. You are charged for the actual data volume. For more information, see Pay-as-you-go.

    • Subscription: You must purchase a specific amount of storage capacity when you create the cluster. For more information, see Subscription.


    If the Billing Method parameter is set to Subscription, you can select Pay-as-you-go or Subscription as the Storage Billing Method. If the Billing Method parameter is set to Pay-as-you-go, you cannot change the default value of this parameter, which is Pay-as-you-go.

    Storage Capacity

    The amount of storage capacity that you want to purchase for your cluster. The storage capacity ranges from 50 GB to 500 TB, in 10 GB increments.


    This parameter is available only when Storage Billing Method is set to Subscription.

    Storage Cost

    You do not need to specify the required storage when you purchase the PolarDB cluster. You are charged for storage usage on an hourly basis. In addition, you can purchase storage plans based on your business requirements. For more information, see Purchase a storage plan.

    Cluster Name

    You can specify a custom cluster name or use an Auto-generated name. If you select Auto-generated, the system automatically generates a cluster name after the cluster is created. You can modify the automatically generated cluster name. If you select Custom, you need to enter a cluster name. The name must meet the following requirements:

    • It cannot start with http:// or https://.

    • It must be 2 to 256 characters in length.

    • It must start with a letter and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

    Resource Group

    Select a resource group for the cluster. For more information about how to create resource groups, see Create a resource group.


    A resource group is a group of resources that belong to an Alibaba Cloud account. Resource groups allow you to manage these resources in a centralized manner. A resource belongs to only one resource group. For more information, see Classify resources into resource groups and grant permissions on the resource groups.

    Network Type

    This parameter is automatically set to VPC. You do not need to change this value.


    Select a VPC and a vSwitch for the new cluster. We recommend that you select the same VPC and vSwitch that are connected to the original cluster.


    Make sure that the PolarDB cluster is created in the same VPC as the ECS instance to which you want to connect. Otherwise, the cluster and the ECS instance cannot communicate over the internal network to achieve optimal performance.


    Parameter Template

    Select a custom or default system parameter template.


    In the parameter template drop-down list, all custom and default system parameter templates available in the current region are displayed. For more information about parameter templates, see Apply a parameter template.

    Time Zone

    The time zone of the cluster. The default value is UTC+08:00.

    Table Name Case Sensitivity

    Specifies whether table names of the cluster are case-sensitive. The default value is Not Case-sensitive (Default). If the databases in your instance have case-sensitive names, we recommend that you select Case-sensitive.


    The value of this parameter cannot be changed after the cluster is created. Exercise caution when you select the value.

    Enable Binary Logging

    For more information about binary logging, see Enable binary logging.

    Release Cluster

    The backup retention policy that is used when the cluster is deleted or released. The default value is Retain Last Automatic Backup (Automatic Backup before Release) (Default).

    • Retain Last Automatic Backup (Automatic Backup before Release) (Default): The system retains the last backup when you release the cluster.

    • Retain All Backups: The system retains all backups when you release the cluster.

    • Delete All Backups (Cannot be restored): The system retains no backups when you release the cluster.


    You may be charged for the retained backups. You can delete the backups to reduce costs. For more information, see Billing rules of backup storage that exceeds the free quota.


    Select a subscription duration for the new cluster.


    This parameter is available only if Billing Method is set to Subscription.


    Select the number of clusters that you want to purchase.

  7. Complete the rest of the steps based on the billing method of the cluster.

    • Pay-as-you-go

      1. Click Confirm Order.

      2. On the Confirm Order page, confirm your order information. Read and select the terms of service, and then click Buy Now.

    • Subscription

      1. Click Confirm Order.

      2. On the Confirm Order page, confirm your order information. Read and select the terms of service, and then click Buy Now.

      3. On the Purchase page, confirm the order and the payment method, and then click Subscribe.

    After you complete the payment, wait 10 to 15 minutes. Then, you can view the newly created cluster on the Clusters page.


    The amount of time required to restore data to a new cluster depends on the size of the backup set. It takes more time for the system to restore data from a larger backup set. After the cluster is created, you can return to the PolarDB console and view the new cluster on the Clusters page.

Related API operations




You can call the CreateDBCluster operation to restore the data of a PolarDB cluster.


You must set CreationOption to RecoverFromRecyclebin.