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Cloud Enterprise Network:Monitor CEN resources

更新時間:Aug 09, 2024

When you use Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN), the system monitors various CEN metrics by default. The metrics show the data transfer rate and bandwidth usage. Meanwhile, CloudMonitor automatically collects the metrics. You can create threshold-triggered alert rules for the metrics. When a threshold-triggered alert rule is triggered, the system sends you notifications to help you manage the alert at the earliest opportunity and ensure system availability.

Supported resources


The monitoring data of the following network instance connections is available only on the Enterprise Edition transit routers to which the connections are attached: virtual private cloud (VPC) connections, Express Connect Router (ECR) connections, VPN connections, and virtual border router (VBR) connections.


Monitoring granularity

Enterprise Edition transit routers

  • Metrics of Enterprise Edition transit routers

  • Metrics of Enterprise Edition transit routers in a zone

VPC connections

  • Metrics of VPC connections

  • Metrics of VPC connections on Enterprise Edition transit routers in a zone

ECR connections

  • Metrics of ECR connections

  • Metrics of ECR connections on Enterprise Edition transit routers in a zone

VPN connections

  • Metrics of VPN connections

  • Metrics of VPN connections on Enterprise Edition transit routers in a zone

VBR connections

  • Metrics of VBR connections

  • Metrics of VBR connections on Enterprise Edition transit routers in a zone

Inter-region connections

  • Metrics of inter-region connections

  • If a quality of service (QoS) policy is configured for an inter-region connection, you can view the monitoring data of a QoS queue for the inter-region connection.

    Monitoring data of QoS queues is available only for inter-region connections that are created on Enterprise Edition transit routers.

Express Connect circuits

Metrics of Express Connect circuits that are connected to VBRs

The system monitors only data transfer rates and bandwidth usage of the VBRs.

Bandwidth plans

Metrics of bandwidth plans

Notes on monitoring by zone

When a VPC, an ECR, a VBR, or an IPsec-VPN connection is attached to an Enterprise Edition transit router, resources are deployed in the zones of the Enterprise Edition transit router to establish connections.

You can specify a zone when you create a VPC connection. However, you cannot specify a zone when you create an ECR, VBR, or VPN connection. Instead, the system automatically selects a zone and deploys resources in the zone.

CEN can automatically monitor zones of Enterprise Edition transit routers that are connected to a network instance. If a zone is not monitored by CEN, no network instance in the zone is attached to an Enterprise Edition transit router, and no data is transferred in the zone.


  • The system collects the average value of a metric every minute.

  • For metrics related to the peak bandwidth, the system collects a value every 10 seconds in each minute. A total of 6 bandwidth values are collected every minute. Among the 6 values, the maximum value is used as the peak bandwidth value within the minute. Bandwidth monitoring data shows traffic fluctuations at the level of seconds.

  • For metrics related to the average bandwidth, the system calculates the average bandwidth value every minute.

Transit router metrics

Instance-level metric


Zone-level metric


Inbound Bytes

The total number of inbound bytes that the transit router receives from network instance connections. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that a zone of the transit router receives from network instance connections. Unit: bytes.

Inbound Traffic Rate

The inbound data transfer rate at which the transit router receives bits from network instance connections. Unit: bit/s.


The inbound data transfer rate at which a zone of the transit router receives bits from network instance connections. Unit: bit/s.

Inbound Packets

The total number of packets that the transit router receives from network instance connections. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets that a zone of the transit router receives from network instance connections. Unit: packets.

Inbound Packet Rate

The rate at which the transit router receives packets from network instance connections. Unit: packets per second (pps).


The rate at which a zone of the transit router receives packets from network instance connections. Unit: pps.

Outbound Bytes

The total number of bytes that the transit router transmits to network instance connections. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that the transit router transmits from a zone to network instance connections. Unit: bytes.

Outbound Traffic Rate

The rate at which the transit router transmits bits to network instance connections. Unit: bit/s.


The rate at which the transit router transmits bits from a zone to network instance connections. Unit: bit/s.

Outbound Packets

The total number of packets that the transit router transmits to network instance connections. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets that the transit router transmits from a zone to network instance connections. Unit: packets.

Outbound Packet Rate

The rate at which the transit router transmits packets to network instance connections. Unit: pps.


The rate at which the transit router transmits packets from a zone to network instance connections. Unit: pps.

Bytes Dropped Due to Missing Route

The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched. Unit: bytes.

Rate of Traffic Dropped Due to Missing Routes

The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched. Unit: bit/s.


The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched. Unit: bit/s.

Packets Dropped Due to Missing Routes

The total number of packets that are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets that are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched. Unit: packets.

Rate of Packets Dropped Due to Missing Routes

The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched. Unit: pps.


The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched. Unit: pps.

Bytes Dropped Due to Blackhole Routes

The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: bytes.

Rate of Traffic Dropped Due to Blackhole Routes

The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: bit/s.


The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: bit/s.

Packets Dropped Due to Blackhole Routes

The total number of packets dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: packets.

Rate of Packets Dropped Due to Blackhole Routes

The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: pps.


The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched. Unit: pps.

Network instance connection metrics

VPC, ECR, VPN, and VBR connections use the same metrics. The following table describes the metrics of VPC, ECR, VPN, and VBR connections.

Connection-level metric


Zone-level metric



The total number of bytes that the network instance connection transmits to the transit router. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that the network instance connection transmits to a zone of the transit router. Unit: bytes.


The rate at which the network instance connection transmits bits to the transit router. Unit: bit/s.


The rate at which the network instance connection transmits bits to a zone of the transit router. Unit: bit/s.


The total number of packets that the network instance connection transmits to the transit router. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets that the network instance connection transmits to the transit router in a zone. Unit: packets.


The rate at which the network instance connection transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: pps.


The rate at which the network instance connection transmits packets to a zone of the transit router. Unit: pps.


The total number of bytes that the transit router transmits to the network instance. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that the transit router transmits from a zone to the network instance. Unit: bytes.


The rate at which the transit router transmits bits to the network instance. Unit: bit/s.


The rate at which the transit router transmits bits from a zone to the network instance. Unit: bit/s.


The total number of packets that the transit router transmits to the network instance. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets that the transit router transmits from a zone to the network instance. Unit: packets.


The rate at which the transit router transmits packets to the network instance. Unit: pps.


The rate at which the transit router transmits packets from a zone to the network instance. Unit: pps.


The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched when the network instance transmits bytes to the transit router. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched when the network instance transmits bytes to the transit router. Unit: bytes.


The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched when the network instance transmits bits to the transit router. Unit: bit/s.


The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched when the network instance transmits bits to the transit router. Unit: bit/s.


The total number of packets that are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets that are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: packets.


The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router because no route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: pps.


The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router in a zone because no route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: pps.


The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits bytes to the transit router. Unit: bytes.


The total number of bytes that are dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits bytes to the transit router. Unit: bytes.


The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits bits to the transit router. Unit: bit/s.


The rate at which bits are dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits bits to the transit router. Unit: bit/s.


The total number of packets that are dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: packets.


The total number of packets that are dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: packets.


The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: pps.


The rate at which packets are dropped by the transit router in a zone because a blackhole route is matched when the network instance transmits packets to the transit router. Unit: pps.

Inter-region connection metrics




This metric contains four groups of information. For example, if Region A and Region B are connected, the following information is displayed:

  • The peak bandwidth of data transmission from Region A to Region B. Unit: bit/s.

  • The peak bandwidth of data transmission from Region B to Region A. Unit: bit/s.

  • The average bandwidth of data transmission from Region A to Region B. Unit: bit/s.

  • The average bandwidth of data transmission from Region B to Region A. Unit: bit/s.


This metric contains four groups of information. For example, if Region A and Region B are connected, the following information is displayed:

  • The percentage of the peak bandwidth of data transmission from Region A to Region B.

  • The percentage of the peak bandwidth of data transmission from Region B to Region A.

  • The percentage of the average bandwidth of data transmission from Region A to Region B.

  • The percentage of the average bandwidth of data transmission from Region B to Region A.


This metric contains two groups of information. For example, if Region A and Region B are connected, the following information is displayed:

  • The loss rate of packets transmitted from Region A to Region B. Unit: pps.

  • The loss rate of packets transmitted from Region B to Region A. Unit: pps.


The network latency between the regions. Unit: milliseconds.

You can view network latency of inter-region connections on Enterprise Edition transit routers that use Platinum or Gold lines in the Network Intelligence Service (NIS) console. For more information, see Monitor the average network latencies between zones or between regions.


The InternetOutRateByConnectionRegionA, InternetOutRatePercentByConnectionRegion, and InternetOutDropRateByConnectionRegion metrics are deprecated.

QoS queue metrics




This metric contains the following two groups of information:

  • Rate of Outbound Bandwidth: the peak bandwidth of the queue when the local transit router transmits data to the peer transit router. Unit: bit/s.

  • Average Rate of Outbound Bandwidth: the average bandwidth of the queue when the local transit router transmits data to the peer transit router. Unit: bit/s.


This metric contains the following two groups of information:

  • Usage of Outbound Bandwidth: the percentage of the peak bandwidth of the queue to the bandwidth of the inter-region connection when the local transit router transmits data to the peer transit router.

  • Average Usage of Outbound Bandwidth: the percentage of the average bandwidth of the queue to the bandwidth of the inter-region connection when the local transit router transmits data to the peer transit router.


The packet loss rate of the queue when the local transit router transmits data to the peer transit router. Unit: pps.

Express Connect circuit metrics


After you connect a transit router to a VBR, you can view the monitoring data of outbound bandwidth and inbound bandwidth of the Express Connect circuit by default. To view the network latency and packet loss rate of the Express Connect circuit, configure health checks for the Express Connect circuit. For more information, see Configure health checks.




The bandwidth that is used to transmit data from Alibaba Cloud to the data center. Unit: bit/s.


The bandwidth that is used to transmit data from the data center to Alibaba Cloud. Unit: bit/s.


The network latency between Alibaba Cloud and the data center. Unit: milliseconds.


The rate at which packets between Alibaba Cloud and the data center are dropped.

Bandwidth plan metrics




This metric contains the following two groups of information:

  • Rate of Outbound Bandwidth: the peak bandwidth of the bandwidth plan. Unit: bit/s.

  • Average Rate of Outbound Bandwidth: the average bandwidth that is consumed in the bandwidth plan. Unit: bit/s.


This metric contains the following two groups of information:

  • Usage of Outbound Bandwidth: the percentage of the peak bandwidth to the maximum bandwidth of the bandwidth plan.

  • Average Usage of Outbound Bandwidth: the percentage of the average bandwidth that is consumed in the bandwidth plan.


The InternetOutRateByConnectionArea and InternetOutRatePercentByConnectionArea are deprecated.

View metrics

View metrics of resources on the Charts tab

  • To view the metrics of QoS queues of an inter-region connection for which a QoS policy is configured, open the Monitoring panel of the inter-region connection. For more information, see View inter-region connection metrics.

  • On the Charts tab, you can view the metrics of bandwidth plans that are associated with the CEN instance. For more information about how to view the metrics of other bandwidth plans, see View bandwidth plan metrics.

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the details page of the CEN instance, click the Charts tab to view metrics of resources.可用区级别监控

    • By default, the Charts tab displays monitoring data within the last hour and is collected every minute.

      You can query monitoring data within the last 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 7 days, and 30 days, or a custom time period. You can also set the Interval parameter to query monitoring data that is collected at a specified interval.

    • Monitoring data can be automatically updated.

      To enable the system to automatically update the monitoring data every minute, turn on Auto Refresh in the upper-left corner of the Charts tab.

    • You can query monitoring data of VPC, ECR, VPN, and VBR connections in a zone.

      To view the monitoring data of a connection in a zone, turn on View Zone Monitoring above the line chart. Each line represents a zone.

View metrics in the Monitoring panel of each resource

View transit router metrics

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Basic Information > Transit Router tab, find the transit router that you want to manage and click the 监控 icon in the Monitoring column.

  4. In the Monitoring panel, view the metrics of the transit router.

View network instance connection metrics

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Basic Information > Transit Router tab, click the ID of the transit router to which the network instance connection is attached.

  4. On the Intra-region Connections tab, find the network instance connection that you want to manage and click the 监控 icon in the Monitoring column. In the Monitoring panel, view the monitoring data of the network instance connection.

View inter-region connection metrics

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Basic Information > Transit Router tab, click the ID of the transit router to which the inter-region connection is attached.

  4. On the details page of the transit router, click the Cross-region Connections tab.

  5. On the Cross-region Connections tab, find the inter-region connection that you want to manage and click the 监控 icon in the Monitoring column.

    • In the Monitoring panel, select All Queues from the drop down list in the upper-left corner to view the monitoring data of the inter-region connection.

    • To view the monitoring data of the default queue or a specific queue, select Default Queue or a queue from the drop-down list in the upper-left corner of the Monitoring panel.

View Express Connect circuit metrics

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Health Checks.

  3. On the Health Check page, select the region in which the VBR is deployed.

  4. Find the health check and click the 监控 icon in the Monitoring column to view the monitoring data of the Express Connect circuit.

View bandwidth plan metrics

View the metrics of bandwidth plans associated with a CEN instance

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance with which the bandwidth plan that you want to query is associated.

  3. On the details page of the CEN instance, choose Basic Information and find the bandwidth plan.

  4. In the Monitoring column, click the 监控 icon to view the monitoring data of the bandwidth plan.

View the metrics of any bandwidth plan

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Bandwidth Plans. On the Bandwidth Plans page, find the bandwidth plan that you want to query.

  3. In the Monitoring column, click the 监控 icon to view the monitoring data of the bandwidth plan.

Create a threshold-triggered alert rule for a metric

We recommend that you use CloudMonitor to create threshold-triggered alert rules for metrics. If the threshold of an alert rule is reached, the system automatically sends notifications to you so that you can manage the alert at the earliest opportunity. Threshold-triggered alert rules help you prevent service unavailability caused by resource exhaustion.

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Basic Information > Transit Router tab, find an Enterprise Edition transit router and click Set Alarm in the Monitoring column.

  4. In the Configure Rule Description panel, click Cancel.

  5. In the Create Alert Rule panel, configure the parameters based on your business requirements and click Confirm.

    The following table describes the parameters that are related to this topic. For more information about how to configure other parameters, see Create an alert rule.




    Select a resource type.

    • CEN-Area: Select this operation if you want to monitor bandwidth plans.

    • CEN-Region: Select this operation if you want to monitor inter-region connections or QoS queues.

    • CEN-Router: Select this option if you want to monitor VBRs.

    • CEN-TR: Select this option if you want to monitor transit routers.

    Resource Range

    Select a resource range. By default, CloudMonitor monitors all resources of the selected resource type.

    Rule Description

    Add a rule description. The alert rule is triggered when the specified conditions are met. To specify a condition, perform the following steps:

    1. Click Add Rule and select a metric type from the drop-down list.

    2. In the Configure Rule Description panel, enter a rule name in Alert Rule and configure the Metric Type parameter. Valid values of the Metric Type parameter:

      • Single Metric: Select a metric and specify a threshold and an alert level for the metric.

      • Multiple Metrics: Select an alert level and specify alert conditions for two or more metrics.

      • Dynamic Threshold: For more information about dynamic thresholds, see Overview and Create dynamic threshold-triggered alert rules.

    3. Click OK.


    Alert rules are not supported by the LatencyByConnectionRegion metric of inter-region connections.

    Alert Contact Group

    Specify an alert contact group to receive alert notifications.

    For more information about how to create an alert contact and an alert contact group, see Create an alert contact or alert contact group.


  • After you create an alert rule, you can view and manage the alert rule in the CloudMonitor console. For more information, see Alert Service.

  • To compare the metrics of different resources, create a custom dashboard in the Cloud Monitor console. For more information, see Overview.

  • You can all API operations to query metrics of CEN resources.

    • For more information, see Cloud products.

    • When you call API operations, you must specify the following parameters: Namespace, MetricName, Dimensions, and Period. For more information, see Appendix 1: Metrics.

  • To monitor data transmission between resources, configure a flow log. Flow logs can be used to capture network traffic information about VBR connections and inter-region connections. For more information, see Configure a flow log.