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Realtime Compute for Apache Flink:Deploy packages to manage Apache Paimon data

更新時間:Sep 12, 2024

To improve the efficiency and flexibility of Apache Paimon data management, such as small file merging and data sorting, in the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, you must deploy relevant packages in advance. This topic describes how to deploy relevant packages in the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink to manage Apache Paimon data in an efficient manner.


Only Realtime Compute for Apache Flink that uses Ververica Runtime (VVR) 8.0.5 or later supports Apache Paimon tables.


  1. Click the following links to download the JAR packages that are required for the management of Apache Paimon data.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane of the development console of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, click Artifacts. On the Artifacts page, click Upload Artifact to upload the two JAR packages that you downloaded in Step 1.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click O&M > Deployments. On the Deployments page, click Create Deployment > JAR Deployment. In the Create Deployment dialog box, configure the parameters.

    The following table describes the parameters.




    Deployment Mode

    Select Stream Mode or Batch Mode based on your business requirements.

    Batch Mode

    Deployment Name

    Enter the name of the JAR deployment that you want to create.


    Engine Version

    Select a version of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink that uses VVR 8.0.5 or later.



    Upload the paimon-flink-action JAR package.

    Select the paimon-flink-action JAR package that is uploaded in Step 2.

    Entry Point Class

    The entry point class of the program.

    Leave this parameter empty.

    Entry Point Main Arguments

    An input parameter. You can call the parameter in the main method.

    Specify the parameter based on your business requirements. For more information, see the documentation of related features. For example, you can specify the parameter to sort data. For more information, see Optimize deployment consumption.

    Additional Dependencies

    Specify the path or file name of the additional dependency file.

    Select the paimon-ali-vvr package that is uploaded in Step 2.

  4. Click Deploy.

  5. On the O&M > Deployments page, find the deployment that you create, and click Start in the Actions column. For more information about how to start a deployment, see Start a deployment.
