Creates a file system.

  • Before you call this operation, you must understand the billing and pricing of Apsara File Storage NAS. For more information, see Billing and Pricing.
  • Before you create a file system, you must complete real-name verification.
  • When you call this operation, a service-linked role of NAS is automatically created. For more information, see Manage the service-linked roles of NAS.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters


The operation that you want to perform.

Set the value to CreateFileSystem.


The type of the file system.

Valid values:

  • standard (default value): General-purpose NAS file system
  • extreme: Extreme NAS file system
  • cpfs: Cloud Parallel File Storage (CPFS) file system
    Note CPFS file systems are available only on the Alibaba Cloud China site (

The billing method.

Valid values:

  • PayAsYouGo (default value): pay-as-you-go
  • Subscription: subscription

The subscription duration.

This parameter is valid and required only if the ChargeType parameter is set to Subscription. Unit: months.

If you do not renew a subscription file system when the file system expires, the file system is automatically released.


The capacity of the file system. Unit: GiB.

This parameter is valid and required if the FileSystemType parameter is set to extreme or cpfs.

Specify a value based on the specifications on the following buy page:

Extreme NAS file system (Pay-as-you-go)


The maximum throughput of the file system.

Unit: MB/s.

Specify a value based on the specifications on the following buy page.


The storage type.

  • If the FileSystemType parameter is set to standard, you can set the StorageType parameter to Performance or Capacity.
  • If the FileSystemType parameter is set to extreme, you can set the StorageType parameter to standard or advance.
  • If the FileSystemType parameter is set to cpfs, you can set the StorageType parameter to advance_100 (100 MB/s/TiB baseline) or advance_200 (200 MB/s/TiB baseline). The value is available only on the Alibaba Cloud China site (

The zone ID.

Each region has multiple isolated locations known as zones. Each zone has its own independent power supply and networks.

This parameter is not required if the FileSystemType parameter is set to standard. By default, a random zone is selected based on the protocol type and storage type.

This parameter is required if the FileSystemType parameter is set to extreme or cpfs.

  • The value cpfs is available only on the Alibaba Cloud China site (
  • An Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance and a NAS file system that reside in different zones of the same region can access each other.
  • We recommend that you select the zone where the ECS instance resides. This prevents cross-zone latency between the file system and the ECS instance.

The protocol type.

  • If the FileSystemType parameter is set to standard, you can set the ProtocolType parameter to NFS or SMB.
  • If the FileSystemType parameter is set to extreme, you can set the ProtocolType parameter to NFS.
  • If the FileSystemType parameter is set to cpfs, you can set the ProtocolType parameter to cpfs. The value is available only on the Alibaba Cloud China site (

Specifies whether to encrypt the data in the file system.

You can use keys that are managed by Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt the data that is stored in a file system. When you read and write the encrypted data, the data is automatically decrypted.

Valid values:

  • 0: The data in the file system is not encrypted.
  • 1: NAS-managed keys are used to encrypt the data in the file system. This value is valid only if the FileSystemType parameter is set to standard or extreme.
  • 2: KMS-managed keys are used to encrypt the data in the file system. This value is valid only if the FileSystemType parameter is set to extreme.
Note You can use KMS-managed keys only in the following regions: US (Silicon Valley), US (Virginia), UK (London), Australia (Sydney), Germany (Frankfurt), India (Mumbai), and Singapore.

The ID of the snapshot.

This parameter is available only for Extreme NAS file systems.

Note You can create a file system from a snapshot. In this case, the version of the file system is the same as that of the source file system. For example, the source file system of the snapshot uses version 1. To create a file system of version 2, you can create File System A from the snapshot and create File System B of version 2. You can then copy the data and migrate your business from File System A to File System B.

The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC).

This parameter is required only if you set the FileSystemType parameter to cpfs. This parameter is available only on the Alibaba Cloud China site (

This parameter is reserved and not required if you set the FileSystemType parameter to standard or extreme.


The ID of the vSwitch

This parameter is required only if you set the FileSystemType parameter to cpfs. This parameter is available only on the Alibaba Cloud China site (

This parameter is reserved and not required if you set the FileSystemType parameter to standard or extreme.

DescriptionStringNoThis is a file system.

The description of the file system.


  • The description must be 2 to 128 characters in length.
  • The description must start with a letter but cannot start with http:// or https://.
  • The description can contain letters, digits, colons (:), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length. For more information, see How do I ensure the idempotence?

Note If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically uses the request ID as the client token. The value of RequestId may be different for each API request.

The ID of the key that is managed by KMS.

This parameter is required only if the EncryptType parameter is set to 2.


Specifies whether to perform a dry run.

During the dry run, the system checks whether the request parameters are valid and whether the requested resources are available. During the dry run, no file system is created and no fee is incurred.

Valid values:

  • true: performs a dry run. The system checks the required parameters, request syntax, limits, and available NAS resources. If the request fails the dry run, an error message is returned. If the request passes the dry run, the HTTP status code 200 is returned. No value is returned for the FileSystemId parameter.
  • false (default value): performs a dry run and sends the request. If the request passes the dry run, a file system is created.

Take note of the following information about API idempotence:

The CreateFileSystem operation creates a file system and incurs fees. Therefore, if the request times out or an internal error occurs, the client may attempt to resend the request. In this case, you can specify the ClientToken parameter in the request. This ensures that the request is not repeatedly sent by the client.

Note This operation supports idempotence only if the FileSystemType parameter is set to extreme or cpfs. This operation does not support idempotence when the FileSystemType parameter is set to standard.

The following list provides more details about the ClientToken parameter.

  • A client token is a unique and case-sensitive string that is generated by the client. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length. Example:
  • If you specify a used client token and modify other request parameters, NAS returns the IdempotentParameterMismatch error code.
    Note If you call the operation again, you must change the values of the SignatureNonce, Timestamp, and Signature parameters. This is because NAS uses the SignatureNonce parameter to prevent replay attacks and uses the Timestamp parameter to identify the timestamp of each request. Therefore, a retry request requires different values of the SignatureNonce and Timestamp parameters. In this case, the value of the Signature parameter changes.
  • If you specify the ClientToken parameter and the request fails, the request is resent based on the following HTTP status codes and error messages:
    • If the HTTP status code 200 is returned, the client can receive the same result as the last request after the request is resent. However, your server status is not affected.
    • If a 4xx HTTP status code is returned and the error message does not indicate "try it later", the request parameters are invalid. In this case, you must modify the request parameters based on the returned error message and then resend the request.
    • If a 5xx HTTP status code is returned, a network timeout or an internal error occurred. In this case, you can resend the same request and the request must contain the same client token and request parameters.
  • A client token is valid for 30 days.

Response parameters


The ID of the request.


The ID of the file system that is created.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "CreateFileSystemResponse" : {
    "FileSystemId" : "1ca404****",
    "RequestId" : "98696EF0-1607-4E9D-B01D-F20930B6****"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
202RequestAcceptedThe request has been accepted by the server.The message returned because the request was accepted by the backend.
400IdempotentParameterMismatchThe same client token was passed in to different parameters.The error message returned because the same client token is specified in different requests.
400InvalidParameter.KmsServiceNotEnabledKey Management Service is not enabled.The error message returned because KMS is disabled.
400DryRunOperationThe request is validated with DryRun flag set.The message returned because the request is validated.
400SubAccount.NoExtremeSLRPermissionThe RAM user does not have the permission to create service linked role AliyunServiceRoleForNasExtreme. Please authorize the RAM user the permission ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole.The error message returned because the current RAM user is not authorized to create the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForNasExtreme. Grant the ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole permission to the RAM user.
400SubAccount.NoStandardSLRPermissionThe RAM user does not have the permission to create service linked role AliyunServiceRoleForNasStandard. Please authorize the RAM user the permission ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole.The error message returned because the current RAM user is not authorized to create the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForNasStandard. Grant the ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole permission to the RAM user.
400SubAccount.NoEncryptionSLRPermissionThe RAM user does not have the permission to create service linked role AliyunServiceRoleForNasEncryption. Please authorize the RAM user the permission ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole.The error message returned because the current RAM user is not authorized to create the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForNasEncryption. Grant the ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole permission to the RAM user.
400InvalidParam.NotSupportBYOKThe specified file system type does not support the BYOK encryption function.The error message returned because the specified file system type does not support KMS encryption.
400MissingParameter.KmsKeyIdWhen parameter EncryptType equals 2, the parameter KmsKeyId is mandatory for your request.The error message returned because the KmsKeyId parameter is not specified. If KMS encryption is used, you must specify the KmsKeyId parameter.
403OperationDenied.InvalidStateThe operation is not permitted when the status is processing.The error message returned because the file system is in an invalid state.
403InvalidFileSystem.AlreadyExistedThe specified file system already exists.The error message returned because the specified file system already exists.
403Resource.OutOfStockThe inventory of the specified zone is insufficient.The error message returned because the available resources in the specified zone are insufficient.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.