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Enterprise Distributed Application Service:Create an ECS cluster in the EDAS console

更新時間:Jan 08, 2024

An Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster is an environment where you can deploy your applications in the Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) console. If you have multiple applications that have extremely high requirements on the performance and stability of individual instances, you can host your applications in ECS clusters in the EDAS console. This topic describes how to create an ECS cluster in the EDAS console.


Background information

EDAS provides two types of ECS clusters: Alibaba Cloud ECS clusters and hybrid cloud ECS clusters.

  • An Alibaba Cloud ECS cluster consists of ECS instances that Alibaba Cloud provides. In this topic, an Alibaba Cloud ECS cluster is created.

  • A hybrid cloud ECS cluster consists of instances that are provided by Alibaba Cloud ECS, on-premises data centers, and other cloud service providers. These instances are interconnected over Express Connect circuits and added to hybrid cloud ECS clusters for management. For more information about hybrid cloud ECS clusters, see Create a hybrid cloud ECS cluster.


  1. Log on to the EDAS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resource Management > ECS Clusters.

  3. On the ECS Clusters page, select a region in the top navigation bar, select a microservices namespace, and then click Create Cluster.

    You can select a microservices namespace on this page or in the Create Cluster dialog box.

    • If resource or service isolation is required, select the microservices namespace that you created.

    • If resource or service isolation is not required, select Default from the Microservices Namespace drop-down list.

  4. In the Create Cluster dialog box, configure parameters based on your business requirements and click Create.




    Cluster Name

    The name of the cluster. The name must be 1 to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and periods (.).


    • Alibaba Cloud: an Alibaba Cloud ECS cluster.

    • Non-Alibaba Cloud: a hybrid cloud ECS cluster. In a hybrid cloud ECS cluster, the instances that are provided by Alibaba Cloud ECS, on-premises data centers, and other cloud service providers are interconnected over Express Connect circuits. For more information about hybrid cloud ECS clusters, see Create a hybrid cloud ECS cluster.

    Cluster Type

    This parameter can be set only to ECS.

    Network Type

    Valid values: Classic Network and VPC.


    If you set Cluster to Non-Alibaba Cloud, you can set this parameter only to VPC.


    After you select VPC for Network Type, you must select a created VPC.

    Microservices Namespace

    The microservices namespace to which the cluster belongs. By default, the namespace selected on the ECS Clusters page is displayed. If no microservices namespace is selected, Default is displayed in the Microservices Namespace drop-down list. Configure this parameter based on your business requirements.

    Resource Groups

    The resource group to which the cluster belongs. The resource group is created by the current Alibaba Cloud account in the Resource Management console. This group is not an EDAS resource group. If no resource groups are available, click Create Resource Group to go to the Resource Management console and create a resource group. For more information, see Create a resource group.

    After a cluster is created, the Created message appears on the top of the page, and the cluster appears in the cluster list.

What to do next

After you create a cluster, the cluster does not contain ECS instances, and you must add ECS instances to the cluster. For more information, see Scale out an ECS cluster in the EDAS console.