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Network Intelligence Service:Work with the inter-region traffic analysis capability

更新時間:Apr 25, 2024

The inter-region traffic analysis capability helps you analyze the inbound and outbound traffic that passes through transit routers across regions. The inter-region traffic data is displayed in the form of 1-tuple (cloud IP addresses), 2-tuple (cloud IP addresses and peer IP addresses), and 5-tuple (cloud IP addresses, cloud ports, protocols, peer IP addresses, and peer ports).

Enable the inter-region traffic analysis capability

  1. Log on to the NIS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Configure > Traffic Activation Management.

  3. On the Traffic Activation Management page, click the Inter-region Traffic tab and select the desired region from the drop-down list.

  4. In the list of Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances, select the desired CEN instance.

  5. Find the ID of the transit router whose inter-region connection traffic you want to view and click Enable in the Actions column.

    If you do not need to view the inter-region connection traffic of a specific transit router, you can click Close in the Actions column that corresponds to the transit router to disable this capability.

View inter-region connection traffic

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Traffic Analytics > Inter-region Traffic.

  2. On the Inter-region Traffic page, select the source region for which you want to view the inter-region connection traffic.

  3. Click the 1-tuple, 2-tuples, or 5-tuples tab. Specify a time range and search criteria to view the trend charts and traffic lists of the inter-region connection traffic.

    You can specify a time range and search criteria to view the traffic of IP addresses, ports, and protocols within the specified time range.


    Displayed content


    • Statistics/Trend Chart: displays the top-N bandwidth and the top-N inter-region connection traffic that passes through a specific CEN instance in the specified region within the specified time range.

    • Traffic List: displays the cloud IP addresses, source region, bandwidth plan IDs, CEN instance IDs, outbound traffic, and number of outbound packets when the source region and the time range are specified.


    • Statistics/Trend Chart: displays the top-N inter-region connection traffic and top-N inter-region connection traffic that passes through a specific CEN instance in the specified region within the specified time range.

    • Traffic List: displays the cloud IP addresses, peer IP addresses, source region, destination regions, bandwidth plan IDs, CEN instance IDs, outbound traffic, and number of outbound packets when the source region and the time range are specified.


    • Statistics/Trend Chart: displays the inter-region connection traffic of top-N ports and top-N protocols in the specified region within the specified time range.

    • Traffic List: displays the cloud IP addresses, cloud ports, protocols, peer IP addresses, peer ports, source region, destination regions, bandwidth plan IDs, CEN instance IDs, outbound traffic, and number of outbound packets when the source region and the time range are specified.

    Related operations



    Drill-down 2-tuples

    In the Traffic List section of the 1-tuple tab, find the desired IP address and click Drill-down 2-tuples in the Actions column to view the traffic between the IP address and its peer IP addresses.

    Drill-down 5-tuples

    • In the Traffic List section of the 1-tuple tab, find the desired IP address and click Drill-down 5-tuples in the Actions column to view the traffic between the IP address and its peer IP addresses when specific ports and peer protocols are used.

    • In the Traffic List section of the 2-tuples tab, find the desired IP address and click Drill-down 5-tuples in the Actions column to view the traffic between the IP address and its peer IP addresses when specific ports and peer protocols are used.

    View Trend

    In the Traffic List section, find the desired IP address and click View Trend in the Actions column to view the basic information about the IP address, the trends of traffic, and the trends of the number of packets within the specified time range.

    Select Top-N

    In the Traffic List section, select TOP 20, TOP 50, or TOP 100 to view the top 20, top 50, or top 100 traffic.


Why am I unable to select an existing transit router in a region from the drop-down list when I want to enable the inter-region traffic analysis capability for the transit router?

The inter-region traffic analysis capability is only applicable to Enterprise Edition transit routers of the latest version. If you cannot select an existing Enterprise Edition transit router in a region from the drop-down list when you want to enable the inter-region traffic analysis capability for the transit router in the region, check whether the transit router is upgraded to the latest version in the CEN console. For more information, see Announcement: Optimization on VPC-connected Enterprise Edition transit routers.
