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ApsaraMQ for Kafka:Upgrade instance configurations

更新時間:Aug 07, 2024

This topic describes how to upgrade the configurations of an instance in the ApsaraMQ for Kafka console. The configurations include the edition, traffic specification, disk capacity, and partition specification of the instance.


  • The instance is in the Running or Not Deployed state.

  • No ongoing traffic rebalancing tasks exist in the instance.

Usage notes

  • When you upgrade the configurations of an ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance, brokers in the cluster restart one by one. This may cause the following risks:

    • A few errors may be reported due to temporary client disconnection and reconnection.

    • If you send messages during the upgrade, the messages may fail to be sent. In this case, we recommend that you configure the message retry feature on the client and resend the messages. Messages that were successfully sent before the upgrade are not lost.

    • During the upgrade, services are not interrupted, but messages may be distributed to another partition for consumption. In most cases, an upgrade takes about 30 minutes to complete. The larger the increase in disk capacity is, the longer time the upgrade takes to complete. We recommend that you assess the impact on your business and upgrade instance configurations during off-peak hours.

  • During the upgrade, the cluster may be scaled out. In this case, the security group of the client must allow access to the IP addresses of the added brokers from the client.

  • The time required to upgrade the configurations of an ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance varies based on the instance specification. For instances that use the specification or lower or the alikafka.hw.30xlarge specification or lower, the upgrade requires approximately 30 minutes to complete. For instances that use the or higher or the alikafka.hw.60xlarge or higher, the upgrade requires more than 1 hour to complete. In most cases, the upgrade time linearly increases with the instance specification.

Scenarios and risks



The disk capacity of your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance needs to be increased because the disk usage is high and may soon affect your business.

Brokers in the cluster restart one by one.

The traffic usage of your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance continuously exceeds the purchased traffic specification and cannot meet your business requirements.

Brokers in the cluster restart one by one.

Your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance needs to be upgraded from Standard Edition to Professional Edition (High Write) or Professional Edition (High Read).

Brokers in the cluster restart one by one.

Your virtual private cloud (VPC)-connected ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance cannot access resources over the Internet because no public endpoint is available.

Brokers in the cluster restart one by one.

The network type of your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance needs to be changed from Internet and VPC to VPC because your instance no longer needs to access resources over the Internet.

Brokers in the cluster restart one by one.

The partition or topic number of your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance needs to be changed.


You can change only the number of partitions for instances purchased on and after August 26, 2022, and only the number of topics for instances purchased before August 26, 2022.


The public bandwidth of your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance needs to be changed.

Brokers in the cluster restart one by one.


  1. Log on to the ApsaraMQ for Kafka console. In the Resource Distribution section of the Overview page, select the region where the ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance that you want to manage resides.

  2. On the Instances page, click the name of the instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Instance Details page, click Upgrade in the upper-right corner of the Overview section.

  4. In the Instance Upgrade Risks message that appears, read the risk description and click OK.

  5. In the configuration changing panel that appears, change the configurations of the instance. The following table describes the parameters in the configuration changing panel.

    Table 1.



    Instance Edition

    • You can upgrade an instance from Standard Edition to Professional Edition.

    • You can upgrade the traffic specification of a Professional Edition instance.

    • You cannot downgrade an instance from Professional Edition to Standard Edition.

    For information about the editions and billing of ApsaraMQ for Kafka instances, see Billing overview.

    Network Type

    • You can change the network type of an instance from VPC to Internet and VPC.

    • You can change the network type of an instance from Internet and VPC to VPC.

    Public Traffic

    Internet traffic is divided into read traffic and write traffic. The maximum read traffic and the maximum write traffic that are supported by ApsaraMQ for Kafka are the same. When you purchase an ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance, compare the peak values of the read and write traffic of your business to determine the higher value. Then, select a traffic specification based on the higher value. You are charged for this billable item only if your instance is of the Internet- and VPC-connected type.


    To prevent traffic throttling caused by insufficient bandwidth, ApsaraMQ for Kafka estimates the optimal bandwidth based on the instance type you selected. You can purchase the Internet traffic that meets your business requirements as prompted on the buy page.

    Traffic Specification

    When you upgrade the traffic specification of your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance, take note of the following items:

    • Specifications

      • Standard Edition: You can select a traffic specification that has a peak read or write rate of up to 120 MB/s. If you need a traffic specification that has a peak read or write rate of more than 120 MB/s, upgrade your instance to Professional Edition before you upgrade the traffic specification.

      • Professional Edition (High Write): You can select a traffic specification that has a peak write rate of up to 2,000 MB/s.

      • Professional Edition (High Read): You can select a traffic specification that has a peak read rate of up to 3,000 MB/s and a peak write rate of up to 1,000 MB/s.

    • Disks

      • Ultra disk: If you select a traffic specification that has a peak read rate or write rate of up to 120 MB/s, the cluster is scaled out. After the upgrade is complete, you must rebalance the topic traffic in the cluster. For more information, see Rebalance topic traffic.

      • SSD: If you select a traffic specification that has a peak read rate or write rate of up to 300 MB/s, the cluster is scaled out. After the upgrade is complete, you must rebalance the topic traffic in the cluster. For more information, see Rebalance topic traffic.

    Disk Capacity

    The default recommended disk capacity varies based on the traffic specification. The disk capacity is adjusted accordingly when you adjust the traffic specification. You can also adjust the disk capacity based on your business requirements.

    Number of Partitions

    • Total number of partitions in an instance = Number of purchased partitions + Number of partitions provided free of charge in the instance specification.

    • The number of available topics is equal to the total number of partitions.

    • Number of available consumer groups = Total number of partitions x 2.


    Starting from August 26, 2022, ApsaraMQ for Kafka no longer supports the upgrade of instances that are purchased based on topic specifications. For information about existing instances that are purchased based on topic specifications, see What are the number of topics, groups, and partitions if an existing instance is purchased based on topic specifications?

    Table 2. Serverless instances

  6. Read and select the terms of service and click Buy Now. The Congratulations, purchase successfully message appears. Then, click Close.


    After you upgrade the configurations of your ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance, the time when your order takes effect appears on the upgrade order page.

    In the Basic Information section of the Instance Details page, the value of Status changes to Upgrading. After the upgrade is complete, the new configurations are displayed on the page.