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Network Intelligence Service:Use features on the Overview page

更新時間:May 22, 2024

On the Overview page of the Network Intelligence Service (NIS) console, you can view all features supported by NIS, quickly learn about the health status, exceptions, and risks of created instances and saved paths, and fully understand the number of resources of Alibaba Cloud network services within your account and the information about these resources.

Global view

The data on the Overview page of the NIS console is updated in real time. The following figure shows the layout of the Overview page.


NIS Navigation

The NIS Navigation section helps you quickly learn about the features and benefits of NIS and find the required features or specific operations. For more information about the specific features supported by NIS, see the Features section of the What is Network Intelligence Service topic.

Inspection Report

NIS allows you to configure inspection policies to execute periodic inspection tasks. This helps save time and costs caused by manual operations and quickly detect issues.

Inspected objects

NIS can execute inspection tasks on the following objects:

  • Instance

    All instances that you specify to be inspected are inspected one by one. All instances that encounter critical issues, major issues, minor issues, and prompt issues are listed.

  • Path

    All paths that you specify to be inspected are inspected one by one. All disconnected paths are listed.

  • Event

    All events that occur during the inspection cycle are listed. The numbers of issue events, risk events, and issues to be resolved are displayed.


You can add, delete, change, and query inspected instances and paths. You can specify up to 20 instances and 20 paths as inspected objects for an inspection task.

Configure an inspection task

  1. Log on to the NIS console.

  2. In the Inspection Report section of the Overview page, click Create. In the dialog box that appears, specify the Start Time and Cycle parameters, and click OK.

  3. You can use one of the following methods to configure an inspection task:

    • In the Inspection Report section, click Config next to Instance or Path.

    • In the Inspection Report section, click Configure. In the dialog box that appears, separately click Configure Instance and Configure Path.

  4. On the page that appears, configure the required parameters, select the desired instances or the desired paths, and then click OK.

    Configure an inspected instance

    On the Configure Instance page, configure the parameters described in the following table.




    Select the desired service from the drop-down list. The following services are supported: Classic Load Balancer (CLB), Application Load Balancer (ALB), Network Load Balancer (NLB), NAT Gateway, Elastic IP Address (EIP), Global Accelerator (GA), VPN Gateway, Virtual Border Router (VBR), and Transit Router.


    Select the desired region.

    Instance ID/Name

    Select the ID or name of the desired instance.

    Configure an inspected path

    On the Configure Path page, configure the parameters described in the following table.



    Path ID

    Enter an existing path ID.

    Path Name

    Enter a path name.


    Enter the source IP address of the path.


    Enter the destination IP address of the path.

    Destination Port

    Enter the destination port of the path.


    Enter the protocol of the path.

View inspection results

View the overall inspection results

The Overview page displays the inspection results that include details about exceptions.


  • High Risk Items: instances that encounter major and critical issues, such as path unreachability and issue events.

  • Medium Risk Items: instances that encounter minor and prompt issues, such as risk events.

  • Healthy Items: instances and paths that do not encounter an issue.

View an inspection report

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Inspection Report section on the Overview page, click Detailed Report.

  2. On the page that appears, view the overview of risks and click View Report in the Actions column that corresponds to the desired instance to view the path analysis details or instance diagnostic details.

View historical inspection reports

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Inspection Report section on the Overview page, click History Report.

  2. In the panel that appears, view the trend of historical inspection, the time when historical reports were generated, and the details about historical reports.

View resource statistics

  1. Log on to the NIS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Overview.

  3. In the Summary section, view the quantities of cloud resources that belong to your Alibaba Cloud account.

  4. (Optional) In the Summary section, select Show Available Only to view only cloud resources whose quantity is greater than 0.

View a resource list

In the Resources section, view the basic information about cloud resources. The basic information that is displayed varies based on the resource type. NIS supports the following resources: virtual private clouds (VPCs), vSwitches, Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, ALB instances, CLB, EIP, public IP addresses, IPv6 gateways, NAT gateways, Internet Shared Bandwidth instances, PrivateLink instances, Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances, and VBRs.


Only NAT gateways and EIPs support the instance monitoring. The instance monitoring allows you to view the details of the instance that you want to monitor.

Monitor a NAT gateway

  1. Log on to the NIS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Overview.

  3. In the Resources section, select NAT Gateway and a region from the drop-down lists. Then, select an instance ID.

  4. Click Learn More in the Instance Monitoring column of the NAT gateway that you want to view.

  5. In the Basic Information section of the NAT gateway details page, view the ID, region, and status of the NAT gateway.

  6. On the Instance Performance tab, view the performance analysis information about the NAT gateway. For more information, see Work with the Internet traffic analysis capability.




    You can view the trend chart of the session data about the NAT gateway associated with a specified IP address in a specified period of time.

    Data Transfer

    You can view the trend chart of the traffic data about the NAT gateway associated with a specified IP address in a specified period of time.

    Resource Plan

    You can view the trend chart of the packet data about the NAT gateway associated with a specified IP address in a specified period of time.

    SNAT Data Transfer Ranking

    You can view the SNAT ranking of the NAT gateway in real time by the following metrics:

    • Inbound Traffic(bps)

    • Outbound Traffic(bps)

    • Inbound Packets per Second

    • Outbound Packets per Second

    • Concurrent Connections

    • New Connections per Second

  7. Click the Diagnostic Information tab to view the diagnostic details and diagnostic reports about the NAT gateway. For more information, see Work with instance diagnostics.

Monitor an EIP


If you want to view the traffic statistics on EIPs, you must enable the Internet traffic analysis feature in specific regions or for specific IP addresses. NIS collects, analyzes, and displays only the Internet traffic data related to the specified regions or IP addresses. For more information, see the Enable the Internet traffic analysis capability section of the Work with the Internet traffic analysis function topic.

  1. Log on to the NIS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Overview.

  3. In the Resources section, select EIP and a region from the drop-down lists. Then, select an instance ID.

  4. Click Learn More in the Instance Monitoring column of the EIP that you want to view.

  5. In the Basic Information section of the EIP details page, view the ID, region, and status of the EIP, and whether the EIP is associated with an Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.

  6. On the Traffic Statistics tab, view the statistics on the inbound and outbound traffic of the EIP.

    1. Click the Inbound tab.

    2. (Optional) Click the Outbound tab to view the outbound Internet traffic of the EIP.

    3. Click the 2-tuples or 5-tuples tab and specify the parameters that are described in the following table to view the trend charts and the lists of inbound or outbound traffic.



      Time period

      Select the time range to query.

      • By default, the monitoring data within the previous hour is displayed. For example, if the current time was 17:30 on January 13, 2022, the default time range was from 16:30 on January 13, 2022, to 17:30 on January 13, 2022.

      • You need to select a consecutive time range for analysis. The maximum timespan of each time range is 24 hours. You can retrieve data within the last seven days. For example, if the current time was 17:30 on January 13, 2022, you could retrieve data from 17:30 on January 12, 2022, to 17:30 on January 13, 2022. You cannot retrieve data from the time earlier than 17:30 on January 7, 2022.


      You can view the trend charts and traffic lists of the following metrics by specifying 1-tuple or 2-tuple search conditions: the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance associated with the EIP, remote IP addresses, remote Internet service providers (ISPs), remote countries or regions, and remote cities.

  7. On the Diagnostic Information tab, view the diagnostic details and diagnostic reports of the EIP. For more information, see Work with instance diagnostics.