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PolarDB:PolarProxy release notes

更新時間:Aug 28, 2024

This topic describes the release notes for PolarProxy in PolarDB for MySQL.

For issues related to PolarProxy versions, active O&M, and upgrades, you can join us in DingTalk group 51685000218 for help.

Version management mechanisms

PolarDB for MySQL provides the following PolarProxy version types for management purposes.

  • New version: the current PolarProxy version of a newly purchased cluster.

  • Stable version: the version after the minor version upgrade for PolarProxy.

Whether a new version or a new and stable version is released depends on the risks of the current version. If common issues are fixed, a new and stable version is released. If major features are added, a new version is released. A new version becomes a stable version in two or three months after the release.

Query the PolarProxy version

Log on to the PolarDB console. Click the name of the desired cluster on the Clusters page. In the left-side navigation pane of the page that appears, choose Settings and Management > Version Management. On the page that appears, check the PolarProxy version.数据库代理版本信息

PolarProxy of PolarDB for MySQL provides the 1.x.x and 2.x.x versions. The two versions have the following differences:

  • 1.x.x

    Alibaba Cloud does not develop new features but only fixes issues for the version of PolarProxy configured for a cluster that was created before February 1, 2021.

  • 2.x.x

    The version of PolarProxy configured for a cluster that was created on or after February 1, 2021 is the current major version. All new features can be further developed based on the version. New features include persistent connections and data masking.

  • To upgrade PolarProxy from 1.x.x to 2.x.x, ensure that the engine version of the cluster meets the following requirements:

    • If the version of your cluster is PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.2, no requirements are imposed on the revision version.

    • If the version of your cluster is PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.1, the revision version must be or later.

    • If the version of your cluster is PolarDB for MySQL 5.7, the revision version must be or later.

    • If the version of your cluster is PolarDB for MySQL 5.6, the revision version must be or later.

  • For information about how to upgrade PolarProxy, see Minor version update.

Release notes for PolarProxy

Release notes for PolarProxy 2.x.x


The following section describes only the major versions of PolarProxy. The version of PolarProxy that you use may not be included in the list.

  • 2.9.2 (Release date: July 29, 2024)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The caching_sha2_password authentication plug-in is supported. caching_sha2_password is the default authentication plug-in in MySQL 8.0.

    • Wildcards can be used in encryption rules.

    • The routing policies for statements related to global transaction identifiers (GTIDs) are optimized.

    • The ->> and -> operators can be used in the JSON syntax.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: In short-lived connection scenarios, the frequent rerotation of thread IDs may lead to occasional connection failures.

    • The following issue is fixed: An error occurs when a transaction that contains nested statements is executed.

    • The following issue is fixed: An exception occurs on PolarProxy when specific SQL statements fail to be parsed.

  • 2.8.45 (Release date: July 19, 2024)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • Read request splitting after a write request in transactions is optimized in specific scenarios.

    • The persistent connection feature is optimized in specific scenarios.

    • Processing of non-business data is optimized in data masking or encryption.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: On-demand connections may fail to be established in specific scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: The on-demand connections feature is incompatible with automatic request distribution between row store and column store nodes.

    • The following issue is fixed: Some requests may be incorrectly distributed when the automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature is enabled.

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarProxy may restart unexpectedly in scenarios in which data is being encrypted or decrypted.

    • The following issue is fixed: Requests are inefficiently processed when PolarProxy fails to exit overload protection after the cluster recovers.

    • The following issue is fixed: The binlog dump thread is unexpectedly interrupted when the thread is executed from a cluster or custom endpoint.

    • The following issue is fixed: Requests that use multiple statements and temporary tables are incorrectly routed.

    • The following issue is fixed: A read-only endpoint may be incompatible with connections-based load balancing in specific scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: After the COM_RESET_CONNECTION command is executed to reset a connection in a transaction-level connection pool, the connection cannot be reused as expected.

    • The following issue is fixed: Requests are unexpectedly routed to the primary database when global consistency is enabled.

    • The following issue is fixed: Resource leaks occur on Proxy connections when connections are frequently killed.

    • The following issue is fixed: Connections are blocked in specific scenarios.

  • 2.8.35 (Release date: February 26, 2024)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The on-demand connections feature is supported.

    • You can specify the timeout period for session consistency.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The binlog_dump connection is interrupted when BINLOG_DUMP_NON_BLOCK is enabled.

    • The following issue is fixed: When the automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature is enabled, several connections to databases may be blocked for a long period of time.

    • The following issue is fixed: An error may occur in the session-level connection pool when SET OPTION is used.

    • The following issue is fixed: Connections may be blocked in specific scenarios when STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA is used.

    • The following issue is fixed: Several connections do not exit properly when the persistent connections feature is used.

    • The following issue is fixed: Specific monitoring metrics are inaccurate in several scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: Specific proxy nodes do not work as expected.

  • 2.8.28 (Release date: January 8, 2024)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • If you set Read/Write Mode to read-only and Load Balancing Policy to Active Request-based Load Balancing when you configure the automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature, request distribution within transactions is supported.

    • When the automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature is enabled, existing connections are affected when an AP node is deleted.

    • Server weights can be configured based on endpoints.

    • Specific persistent connection scenarios are optimized.

    • Only TLS 1.2 is supported in the SSL feature.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The 9000 error code is returned when you enable the automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature for a PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.2 cluster.

    • The following issue is fixed: The 9000 error code is returned when you execute a SQL statement that contains special clauses after you enable the automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature.

    • The following issue is fixed: The EXPLAIN SELECT statement cannot be executed in specific scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: Requests are temporarily blocked in specific scenarios when you delete a read-only node.

    • The following issue is fixed: If you use a transaction-level connection pool in specific scenarios, connections may become unresponsive.

    • The following issue is fixed: Specific proxy nodes do not work as expected.

    • The following issue is fixed: When Consistency Level is set to Session Consistency or Global Consistency and the automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature is enabled, PolarProxy exceptions or unresponsive connections may occur.

    • The following issue is fixed: Routing errors may occur when temporary tables are used in SQL statements.

  • 2.8.25 (Release date: August 30, 2023)



    New feature and feature optimization

    The connection maintenance scenario is optimized.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Session hangs may occur due to internal keepalive or large packets.

    • The following issue is fixed: The SELECT statement that contains custom variables is routed to the primary node.

    • The following issue is fixed: The multi-statements that contain comments are routed to read-only nodes.

  • 2.8.24 (Release date: August 8, 2023)



    New feature and feature optimization

    The logic of the internal monitor detection template is optimized.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The SHOW WARNINGS statement times out for read-only endpoints.

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarProxy exceptions occur in specific scenarios when the transaction connection pool is enabled.

  • 2.8.21 (Release date: June 25, 2023)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The performance of some internal modules is optimized.

    • The EXPLAIN SELECT statement can be routed to read-only nodes.

    • The SHOW STATUS statement can be routed to the previous node.

    • The query encryption feature is supported.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Session hangs may be caused by the restart of AP nodes when automatic request distribution between row store and column store nodes is enabled.

    • The following issue is fixed: Session hangs may be caused by node restart when parallel query is enabled.

    • The following issue is fixed: The OPTIMIZE statement is routed to read-only nodes in some scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: The WITH SELECT statement is routed to the primary node due to a parsing error in some scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: Users can query the polar_proxy_encode library unexpectedly.

    • The following issue is fixed: RT jitters occur when read-only nodes are added.

    • The following issue is fixed: The dynamic data masking feature does not take effect.

    • The following issue is fixed: Specific proxy nodes do not work as expected.

  • 2.8.12 (Release date: March 1, 2023)



    New feature and feature optimization

    The performance of short-lived connections is improved by 10%.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Row_number is routed to the primary node.

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarProxy exceptions occur in some scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: The monitor detection is abnormal and users are disconnected due to read-only node exceptions.

    • The following issue is fixed: The PREPARE EXEC statement fails when the automatic request distribution between row store and column store nodes feature is enabled.

    • The following issue is fixed: The dynamic data masking feature does not take effect.

  • 2.8.11 (Release date: February 22, 2023)



    New feature and feature optimization

    Transactions, session consistency, and global consistency are supported when the automatic request distribution between row store and column store nodes feature is enabled.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs when an SQL statement that exceeds 64 KB in length involves temporary tables.

    • The following issue is fixed: Transient connections occur in PHP 8.0 if the status of the transaction is lost after transaction splitting.

    • The following issue is fixed: Read-only endpoint authentication fails in some scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: The session pool fails to be connected in specific scenarios.

  • 2.8.8 (Release date: December 15, 2022)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • Weight-based load balancing is supported in the read/write splitting feature. For more information, see Weight-based load balancing.

    • Read-only endpoints support SLB by request.

    • Automatic request distribution allows TP requests to be routed to AP nodes.

    • When you enable or disable the elastic parallel query feature, it takes effect for existing connections.

    Fixed issue

    Connection failures in specific scenarios are fixed.

  • 2.8.3 (Release date: November 4, 2022)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The overload protection feature is supported.

    • Hot standby nodes can be read.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: A cluster is disconnected when automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes is enabled for the cluster and multiple statements are used.

    • The following issue is fixed: RT jitters occur due to several internal exceptions.

  • 2.7.9 (Release date: August 1, 2022)



    New feature and feature optimization

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The state of a session-level connection pool is inconsistent due to the loss of environment variables on newly added nodes.

    • The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs for the FOR UPDATE clause when read-only transactions are enabled in multi-statement scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs for the COM_STMT_FETCH stored procedure in consistency scenarios.

  • 2.7.5 (Release date: July 15, 2022)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The SHOW statement is supported for the SQL firewall feature.

    • Cluster endpoints in the read and write mode are supported.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The offload reads from the primary node feature does not take effect for existing connections.

    • Several internal exceptions are fixed.

  • 2.4.35 (Release date: July 5, 2022)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Exceptions may occur on sessions if SET requests are received and the primary node restarts when persistent connections are enabled.

    • Several issuing concerning inaccurate internal monitoring metrics and diagnostic tools are fixed.

  • 2.4.33 (Release date: May 7, 2022)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Sessions cannot reuse correct connections because environmental variables for the transaction-level connection pool are not replayed.

    • The following issues are fixed: An error occurs when the PREPARE EXEC statement is executed for HTAP automatic load execution.

    • The following issue is fixed: The status value of packets is lost when transaction splitting is performed, which may affect PHP 8.0.

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarProxy exceptions occur in specific scenarios.

  • 2.4.30 (Release date: March 8, 2022)



    New feature and feature optimization

    Session consistency is optimized.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Some routes for HTAP automatic request distribution are incorrect.

    • The following issue is fixed: An error occurs on PolarProxy with specifications higher than 32C.

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarProxy does not respond in specific scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: An error occurs while routing the PREPARE SELECT FOR UPDATE statement in specific scenarios.

  • 2.4.27 (Release date: December 30, 2021)



    New feature and feature optimization

    Automatic request distribution between column store and row store nodes feature is supported.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The kill session operation fails.

    • The following issue is fixed: The COM_STMT_EXECUTE command fails when the parameter type is frequently modified.

    • The following issue is fixed: Read requests are routed to read-only nodes after the SELECT FOR UPDATE statement is executed in transactions.

    • The following issue is fixed: When the primary node restarts and a new connection is established, special characters of the utf8mb4 type cannot be inserted.

    • The following issue is fixed: The latest committed data cannot be read after a session-consistent transaction is committed.

  • 2.4.22 (Release date: September 10, 2021)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarProxy fails to terminate PREPARE statements, which causes high memory usage in databases.

    • The following issue is fixed: Persistent connections fail in specific scenarios.

    • The following issue is fixed: An error occurs on PolarProxy when the default cluster endpoint is changed to a read-only endpoint.

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarProxy does not respond in specific scenarios.

  • 2.4.18 (Release date: August 12, 2021)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: If no character set is specified for a Java Database Connection (JDBC) application, the text of the application data is garbled when the database node connected to the application is restarted or when account authentication fails.

    • The following issue is fixed: The database service fails to connect to Flink applications.

    • Some requests that are supposed to be routed to a temporary table are routed to other tables.

  • 2.4.17 (Release date: July 14, 2021)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • PolarDB for MySQL 5.7 supports transaction connection retention in failover scenarios.

    • Several internal metrics are added to monitor the cluster performance.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The response time becomes longer due to a MySQL database account authentication failure.

    • The following issue is fixed: When a read-only node becomes faulty, the system does not route new requests to the node.

    • The following issue is fixed: Read-only endpoints cannot be accessed if the parallel query feature is enabled.

    • The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs when you query the current timestamp.

    • The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs when the FOR UPDATE clause is parsed.

    • The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs due to incorrect syntax analysis of the @a keyword in a JOIN clause.

    • The following issue is fixed: The attempt to log on to a MySQL 8.0 client fails due to an authentication failure, because no password is provided.

    • The following issues are fixed: Some PREPARE statements with the name parameter cannot be executed.

  • 2.4.12 (Release date: May 20, 2021)



    New feature and feature optimization

    The dynamic data masking feature is supported. For more information, see Dynamic data masking.

    Fixed issue

    PolarProxy exceptions occur in specific scenarios.

  • 2.4.7 (Release date: March 15, 2021)



    New feature and feature optimization

    The persistent connections feature is supported.

    Fixed issue

    The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs when you execute a statement in which LOCK IN SHARED MODE is specified.

Release notes for PolarProxy 1.x.x


The following section describes only the major versions of PolarProxy. The version of PolarProxy that you use may not be included in the list.

  • 1.13.42 (Release date: December 15, 2022)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Connections to a database fail when a large number of connections are established.

    • The following issue is fixed: RT jittering is caused by internal scheduled tasks.

  • 1.13.39 (Release date: July 20, 2022)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • PolarProxy performance is optimized in scenarios where tremendous authentication events with invalid accounts occur.

    • The account authentication feature is optimized. When authentication events with invalid accounts occur, global throttling is changed to account throttling.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The transaction status is lost when a transaction is split.

    • The following issue is fixed: Environment variables in a transaction connection pool are not replayed.

    • The following issue is fixed: The PREPARE statement cannot be terminated for XA transactions.

    • Several internal exceptions are fixed.

  • 1.13.34 (Release date: March 3, 2022)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • MySQL utf8mb3 encoding is supported.

    • Session consistency is optimized.

    Fixed issue

    The following issue is fixed: A routing error occurs for the SELECT FOR UPDATE statement due to excessive prepare stmt parameters.

  • 1.13.30 (Release date: December 30, 2021)



    Fixed issue

    The following issue is fixed: The latest committed data cannot be read after a session-consistent transaction is committed.

  • 1.13.27 (Release date: November 16, 2021)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Some clients are incompatible with SSL.

    • The performance of parsing INSERT statements when PolarProxy is used is improved.

  • 1.13.25 (Release date: August 18, 2021)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: A memory leak occurs on PolarProxy due to a MySQL database account authentication failure.

    • PolarProxy does not respond when multiple endpoints are used to access a cluster.

  • 1.13.22 (Release date: July 21, 2021)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The SELECT last_insert_id() statement can be executed after the transaction-level connection pool feature is enabled.

    • The FOUND_ROWS function is supported after the transaction-level connection pool feature is enabled.

    • The COM_STATISTICS command can be routed to read-only nodes.

    • The transaction-level connection pool feature is optimized.

    • The global consistency feature is optimized. Requests can be routed to a read-only node even if the node is the only read-only node that meets the consistency requirements.

    • Queries that contain geo functions can be routed to read-only nodes.

    • Several internal metrics are added to monitor the cluster performance.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Routing errors occur due to incorrect parsing of several SQL statements.

    • The following issue is fixed: In specific scenarios, the stmt_exec() command fails to run after the stmt_long_data() command is run.

    • The LOAD DATA INFILE statement cannot be executed.

  • 1.13.5 (Release date: December 1, 2020)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • Eventual consistency is applicable to transaction splitting.

    • The following hints are supported:

      • force node connection /*force_proxy_internal*/set force_node = 'pi-aaaaaaaaa';

        After you establish this connection, all requests are routed only to the pi-aaaaaaaaa node. If this node becomes faulty, the set force node 'pi-aaaaaaaaa' is not found, please check. error message is returned.

      • force node query /*force_node='pi-aaaaaaaa'*/ show processlist;

        This statement can be executed only on the pi-aaaaaaaa node. If this node becomes faulty, the 'force hint server node is not found, please check.' error message is returned.

    • Several internal metrics are added to monitor the cluster performance.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: If the mode keyword is included in the select type, status, mode, where gtx_id = '4' FOR UPDATE; statement, the statement is routed to read-only nodes.

    • The following issue is fixed: In specific scenarios, loads are unbalanced among database nodes in a cluster.

    • The stmt_close command fails to run after a PREPARE statement is executed.

  • 1.12.10 (Release date: October 19, 2020)



    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: PolarDB clusters that run MySQL 8.0 cannot be accessed after SSL encryption is enabled for the clusters.

    • After the state of a database node changes from DOWN to RUNNING, PolarProxy fails to route subsequent requests to the database node.

  • 1.12.7 (Release date: August 6, 2020)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST statement is supported.

    • XA transactions are supported.

    Fixed issue

    • Several issues of the transaction-level connection pool are fixed.

    • Several issues that occur when you access read-only nodes in a global database network (GDN) are fixed.

    • The following issue is fixed: An error occurs when you execute the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement on a cluster that runs MySQL 8.0.

    • Several connections failed.

  • 1.11.12 (Release date: June 22, 2020)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The transaction-level connection pool feature is supported.

    • The parallel query feature is supported by read-only endpoints of PolarDB for MySQL clusters that run MySQL 8.0.

  • 1.10.7 (Release date: March 18, 2020)



    New feature and feature optimization

    The global consistency feature is supported.

    Fixed issue

    An error occurs when you initialize system environment variables for a session-level connection pool.

  • 1.9.23 (Release date: February 21, 2020)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The root account can be used to connect to a cluster.

    • SSL encryption is supported.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: The change user command fails.

    • The following issue is fixed: The load file command fails.

    • The following issue is fixed: When an application receives packets out of order, the application returns the Exception: Packets out of order error message.

    • The following issue is fixed: Read-only endpoints are disconnected when the primary node becomes faulty.

  • 1.9.14 (Release date: December 24, 2019)



    New feature and feature optimization

    • The /*FORCE_SLAVE*/ and /*FORCE_MASTE*/ hints are supported.

    • You can configure whether to offload read requests from the primary node to read-only nodes.

    Fixed issue

    • The following issue is fixed: Garbled text exists in the response if the default value of the charset parameter is invalid.

    • The following issue is fixed: The returned string that indicates the MySQL engine version is incorrect.

Update the version

If the PolarProxy of your cluster is not of the latest version, you can update the version based on your business requirements. For more information, see Upgrade the cluster version.