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更新時間:Sep 06, 2023

Creates sessions by using Session Manager. When you call this operation, you can include the ID of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in the request to create a WebSocket session to the instance. The URL of the WebSocket session returned by the operation can be used to connect to the instance.

Usage notes

When you use custom code to connect to an ECS instance that serves as a client, you can call this operation to obtain the WebSocket URL that is used to connect to the instance. Take note of the following items:

  • The ECS instance must be in the Running (Running) state.
  • Cloud Assistant Agent must be installed on the ECS instance. You can call the DescribeCloudAssistantStatus operation to check whether Cloud Assistant Agent is installed on the ECS instance and query the number of the installed Cloud Assistant Agent version.
    • If Cloud Assistant Agent is not installed on the ECS instance, call the InstallCloudAssistant operation to install Cloud Assistant Agent.
    • The Cloud Assistant Agent version that is installed on the instance must be later than one of the following versions to support Session Manager. You can upgrade Cloud Assistant Agent. For information about how to upgrade Cloud Assistant Agent, see Update or disable updates for Cloud Assistant Agent.
      • For Linux operating systems: V2.2.3.256
      • For Windows operating systems: V2.1.3.256
  • Each WebSocket URL returned by the StartTerminalSession operation is valid for 10 minutes.
  • Up to 1,000 sessions can be created and remain available per region. Each ECS instance can have up to 20 sessions in the connected state.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes StartTerminalSession

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to StartTerminalSession.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the ECS instance. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.

InstanceId.N String Yes i-bp1eifrtpxa9tb****

The ID of ECS instance N. You can specify the IDs of up to 10 ECS instances in a single request. Valid values of N: 1 to 10.

PortNumber Integer No 22

The port number of the ECS instance, which is used to forward data. If you specify this parameter, Cloud Assistant Agent forwards data to the specified port for port forwarding. Example: 22.

This parameter is empty by default, which indicates that no port number is configured to forward data.

CommandLine String No ssh root@

The command to run after the session is initiated. The command can be up to 512 characters in length.

Note If you specify CommandLine, you do not need to specify PortNumber or TargetServer.
TargetServer String No

The IP address of the instance.

Note If you set this parameter to the IP address of an instance, the PortNumber parameter specifies the port number of the instance.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String EB5173B0-8E80-564E-AAD1-3135412*****

The ID of the request.

SessionId String s-hz023od0x9****

The ID of the session.

SecurityToken String d86c2df2-d19c-4bd8-b817-a19ef123****

The security token included in the WebSocket request header. The system uses this token to authenticate the request.

WebSocketUrl String wss://****&token=d86c2df2-d19c-4bd8-b817-a19ef123****

The URL of the WebSocket session that is established to the instance. The URL includes the session ID (SessionId) and the authentication token (SecurityToken).


Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "EB5173B0-8E80-564E-AAD1-3135412*****",
  "SessionId" : "s-hz023od0x9****",
  "SecurityToken" : "d86c2df2-d19c-4bd8-b817-a19ef123****",
  "WebSocketUrl" : "wss://****&token=d86c2df2-d19c-4bd8-b817-a19ef123****"

Error codes

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
400 RegionId.ApiNotSupported The api is not supported in this region. This operation cannot be performed in the specified region. Check whether the value of the RegionId parameter is valid.
400 PortNumber.Invalid The port number is invalid. Invalid PortNumber value.
403 InstanceIds.ExceedLimit The number of instance IDs exceeds the upper limit. The maximum number of instance IDs is exceeded.
403 SessionCount.ExceedLimit The number of sessions exceeds the upper limit. The maximum number of sessions in the connected state is exceeded.
403 Operation.Forbidden The operation is not permitted. The operation is not supported.
403 PortForwarding.NotSupported Port forwarding is not supported currently. The port forwarding feature is not supported.
403 UserBehavior.SessionManagerDisabled The api is disabled by user behavior. Session Manager is disabled. We recommend that you enable Session Manager for all regions in your account.
403 InvalidCommandLine.Conflict The parameter PortNumber or TargetServer cannot be specified with parameter CommandLine. The PortNumber or TargetServer parameter is mutually exclusive with the CommandLine parameter.
403 InvalidTargetServer.MissingPortNumber The parameter PortNumber must be specified with parameter TargetServer. The PortNumber parameter must be specified together with the TargetServer parameter.
403 InvalidCommandLine.LengthLimitExceeded The length of the parameter CommandLine exceeded the limit of 512 characters. Invalid CommandLine value. The specified command exceeds 512 characters in length.
403 InvalidInstanceIds.CountLimitExceeded The count of Instances exceeded the maximum limit of 1 when TargetServer or CommandLine parameter was specified. The maximum number of instances is exceeded. When the TargetServer or CommandLine parameter is specified, only one instance can be specified.
404 InvalidInstance.NotFound The specified instances not found. The specified instance ID is not found.
500 InternalError.Dispatch An error occurred when you dispatched the request. An error occurred when the request was being sent. Try again later.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.