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Get started with Drive and Photo Service

Updated at: 2024-04-16 09:32

Drive and Photo Service is an open platform on which you can develop applications to provide data management, content recognition, and content collaboration services for enterprises and individual users.

User types

Users of Drive and Photo Service can be divided into the following four types based on how they use this service: Alibaba Cloud account owners, O&M engineers, developers, and end users.

  • Alibaba Cloud account owners can activate Drive and Photo Service, and create and maintain domains.

  • O&M engineers can perform O&M operations on domains, including domain configuration, application configuration, monitoring and alerting configuration, and data operations management.

  • Developers can develop applications and integrate applications with Drive and Photo Service.

    • Create a self-managed application: Create an application of a specific type and obtain the credential for accessing the application.

    • Develop a self-managed application: Develop an application based on business requirements.

  • End users use applications.

Activate Drive and Photo Service and create a domain by using your Alibaba Cloud account

  1. On the buy page of Drive and Photo Service, activate Drive and Photo Service.

  2. In the Drive and Photo Service console, create a domain.

  3. In the Resource Access Management (RAM) console, create RAM users for O&M engineers and developers of Drive and Photo Service, and grant the RAM users the permissions to access domains. In the test phase, O&M engineers and developers can also use the Alibaba Cloud account to perform related operations. This simplifies permission management. After applications are published, we recommend that you create RAM users and grant permissions for different roles to improve security.

Configure a domain by using an O&M engineer account

In specific scenarios, you can use an Alibaba Cloud account to perform O&M operations to simplify permission management.

1. Select the data storage mode

  • Standard mode: This mode is suitable for most scenarios. You can store, upload, download, and share data by using cloud drives. Cloud drives support data transmission within seconds. This mode supports intelligent image analysis methods, such as tagging, classification, and facial recognition. This mode also supports content-based intelligent searches.

  • Hosting mode: A Drive and Photo Service domain in hosting mode allows you to manage data stored in Object Storage Service (OSS). Drive and Photo Service provides dedicated pages for end users to manage their drives, folders, and files. End users can access the data stored in OSS by using OSS API. This facilitates data-centric interactions between applications and users and data transmission among partners.

2. Configure a user system

  • Custom user systems

  • Drive and Photo Service user system: Drive and Photo Service supports logon by using mobile numbers and verification codes or passwords. To enable this feature, join the official DingTalk group for Alibaba Cloud technical support.

  • Third-party user systems: Drive and Photo Service can be integrated with third-party user systems and supports logon by using Alipay accounts and RAM users. If you use a third-party user system, follow the instructions to configure the OAuth 2.0 settings.

If you use the Drive and Photo Service user system or third-party user systems, you must manually enable related features in the Drive and Photo Service console. You can use the three types of user systems in combination.

3. Configure an official application or a third-party application

  • Deny access from all third-party applications and configure a whitelist, or allow access from all third-party applications and configure a blacklist.

  • The OAuth applications created by using an Alibaba Cloud account can access the domains created by using the same Alibaba Cloud account.

Develop an application and integrate the application with Drive and Photo Service by using a developer account

You need to integrate applications with Drive and Photo Service in the following scenarios:

  • Develop an application for other users of Drive and Photo Service. In this scenario, you must join the official DingTalk group to apply for manual integration of the application with Drive and Photo Service. After the application is approved, other users of Drive and Photo Service can select the application from the application list.

  • Develop an application for yourself. In this scenario, you can create a domain, select an official application or a third-party application, then create the application. You can also create the application by using a self-managed application.

Use an application as a regular user

Regular users can access Drive and Photo Service by using BasicUI or applications provided by developers.

  • On this page (1, O)
  • User types
  • Activate Drive and Photo Service and create a domain by using your Alibaba Cloud account
  • Configure a domain by using an O&M engineer account
  • Develop an application and integrate the application with Drive and Photo Service by using a developer account
  • Use an application as a regular user
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