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Cloud Backup:Prepare for a data backup

Last Updated:Jun 05, 2024

You can use Cloud Backup to back up the data of an Apsara File Storage NAS Network File System (NFS) file system and restore the data based on your business requirements. This topic describes how to prepare for a data backup.

Step 1: Create and assign the AliyunServiceRoleForHbrEcsBackup role

Before you use Cloud Backup to back up files from ECS, you must create the AliyunServiceRoleForHbrEcsBackup role and assign the role to Cloud Backup. To create and assign the role, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Cloud Backup console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Backup > ECS File Backup.

    In the dialog box that appears, create and assign the role as prompted.

  3. In the Hybrid Cloud Backup Service Authorization dialog box, click Confirm Authorization.

    For more information, see Service-linked roles.

Step 2: Install Cloud Assistant

A Cloud Backup client for ECS must be used together with Cloud Assistant.

  • If the ECS instance that you need to back up was purchased before December 1, 2017, you must install Cloud Assistant Agent. For more information, see Install Cloud Assistant Agent.

  • If the ECS instance that you need to back up was purchased on or after December 1, 2017, Cloud Assistant Agent is pre-installed.

Step 3: Create a mount target

In the NAS console, create a VPC mount target for the NFS file system. For more information, see Create a mount target.

After the mount target is created, you can perform the following steps to view the path of the mount target: In the NAS console, find the NFS file system, and click Manage in the Actions column. In the left-side navigation pane of the page that appears, click Mount Targets. On the Mount Target page, view the path of the mount target. image

Step 4: Create an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance

Create an ECS instance in the VPC where the mount target of the NFS file system resides. For more information, see Create an instance by using the wizard. In this example, CentOS is used.

Step 5: Mount the NAS NFS file system on the ECS instance


  1. Run the sudo yum install nfs-utils command to install the NFS client. For more information about how to install an NFS client in Linux, see Mount an NFS file system on a Linux ECS instance.

  2. After the NFS client is installed, install the NAS NFS file system on the NFS client. For more information, see Mount an NFS file system on a Linux ECS instance.

What to do next

Back up NAS files