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Server Load Balancer:Add a TCP/SSL listener

最終更新日:Sep 26, 2024

If you want your Network Load Balancer (NLB) instance to forward TCP requests in scenarios that have high requirements for performance and large-scale TLS offloading, you can add a TCP/SSL listener to your NLB instance.



You can use one of the following methods to create a TCP/SSL listener:

  • Add a TCP/SSL listener: the standard configuration method. You can enable the listener to listen by port range and configure advanced settings.

  • Add a TCP/SSL listener (quick configuration): the quick configuration method. You need to only specify a listener protocol, listener port, server certificate, TLS security policy, and server group.

Add a TCP/SSL listener

Step 1: Configure a listener

  1. Log on to the NLB console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the NLB instance is deployed.

  3. On the Instances page, find the NLB instance that you want to manage and use one of the following methods to open the listener configuration wizard:

    • Click Create Listener in the Actions column.

    • Click the ID of the NLB instance and click the Listener tab. On the Listener tab, click Create Listener above the listener list.

    • Click the instance ID. On the instance details page, click Create Listener in the wizard.

    • Click the instance ID. In the upper-right corner of the instance details page, click Create Listener.

  4. In the Configure Listener step, configure the parameters and click Next. The following table describes the parameters.



    Listener Protocol

    Select a listener protocol. In this example, TCPSSL is selected.

    Listen by Port Range

    Specifies whether to enable the listener to listen by port range. If you enable this feature, the NLB instance listens on all ports in the specified listener port range, and redirects requests destined for the ports to the backend servers.


    This feature must be enabled for server groups associated with a listener that listens by port range.

    Listener Port Range

    Specify the first and last port to define the listener port range if you want to enable the listener to listen by port range.


    The listener port range cannot be modified after the listener is created.

    Listener Port

    Specify a port on which the NLB instance listens. The NLB instance uses the port to receive requests and forward the requests to backend servers.

    You can select a commonly used port or enter a port number. Valid values: 1 to 65535.

    If Listen by Port Range is enabled, you do not need to set Listener Port.

    Listener Name

    Enter a name for the listener.


    Configure the Tag Key and Tag Value parameters to add a tag. You can add one or more tags.

    After you specify tags, you can filter listeners by tag on the Listener tab.

    Advanced Settings

    Click Modify to configure the advanced settings.

    Idle Connection Timeout Period

    Specify a timeout period for idle TCP/SSL connections. If no request is received within the timeout period, NLB closes the current connection. When another request is received, NLB establishes a new connection.

    Limit on New Connections

    Specifies whether to limit the number of new connections.

    Maximum New Connections per Second

    If you turn on Limit on New Connections, you must specify the maximum number of new connections per second that the listener can handle in each zone. Each zone provides a virtual IP address (VIP).


    This value applies only to the current listener. Connections to other listeners are not affected. To view the throttling values of other listeners, check the configurations of the listeners.

    Enable Proxy Protocol

    Specifies whether to enable Proxy Protocol. After Proxy Protocol is enabled, client IP addresses are passed to backend servers.

    For more information, see Enable NLB to preserve client IP addresses.

    Enable ALPN Policy

    Specify whether to enable Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN). ALPN allows clients and servers to better manage the protocol over which they communicate. This improves the efficiency and security of communication. For example, the preferential use of HTTP 2.0 can reduce latency and bandwidth consumption.

    • Definition: ALPN is a TLS extension that allows the client and the server to negotiate the application layer protocol during a TLS handshake. This enables the client and the server to use the optimal protocol to communicate, such as HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, and HTTP 2.0.

    • Note: ALPN is an extension of a TLS handshake. When you create a TCP/SSL listener and you enable ALPN for an NLB instance, a TLS handshake is performed between the client and the NLB instance. The client sends a list of supported protocols to NLB. NLB uses one of these protocols, and notifies the client of the protocol after the handshake is complete.

    ALPN Policy

    After you enable ALPN, select an ALPN policy.

    • HTTP1Only: uses only HTTP 1.x. The priority of HTTP 1.1 is higher than the priority of HTTP 1.0.

    • HTTP2Only: uses only HTTP 2.0.

    • HTTP2Optional: preferentially uses HTTP 1.x over HTTP 2.0. The priority of HTTP 1.1 is higher than the priority of HTTP 1.0, and the priority of HTTP 1.0 is higher than the priority of HTTP 2.0.

    • HTTP2Preferred: preferentially uses HTTP 2.0 over HTTP 1.x. The priority of HTTP 2.0 is higher than the priority of HTTP 1.1, and the priority of HTTP 1.1 is higher than the priority of HTTP 1.0.

Step 2: Configure an SSL certificate

To create a TCP/SSL listener, you must configure an SSL certificate for identity authentication to ensure secure data transfer.



Required for one-way authentication

Required for mutual authentication

Server certificate

A server certificate is used to authenticate the identity of a server.

Your browser checks whether the certificate sent by the server is signed and issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). For more information, see What is an SSL certificate?


You can purchase or upload a server certificate in the Certificate Management Service console. NLB obtains the certificate from Certificate Management Service and uses the certificate.


You can purchase or upload a server certificate in the Certificate Management Service console. NLB obtains the certificate from Certificate Management Service and uses the certificate.

CA certificate

A CA certificate is used by a server to verify the signature on a client certificate. If the signature is invalid, the connection request is denied.


A client certificate is used to authenticate the identity of the client when the client communicates with the server. You need to install a client certificate only on the client.



You can purchase a CA certificate in the Certificate Management Service console. NLB obtains the certificate from Certificate Management Service and uses the certificate.


If you want to access multiple domain names or add multiple server certificates, you can add additional certificates to the TCP/SSL listener. For more information, see Add an additional certificate.

  1. In the Configure SSL Certificate step, select a server certificate from the Server Certificate drop-down list.

    If no server certificate is available, click Create SSL Certificate in the drop-down list to go to the Certificate Management Service console. Then, you can purchase or upload a server certificate. For more information, see Purchase an SSL certificate and Upload an SSL certificate.

  2. Optional: Turn on Enable Mutual Authentication in Advanced Settings. Select Alibaba Cloud from the CA Certificate Source drop-down list and select a CA certificate from the Default CA Certificate drop-down list.

    If no CA certificate is available, click Purchase CA Certificate to create a CA certificate. For more information, see Purchase and enable a private CA.


    If you want to disable mutual authentication, perform the following operations:

    1. On the Instances page, click the ID of the NLB instance that you want to manage.

    2. On the Listener tab, click the ID of the TCP/SSL listener.

    3. On the Listener Details tab, go to the SSL Certificate section and disable mutual authentication.

  3. Select a TLS security policy and click Next.

    If no TLS security policy is available, click Create TLS Security Policy to create one. For more information, see TLS security policies.

Step 3: Select a server group

In the Select Server Group step, select a backend server group, view the backend servers, and then click Next.


You cannot associate TCP/SSL listeners with server groups for which client IP preservation is enabled.

Step 4: Confirm the configurations

In the Configuration Review step, confirm the configurations and click Submit.

Add a TCP/SSL listener (quick configuration)

If you select this method, you need to only specify a listener protocol, a listener port, a server certificate, a TLS security policy, and a server group.

  1. Log on to the NLB console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the NLB instance is deployed.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose NLB > Instances.

  4. On the Instances page, click the ID of the NLB instance that you want to manage.

  5. Click the Listener tab. On the Listener tab, click Quick Create Listener.

  6. In the Quick Create Listener dialog box, configure the parameters and click OK. The following table describes the parameters.



    Listener Protocol

    Select a listener protocol. In this example, TCPSSL is selected.

    Listener Port

    Specify the frontend port that is used to receive requests and forward them to backend servers.

    You can select a commonly used port, or enter a port number. Valid values: 1 to 65535.

    Server Certificate

    Select a server certificate from the drop-down list.

    If no server certificate is available, click Create Certificate to create one. For more information, see Purchase an SSL certificate.

    TLS security policies

    Select a TLS security policy from the drop-down list.

    If no TLS security policy is available, click Create TLS Security Policy to create one. For more information, see TLS security policies.

    Server Group

    Select a backend server group.
