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AnalyticDB:Create a Data Warehouse Edition cluster

更新時間:Jul 29, 2024

This topic describes how to create a Data Warehouse Edition cluster in the AnalyticDB for MySQL console.

Create a Data Warehouse Edition cluster

  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-right corner of the console, click Buy Cluster.

  2. Select an option for the Product Type parameter.

    • Pay-as-you-go: You are charged on an hourly basis for the resources that you use. This billing method is suitable for short-term usage. To reduce costs, you can release pay-as-you-go clusters when they are no longer needed.

    • Subscription: You must pay an upfront subscription fee when you create subscription clusters. For long-term usage, this billing method is more cost-effective than the pay-as-you-go billing method. You are charged lower prices for longer subscription periods.

  3. Configure the Edition, Region, Zone, VPC, and vSwitch parameters.




    The edition of the cluster. Select Data Warehouse Edition.


    The region in which you want to create the cluster. After a cluster is created, you cannot change the region of the cluster. To maximize the cluster access speed, we recommend that you select a region that is geographically closest to your business.


    The zone in which you want to create the cluster. Each zone is an independent physical location within a region. Zones in the same region do not have substantial differences.



    • If you have created a virtual private cloud (VPC) that meets your business requirements, select the VPC. For example, if you have created an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance in a VPC that meets your business requirements, select the VPC.

    • Otherwise, use the default VPC and vSwitch. For more information, see Default VPCs and default vSwitches.

    • If the default VPC and vSwitch cannot meet your business requirements, you can create your own VPC and vSwitch. For more information, see Create and manage a VPC.


    If you use other Alibaba Cloud services such as ECS and ApsaraDB RDS, make sure that your AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster resides in the same VPC as your ECS and ApsaraDB RDS instances. If your cluster and instances reside in different VPCs, your cluster cannot communicate with your instances over an internal network to achieve optimal performance.

    Time Zone

    The time zone in which you want to create the cluster. After you select a time zone, the system performs time-related data writes based on the selected time zone. By default, UTC+8 is used.

  4. Set the Mode parameter to Elastic Mode or Reserved Mode, configure the corresponding parameters, and then click Buy Now in the lower-right corner of the page. In this example, select Elastic Mode.




    For Elastic Mode, the Edition parameter is automatically set to Elastic Cluster.

    Elastic Mode for Cluster Edition uses a storage-compute decoupled architecture to provide capabilities such as elastic scaling, multi-tenant isolation, tiered storage of hot and cold data, heterogeneous storage, and user programming. This implements flexible real-time analysis with high performance at low resource costs.


    The Specifications of the cluster. The parameter is automatically set to E32.

    Disk Encryption

    If you select Disk Encryption, the system encrypts data on each data disk of your cluster based on block storage. This way, your data cannot be decrypted even if it is leaked.

    The first time you use the disk encryption feature, select Disk Encryption and click Create Service-linked Role to create a service-linked role. Then, select a key from the Key drop-down list. For more information, see Enable disk encryption.

    • You can enable the disk encryption feature for an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster only when you create the cluster.

    • You cannot disable the disk encryption feature after it is enabled.

    • The disk encryption feature requires Key Management Service (KMS). When you use KMS, you are charged for key management and API calls. For more information, see Billing of KMS.

    Computing Resources

    The computing resources of the cluster. You can use computing resources to compute data. The increase in the computing resources can accelerate data queries. The computing resources are available in Cluster Edition and Standalone Edition.

    • Computing resources in Cluster Edition include 16 cores and 64 GB memory, 24 cores and 96 GB memory, and 32 cores or more. Cluster Edition supports resource isolation, scheduled scaling, and tiered storage of hot and cold data.

    • Computing resources in Standalone Edition include 8 cores and 32 GB memory and 16 cores and 64 GB memory. Alibaba Cloud does not provide a service-level agreement (SLA) guarantee for Standalone Edition, and 4 to 8 hours are required for a failover. We recommend that you do not use Standalone Edition in production environments.

    ESSD Performance Level

    This parameter is automatically set to PL1. You can change the ESSD performance level by scaling up the cluster based on your business requirements. For more information, see Scale a Data Warehouse Edition cluster.

    EIU Specifications

    The single-node specifications of an elastic I/O unit (EIU) for clusters in elastic mode for Cluster Edition. This parameter is automatically set to 8Core64GB. Each EIU consists of three nodes and has 24 cores and 192 GB memory (8 cores × 3 and 64 GB × 3).

    Elastic I/O resources are bundled into units and sold as EIUs. You can use EIUs to scale out storage resources for clusters. For more information, see Scale out elastic I/O resources.


    The number of EIUs that are required to store data. You can configure this parameter based on the storage performance metrics of EIUs. For more information, see the "EIU-based storage performance metrics" section of the Scale out elastic I/O resources topic. Alternatively, you can purchase one EIU when you create a cluster, and then scale out elastic I/O resources based on your business requirements. For more information, see Scale a Data Warehouse Edition cluster.


    The EIUs parameter takes effect only when the Computing Resources parameter is set to 32 Cores and 128 GB or higher specifications.

  5. Perform the subsequent purchase operations as prompted based on the Product Type parameter that you selected.

    After you complete the payment, you can view that the cluster is in the Preparing state on the Data Warehouse Edition tab of the Clusters page. As the progress bar reaches 100% after approximately 10 to 15 minutes, the status of the cluster changes to Running and you can use the cluster as expected.