Modifies scaling configurations of the Elastic Container Instance type. When you call the ModifyEciScalingConfiguration operation, you can specify the ID, name, and instance properties of the desired scaling configuration to modify information such as the instance restart policy, instance bidding policy, and elastic IP address (EIP) bandwidth.
Usage notes
If you want to change the name of a scaling configuration in a scaling group, make sure that the new name is unique within the scaling group.
You can call the ModifyEciScalingConfiguration operation to verify the modification result.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | ModifyEciScalingConfiguration | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ModifyEciScalingConfiguration. |
ScalingConfigurationId | String | Yes | asc-bp16har3jpj6fjbx**** | The ID of the scaling configuration that you want to modify. |
ScalingConfigurationName | String | Yes | test-modify | The name of the scaling configuration. The name must be 2 to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). The name must start with a letter or a digit. The name of the scaling configuration must be unique in a region. If you do not specify this parameter, the scaling configuration ID is used. |
SecurityGroupId | String | Yes | sg-uf66jeqopgqa9hdn**** | The ID of the security group with which you want to associate the elastic container instances created from the scaling configuration. Elastic container instances that are associated with the same security group can communicate with each other. If you do not specify a security group, the system uses the default security group in the region that you selected. Make sure that the inbound rules of the security group contain the protocols and port numbers of the containers that you want to expose. If you do not have a default security group in the region, the system creates a default security group and adds the declared container protocols and port numbers to the inbound rules of the security group. |
ContainerGroupName | String | Yes | nginx-test | The name series of elastic container instances. The name must meet the following requirements:
RestartPolicy | String | No | Always | The instance restart policy. Valid values:
Default value: Always. |
Cpu | Float | No | 1.0 | The number of vCPUs per elastic container instance. |
Memory | Float | No | 2.0 | The memory size per elastic container instance. Unit: GiB. |
ResourceGroupId | String | No | rg-uf66jeqopgqa9hdn**** | The ID of the resource group. |
DnsPolicy | String | No | Default | The Domain Name System (DNS) policy. Valid values:
ImageSnapshotId | String | No | imc-2zebxkiifuyzzlhl**** | The ID of the image cache. |
RamRoleName | String | No | RamTestRole | The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role that you want to assign to elastic container instances. Elastic container instances and Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances can share the same RAM role. For more information, see Use an instance RAM role by calling API operations. |
TerminationGracePeriodSeconds | Long | No | 60 | The buffer period during which a program handles operations before the program is stopped. Unit: seconds. |
AutoMatchImageCache | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to automatically match the image cache. Valid values:
Default value: false. |
Ipv6AddressCount | Integer | No | 1 | The number of IPv6 addresses. |
ActiveDeadlineSeconds | Long | No | 1000 | The validity period of the scaling configuration. Unit: seconds. |
SpotStrategy | String | No | SpotPriceLimit | The instance bidding policy. Valid values:
Default value: NoSpot. |
SpotPriceLimit | Float | No | 0.025 | The maximum hourly price of preemptible elastic container instances. The value can be accurate to three decimal places. If you set SpotStrategy to SpotWithPriceLimit, you must specify SpotPriceLimit. |
AutoCreateEip | Boolean | No | true | Specifies whether to automatically create EIPs and then bind the EIPs to elastic container instances. |
EipBandwidth | Integer | No | 5 | The EIP bandwidth. Default value: 5. Unit: Mbit/s. |
HostName | String | No | test | The hostname series of elastic container instances. |
IngressBandwidth | Long | No | 1024000 | The maximum inbound bandwidth. Unit: bit/s. |
EgressBandwidth | Long | No | 1024000 | The maximum outbound bandwidth. Unit: bit/s. |
CpuOptionsCore | Integer | No | 2 | The number of physical CPU cores. You can specify this parameter for only specific instance types. For more information, see Specify custom CPU options. |
CpuOptionsThreadsPerCore | Integer | No | 2 | The number of threads per core. You can specify this parameter for only specific instance types. If you set this parameter to 1, Hyper-Threading is disabled. For more information, see Specify custom CPU options. |
EphemeralStorage | Integer | No | 20 | The size of the ephemeral storage space. By default, a performance level 1 (PL1) enterprise SSD (ESSD) is used. Unit: GiB. |
LoadBalancerWeight | Integer | No | 50 | The weight of each backend server. Valid values: 1 to 100. |
Tag.N.Key | String | No | version | The tag key. |
Tag.N.Value | String | No | 3 | The tag value. |
ImageRegistryCredential.N.Password | String | No | yourpaasword | The password of image repository N. |
ImageRegistryCredential.N.Server | String | No | | The registered address of image repository N. |
ImageRegistryCredential.N.UserName | String | No | yourusername | The username of image repository N. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.TimeoutSeconds | Integer | No | 1 | The time limit within which a readiness probe must be complete. Default value: 1. Minimum value: 1. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.SuccessThreshold | Integer | No | 1 | The minimum count of consecutive successes needed to consider a failed readiness probe as having recovered successfully. Default value: 1. Set the value to 1. |
Container.N.SecurityContext.Capability.Add.N | String | No | NET_ADMIN | The permissions that you want to grant to the processes in container N. Valid values: NET_ADMIN and NET_RAW. Note If you want to use NET_RAW, submit a ticket. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.TcpSocket.Port | Integer | No | 8000 | The port detected by the TCP sockets that you want to use to perform readiness probes. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.HttpGet.Scheme | String | No | HTTP | The protocol type of the HTTP GET requests that you want to use to perform readiness probes. Valid values:
Container.N.LivenessProbe.PeriodSeconds | Integer | No | 5 | The interval at which liveness probes are performed. Unit: seconds. Default value: 10. Minimum value: 1. |
Container.N.Port.N.Protocol | String | No | TCP | The protocol type. Valid values:
Container.N.Port.N.Port | Integer | No | 80 | The port number. Valid values: 1 to 65535. |
Container.N.SecurityContext.ReadOnlyRootFilesystem | Boolean | No | true | Specifies whether the root file system on which container N runs is read-only. Valid value: true. |
Container.N.EnvironmentVar.N.Key | String | No | PATH | The name of the environment variable. The name can be 1 to 128 characters in length and can contain underscores (_). The name cannot start with a digit. Specify the value in the |
Container.N.EnvironmentVar.N.Value | String | No | /usr/local/bin | The value of the environment variable. The value can be up to 256 characters in length. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.TcpSocket.Port | Integer | No | 8000 | The port detected by TCP sockets when you use the TCP sockets to perform liveness probes. |
Container.N.Tty | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to enable the Interaction feature. Default value: false. If the command is a |
Container.N.WorkingDir | String | No | /usr/local/ | The working directory of container N. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.HttpGet.Scheme | String | No | HTTP | The protocol type of the HTTP GET requests that you want to use to perform liveness probes. Valid values:
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.HttpGet.Port | Integer | No | 8080 | The port over which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to perform readiness probes. |
Container.N.Arg.N | String | No | 100 | The container startup arguments. You can specify up to 10 arguments. |
Container.N.Gpu | Integer | No | 1 | The number of GPUs of container N. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.InitialDelaySeconds | Integer | No | 3 | The number of seconds that elapses from the startup of container N to the start time of a readiness probe. Unit: seconds. |
Container.N.Stdin | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether container N allocates buffer resources to standard input streams during its active runtime. If you do not specify this parameter, an end-of-file (EOF) error may occur. Default value: false. |
Container.N.Memory | Float | No | 0.5 | The memory size of container N. Unit: GiB. |
Container.N.Name | String | No | nginx | The image name of container N. |
Container.N.Image | String | No | | The image of container N. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.InitialDelaySeconds | Integer | No | 5 | The number of seconds that elapses from the startup of container N to the start time of a liveness probe. Unit: seconds. |
Container.N.VolumeMount.N.MountPropagation | String | No | None | The mount propagation settings of volume N. Mount propagation enables volumes mounted to one container to be shared among other containers within the same pod or across distinct pods residing on the same node. Valid values:
Default value: None. |
Container.N.VolumeMount.N.MountPath | String | No | /pod/data | The directory to which you want to mount volume N. Important After you mount the volume to the directory, the data under this directory is overwritten by data on the volume. Specify this parameter with caution. |
Container.N.VolumeMount.N.ReadOnly | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether volume N is read-only.
Default value: false. |
Container.N.VolumeMount.N.Name | String | No | default-volume1 | The name of volume N that you want to mount into container N. The value of this parameter is the same as the value of Volumne.N.Name. |
Container.N.VolumeMount.N.SubPath | String | No | data2/ | The subdirectory of volume N. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.FailureThreshold | Integer | No | 3 | The minimum count of consecutive failures that must occur for a liveness probe to be classified as failed. Default value: 3. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.Exec.Command.N | String | No | cat/tmp/healthy | The command that you want to run by using the command line interface (CLI) to perform readiness probes. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.FailureThreshold | Integer | No | 3 | The minimum count of consecutive failures that must occur for a readiness probe to be classified as failed. Default value: 3. |
Container.N.ImagePullPolicy | String | No | Always | The image pulling policy. Valid values:
Container.N.StdinOnce | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether standard input streams remain connected during multiple sessions when Container.N.StdinOnce is set to true. If you set Container.N.StdinOnce to true, standard input streams are connected after the container is started and remain idle until a client is connected to receive data. After the client is disconnected, streams are also disconnected and remain disconnected until container N is restarted. |
Container.N.Cpu | Float | No | 0.25 | The number of vCPUs of container N. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.HttpGet.Port | Integer | No | 8888 | The port over which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to perform liveness probes. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.HttpGet.Path | String | No | /healthyz | The path to which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to perform liveness probes. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.SuccessThreshold | Integer | No | 1 | The minimum count of consecutive successes needed to consider a failed liveness probe as having recovered successfully. Default value: 1. Set the value to 1. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.PeriodSeconds | Integer | No | 3 | The interval at which readiness probes are performed. Unit: seconds. Default value: 10. Minimum value: 1. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.TimeoutSeconds | Integer | No | 1 | The time limit within which a liveness probe must be complete. Default value: 1. Minimum value: 1. |
Container.N.Command.N | String | No | sleep | The container startup commands. You can specify up to 20 commands. Each command can contain up to 256 characters. |
Container.N.SecurityContext.RunAsUser | Long | No | 1000 | The ID of the user that runs container N. |
Container.N.ReadinessProbe.HttpGet.Path | String | No | /healthz | The path to which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to perform readiness probes. |
Container.N.LivenessProbe.Exec.Command.N | String | No | cat /tmp/healthy | The command that you want to run by using the CLI in the container to perform liveness probes. |
Container.N.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHost | String | No | 10.0.XX.XX | The IP address of the host to which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to configure the PostStart callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPort | Integer | No | 5050 | The port over which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to configure the PostStart callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPath | String | No | /healthyz | The path to which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to configure the PostStart callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetScheme | String | No | HTTPS | The protocol type of the HTTP GET requests that you want to use to configure the PostStart callback function. Valid values:
Container.N.LifecyclePostStartHandlerExec.N | String | No | [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Hello from the postStart handler /usr/share/message" ] | The command that you want to run in container N by using the CLI to configure the PostStart callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketHost | String | No | 10.0.XX.XX | The IP address of the host detected by the TCP sockets that you want to use to configure the PostStart callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketPort | Integer | No | 80 | The port number detected by the TCP sockets that you want to use to configure the PostStart callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHost | String | No | 10.0.XX.XX | The IP address of the host to which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to configure the PreStop callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPort | Integer | No | 80 | The port over which you want to send the HTTP GET requests to configure the PreStop callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPath | String | No | /healthyz | The path detected by HTTP GET requests that you want to use to configure the PreStop callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetScheme | String | No | HTTP | The protocol type of the HTTP GET requests that you want to use to configure the PreStop callback function. Valid values:
Container.N.LifecyclePreStopHandlerExec.N | String | No | [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo Hello from the preStop handler /usr/share/message" ] | The command that you want to run in container N by using the CLI to configure the PreStop callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketHost | String | No | 10.0.XX.XX | The IP address of the host detected by the TCP sockets that you want to use to configure the PreStop callback function. |
Container.N.LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketPort | Integer | No | 80 | The port number detected by the TCP sockets that you want to use to configure the PreStop callback function. |
Volume.N.Type | String | No | EmptyDirVolume | The type of volume N. Valid values:
Volume.N.DiskVolume.DiskSize | Integer | No | 15 | The storage size of the disk volume. Unit: GiB. |
Volume.N.NFSVolume.Path | String | No | /share | The path to the Network File System (NFS) volume. |
Volume.N.FlexVolume.FsType | String | No | ext4 | The type of the file system that you want to mount. The default value is determined by the script of FlexVolume. |
Volume.N.DiskVolume.FsType | String | No | xfs | We recommend that you specify |
Volume.N.HostPathVolume.Type | String | No | Directory | The type of the host path. Examples: File, Directory, and Socket. |
Volume.N.NFSVolume.ReadOnly | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether the NFSVolume is read-only.
Default value: false. |
Volume.N.HostPathVolume.Path | String | No | /xx/xx/name | The absolute path to the Host volume. |
Volume.N.FlexVolume.Options | String | No | {"volumeId":"d-2zehdahrwoa7srg****","performanceLevel": "PL2"} | The options of the Flex volume. Each option is a key-value pair in a JSON string. For example, when you use FlexVolume to mount a disk, specify an option in the |
Volume.N.FlexVolume.Driver | String | No | flexvolume | The driver name of the Flex volume. |
Volume.N.ConfigFileVolumeDefaultMode | Integer | No | 0644 | The default permissions on the ConfigFile volume. |
Volume.N.NFSVolume.Server | String | No | 3f9cd4a596-n**** | The endpoint of the NFS server. |
Volume.N.DiskVolume.DiskId | String | No | d-xx | The ID of the disk volume. |
Volume.N.Name | String | No | default-volume1 | The name of volume N. |
Volume.N.EmptyDirVolume.Medium | String | No | memory | The storage medium of the EmptyDir volume. If you leave this parameter empty, the file system that backs the node is used as the storage medium. If you set this parameter to memory, the memory is used as the storage medium. |
Volume.N.ConfigFileVolumeConfigFileToPath.N.Path | String | No | /usr/bin/ | The relative path to the configuration file. |
Volume.N.ConfigFileVolumeConfigFileToPath.N.Mode | Integer | No | 0644 | The permissions on the directory of the ConfigFile volume. |
Volume.N.ConfigFileVolumeConfigFileToPath.N.Content | String | No | bGl1bWk= | The content of the configuration file (32 KB). |
Volume.N.EmptyDirVolume.SizeLimit | String | No | 256 Mi | The storage size of the EmptyDir volume. Unit: Gi or Mi. |
InitContainer.N.InitContainerEnvironmentVar.N.Key | String | No | Path | The name of environment variable N. The name must be 1 to 128 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_). The name cannot start with a digit. Specify the value in the |
InitContainer.N.InitContainerEnvironmentVar.N.Value | String | No | /usr/bin/ | The value of environment variable N. The value can be up to 256 characters in length. |
InitContainer.N.SecurityContext.Capability.Add.N | String | No | NET_ADMIN | The permissions that you want to grant to the processes in init container N. Valid values: NET_ADMIN and NET_RAW. Note If you want to use NET_RAW, submit a ticket. |
InitContainer.N.Image | String | No | nginx | The image of init container N. |
InitContainer.N.InitContainerVolumeMount.N.MountPropagation | String | No | None | The mount propagation settings of volume N. Mount propagation enables volumes mounted to one container to be shared among other containers within the same pod or across distinct pods residing on the same node. Valid values:
Default value: None. |
InitContainer.N.InitContainerVolumeMount.N.MountPath | String | No | /usr/share/ | The mount directory. Important After you mount the volume to the directory, the data under this directory is overwritten by data on the volume. Specify this parameter with caution. |
InitContainer.N.InitContainerVolumeMount.N.ReadOnly | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether the mount directory is read-only.
Default value: false. |
InitContainer.N.InitContainerVolumeMount.N.Name | String | No | test-empty | The name of the volume that you want to mount. |
InitContainer.N.InitContainerVolumeMount.N.SubPath | String | No | /usr/sub/ | The subdirectory of the volume. The pod can mount different directories of the same volume to different subdirectories of init container N. |
InitContainer.N.ImagePullPolicy | String | No | Always | The image pulling policy. Valid values:
InitContainer.N.Cpu | Float | No | 0.5 | The number of vCPUs per init container N. |
InitContainer.N.WorkingDir | String | No | /usr/local | The working directory of init container N. |
InitContainer.N.Command.N | String | No | sleep | Command N that you want to run to start init container N. |
InitContainer.N.Arg.N | String | No | 10 | Argument N that you want to use to start init container N. |
InitContainer.N.SecurityContext.RunAsUser | Long | No | 587 | The ID of the user that runs init container N. |
InitContainer.N.Gpu | Integer | No | 1 | The number of GPUs per init container N. |
InitContainer.N.Memory | Float | No | 1.0 | The memory size per init container N. Unit: GiB. |
InitContainer.N.Name | String | No | test-init | The name of init container N. |
DnsConfigNameServer.N | String | No | 172.10.*.** | The IP addresses of the DNS servers. |
DnsConfigSearch.N | String | No | svc.local.kubenetes | The search domains of the DNS servers. |
DnsConfigOption.N.Value | String | No | value | The option value. |
DnsConfigOption.N.Name | String | No | name | The option name. |
HostAliase.N.Ip | String | No | 192.0.XX.XX | The IP address of the host that you want to add. |
HostAliase.N.Hostname.N | String | No | ['', ''] | The name of the host that you want to add. |
SecurityContextSysctl.N.Value | String | No | 65536 | The variable value of security context N in which the elastic container instance runs. |
SecurityContextSysctl.N.Name | String | No | kernel.msgmax | The system name of security context N in which the elastic container instance is run. |
NtpServer.N | String | No | | The endpoint of Network Time Protocol (NTP) server N. |
AcrRegistryInfo.N.Domain.N | String | No | *****-**** | The domain name of Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance N. By default, all domain names of instance N are displayed. You can specify specific domain names. Separate multiple domain names with commas (,). |
AcrRegistryInfo.N.InstanceName | String | No | acr-test | The name of Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance N. |
AcrRegistryInfo.N.InstanceId | String | No | cri-nwj395hgf6f3**** | The ID of Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance N. |
AcrRegistryInfo.N.RegionId | String | No | cn-hangzhou | The region ID of Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance N. |
CostOptimization | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to enable the Cost Optimization feature. Valid values:
Default value: false. |
InstanceFamilyLevel | String | No | EnterpriseLevel | The level of the instance family. You can specify this parameter to filter instance types that meet the specified criteria. This parameter takes effect only if you set
ContainersUpdateType | String | No | RenewUpdate | The update mode of containers. Valid values:
Default value: RenewUpdate. |
InstanceType.N | String | No | ecs.g6.large | The specified ECS instance types. You can specify up to five ECS instance types. For more information, see Specify ECS instance types to create an elastic container instance. |
DataCacheBucket | String | No | default | The bucket that you want to use to store data caches. |
DataCachePL | String | No | PL1 | The performance level (PL) of the disk that you want to use to store data caches. We recommend that you use ESSDs. Valid values if you use ESSDs:
Default value: PL1. Note For more information about ESSDs, see ESSDs. |
DataCacheProvisionedIops | Integer | No | 40000 | The provisioned IOPS for the ESSD AutoPL disk that you want to use to store data caches. Valid values: 0 to min{50000, 1000 × Capacity-Baseline IOPS}, where Baseline IOPS = min{1800 + 50 × Capacity - 50000}. Note For more information about ESSD AutoPL disks, see ESSD AutoPL disks. |
DataCacheBurstingEnabled | Boolean | No | false | Specifies whether to enable the Performance Burst feature for the ESSD AutoPL disk that you want to use to store data caches. Valid values:
Default value: false. Note For more information about ESSD AutoPL disks, see ESSD AutoPL disks. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 89945DD3-9072-47D0-A318-353284CF**** | The request ID. |
Sample requests
&Container=[{"ReadinessProbe.TimeoutSeconds":1,"ReadinessProbe.SuccessThreshold":1,"SecurityContext.Capability.Add":["NET_ADMIN"],"ReadinessProbe.TcpSocket.Port":8000,"ReadinessProbe.HttpGet.Scheme":"HTTP","LivenessProbe.PeriodSeconds":5,"Port":[{"Protocol":"TCP","Port":80}],"SecurityContext.ReadOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"EnvironmentVar":[{"Key":"PATH","Value":"/usr/local/bin"}],"LivenessProbe.TcpSocket.Port":8000,"Tty":false,"WorkingDir":"/usr/local/","LivenessProbe.HttpGet.Scheme":"HTTP","ReadinessProbe.HttpGet.Port":8080,"Arg":["100"],"Gpu":1,"ReadinessProbe.InitialDelaySeconds":3,"Stdin":false,"Memory":0.5,"Name":"nginx","Image":"","LivenessProbe.InitialDelaySeconds":5,"VolumeMount":[{"MountPropagation":"None","MountPath":"/pod/data","ReadOnly":false,"Name":"default-volume1","SubPath":"data2/"}],"LivenessProbe.FailureThreshold":3,"ReadinessProbe.Exec.Command":["cat/tmp/healthy"],"ReadinessProbe.FailureThreshold":3,"ImagePullPolicy":"Always","StdinOnce":false,"Cpu":0.25,"LivenessProbe.HttpGet.Port":8888,"LivenessProbe.HttpGet.Path":"/healthyz","LivenessProbe.SuccessThreshold":1,"ReadinessProbe.PeriodSeconds":3,"LivenessProbe.TimeoutSeconds":1,"Command":["sleep"],"SecurityContext.RunAsUser":1000,"ReadinessProbe.HttpGet.Path":"/healthz","LivenessProbe.Exec.Command":["cat /tmp/healthy"],"LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetHost":"10.0.XX.XX","LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPort":5050,"LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetPath":"/healthyz","LifecyclePostStartHandlerHttpGetScheme":"HTTPS","LifecyclePostStartHandlerExec":["[ \"/bin/sh\", \"-c\", \"echo Hello from the postStart handler /usr/share/message\" ]"],"LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketHost":"10.0.XX.XX","LifecyclePostStartHandlerTcpSocketPort":80,"LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetHost":"10.0.XX.XX","LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPort":80,"LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetPath":"/healthyz","LifecyclePreStopHandlerHttpGetScheme":"HTTP","LifecyclePreStopHandlerExec":["[ \"/bin/sh\", \"-c\", \"echo Hello from the preStop handler /usr/share/message\" ]"],"LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketHost":"10.0.XX.XX","LifecyclePreStopHandlerTcpSocketPort":80}]
&Volume=[{"Type":"EmptyDirVolume","DiskVolume.DiskSize":15,"NFSVolume.Path":"/share","FlexVolume.FsType":"ext4","DiskVolume.FsType":"xfs","HostPathVolume.Type":"Directory","NFSVolume.ReadOnly":false,"HostPathVolume.Path":"/xx/xx/name","FlexVolume.Options":"{\"volumeId\":\"d-2zehdahrwoa7srg****\",\"performanceLevel\": \"PL2\"}","FlexVolume.Driver":"flexvolume","ConfigFileVolumeDefaultMode":644,"NFSVolume.Server":"","DiskVolume.DiskId":"d-xx","Name":"default-volume1","EmptyDirVolume.Medium":"memory","ConfigFileVolumeConfigFileToPath":[{"Path":"/usr/bin/","Mode":644,"Content":"bGl1bWk="}],"EmptyDirVolume.SizeLimit":"256 Mi"}]
&HostAliase=[{"Ip":"192.0.XX.XX","Hostname":["['', '']"]}]
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "89945DD3-9072-47D0-A318-353284CF****"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
403 | Forbidden.Unauthorized | A required authorization for the specified action is not supplied. | You are not authorized to call the operation. |
404 | InvalidDataDiskSnapshotId.NotFound | Snapshot "XXX" does not exist. | The snapshot does not exist. |
400 | InvalidDataDiskSnapshotId.SizeNotSupported | The capacity of snapshot "XXX" exceeds the size limit of the specified disk category. | The size of the snapshot exceeds the maximum size that is allowed for the disk. |
404 | InvalidImageId.NotFound | The specified image does not exist. | The specified image is not found. |
400 | InvalidKeyPairName.NotFound | The specified KeyPairName does not exist in our records. | The name of the specified key pair does not exist. |
400 | InvalidNetworkType.ForRAMRole | RAMRole can't be used For classic instance. | The network type of an instance is classic network. The classic network does not support RamRoleName. |
400 | InvalidParamter | The specified value of parameter is not valid. | The value of a parameter is invalid. |
400 | InvalidScalingConfigurationName.Duplicate | The specified value of parameter is duplicated. | The scaling configuration name already exists. |
400 | InvalidSecurityGroupId.IncorrectNetworkType | The network type of specified Security Group does not support this action. | The network type of the security group is different from the network type of the scaling group. |
400 | InvalidSecurityGroupId.VPCMismatch | The specified security group and the specified virtual switch are not in the same VPC. | The security group and vSwitch do not reside in the same VPC. |
400 | InvalidTags.KeyValue | The specified tags key/value cannot be empty. | Tags is left empty. |
400 | InvalidTags.ListSize | The specified tags list size cannot be more than "20". | The maximum number of tags that can be specified has been reached. |
400 | InvalidUserData.Base64FormatInvalid | The specified parameter UserData must be base64 encoded. | The user data is not encoded in Base64. |
400 | InvalidUserData.SizeExceeded | The specified parameter UserData exceeds the size. | The maximum size of the user data has been reached. |