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:Send a test message

最終更新日:Jun 29, 2023

This topic describes how to send a test message by using the test feature in the Alibaba Cloud Short Message Service (SMS) console. For information about the video tutorial, see Send test messages.



  1. Log on to the SMS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Quick Start.

  3. On the Quick Start page, follow the on-screen instructions to specify the parameters.

    Alibaba Cloud SMS determines whether messages are sent to the Chinese mainland based on the Country Code parameter.

    • If you want to send messages to countries or regions outside the Chinese mainland, enter the country code, mobile phone number, sender ID, and message content.

    • If you want to send messages to the Chinese mainland, enter the country code and mobile phone number, and select an approved signature and message content. If your message content contains variables, configure the variables.

  4. Click Send.