Platform for AI (PAI) provides EasyVision, which is an enhanced algorithm framework for visual intelligence that provides various features for model training and prediction. You can use EasyVision to train and apply computer vision models for your computer vision applications. This topic describes how to use EasyVision in Data Science Workshop (DSW) to detect objects.
A development environment that uses software with the following versions is prepared:
Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 or later
PAI-TensorFlow or TensorFlow 1.8 or later
If you use a DSW instance, we recommend that you select an image of TensorFlow 1.12 and an instance type whose memory is greater than 16 GB.
ossutil is downloaded and installed. For more information, see Install ossutil.
After you download ossutil, you need to set the endpoint parameter to
in the configuration file.
Step 1: Prepare data
Use ossutil to download the Pascal dataset to the current directory.
ossutil64 cp -r oss://pai-vision-data-hz/data/voc0712_tfrecord/ data/voc0712_tfrecord
Download the ResNet50 pre-trained model to the current directory.
mkdir -p pretrained_models/
ossutil64 cp -r oss://pai-vision-data-hz/pretrained_models/resnet_v1d_50/ pretrained_models/resnet_v1d_50
Step 2: Start a training task in the current directory
Step 3: Use TensorBoard to monitor the training task
The checkpoints and event files of the model are saved in the directory in which pascal_resnet50_rfcn_model resides. Run the following command to obtain the logon link of TensorBoard. Then, open TensorBoard in a browser. You can view the loss and mean average precision (mAP) of the training task.
You must run the command in Linux. To run the command, switch to the directory in which pascal_resnet50_rfcn_model resides, or replace the path following --logdir in the command with the actual path of pascal_resnet50_rfcn_model. Otherwise, the command fails to be run.
tensorboard --port 6006 --logdir pascal_resnet50_rfcn_model [ --host ]
View the following information in TensorBoard:
Step 4: Test and evaluate the model
After the training task is completed, you can test and evaluate the trained model.
Run the following command to install the easy_vision package:
pip install
Use other datasets to test the model. Then, check the detection result of each image.
import easy_vision
test_filelist = 'path/to/filelist.txt'
detect_results = easy_vision.predict(easy_vision.RFCN_SAMPLE_CONFIG, test_filelist=test_filelist)
The filelist.txt
file contains the on-premises path of an image. Each line is an image file path. The detection result of each image in eval_data is returned in the detect_results
parameter in the [detection_boxes, box_probability, box_class] format. detection_boxes indicates the location of the detected object, box_class indicates the category of the object, and box_probability indicates the confidence level of the detection result.
Evaluate the trained model.
import easy_vision
eval_metrics = easy_vision.evaluate(easy_vision.RFCN_SAMPLE_CONFIG)
The eval_metrics
parameter indicates evaluation metrics, including the PascalBoxes07, PascalBoxes, global_step, and the following loss metrics: loss, loss/loss/rcnn_cls, loss/loss/rcnn_reg, loss/loss/rpn_cls, loss/loss/rpn_reg, and loss/loss/total_loss. The following example shows the metrics.
PascalBoxes07 Metric
PascalBoxes07_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/aeroplane = 0.74028647
PascalBoxes07_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/bicycle = 0.77216494
PascalBoxes07_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/train = 0.771075
PascalBoxes07_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/tvmonitor = 0.70221454
PascalBoxes07_Precision/mAP@0.5IOU = 0.6975172
PascalBoxes Metric
PascalBoxes_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/aeroplane = 0.7697732
PascalBoxes_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/bicycle = 0.80088705
PascalBoxes_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/train = 0.8002225
PascalBoxes_PerformanceByCategory/AP@0.5IOU/tvmonitor = 0.72775906
PascalBoxes_Precision/mAP@0.5IOU = 0.7182514
global_step and loss
global_step = 75000
loss = 0.51076376
loss/loss/rcnn_cls = 0.23392382
loss/loss/rcnn_reg = 0.12589474
loss/loss/rpn_cls = 0.13748208
loss/loss/rpn_reg = 0.013463326
loss/loss/total_loss = 0.51076376
Step 5: Export the model
Run the following code to export the model as a SavedModel file:
import easy_vision
easy_vision.export(export_dir, pipeline_config_path, checkpoint_path)
After you run the preceding code, a model directory is created in the export_dir directory. The name of the model directory contains the UNIX timestamp that indicates the time when the directory is created. All checkpoints of the model are exported to a SavedModel file in the model directory.
Step 6: Evaluate the SavedModel file
Run the following code to evaluate the exported SavedModel file. All metrics of the model are contained in the evaluation result file and logs.
from easy_vision.python.main import predictor_evaluate
In the preceding code, predictor_eval_config
indicates the .proto file that is used for the evaluation. For more information, see Protocol Documentation. You can also use the following files for evaluation:
Step 7: Deploy the model as a service
Save the SavedModel file in Object Storage Service (OSS) and use the file to deploy a service in Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS). For more information, see Create a service.