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ICP Filing:Check the instance for ICP filing and access information

更新時間:Sep 14, 2024

When you apply for an ICP filing, Alibaba Cloud verifies your instance for Internet content provider (ICP) filing and access information. The authorities also verify your access information such as access provider, access method, instance region, and IP address. This topic describes how to check the instance for ICP filing and access information before you apply for an ICP filing when you build Internet information services on various Alibaba Cloud services.

Background information

  • Article 8 of Administrative Measures for Putting on Record Non-profit Internet Information Services states the following content: With respect to those non-profit Internet information services to be provided through access to for-profit Internet services, the procedures for filing, modifying, and nullifying a filing can be commissioned and handled by Internet access service operators, Internet data center operators, and telecommunications operators providing these websites with access service through other means.

  • Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the Record-filing of Mobile Internet Apps states the following content: An APP sponsor shall go through the record-filing formalities with the provincial communications administration at the place where it is domiciled through its network access service provider and the APP distribution platform by means of online submission for application and inspection and review via the "national management system for basic internet resources".


    Based on relevant laws and regulations, Alibaba Cloud can provide you with ICP filing services as an access service only if your Internet information services, such as websites and apps, use Alibaba Cloud resources in the Chinese mainland. If you host your Internet information service on a self-managed server or in a data center, you must contact the Internet service provider (ISP), such as China Telecom and China Unicom, to apply for an ICP filing.

Check the instance for ICP filing and access information

If you host your Internet information service on an Alibaba Cloud instance, you can apply for an ICP filing in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system. Make sure that the following conditions are met before you apply for an ICP filing:

  • Instance region

    The instance is deployed in an Alibaba Cloud region in the Chinese mainland.

    • To obtain the detailed endpoint of the instance, contact the after-sales team of Alibaba Cloud by using the Intelligent online service.

    • If the instance based on which you want to apply for an ICP filing is not an Alibaba Cloud instance, contact your service provider for the application.

  • Instance service type

    The instance is of the specified service type and meets the requirement of the subscription duration. For more information, see Table 1 of this topic.


    After you purchase an Alibaba Cloud instance that is deployed in the Chinese mainland, you must pay attention to the expiration date and renew the instance at your earliest opportunity. Otherwise, your Internet information service cannot be accessed and may be identified as an Internet information service whose ICP filing is invalid after the instance expires. If you do not resolve this issue at the earliest opportunity, the ICP filing is canceled, and your business is affected.

  • Number of service identification numbers available for Internet information services

    The number of service identification numbers that can be applied for per supported instance varies based on its service type. Make sure that the instance you purchased has sufficient unused service identification numbers for your Internet information services. For more information, see Table 1 of this topic.

    • If you use the same Alibaba Cloud account to purchase the instance and apply for an ICP filing, you can select the instance during the ICP filing application without the need to apply for a service identification number. You can select the instance or apply for a service identification number for an ICP filing application. No matter which method you choose, the maximum number of service identification numbers that are supported by an instance is fixed.

    • The Alibaba Cloud account that you use to purchase an instance may be different from the account that you use to apply for an ICP filing. We recommend that you log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console and apply for a service identification number by using the account that is used to purchase the instance. For more information, see Apply for service identification numbers for free.

    • To apply for an ICP filing, you must apply for a service identification number first. If a service identification number is already in use for an Internet information service, you cannot use it to apply for an ICP filing for another Internet information service. Even if you deregister the Internet information service or remove Alibaba Cloud from the service provider list, the service identification number is still considered used. You cannot use it to apply for an ICP filing for another Internet information service.

Table 1. Supported instance service types and the maximum number of service identification numbers allowed

Instance service type

Requirement for purchases

URL for purchases

Number of service identification numbers allowed

Elastic Compute Service (ECS)

  • The instance is deployed in an Alibaba Cloud region in the Chinese mainland.

  • The subscription duration is at least three months. The duration extended by a renewal order is counted.

  • A public bandwidth plan is purchased.


You cannot use a pay-as-you-go instance to apply for service identification numbers.

Elastic Compute Service

Up to five for each instance

Cloud Web Hosting

  • The instance is deployed in an Alibaba Cloud region in the Chinese mainland.

  • The subscription duration is at least three months. The duration extended by a renewal order is counted.

Cloud Web Hosting

Up to five for each instance

Simple Application Server

  • The instance is deployed in an Alibaba Cloud region in the Chinese mainland.

  • The subscription duration is at least three months. The duration extended by a renewal order is counted.

  • A server instance is purchased.

Simple Application Server

Up to five for each instance

Edge Node Service (ENS)

  • The instance is deployed in an Alibaba Cloud region in the Chinese mainland.

  • The subscription duration is at least three months. The duration extended by a renewal order is counted.

Edge Node Service

Up to five for each instance


  • The order amount is no less than CNY 100.

  • The subscription duration is no less than three months.


Up to two for each mall

IoT Studio

  • The order amount is no less than CNY 100.

  • The instance is deployed in an Alibaba Cloud region in the Chinese mainland.

  • The instance is of Enterprise Edition or Ultimate Edition.

IoT Studio

Up to one for each instance

Check other Alibaba Cloud services

If your Internet information service uses Alibaba Cloud services such as Object Storage Service (OSS), Alibaba Cloud CDN (CDN), Web Application Firewall (WAF), and Anti-DDoS Pro, you must determine whether to add Alibaba Cloud to the ICP filing information as a service provider based on your business scenario.





To associate a custom domain name with an OSS endpoint, you must apply for an ICP filing for this domain name. For more information, see Map a custom domain name to the default domain name of a bucket.

You must obtain an ICP number for the domain name from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China. You are not required to add Alibaba Cloud to the ICP filing information as a service provider.


You must apply for an ICP filing for each Internet information service that is hosted on an instance deployed in the Chinese mainland to use Alibaba Cloud CDN.

You may use Alibaba Cloud CDN for content delivery acceleration in the Chinese mainland or all over the world. You must obtain an ICP number for the domain name from the MIIT of China. You are not required to add Alibaba Cloud to the ICP filing information as a service provider.


If your origin server is deployed on Alibaba Cloud but you do not add Alibaba Cloud as a service provider to the ICP filing information of the domain name used for back-to-origin routing, the domain name cannot be accessed.


You must apply for an ICP filing for each Internet information service that is hosted on an instance deployed in the Chinese mainland to use WAF.

You must obtain an ICP number for the domain name from the MIIT of China. You are not required to add Alibaba Cloud to the ICP filing information as a service provider.


If your origin server is deployed on Alibaba Cloud but you do not add Alibaba Cloud as a service provider to the ICP filing information of the domain name used for back-to-origin routing, the domain name cannot be accessed.

Anti-DDoS Pro

You must apply for an ICP filing for each Internet information service that is hosted on an instance deployed in the Chinese mainland to use Anti-DDoS Pro.