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ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ:Billing cycles and rules on overdue payments

更新時間:Aug 12, 2024

For pay-as-you-go and subscription instances, ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ adopts different billing cycles and releases instances based on different rules. This topic describes the billing cycles and rules on overdue payments of Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instances.

Billing cycle and rules on overdue payments of Standard Edition instances

  • Instances of ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ Standard Edition are billed in pay-as-you-go mode. The billing cycle of pay-as-you-go instances is 24 hours. On the next calendar day, Alibaba Cloud charges your service use of the previous calendar day, issues a bill, and deducts the service fees from your Alibaba Cloud account balance based on the bill amount. A bill is generally issued within 8 to 10 hours after the current billing cycle ends.

  • When your account balance is insufficient to pay the bill amount, Alibaba Cloud suspends the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ service for you. This means that you cannot access the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console or make API requests.

  • If you do not settle your unpaid bill within 72 hours, Alibaba Cloud releases your ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ instance and deletes the topics and group IDs that you create in the instance. The released instance and its resources cannot be restored.

Rules on overdue payments of Enterprise Platinum Edition instances

Instances of ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ Enterprise Platinum Edition are billed in subscription mode. After your instance expires, Alibaba Cloud will suspend the service for you. If the instance is not renewed within 168 hours, the system will process the instance and its resources based on the Post-expiration Action of the instance.

  • If you set this parameter to Delete Resource, the instance and all topics and groups on the instance are deleted and cannot be restored.

  • If you set this parameter to Downgrade to Standard Edition, the instance is changed to Standard Edition and billed based on the pay-as-you-go billing method. For information about the billing rules, see Billing overview. If you no longer require the instance, delete the instance and the topics and groups on the instance at your earliest opportunity.

For more information about how to configure Post-expiration Action, see Lifecycle management.