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Cloud Backup:Back up NAS files

更新時間:Sep 21, 2023

You can use Cloud Backup to back up Apsara File Storage NAS files from Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. You can then restore these files if they are lost or damaged. This topic describes how to back up NAS files from an ECS instance.


Preparations described in Prepare for a data backup are completed.

Step 1: Create an Cloud Backup client for ECS file backup

To create an Cloud Backup client for ECS file backup, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Cloud Backup console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Backup > ECS File Backup.

  3. In the top navigation bar, select the region where the ECS instance to be backed up resides.

  4. On the ECS File Backup page, click New Version.

  5. On the ECS Instances tab, find the ECS instance and choose More > Reinstall Client in the Actions column.

  6. Wait until the client status of the ECS instance becomes Activated on the ECS Instances tab.


Step 2: Create a backup plan

After the Cloud Backup client for ECS file backup is installed, perform the following steps to create a backup plan:

  1. On the ECS Instance tab, find the ECS instance and click Back Up in the Actions column. Back up

  2. In the Create Backup Plan panel, configure the parameters and click OK.

    The following table describes the parameters.



    Plan Name

    The name of the backup plan. If you do not configure this parameter, a random name is specified.

    Source Paths

    The paths to the mount targets of the NAS file system.

    Start Time

    The time at which the backup plan starts. The time is accurate to seconds.

    Backup Interval

    The interval at which Cloud Backup performs incremental backups. Unit: hours, days, or weeks.

    Retention Period

    The retention period of the backup data. Unit: days, weeks, months, or years.

    Enable Traffic Shaping

    Specifies whether to enable traffic shaping. You can limit the bandwidth used for data backup during peak hours to ensure business continuity.


    If you turn on Enable Traffic Shaping, you must configure the Time Range and Max Bandwidth parameters. Then, click Add.

    After the backup plan is created, you can view the backup plan on the Backup Plans tab. Backup jobs will run based on the configured backup plan. You can also choose More > Run Now in the Actions column to run a backup job immediately. run now

    On the Backup Jobs tab, you can view the progress of each backup job. backup jobs