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Cloud Enterprise Network:List of operations by function

更新時間:Sep 25, 2024
This product(Cbn/2017-09-12) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (11370001915) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

CEN instances

CreateCenCreateCenCloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances are basic network resources that are used to manage interconnected networks. You can use a CEN instance to manage a network that covers one or multiple regions. Before you can connect network instances, you must first call the CreateCen operation to create a CEN instance.
DeleteCenDeleteCenDeletes a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
ModifyCenAttributeModifyCenAttributeModifies the name and description of a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DescribeCensDescribeCensQueries the information about your Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances.
DescribeGrantRulesToResourceDescribeGrantRulesToResourceQueries the information about the permissions that the Alibaba Cloud account of a network instance granted to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance in a different Alibaba Cloud account, the ID of the CEN instance, and the Alibaba Cloud account that pays the fees of the network instance.
MoveResourceGroupMoveResourceGroupMoves a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance or a bandwidth plan to another resource group.

Transit routers

CreateTransitRouterCreateTransitRouterCreates an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DeleteTransitRouterDeleteTransitRouterDeletes a transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterUpdateTransitRouterModifies the name and description of a transit router.
ListTransitRoutersListTransitRoutersQueries the information about transit routers that are connected to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
ListTransitRouterAvailableResourceListTransitRouterAvailableResourceQueries the zones that support Enterprise Edition transit routers in a region.
OpenTransitRouterServiceOpenTransitRouterServiceActivates the transit router feature.
CheckTransitRouterServiceCheckTransitRouterServiceQueries whether your Alibaba Cloud account has the transit router feature activated.
GrantInstanceToTransitRouterGrantInstanceToTransitRouterGrants a transit router permissions on network instances that belong to another Alibaba Cloud account. To connect a transit router of Account B to a network instance of Account A, you must use Account A to grant permissions to the transit router of Account B.
RevokeInstanceFromTransitRouterRevokeInstanceFromTransitRouterRevokes the permissions that a transit router has on network instances that belong to another Alibaba Cloud account.

Transit router CIDR blocks

CreateTransitRouterCidrCreateTransitRouterCidrCreates a custom CIDR block for a transit router. Custom CIDR blocks of a transit router are similar to the CIDR blocks of the loopback interface of a router.
DeleteTransitRouterCidrDeleteTransitRouterCidrDeletes a CIDR block from a transit router.
ModifyTransitRouterCidrModifyTransitRouterCidrModifies the CIDR block of a transit router.
ListTransitRouterCidrListTransitRouterCidrQueries the CIDR blocks of a transit router.
ListTransitRouterCidrAllocationListTransitRouterCidrAllocationQueries how a CIDR block is allocated.

Network instance connections

VPC connectionsVPC connections
CreateTransitRouterVpcAttachmentCreateTransitRouterVpcAttachmentAttaches virtual private clouds (VPCs) that you want to connect to a transit router. After you attach the VPCs to the same transit router, the VPCs can communicate with each other.
DeleteTransitRouterVpcAttachmentDeleteTransitRouterVpcAttachmentDeletes a virtual private cloud (VPC) connection from an Enterprise Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterVpcAttachmentAttributeUpdateTransitRouterVpcAttachmentAttributeModifies the name and description of a virtual private cloud (VPC) connection on an Enterprise Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterVpcAttachmentZonesUpdateTransitRouterVpcAttachmentZonesModifies the zones and vSwitches that are associated with a virtual private cloud (VPC) connection.
ListTransitRouterVpcAttachmentsListTransitRouterVpcAttachmentsQueries the status, billing method, zones, vSwitches, and elastic network interfaces (ENIs) of virtual private cloud (VPC) connections.
CreateTransitRouterEcrAttachmentCreateTransitRouterEcrAttachmentAttaches an Express Connect Router (ECR) connection to the transit router in the same region.
DeleteTransitRouterEcrAttachmentDeleteTransitRouterEcrAttachmentDeletes an Express Connect Router (ECR) connection from an Enterprise Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterEcrAttachmentAttributeUpdateTransitRouterEcrAttachmentAttributeModifies the name and description of an Express Connect Router (ECR) connection on a Enterprise Edition transit router.
ListTransitRouterEcrAttachmentsListTransitRouterEcrAttachmentsQueries the information about Express Connect Router (ECR) connections on an Enterprise Edition transit router, such as the connection status, connection ID, and the payer of instance fees.
VPN connectionsVPN connections
CreateTransitRouterVpnAttachmentCreateTransitRouterVpnAttachmentAttaches an IPsec-VPN connection to a transit router.
DeleteTransitRouterVpnAttachmentDeleteTransitRouterVpnAttachmentDeletes a VPN attachment.
UpdateTransitRouterVpnAttachmentAttributeUpdateTransitRouterVpnAttachmentAttributeModifies the configuration of a VPN attachment.
ListTransitRouterVpnAttachmentsListTransitRouterVpnAttachmentsQueries the information about VPN attachments, such as the status and billing method of a VPN attachment, and the ID of an IPsec-VPN connection.
VBR connectionsVBR connections
CreateTransitRouterVbrAttachmentCreateTransitRouterVbrAttachmentConnects the virtual border routers (VBRs) among which you want to establish network communication to the transit router in the region. Then, the transit router can exchange data between the VBR and CEN instance over private connections.
DeleteTransitRouterVbrAttachmentDeleteTransitRouterVbrAttachmentDeletes a virtual border router (VBR) connection from an Enterprise Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterVbrAttachmentAttributeUpdateTransitRouterVbrAttachmentAttributeModifies the name, description, and enables or disables automatic route advertisement for a virtual border router (VBR) connection on an Enterprise Edition transit router.
ListTransitRouterVbrAttachmentsListTransitRouterVbrAttachmentsQueries the virtual border router (VBR) connections on an Enterprise Edition transit router.
AttachCenChildInstanceAttachCenChildInstanceAttaches a network instance to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DetachCenChildInstanceDetachCenChildInstanceDetaches a network instance from a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DescribeCenAttachedChildInstanceAttributeDescribeCenAttachedChildInstanceAttributeQueries the information about a network instance, such as a virtual private cloud (VPC), a virtual border router, or a Cloud Connect Network (CCN) instance, that is attached to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DescribeCenAttachedChildInstancesDescribeCenAttachedChildInstancesQueries the network instances that are attached to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DescribeChildInstanceRegionsDescribeChildInstanceRegionsQueries the regions in which you can attach network instances to Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances.
DescribeGrantRulesToCenDescribeGrantRulesToCenQueries the network instances of other Alibaba Cloud accounts that have granted permissions to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
ListGrantVSwitchesToCenListGrantVSwitchesToCenQueries the vSwitches in a virtual private cloud (VPC) that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account and is attached to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.

Bandwidth plans

CreateCenBandwidthPackageCreateCenBandwidthPackageCreates a bandwidth plan.
DeleteCenBandwidthPackageDeleteCenBandwidthPackageDeletes a bandwidth plan.
ModifyCenBandwidthPackageAttributeModifyCenBandwidthPackageAttributeModifies the name and description of a bandwidth plan.
ModifyCenBandwidthPackageSpecModifyCenBandwidthPackageSpecModifies the maximum bandwidth of a bandwidth plan.
DescribeCenGeographicSpanRemainingBandwidthDescribeCenGeographicSpanRemainingBandwidthQueries the remaining bandwidth of a bandwidth plan.
DescribeCenBandwidthPackagesDescribeCenBandwidthPackagesQueries the information about bandwidth plans.
DescribeCenGeographicSpansDescribeCenGeographicSpansQueries the areas that a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance can connect.
DescribeGeographicRegionMembershipDescribeGeographicRegionMembershipQueries regions in an area.
TempUpgradeCenBandwidthPackageSpecTempUpgradeCenBandwidthPackageSpecTemporarily upgrades a subscription bandwidth plan of Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN).
UnassociateCenBandwidthPackageUnassociateCenBandwidthPackageDisassociates a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) from a bandwidth plan. After the disassociation, the bandwidth can be associated with another CEN instance.
AssociateCenBandwidthPackageAssociateCenBandwidthPackageAssociates a bandwidth plan with a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.

Cross-region connections

CreateTransitRouterPeerAttachmentCreateTransitRouterPeerAttachmentTo connect network instances across regions, such as virtual private clouds (VPCs), virtual border routers (VBRs), and IPsec-VPN connections that are connected to transit routers, you must create an inter-region connection between the network instances that you want to connect. You can call the CreateTransitRouterPeerAttachment operation to create an inter-region connection on an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DeleteTransitRouterPeerAttachmentDeleteTransitRouterPeerAttachmentDeletes an inter-region connection from an Enterprise Edition transit router.
SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitSetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitConfigures, modifies, or deletes the bandwidth of inter-region connections for a Basic Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterPeerAttachmentAttributeUpdateTransitRouterPeerAttachmentAttributeModifies an inter-region connection on an Enterprise Edition transit router.
ListTransitRouterPeerAttachmentsListTransitRouterPeerAttachmentsQueries inter-region connections on an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DescribeCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitsDescribeCenInterRegionBandwidthLimitsQueries the bandwidth of connections between regions.

Route management

CreateCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToAttachmentCreateCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToAttachmentAdds a route entry to a network instance and sets the next hop of the destination CIDR block to the transit router in the current region.
CreateCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToCenCreateCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToCenAdds routes to a network instance.
DeleteCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToAttachmentDeleteCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToAttachmentDeletes a route of a network instance from an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DeleteCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToCenDeleteCenChildInstanceRouteEntryToCenDeletes a route from a network instance that is attached to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
ListCenChildInstanceRouteEntriesToAttachmentListCenChildInstanceRouteEntriesToAttachmentQueries routes in route tables of network instances that point to network instance connections on Enterprise Edition transit routers.
DescribeCenRegionDomainRouteEntriesDescribeCenRegionDomainRouteEntriesQueries the details about routes in a region for a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DescribeCenChildInstanceRouteEntriesDescribeCenChildInstanceRouteEntriesQueries the routes of a network instance that is attached to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DescribePublishedRouteEntriesDescribePublishedRouteEntriesQueries whether the routes of virtual private clouds (VPCs) and virtual border routers (VBRs) are advertised to the Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance to which the VCPs and VBRs are attached.
DescribeRouteConflictDescribeRouteConflictQueries overlapping routes of a network instance.
PublishRouteEntriesPublishRouteEntriesCloud Enterprise Network (CEN) supports route advertisement. You can call this operation to advertise routes of virtual private clouds (VPCs) or virtual border routers (VBRs) attached to a CEN instance to the CEN instance. Other network instances attached to the CEN instance can learn the routes if route conflicts do not exist.
WithdrawPublishedRouteEntriesWithdrawPublishedRouteEntriesWithdraws the routes of a virtual private cloud (VPC) or a virtual border router (VBR) from a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.

Route tables of transit routers

CreateTransitRouterRouteTableCreateTransitRouterRouteTableCreates a custom route table for an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DeleteTransitRouterRouteTableDeleteTransitRouterRouteTableDeletes a custom route table from an Enterprise Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterRouteTableUpdateTransitRouterRouteTableModifies the name and description of a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router and enables or disables multi-region equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routing.
ListTransitRouterRouteTablesListTransitRouterRouteTablesQueries the route tables of an Enterprise Edition transit router.

Routes of transit routers

CreateTransitRouterRouteEntryCreateTransitRouterRouteEntryAdds a route to a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DeleteTransitRouterRouteEntryDeleteTransitRouterRouteEntryDeletes blackhole routes and static routes that point to network instance connections from the route tables of an Enterprise Edition transit router.
UpdateTransitRouterRouteEntryUpdateTransitRouterRouteEntryModifies the name and description of a route in a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router.
ListTransitRouterRouteEntriesListTransitRouterRouteEntriesQueries the details about routes in the route tables of an Enterprise Edition transit router.

Associated forwarding correlations

ListTransitRouterRouteTableAssociationsListTransitRouterRouteTableAssociationsQueries the associated forwarding correlations that are created for a route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router or a network instance connection.
AssociateTransitRouterAttachmentWithRouteTableAssociateTransitRouterAttachmentWithRouteTableCreates an associated forwarding correlation.
ReplaceTransitRouterRouteTableAssociationReplaceTransitRouterRouteTableAssociationAssociates a network instance connection with another route table of a transit router.
DissociateTransitRouterAttachmentFromRouteTableDissociateTransitRouterAttachmentFromRouteTableDeletes an associated forwarding correlation.

Route learning correlations

EnableTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationEnableTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationCreates a route learning correlation.
DisableTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationDisableTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationDeletes a route learning correlation.
ListTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationsListTransitRouterRouteTablePropagationsQueries the route learning correlations of an Enterprise Edition transit router.

Route maps

CreateCenRouteMapCreateCenRouteMapCreates a routing policy. A routing policy filters routing information and facilitates network management.
DeleteCenRouteMapDeleteCenRouteMapDeletes a routing policy.
ModifyCenRouteMapModifyCenRouteMapModifies a routing policy of a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
DescribeCenRouteMapsDescribeCenRouteMapsQueries routing policies.

Aggregate Route

CreateTransitRouteTableAggregationCreateTransitRouteTableAggregationCreates an aggregate route.
DeleteTransitRouteTableAggregationDeleteTransitRouteTableAggregationDeletes an aggregate route.
RefreshTransitRouteTableAggregationRefreshTransitRouteTableAggregationRe-advertises an aggregate route.
DescribeTransitRouteTableAggregationDetailDescribeTransitRouteTableAggregationDetailQueries the configuration of an aggregate route.
DescribeTransitRouteTableAggregationDescribeTransitRouteTableAggregationQueries the aggregate routes on an Enterprise Edition transit router.

Prefix lists

CreateTransitRouterPrefixListAssociationCreateTransitRouterPrefixListAssociationAssociates the route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router with a prefix list.
DeleteTransitRouterPrefixListAssociationDeleteTransitRouterPrefixListAssociationDisassociates the route table of an Enterprise Edition transit router from a prefix list.
ListTransitRouterPrefixListAssociationListTransitRouterPrefixListAssociationQueries the prefix lists that are associated with an Enterprise Edition transit router.

Traffic scheduling

Traffic marking policyTraffic marking policy
AddTraficMatchRuleToTrafficMarkingPolicyAddTraficMatchRuleToTrafficMarkingPolicyAdds a traffic classification rule to a traffic marking policy.
AddTrafficMatchRuleToTrafficMarkingPolicyAddTrafficMatchRuleToTrafficMarkingPolicyAdds a traffic classification rule to a traffic marking policy.
CreateTrafficMarkingPolicyCreateTrafficMarkingPolicyCreates a traffic marking policy. A traffic marking policy captures network traffic based on traffic classification rules and marks the traffic with the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) values that you specify.
DeleteTrafficMarkingPolicyDeleteTrafficMarkingPolicyDeletes a specified traffic marking policy.
UpdateTrafficMarkingPolicyAttributeUpdateTrafficMarkingPolicyAttributeModifies the name, description, and traffic classification rules of a traffic marking policy.
ListTrafficMarkingPoliciesListTrafficMarkingPoliciesQueries the details about a traffic marking policy, such as the status and priority.
RemoveTraficMatchRuleFromTrafficMarkingPolicyRemoveTraficMatchRuleFromTrafficMarkingPolicyRemoves a traffic classification rule from a traffic marking policy.
RemoveTrafficMatchRuleFromTrafficMarkingPolicyRemoveTrafficMatchRuleFromTrafficMarkingPolicyDeletes specified traffic classification rules from a traffic marking policy.
QoS policiesQoS policies
CreateCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueueCreateCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueueCreates queues in a quality of service (QoS) policy to manage network traffic based on finer granularities, improve service performance, and meet service-level agreements (SLAs).
CreateCenInterRegionTrafficQosPolicyCreateCenInterRegionTrafficQosPolicyCreates a quality of service (QoS) policy for an inter-region connection on an Enterprise Edition transit router.
DeleteCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueueDeleteCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueueDeletes a queue from a quality of service (QoS) policy.
DeleteCenInterRegionTrafficQosPolicyDeleteCenInterRegionTrafficQosPolicyDeletes a quality of service (QoS) policy.
UpdateCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueueAttributeUpdateCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueueAttributeModifies the name, description, inter-region bandwidth, and Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value of a quality of service (QoS) queue.
UpdateCenInterRegionTrafficQosPolicyAttributeUpdateCenInterRegionTrafficQosPolicyAttributeModifies the name and description of a quality of service (QoS) policy.
ListCenInterRegionTrafficQosPoliciesListCenInterRegionTrafficQosPoliciesQueries quality of service (QoS) policies.
ListCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueuesListCenInterRegionTrafficQosQueuesQueries the information about quality of service (QoS) queues.

Cloud services

DeleteRouteServiceInCenDeleteRouteServiceInCenDeletes the configuration of a cloud service connected to a Basic Edition transit router.
DescribeRouteServicesInCenDescribeRouteServicesInCenQueries the configurations of cloud services, such as the cloud service status and the ID of the associated VPC.
ResolveAndRouteServiceInCenResolveAndRouteServiceInCenConnects an on-premises network to a cloud service.


DescribeCenPrivateZoneRoutesDescribeCenPrivateZoneRoutesQueries the connections to PrivateZone.
UnroutePrivateZoneInCenToVpcUnroutePrivateZoneInCenToVpcDisables access to PrivateZone.
RoutePrivateZoneInCenToVpcRoutePrivateZoneInCenToVpcConfigures PrivateZone.


Multicast domainsMulticast domains
CreateTransitRouterMulticastDomainCreateTransitRouterMulticastDomainCreates a multicast domain. A multicast domain is a multicast network in a region. Only resources in the same multicast domain can transmit and receive multicast packets.
DeleteTransitRouterMulticastDomainDeleteTransitRouterMulticastDomainDeletes a multicast domain.
ModifyTransitRouterMulticastDomainModifyTransitRouterMulticastDomainModifies the name and description of a multicast domain.
ListTransitRouterMulticastDomainsListTransitRouterMulticastDomainsQueries the information about a multicast domain, such as the status, ID, and description.
ListTransitRouterMulticastDomainAssociationsListTransitRouterMulticastDomainAssociationsQueries whether a multicast domain is associated with a vSwitch.
ListTransitRouterMulticastDomainVSwitchesListTransitRouterMulticastDomainVSwitchesQueries the information about vSwitches that are associated with a multicast domain after the virtual private cloud (VPC) of the vSwitches is connected to an Enterprise Edition transit router.
AssociateTransitRouterMulticastDomainAssociateTransitRouterMulticastDomainAssociates the vSwitch of a virtual private cloud (VPC) with a multicast domain.
DisassociateTransitRouterMulticastDomainDisassociateTransitRouterMulticastDomainDisassociates a vSwitch from a multicast domain.
Multicast sources and membersMulticast sources and members
ListTransitRouterMulticastGroupsListTransitRouterMulticastGroupsQueries the detailed information about the multicast members and sources in a multicast domain.
ListGrantVSwitchEnisListGrantVSwitchEnisQueries the elastic network interfaces (ENIs) that can be used as multicast sources or members in a specified virtual private cloud (VPC).
DeregisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupMembersDeregisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupMembersRemoves a multicast member from a multicast group.
RegisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupSourcesRegisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupSourcesCreates a multicast source for a one-to-many multicast network.
DeregisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupSourcesDeregisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupSourcesDeletes a multicast source from a multicast group.
RegisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupMembersRegisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupMembersCreates or adds a multicast member.

Health check

DisableCenVbrHealthCheckDisableCenVbrHealthCheckDisables the health check feature for a virtual border router (VBR).
EnableCenVbrHealthCheckEnableCenVbrHealthCheckEnables the health check feature for a virtual border router (VBR) to detect anomalies on Express Connect circuits. You can modify the health check configuration of a VBR based on business requirements.
DescribeCenVbrHealthCheckDescribeCenVbrHealthCheckQueries the health check configurations of virtual border routers (VBRs) in a region.

Flow logs

CreateFlowlogCreateFlowlogCreates a flow log.
DeleteFlowlogDeleteFlowlogDeletes a flow log.
ModifyFlowLogAttributeModifyFlowLogAttributeModifies the name and description of a flow log.
DescribeFlowlogsDescribeFlowlogsQueries flow logs.
ActiveFlowLogActiveFlowLogEnables a flow log. After the flow log is enabled, the system collects traffic information about a specified resource.
DeactiveFlowLogDeactiveFlowLogDisables a flow log. A disabled flow log no longer captures information about network traffic.


ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the information about tags that are added to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance.
TagResourcesTagResourcesCreates tags and adds them to a resource.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemove tags from resources.