Queries scaling configurations of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) type. When you call the DescribeScalingConfigurations operation, you can specify the scaling group ID and scaling configuration ID to query information such as the name, instance type, and image of a scaling configuration.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeScalingConfigurations | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeScalingConfigurations. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-qingdao | The region ID of the scaling group whose scaling configurations you want to query. |
PageNumber | Integer | No | 1 | The page number. Pages start from page 1. Default value: 1. |
PageSize | Integer | No | 50 | The number of entries per page. Valid values: 1 to 50. Default value: 10. |
ScalingGroupId | String | No | asg-bp17pelvl720x3v7**** | The ID of the scaling group. You can query all scaling configurations in the scaling group. |
ScalingConfigurationId.N | String | No | asc-bp17pelvl720x5ub**** | The ID of scaling configuration N that you want to query. The IDs of active and inactive scaling configurations are displayed in the query results. You can identify active and inactive scaling configurations based on the value of |
ScalingConfigurationName.N | String | No | scalingcon**** | The name of scaling configuration N that you want to query. The names of inactive scaling configurations are not displayed in the query results, and no error is returned. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3**** | The request ID. |
PageNumber | Integer | 1 | The page number. |
PageSize | Integer | 50 | The number of entries per page. |
TotalCount | Integer | 1 | The total number of scaling configurations. |
ScalingConfigurations | Array of ScalingConfiguration | The scaling configurations. | |
ScalingConfiguration | |||
DeploymentSetId | String | ds-bp1frxuzdg87zh4p**** | The ID of the deployment set of the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration. |
CreationTime | String | 2014-08-14T10:58Z | The time when the scaling configuration was created. |
ScalingConfigurationName | String | scalingconfigura**** | The name of the scaling configuration. |
SystemDiskDescription | String | Test system disk. | The description of the system disk. |
KeyPairName | String | keypair**** | The name of the key pair that is used to log on to an ECS instance created from the scaling configuration. |
SecurityGroupId | String | sg-bp18kz60mefs**** | The ID of the security group to which the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration belong. ECS instances that belong to the same security group can communicate with each other. |
PrivatePoolOptions.Id | String | eap-bp67acfmxazb4**** | The ID of the private pool. The ID of a private pool is the same as the ID of the elasticity assurance or capacity reservation for which the private pool is generated. |
SystemDiskAutoSnapshotPolicyId | String | sp-bp12m37ccmxvbmi5**** | The ID of the automatic snapshot policy that is applied to the system disk. |
SpotStrategy | String | NoSpot | The preemption policy that is applied to the pay-as-you-go or preemptible instances. Valid values:
ScalingGroupId | String | asg-bp17pelvl720x3v7**** | The ID of the scaling group in which the scaling configuration was created. |
Affinity | String | default | Indicates whether the ECS instance on a dedicated host is associated with the dedicated host. Valid values:
Tenancy | String | default | Indicates whether the ECS instances are created on dedicated hosts. Valid values:
SystemDiskSize | Integer | 100 | The size of the system disk. Unit: GiB. |
Ipv6AddressCount | Integer | 1 | The number of randomly generated IPv6 addresses that are allocated to the elastic network interface (ENI). |
SpotDuration | Integer | 1 | The retention period of the preemptible instances. Unit: hours. |
LifecycleState | String | Active | The status of the scaling configuration in the scaling group. Valid values:
InstanceName | String | instance**** | The name series of the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration. |
SecurityEnhancementStrategy | String | Active | Indicates whether the Security Hardening feature is enabled. Valid values:
UserData | String | echo hello ecs! | The user data of the ECS instances. The data is encoded in Base64. |
PrivatePoolOptions.MatchCriteria | String | Open | The type of the private pool that is used to start ECS instances. A private pool is generated when an elasticity assurance or a capacity reservation takes effect. You can specify a private pool for Auto Scaling to start ECS instances. Valid values:
DedicatedHostId | String | dh-bp67acfmxazb4p**** | Indicates whether the ECS instances are created on dedicated hosts. Preemptible instances cannot be created on dedicated hosts. If you specify You can call the DescribeDedicatedHosts operation to query the IDs of dedicated hosts. |
InstanceGeneration | String | ecs-3 | The generation of the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration. |
HpcClusterId | String | hpc-clus**** | The ID of the Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) cluster to which the ECS instances belong. |
PasswordInherit | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the password that is preconfigured in the image is used. |
Memory | Integer | 16 | The memory size. Unit: GiB. You can specify the number of vCPUs and the memory size to determine the range of instance types. For example, you can set CPU to 2 and Memory to 16 to specify instance types that have 2 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory. If you specify Cpu and Memory, Auto Scaling determines the available instance types based on factors such as I/O optimization requirements and zones. Then, Auto Scaling preferentially creates instances by using the lowest-priced instance type. Note You can specify Cpu and Memory to create instances only if you set Scaling Policy to Cost Optimization Policy and do not specify an instance type in the scaling configuration. |
ImageId | String | centos6u5_64_20G_aliaegis_2014****.vhd | The ID of the image that is used by Auto Scaling to automatically create ECS instances. |
ImageFamily | String | hangzhou-daily-update | The name of the image family. You can specify this parameter to obtain the most recent available images in the current image family for instance creation. If you specify |
ImageOwnerAlias | String | system | The image source. Valid values:
LoadBalancerWeight | Integer | 1 | The load balancing weight of each ECS instance as a backend server. Valid values: 1 to 100. |
SystemDiskCategory | String | cloud | The category of the system disk. Valid values:
HostName | String | LocalHost | The hostname series of the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration. |
SystemDiskName | String | cloud_ssd_Test | The name of the system disk. |
InternetMaxBandwidthOut | Integer | 0 | The maximum outbound bandwidth. Unit: Mbit/s. Valid values: 0 to 1024.
InternetMaxBandwidthIn | Integer | 200 | The maximum inbound public bandwidth. Unit: Mbit/s. Valid values: 1 to 200. |
InstanceType | String | ecs.g6.large | The instance type of the ECS instances. |
InstanceDescription | String | FinanceDept | The description of the ECS instances. |
IoOptimized | String | none | Indicates whether the ECS instances are I/O optimized. Valid values:
RamRoleName | String | ramrole**** | The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role that is attached to the ECS instances. The name is provided and maintained by RAM. You can call the ListRoles operation to query the available RAM roles. You can call the CreateRole operation to create RAM roles. |
SystemDiskPerformanceLevel | String | PL1 | The performance level (PL) of the system disk that is an ESSD. |
Cpu | Integer | 2 | The number of vCPUs. You can specify the number of vCPUs and the memory size to determine the range of instance types. For example, you can set Cpu to 2 and Memory to 16 to specify instance types that have 2 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory. If you specify Cpu and Memory, Auto Scaling determines the available instance types based on factors such as I/O optimization requirements and zones. Then, Auto Scaling preferentially creates instances by using the lowest-priced instance type. Note You can specify Cpu and Memory to create instances only if you set Scaling Policy to Cost Optimization Policy and do not specify an instance type in the scaling configuration. |
ResourceGroupId | String | rg-aekzn2ou7xo**** | The ID of the resource group to which the ECS instances belong. |
ZoneId | String | cn-hangzhou-g | The zone ID of the ECS instances. You can call the DescribeZones operation to query the most recent zone list. |
InternetChargeType | String | PayByTraffic | The metering method for network usage. Valid values:
ImageName | String | centos6u5_64_20G_aliaegis_20140703.vhd | The image name. |
ScalingConfigurationId | String | asc-bp1ezrfgoyn5kijl**** | The scaling configuration ID. |
CreditSpecification | String | Standard | The performance mode of the burstable instances. Valid values:
SpotInterruptionBehavior | String | Terminate | The interruption mode of the preemptible instances. |
DataDisks | Array of DataDisk | The data disks. | |
DataDisk | |||
PerformanceLevel | String | PL1 | The PL of the data disk that is an ESSD. |
Description | String | FinanceDept | The description of the data disk. |
SnapshotId | String | s-23f2i**** | The ID of the snapshot that is used to create the data disk. |
Device | String | /dev/xvdb | The mount target of the data disk. |
Size | Integer | 200 | The size of the data disk. Unit: GiB. Valid values:
DiskName | String | cloud_ssdData | The name of the data disk. |
AutoSnapshotPolicyId | String | sp-bp19nq9enxqkomib**** | The ID of the automatic snapshot policy that is applied to the data disk. |
Category | String | cloud | The category of the data disk. Valid values:
KMSKeyId | String | 0e478b7a-4262-4802-b8cb-00d3fb40**** | The ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key that is used to encrypt the data disk. |
DeleteWithInstance | Boolean | true | Indicates whether the data disk is released when the ECS instance to which the data disk is attached is released. Valid values:
Encrypted | String | false | Indicates whether the data disk is encrypted. Valid values:
Categories | Array of String | cloud_essd | The categories of the data disks. The first value has the highest priority, and the other values are arranged in descending order of priority. If Auto Scaling cannot create disks by using the disk category of the highest priority, Auto Scaling creates disks by using the disk category of the next highest priority. Valid values:
ProvisionedIops | Long | 100 | The provisioned IOPS of the data disk. Note IOPS refers to the number of read and write operations that an Elastic Block Storage (EBS) device can process per second. |
BurstingEnabled | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the Burst feature is enabled for the data disk. Valid values:
Note This parameter is available only if you set |
Tags | Array of Tag | The tags. | |
Tag | |||
Key | String | binary | The key of tag N. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The key cannot be an empty string. It can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain |
Value | String | alterTable | The value of tag N. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The value can be an empty string. It can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain |
SpotPriceLimit | Array of SpotPriceModel | The preemptible instances. | |
SpotPriceModel | |||
InstanceType | String | ecs.g6.large | The instance type of the preemptible instances. |
PriceLimit | Float | 0.125 | The price limit of the preemptible instances. |
InstancePatternInfos | Array of InstancePatternInfo | The intelligent configurations, which determine the range of available instance types. | |
InstancePatternInfo | |||
MaxPrice | Float | 2 | The maximum hourly price of the pay-as-you-go or preemptible instances. |
Cores | Integer | 2 | The number of vCPUs that are allocated to the instance type. |
Memory | Float | 4 | The memory size that is allocated to the instance type. Unit: GiB. |
InstanceFamilyLevel | String | EnterpriseLevel | The level of the instance family.
Architectures | Array of String | X86 | The type of architecture that the instance type uses. Valid values:
By default, all values are selected. |
BurstablePerformance | String | Include | Indicates whether burstable instance types are included. Valid values:
Default value: Include. |
ExcludedInstanceTypes | Array of String | ecs.n1.small/ecs.n1.*/*7* | The instance types that are excluded. You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character to exclude an instance type or instance family. Examples:
InstanceTypeFamilies | Array of String | ecs.g6 | Instance family N that is queried. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. |
MinimumCpuCoreCount | Integer | 2 | The minimum number of vCPUs per instance type. |
MaximumCpuCoreCount | Integer | 4 | The maximum number of vCPUs per instance type. Note The value of |
GpuSpecs | Array of String | NVIDIA V100 | The GPU model. |
InstanceCategories | Array of String | Compute-optimized with GPU | The category of the ECS instances. Valid values: Note Up to 10 categories are supported.
CpuArchitectures | Array of String | X86 | The CPU architecture of the instance types. Valid values: Note Up to two CPU architectures are supported.
PhysicalProcessorModels | Array of String | Intel Xeon(Ice Lake) Platinum 8369B", "Intel Xeon(Skylake) Platinum 8163", … "Intel Xeon(Cascade Lake) Platinum 8269CY | The processor model of the ECS instances. Up to 10 processor models are supported. |
MinimumEniQuantity | Integer | 2 | The minimum number of ENIs per instance. |
MinimumEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity | Integer | 2 | The minimum number of IPv4 addresses per ENI. |
MinimumEniIpv6AddressQuantity | Integer | 1 | The minimum number of IPv6 addresses per ENI. |
MinimumInitialCredit | Integer | 12 | The initial vCPU credits per t5 or t6 burstable instance. |
MinimumBaselineCredit | Integer | 12 | The minimum baseline vCPU computing performance (overall baseline performance of all vCPUs) per t5 or t6 burstable instance. |
MinimumMemorySize | Float | 4 | The minimum memory size per instance. Unit: GiB. |
MaximumMemorySize | Float | 4 | The maximum memory size per instance. Unit: GiB. |
MinimumGpuAmount | Integer | 2 | The minimum number of GPUs per instance. The value is a positive integer. |
MaximumGpuAmount | Integer | 2 | The maximum number of GPUs per instance. The value is a positive integer. |
SystemDiskCategories | Array of String | cloud | The categories of the system disks. The first value has the highest priority, and the other values are arranged in descending order of priority. If Auto Scaling cannot create disks by using the disk category of the highest priority, Auto Scaling creates disks by using the disk category of the next highest priority. Valid values:
WeightedCapacities | Array of String | 4 | The weight of the instance type. The value of this parameter indicates the capacity of an instance of the instance type in the scaling group. A higher weight indicates that a smaller number of instances of this instance type are required to achieve the expected capacity. |
InstanceTypes | Array of String | ecs.g6.large | The ECS instance types. |
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | sg-bp18kz60mefs**** | The IDs of the security groups to which the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration belong. ECS instances that belong to the same security group can communicate with each other. |
SchedulerOptions | Object | The scheduler options. | |
ManagedPrivateSpaceId | String | testManagedPrivateSpaceId | The ID of the smart hosting pool. |
SystemDisk.Encrypted | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the system disk is encrypted. Valid values:
SystemDisk.KMSKeyId | String | 0e478b7a-4262-4802-b8cb-00d3fb40**** | The ID of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the system disk. |
SystemDisk.EncryptAlgorithm | String | AES-256 | The algorithm that is used to encrypt the system disk. Valid values:
SystemDisk.ProvisionedIops | Long | 100 | The provisioned IOPS of the system disk. Note IOPS refers to the number of read and write operations that an EBS device can process per second. |
SystemDisk.BurstingEnabled | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the Burst feature is enabled for the system disk. Valid values:
Note This parameter is available only if you set SystemDisk.Category to cloud_auto. |
ImageOptions.LoginAsNonRoot | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the ecs-user username can be used to log on to the ECS instance. Valid values:
DeletionProtection | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the Release Protection feature is enabled for the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration. This parameter applies only to pay-as-you-go instances. You can use this parameter to specify whether to directly release ECS instances in the ECS console or by calling the DeleteInstance operation. Valid values:
Note The Release Protection feature does not affect normal scale-in operations. If you enable the Release Protection feature for an ECS instance and the ECS instance meets the requirements defined in the scale-in policy, the ECS instance may still be released during a scale-in event. |
StorageSetId | String | ss-bp67acfmxazb4p**** | The ID of the storage set. |
StorageSetPartitionNumber | Integer | 2 | The maximum number of partitions in the storage set. The value is an integer greater than or equal to 2. |
CustomPriorities | Array of CustomPriority | The priority of the custom ECS instance type + vSwitch combination. Note This parameter takes effect only if you set Scaling Policy to If Auto Scaling cannot create ECS instances by using the ECS instance type + vSwitch combination of the highest priority, Auto Scaling automatically creates ECS instances by using the ECS instance type + vSwitch combination of the next highest priority. Note If you specify priorities only for specific ECS instance type + vSwitch combinations, Auto Scaling preferentially uses the combinations that have the specified priorities to create instances. If the combinations do not provide sufficient resources, Auto Scaling uses the combinations that do not have specified priorities to create instances based on the specified orders of vSwitches and instance types. Example: The specified order of vSwitches of the scaling group is vsw1 and vsw2, and the specified order of instance types in the scaling configuration is type1 and type 2. In addition, you use CustomPriorities to specify | |
CustomPriority | |||
InstanceType | String | ecs.g6.large | The ECS instance type. Note The instance type must be included in the scaling configuration. |
VswitchId | String | vsw-bp14zolna43z266bq**** | The ID of the vSwitch. Note The vSwitch must be included in the vSwitch list of the scaling group. |
NetworkInterfaces | Array of NetworkInterface | The ENIs. | |
NetworkInterface | |||
InstanceType | String | Primary | The ENI type. Valid values:
NetworkInterfaceTrafficMode | String | HighPerformance | The communication mode of the ENI. Valid values:
Ipv6AddressCount | Integer | 1 | The number of randomly generated IPv6 addresses that are allocated to the primary ENI. |
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | sg-2vc3e1v7h**** | The IDs of the security groups to which the ENI belongs. |
DedicatedHostClusterId | String | dc-2zedxc67zqzt7lb4**** | The ID of the dedicated host cluster. |
PasswordSetted | Boolean | false | Indicates whether passwords are specified for the ECS instances created from the scaling configuration. Valid values:
SecurityOptions | Object | The security option. | |
ConfidentialComputingMode | String | TDX | The confidential computing mode. Valid values:
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<SystemDiskDescription>Test system disk.</SystemDiskDescription>
<UserData>echo hello ecs!</UserData>
<InstanceTypeFamilies>["ecs.g6", "ecs.c6", … "ecs.r6"]</InstanceTypeFamilies>
<GpuSpecs>["NVIDIA V100"]</GpuSpecs>
<InstanceCategories>["Compute-optimized with GPU"]</InstanceCategories>
<CpuArchitectures>["X86", "ARM"]</CpuArchitectures>
<PhysicalProcessorModels>["Intel Xeon(Ice Lake) Platinum 8369B", "Intel Xeon(Skylake) Platinum 8163", … "Intel Xeon(Cascade Lake) Platinum 8269CY"]</PhysicalProcessorModels>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3****",
"PageNumber" : 1,
"PageSize" : 50,
"TotalCount" : 1,
"ScalingConfigurations" : [ {
"DeploymentSetId" : "ds-bp1frxuzdg87zh4p****",
"CreationTime" : "2014-08-14T10:58Z",
"ScalingConfigurationName" : "scalingconfigura****",
"SystemDiskDescription" : "Test system disk.",
"KeyPairName" : "keypair****",
"SecurityGroupId" : "sg-bp18kz60mefs****",
"PrivatePoolOptions.Id" : "eap-bp67acfmxazb4****",
"SystemDiskAutoSnapshotPolicyId" : "sp-bp12m37ccmxvbmi5****",
"SpotStrategy" : "NoSpot",
"ScalingGroupId" : "asg-bp17pelvl720x3v7****",
"Affinity" : "default",
"Tenancy" : "default",
"SystemDiskSize" : 100,
"Ipv6AddressCount" : 1,
"SpotDuration" : 1,
"LifecycleState" : "Active",
"InstanceName" : "instance****",
"SecurityEnhancementStrategy" : "Active",
"UserData" : "echo hello ecs!",
"PrivatePoolOptions.MatchCriteria" : "Open",
"DedicatedHostId" : "dh-bp67acfmxazb4p****",
"InstanceGeneration" : "ecs-3",
"HpcClusterId" : "hpc-clus****",
"PasswordInherit" : true,
"Memory" : 16,
"ImageId" : "centos6u5_64_20G_aliaegis_2014****.vhd",
"ImageFamily" : "hangzhou-daily-update",
"ImageOwnerAlias" : "system",
"LoadBalancerWeight" : 1,
"SystemDiskCategory" : "cloud",
"HostName" : "LocalHost",
"SystemDiskName" : "cloud_ssd_Test",
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut" : 0,
"InternetMaxBandwidthIn" : 200,
"InstanceType" : "ecs.g6.large",
"InstanceDescription" : "FinanceDept",
"IoOptimized" : "none",
"RamRoleName" : "ramrole****",
"SystemDiskPerformanceLevel" : "PL1",
"Cpu" : 2,
"ResourceGroupId" : "rg-aekzn2ou7xo****",
"ZoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-g",
"InternetChargeType" : "PayByTraffic",
"ImageName" : "centos6u5_64_20G_aliaegis_20140703.vhd",
"ScalingConfigurationId" : "asc-bp1ezrfgoyn5kijl****",
"CreditSpecification" : "Standard",
"SpotInterruptionBehavior" : "Terminate",
"DataDisks" : [ {
"PerformanceLevel" : "PL1",
"Description" : "FinanceDept",
"SnapshotId" : "s-23f2i****",
"Device" : "/dev/xvdb",
"Size" : 200,
"DiskName" : "cloud_ssdData",
"AutoSnapshotPolicyId" : "sp-bp19nq9enxqkomib****",
"Category" : "cloud",
"KMSKeyId" : "0e478b7a-4262-4802-b8cb-00d3fb40****",
"DeleteWithInstance" : true,
"Encrypted" : "false",
"Categories" : [ "cloud_essd" ],
"ProvisionedIops" : 100,
"BurstingEnabled" : false
} ],
"Tags" : [ {
"Key" : "binary",
"Value" : "alterTable"
} ],
"SpotPriceLimit" : [ {
"InstanceType" : "ecs.g6.large",
"PriceLimit" : 0.125
} ],
"InstancePatternInfos" : [ {
"MaxPrice" : 2,
"Cores" : 2,
"Memory" : 4,
"InstanceFamilyLevel" : "EnterpriseLevel",
"Architectures" : [ "X86" ],
"BurstablePerformance" : "Include",
"ExcludedInstanceTypes" : [ "ecs.n1.small/ecs.n1.*/*7*" ],
"InstanceTypeFamilies": [ "[\"ecs.g6\", \"ecs.c6\", … \"ecs.r6\"]" ],
"MinimumCpuCoreCount" : 2,
"MaximumCpuCoreCount" : 4,
"GpuSpecs" : [ "[\"NVIDIA V100\"]" ],
"InstanceCategories" : [ "[\"Compute-optimized with GPU\"]" ],
"CpuArchitectures" : [ "[\"X86\", \"ARM\"]" ],
"PhysicalProcessorModels": [ "[\"Intel Xeon(Ice Lake) Platinum 8369B\", \"Intel Xeon(Skylake) Platinum 8163\", … \"Intel Xeon(Cascade Lake) Platinum 8269CY\"]" ],
"MinimumEniQuantity" : 2,
"MinimumEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity" : 2,
"MinimumEniIpv6AddressQuantity" : 1,
"MinimumInitialCredit" : 12,
"MinimumBaselineCredit" : 12,
"MinimumMemorySize" : 4,
"MaximumMemorySize" : 4,
"MinimumGpuAmount" : 2,
"MaximumGpuAmount" : 2
} ],
"SystemDiskCategories" : [ "cloud" ],
"WeightedCapacities" : [ "4" ],
"InstanceTypes" : [ "ecs.g6.large" ],
"SecurityGroupIds" : [ "sg-bp18kz60mefs****" ],
"SchedulerOptions" : {
"ManagedPrivateSpaceId" : "testManagedPrivateSpaceId"
"SystemDisk.Encrypted" : false,
"SystemDisk.KMSKeyId" : "0e478b7a-4262-4802-b8cb-00d3fb40****",
"SystemDisk.EncryptAlgorithm" : "AES-256",
"SystemDisk.ProvisionedIops" : 100,
"SystemDisk.BurstingEnabled" : false,
"ImageOptions.LoginAsNonRoot" : false,
"DeletionProtection" : false,
"StorageSetId" : "ss-bp67acfmxazb4p****",
"StorageSetPartitionNumber" : 2,
"CustomPriorities" : [ {
"InstanceType" : "ecs.g6.large",
"VswitchId" : "vsw-bp14zolna43z266bq****"
} ],
"NetworkInterfaces" : [ {
"InstanceType" : "Primary",
"NetworkInterfaceTrafficMode" : "HighPerformance",
"Ipv6AddressCount" : 1,
"SecurityGroupIds" : [ "sg-2vc3e1v7h****" ]
} ],
"DedicatedHostClusterId" : "dc-2zedxc67zqzt7lb4****"
} ]
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.