このトピックでは、Simple Log Service SDK for Goの使用を開始し、一般的な操作を実行する方法について説明します。 たとえば、プロジェクトの作成、Logstoreの作成、ログの書き込み、ログの照会ができます。
Simple Log Serviceが有効化されています。
Simple Log Service SDK for Goが初期化されます。 詳細については、「Simple Log Service SDK For Goの初期化」をご参照ください。
1. プロジェクトの作成
2. Logstoreを作成するCreate a Logstore
3. インデックスの作成Create indexes
4。 Logstoreへのログの書き込み
この例では、SLSQuickStart.goという名前のファイルが作成されます。 このファイルのサンプルコードでは、API操作を呼び出してプロジェクトを作成し、Logstoreを作成し、インデックスを作成し、ログを書き込み、ログを照会する方法の例を示します。 例:
package main
import (
sls "github.com/aliyun/aliyun-log-go-sdk"
func main() {
// The Simple Log Service endpoint. In this example, the Simple Log Service endpoint for the China (Hangzhou) region is used. Replace the parameter value with the actual endpoint.
Endpoint := "cn-hangzhou.log.aliyuncs.com"
// In this example, the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret are obtained from environment variables.
AccessKeyId := os.Getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
AccessKeySecret := os.Getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")
// The STS token of the RAM user. If you leave this parameter empty, no STS tokens are used.
SecurityToken := ""
// Create a Simple Log Service client.
provider := sls.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(AccessKeyId, AccessKeySecret, SecurityToken)
client := sls.CreateNormalInterfaceV2(Endpoint, provider)
// Create a project.
ProjectName := "aliyun-test-project"
Description := "test"
project, err := client.CreateProject(ProjectName, Description)
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*sls.Error); ok && e.Code == "ProjectAlreadyExist" {
log.Printf("Project : %s already created or has an global name conflict in Aliyun scope", ProjectName)
} else {
log.Fatalf("Create project : %s failed %v", ProjectName, err)
} else {
log.Printf("Project : %s created successfully", project.Name)
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
// Create a Logstore.
LogStoreName := "aliyun-test-logstore"
err = client.CreateLogStore(ProjectName, LogStoreName, 3, 2, true, 6)
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*sls.Error); ok && e.Code == "LogStoreAlreadyExist" {
log.Printf("Logstore : %s already created", LogStoreName)
} else {
log.Fatalf("Create LogStore : %s failed %v", LogStoreName, err)
} else {
log.Printf("Create logstore : %v successfully", LogStoreName)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Create indexes for the Logstore.
index := sls.Index{
// Field indexing.
Keys: map[string]sls.IndexKey{
"col_0": {
Token: []string{" "},
CaseSensitive: false,
Type: "long",
"col_1": {
Token: []string{",", ":", " "},
CaseSensitive: false,
Type: "text",
// Full-text indexing.
Line: &sls.IndexLine{
Token: []string{",", ":", " "},
CaseSensitive: false,
IncludeKeys: []string{},
ExcludeKeys: []string{},
err = client.CreateIndex(ProjectName, LogStoreName, index)
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*sls.Error); ok && e.Code == "IndexAlreadyExist" {
log.Printf("Index : already created")
} else {
log.Fatalf("Create Index failed %v", err)
} else {
log.Println("CreateIndex success")
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
// Write logs to the Logstore.
for loggroupIdx := 0; loggroupIdx < 10; loggroupIdx++ {
logs := []*sls.Log{}
for logIdx := 0; logIdx < 100; logIdx++ {
content := []*sls.LogContent{}
for colIdx := 0; colIdx < 10; colIdx++ {
if colIdx == 0 {
content = append(content, &sls.LogContent{
Key: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("col_%d", colIdx)),
Value: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("%d", rand.Intn(10000000))),
} else {
content = append(content, &sls.LogContent{
Key: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("col_%d", colIdx)),
Value: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("loggroup idx: %d, log idx: %d, col idx: %d, value: %d", loggroupIdx, logIdx, colIdx, rand.Intn(10000000))),
log := &sls.Log{
Time: proto.Uint32(uint32(time.Now().Unix())),
Contents: content,
logs = append(logs, log)
loggroup := &sls.LogGroup{
Topic: proto.String("test"),
Source: proto.String(""),
Logs: logs,
err = client.PutLogs(ProjectName, LogStoreName, loggroup)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("PutLogs failed %v", err)
log.Println("PutLogs success")
// Execute an SQL statement to query logs.
// If the query statement includes only a search statement, the values of the line, offset, and reverse parameters take effect. The line parameter specifies the maximum number of logs that can be returned. Maximum value: 100. The offset parameter specifies the start position of the returned logs. To paginate logs, you can configure the line and offset parameters.
// For example, you can set the line parameter to 100 and the offset parameter to 0 for the first query statement, and set the line parameter to 100 and the offset parameter to 100 for the second query statement.
// If the query statement includes an analytic statement, the values of the line, offset, and reverse parameters do not take effect. The number of logs that are returned is determined by the LIMIT, OFFSET, and ORDER BY clauses. We recommend that you set the values of the line, offset, and reverse parameters to 0, 0, and false, respectively. If you specify other values for the parameters, errors are reported.
// For more information, see Paged query.
response, err := client.GetLogs(ProjectName, LogStoreName, "test", time.Now().Unix()-1800, time.Now().Unix(), "* and col_0 > 9000000", 100, 1, true)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("GetLogs failed %v", err)
log.Printf("Get %d logs", response.Count)
logs := response.Logs
for i := range logs {
for k, v := range logs[i] {
log.Printf("key: %s, value: %s", k, v)
サンプルコードの詳細については、「Alibaba Cloud Simple Log Service SDK For Go」をご参照ください。
Project : aliyun-test-project created successfully.
Create logstore : aliyun-test-logstore successfully.
CreateIndex success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
PutLogs success
Get 61 logs
key: source, value:
key: time, value: 1627282116
key: col_0, value: 9886757
key: col_1, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 1, value: 2673724
key: col_2, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 2, value: 5822012
key: col_8, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 8, value: 3996746
key: topic, value: test
key: col_9, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 9, value: 7646111
key: col_3, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 3, value: 8872632
key: col_4, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 4, value: 1839836
key: col_5, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 5, value: 6967415
key: col_6, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 6, value: 5872057
key: col_7, value: loggroup idx: 6, log idx: 87, col idx: 7, value: 3227909