Updates an ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) queue.

Usage notes

  • You can call this operation to modify the name, status, and notification settings of a specified MPS queue.
  • If a paused MPS queue is selected in a workflow or a job, such as a video review or media fingerprint job, the workflow or job fails.

Limits on QPS

You can call this operation up to 100 times per second. If the number of the calls per second exceeds the limit, throttling is triggered. As a result, your business may be affected. We recommend that you take note of the limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limits.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes UpdatePipeline

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to UpdatePipeline.

PipelineId String Yes d1ce4d3efcb549419193f50f1fcd****

The ID of the MPS queue that you want to update. To obtain the ID of the MPS queue, you can log on to the MPS console and choose Global Settings > Pipelines in the left-side navigation pane.

Name String Yes example-pipeline-****

The new name of the MPS queue. The value can contain letters, digits, and special characters such as hyphens (-) and can be up to 128 bytes in size. The value cannot start with a special character.

State String Yes Paused

The new state of the MPS queue.

  • Active: The MPS queue is active. Jobs in the MPS queue can be scheduled and run by MPS.
  • Paused: The MPS queue is paused. Jobs in the MPS queue cannot be scheduled or run by MPS, and all jobs remain in the Submitted state. Jobs that are running will not be affected.
NotifyConfig String No null

The Message Service (MNS) configuration, such as the information about the MNS queue or topic. For more information, see NotifyConfig.

Role String No AliyunMTSDefaultRole

The role that is assigned to the current RAM user. To obtain the role, you can log on to the RAM console and choose Identities > Roles in the left-side navigation pane.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 1FE0F96B-544D-4244-9D83-DFCFB0E5A231

The ID of the request.

Pipeline Object

The details of the MPS queue.

Speed String Standard

The type of the MPS queue. Default value: Standard. Valid values:

  • Boost: MPS queue with transcoding speed boosted.
  • Standard: standard MPS queue.
  • NarrowBandHDV2: MPS queue that supports Narrowband HD™ 2.0.
  • AIVideoCover: MPS queue for intelligent snapshot capture.
  • AIVideoFPShot: MPS queue for media fingerprinting.
  • AIVideoCensor: MPS queue for automated review.
  • AIVideoMCU: MPS queue for smart tagging.
  • AIVideoSummary: MPS queue for video synopsis.
  • AIVideoPorn: MPS queue for pornography detection in videos.
  • AIAudioKWS: MPS queue for keyword recognition in audio.
  • AIAudioASR: MPS queue for speech-to-text conversion.
State String Paused

The status of the pipeline. Valid values:

  • Active: The MPS queue is active.
  • Paused: The MPS queue is paused.
NotifyConfig Object

The MNS configuration.

MqTopic String example1,example2

The queue of messages that are received.

QueueName String example-queue-****

The queue that is created in MNS.

MqTag String mts-test

The tags of the messages.

Topic String example-topic-****

The topic that is created in MNS.

Name String example-pipeline-****

The new name of the MPS queue.

Role String AliyunMTSExampleRole

The role that is assigned to the current RAM user.

Id String d1ce4d3efcb549419193f50f1fcd****

The ID of the MPS queue.

QuotaAllocate Long 10

The quota that is allocated to the MPS queue.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "1FE0F96B-544D-4244-9D83-DFCFB0E5A231",
  "Pipeline" : {
    "Speed" : "Standard",
    "State" : "Paused",
    "NotifyConfig" : {
      "MqTopic" : "example1,example2",
      "QueueName" : "example-queue-****",
      "MqTag" : "mts-test",
      "Topic" : "example-topic-****"
    "Name" : "example-pipeline-****",
    "Role" : "AliyunMTSExampleRole",
    "Id" : "d1ce4d3efcb549419193f50f1fcd****",
    "QuotaAllocate" : 10

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.