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ApsaraDB RDS:List of operations by function

最終更新日:Feb 18, 2025
This product(Rds/2014-08-15) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


TransformDBInstancePayTypeTransformDBInstancePayTypeChanges the billing method of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
ModifyDBInstancePayTypeModifyDBInstancePayTypeChanges the billing method of an instance from pay-as-you-go to subscription.
ModifyInstanceAutoRenewalAttributeModifyInstanceAutoRenewalAttributeModifies the auto-renewal settings of an instance.
DescribePriceDescribePriceQueries the price of an instance.
DescribeRenewalPriceDescribeRenewalPriceQueries the renewal fees for a subscription instance.
DescribeInstanceAutoRenewalAttributeDescribeInstanceAutoRenewalAttributeQueries the automatic renewal status of an instance.
RenewInstanceRenewInstanceManually renews an instance.

Instance management

CreateDBInstanceCreateDBInstanceCreates an instance.
CreateDBInstanceForRebuildCreateDBInstanceForRebuildRebuilds an instance from the recycle bin.
DeleteDBInstanceDeleteDBInstanceReleases an instance.
RestartDBInstanceRestartDBInstanceRestarts an instance.
StopDBInstanceStopDBInstanceSuspends an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
StartDBInstanceStartDBInstanceResumes an instance.
ModifyDBInstanceSpecModifyDBInstanceSpecChanges the instance type and storage capacity of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
ModifyDasInstanceConfigModifyDasInstanceConfigConfigures automatic storage expansion for an instance.
MigrateToOtherZoneMigrateToOtherZoneMigrates an instance across zones in the same region.
ModifyDBInstanceDescriptionModify the name of an instanceYou can call the ModifyDBInstanceDescription operation to modify the name of an instance.
ModifyDBInstanceMaintainTimeModifyDBInstanceMaintainTimeModifies the maintenance window of an instance.
ModifyResourceGroupModifyResourceGroupMoves an ApsaraDB RDS instance to a specified resource group.
ModifyHADiagnoseConfigModifyHADiagnoseConfigChange the availability check method of an instance.
ModifyAccountSecurityPolicyModifyAccountSecurityPolicyModifies the password policy for an account of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DescribeSupportOnlineResizeDiskDescribeSupportOnlineResizeDiskChecks whether the disk of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance can be resized online.
DescribeAvailableZonesDescribeAvailableZonesQueries the available zones for an instance.
DescribeAvailableClassesDescribeAvailableClassesQueries the specifications that are supported for an instance. The specifications include the instance type and the storage capacity.
DescribeDBInstanceAttributeDescribeDBInstanceAttributeQueries the details of an instance.
GetDBInstanceTopologyGetDBInstanceTopologyQueries the topology of an instance.
DescribeDBInstancesDescribeDBInstancesQueries instances.
ListClassesListClassesQueries the specification details of an instance.
DescribeDBInstancesByExpireTimeDescribeDBInstancesByExpireTimeQueries the information about an ApsaraDB RDS instance based on the remaining subscription duration of an instance.
DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries the details of all regions and zones for ApsaraDB RDS. The regions that are no longer supported are also queried. Exercise caution when you call this operation.
CheckInstanceExistQuery whether an instance existsYou can call the CheckInstanceExist operation to query whether an ApsaraDB RDS instance exists.
DescribeHADiagnoseConfigDescribeHADiagnoseConfigQueries the availability check method of an instance.
CheckCloudResourceAuthorizedCheckCloudResourceAuthorizedChecks permissions that are granted on an instance.
ReleaseInstanceConnectionReleaseInstanceConnectionReleases the public endpoint of an instance.

Version upgrade

ModifyDBInstanceAutoUpgradeMinorVersionModifyDBInstanceAutoUpgradeMinorVersionChanges the method that is used to update the minor engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeUpgradeMajorVersionPrecheckTaskDescribeUpgradeMajorVersionPrecheckTaskQueries the check report for a major engine version upgrade of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeUpgradeMajorVersionTasksDescribeUpgradeMajorVersionTasksQueries the historical tasks for major engine version upgrades of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionUpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersionUpgrades the major engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.
UpgradeDBInstanceKernelVersionUpgradeDBInstanceKernelVersionUpdates the minor engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
UpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersionPrecheckUpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersionPrecheckPerforms a precheck before the upgrade of the major engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
UpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersionUpgradeDBInstanceMajorVersionInitiates a task to upgrade the major engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

Network and Connection

AllocateInstancePublicConnectionAllocateInstancePublicConnectionApply for a public endpoint for an ApsaraDB RDS instance
ReleaseInstancePublicConnectionReleaseInstancePublicConnectionReleases the public endpoint of an instance.
ModifyDBInstanceConnectionStringModifyDBInstanceConnectionStringModifies the endpoint and port of an instance.
ModifyDBInstanceNetworkExpireTimeModifyDBInstanceNetworkExpireTimeChanges the expiration time of the classic network endpoint of an instance in hybrid access mode.
SwitchDBInstanceNetTypeSwitchDBInstanceNetTypeSwitches between internal and public endpoints of an instance in the classic network.
ModifyDBInstanceNetworkTypeModifyDBInstanceNetworkTypeChanges the network type of an ApsaraDB RDS instance from classic network to VPC
SwitchDBInstanceVpcSwitchDBInstanceVpcChanges the virtual private cloud (VPC) and vSwitch for an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
ModifyDBInstanceConfigModifyDBInstanceConfigModifies the configuration item of an instance.
DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoDescribeDBInstanceNetInfoQueries all endpoints of an instance.
DescribeVSwitchesDescribeVSwitchesQueries the details of vSwitch that are available in a virtual private cloud (VPC).

Primary/Secondary High Availability and Data Replication

ModifyDBInstanceHAConfigModifyDBInstanceHAConfigChanges the high availability (HA) and data replication mode of an instance.
ModifyHASwitchConfigModifyHASwitchConfigEnables or disables the automatic primary/secondary switchover feature for an instance.
DescribeDBInstanceHAConfigDescribeDBInstanceHAConfigQueries the high availability mode and data replication mode of an instance.
DescribeHASwitchConfigDescribeHASwitchConfigQueries the settings of the automatic primary/secondary switchover feature for an instance.
SwitchDBInstanceHASwitchDBInstanceHASwitches workloads between primary and secondary ApsaraDB RDS instances.

Event History

ModifyActionEventPolicyModifyActionEventPolicyEnables or disables the event history feature of an instance.
DescribeEventsDescribeEventsQueries historical events of an instance.
DescribeActionEventPolicyDescribeActionEventPolicyQueries whether the historical events feature is enabled.


QueryNotifyQueryNotifyQueries the notifications of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
ConfirmNotifyConfirmNotifyMarks the notifications of an instance within your Alibaba Cloud account as confirmed.

Account management

CreateAccountCreateAccountCreates a database account.
DeleteAccountDeleteAccountDeletes an account from an instance.
ModifyAccountCheckPolicyModifyAccountCheckPolicyChecks whether a password policy is applied to an account.
ModifyAccountDescriptionModifyAccountDescriptionModifies the description of a database account.
ModifyPGHbaConfigModifyPGHbaConfigModifies the pg_hba.conf file of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeAccountsDescribeAccountsQueries the details about the accounts that are created on an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DescribeInstanceKeywordsDescribeInstanceKeywordsQueries the reserved keywords of an instance. The reserved keywords cannot be used for the usernames of accounts or the names of databases.
DescribePGHbaConfigDescribePGHbaConfigQueries the configuration of the pg_hba.conf file of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeModifyPGHbaConfigLogDescribeModifyPGHbaConfigLogQueries the details about the modifications to the pg_hba.conf file of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
ResetAccountPasswordResetAccountPasswordResets the password of a database account.
LockAccountLockAccountLocks an account of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
UnlockAccountUnlockAccountUnlocks a database account of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
GrantAccountPrivilegeGrantAccountPrivilegeGrants an account the permissions on a database of an instance.
GrantOperatorPermissionGrantOperatorPermissionGrant permissions to a service account.
RevokeOperatorPermissionRevokeOperatorPermissionRevokes permissions from the service account of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
RevokeAccountPrivilegeRevokeAccountPrivilegeRemoves the permissions on a database of an ApsaraDB RDS instance from an account.
ResetAccountResetAccountResets the permissions of the privileged account.
CheckAccountNameAvailableCheckAccountNameAvailableChecks whether the username of the account that you want to create on an instance is available.

Database management

CreateDatabaseCreateDatabaseCreates a database in an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DeleteDatabaseDeleteDatabaseDeletes a database from an RDS instance.
ModifyDBDescriptionModifyDBDescriptionModifies the description of an instance.
ModifyDatabaseConfigModifyDatabaseConfigModifies the property settings of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
ModifyCollationTimeZoneModifyCollationTimeZoneModifies the character set collation and time zone of system databases on an instance.
DescribeDatabasesDescribeDatabasesQueries the details about the databases on an instance.
DescribeCollationTimeZonesDescribeCollationTimeZonesQueries the character set collations and time zones that are available for use in ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server.
DescribeCharacterSetNameDescribeCharacterSetNameQueries the character sets that are supported by an instance.
CopyDatabaseBetweenInstancesCopyDatabaseBetweenInstancesReplicates databases between RDS SQL Server instances.
CheckDBNameAvailableCheckDBNameAvailableChecks whether a database name is unique and conforms to the naming conventions on an instance.

Read-Only Instances

CreateReadOnlyDBInstanceCreateReadOnlyDBInstanceCreates a read-only instance.
ModifyReadonlyInstanceDelayReplicationTimeModifyReadonlyInstanceDelayReplicationTimeModifies the latency at which a read-only ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance replicates data from its primary instance.
DescribeReadDBInstanceDelayDescribeReadDBInstanceDelayQueries the latency of data replication between a primary instance and its read-only instance.

RDS Cluster Edition

CreateDBNodesCreateDBNodesAdds a node to an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL or ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition. An RDS instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition is referred to as an RDS cluster.
CreateDBInstanceEndpointCreateDBInstanceEndpointCreates an endpoint for an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.
CreateDBInstanceEndpointAddressCreateDBInstanceEndpointAddressCreates a public endpoint for an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.
DeleteDBNodesDeleteDBNodesDeletes a node from an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.
DeleteDBInstanceEndpointDeleteDBInstanceEndpointDeletes an endpoint for an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.
DeleteDBInstanceEndpointAddressDeleteDBInstanceEndpointAddressReleases the public endpoint of an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.
ModifyDBInstanceEndpointModifyDBInstanceEndpointModifies the weight of an endpoint for an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.
ModifyDBInstanceEndpointAddressModifyDBInstanceEndpointAddressModifies the information about the endpoint of an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.
DescribeDBInstanceEndpointsDescribeDBInstanceEndpointsQueries the information about the endpoints of an instance that runs RDS Cluster Edition.

Dedicated proxy

CreateDBProxyEndpointAddressCreateDBProxyEndpointAddressCreates the endpoint that is used to connect to the dedicated proxy of an instance.
DeleteDBProxyEndpointAddressDeleteDBProxyEndpointAddressDeletes the endpoint that is used to connect to the dedicated proxy of an instance.
ModifyDBProxyModifyDBProxyEnables or modifies the database proxy feature for an instance.
UpgradeDBProxyInstanceKernelVersionUpgradeDBProxyInstanceKernelVersionUpgrades the database proxy version of an instance.
ModifyDBProxyInstanceModifyDBProxyInstanceChanges the configuration of a database proxy for an instance.
ModifyDBProxyEndpointModifyDBProxyEndpointModifies the connection settings for a database proxy endpoint.
ModifyDBProxyEndpointAddressModifyDBProxyEndpointAddressModifies the database proxy endpoint of an instance.
ModifyDbProxyInstanceSslModifyDbProxyInstanceSslConfigures SSL encryption for an dedicated proxy endpoint of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.
DescribeDBProxyDescribeDBProxyQueries the settings of the database proxy feature for an instance.
DescribeDBProxyEndpointDescribeDBProxyEndpointQueries the information about the database proxy endpoints of an instance.
DescribeDBProxyPerformanceDescribeDBProxyPerformanceQueries the performance data of the database proxy for an instance.
GetDbProxyInstanceSslGetDbProxyInstanceSslQueries the SSL encryption settings for a dedicated proxy endpoint of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

Shared proxy (phased-out)

ModifyReadWriteSplittingConnectionModifyReadWriteSplittingConnectionModifies the latency threshold of the read/write splitting link and the read weights of a primary instance and its read-only instances.
DescribeDBInstanceProxyConfigurationDescribeDBInstanceProxyConfigurationQueries the settings of shared proxies that are enabled on an instance.
AllocateReadWriteSplittingConnectionAllocateReadWriteSplittingConnectionApplies for a read-only routing endpoint for an instance.
ReleaseReadWriteSplittingConnectionReleaseReadWriteSplittingConnectionReleases the read/write splitting endpoint of an instance.
CalculateDBInstanceWeightCalculateDBInstanceWeightQueries system-assigned read weights.

Security management

AttachWhitelistTemplateToInstanceAttachWhitelistTemplateToInstanceAssociates a whitelist template with an instance.
CreateServiceLinkedRoleCreateServiceLinkedRoleCreates a service-linked role.
DetachWhitelistTemplateToInstanceDetachWhitelistTemplateToInstanceDisassociates a whitelist template from an instance.
ModifyWhitelistTemplateModifyWhitelistTemplateEdits a whitelist. You can call this operation to create, modify, or delete a whitelist.
DescribeSecurityGroupConfigurationDescribeSecurityGroupConfigurationQueries ECS security groups to which an instance is added.
ModifySecurityGroupConfigurationModifySecurityGroupConfigurationChanges the ECS security groups to which an instance is added.
CreateDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleCreateDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleAdds a security group rule to an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DescribeDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleDescribeDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleQueries the security group rules that are configured for an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleModifies a security group rule that is configured for an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DeleteDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleDeleteDBInstanceSecurityGroupRuleDeletes a security group rule that is configured for an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
ModifySecurityIpsModifySecurityIpsModifies the IP address whitelist of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
ModifyDBInstanceSSLModifyDBInstanceSSLModifies the SSL encryption settings of an instance.
ModifyDBInstanceTDEModifyDBInstanceTDEEnables the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature for an ApsaraDB RDS instance and modifies the TDE status for the instance.
ModifyDTCSecurityIpHostsForSQLServerModifyDTCSecurityIpHostsForSQLServerConfigures a distributed transaction whitelist for an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
ModifyDBInstanceDeletionProtectionModifyDBInstanceDeletionProtectionEnable or disable the release protection feature for an instance.
DescribeWhitelistTemplateLinkedInstanceDescribeWhitelistTemplateLinkedInstanceQueries associated instances by whitelist template.
DescribeInstanceLinkedWhitelistTemplateDescribeInstanceLinkedWhitelistTemplateQueries associated whitelists by instance name.
DescribeWhitelistTemplateDescribeWhitelistTemplateQueries information about the specified IP whitelist.
DescribeAllWhitelistTemplateDescribeAllWhitelistTemplateQueries whitelist templates at a time by using fuzzy search.
DescribeDBInstanceIPArrayListDescribeDBInstanceIPArrayListQueries the IP address whitelist of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DescribeDBInstanceSSLDescribeDBInstanceSSLQueries the SSL configurations of an instance.
DescribeDBInstanceTDEDescribeDBInstanceTDEQueries the status of the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature for an instance.
DescribeDBInstanceEncryptionKeyDescribeDBInstanceEncryptionKeyYou can call the DescribeDBInstanceEncryptionKey operation to check whether disk encryption is enabled for an instance. You can also query details about the keys that are used for disk encryption. This operation is supported for instances that run MySQL, SQL Server, or PostgreSQL.
DescribeDBInstanceIpHostnameDescribeDBInstanceIpHostnameQueries the internal IP address and hostname of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance on which the ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance runs.
DescribeDTCSecurityIpHostsForSQLServerDescribeDTCSecurityIpHostsForSQLServerQueries the distributed transaction whitelists of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
MigrateSecurityIPModeMigrateSecurityIPModeChanges the whitelist mode of an instance from the standard whitelist mode to the enhanced whitelist mode.

Log management

ModifySQLCollectorPolicyModifySQLCollectorPolicyEnables or disables the SQL Explorer (SQL Audit) feature for an instance.
ModifySQLCollectorRetentionModifySQLCollectorRetentionChanges the retention period of the log files that are generated by the SQL Explorer feature for an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DescribeSQLCollectorPolicyDescribeSQLCollectorPolicyQueries the status of the SQL Explorer (SQL Audit) feature for an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DescribeSQLLogRecordsDescribeSQLLogRecordsQueries the logs that are generated by the SQL Explorer (SQL Audit) feature for an instance.
DescribeSQLLogFilesDescribeSQLLogFilesQueries the log files that are generated by the SQL Explorer (SQL Audit) feature for an instance. The DescribeSQLLogFiles operation does not return the log files that are generated by the SQL Explorer feature and manually exported from the ApsaraDB RDS console. The DescribeSQLLogFiles operation returns the SQL Explorer log files that are generated by calling the DescribeSQLLogRecords operation with the request parameter Form set to File.
DescribeSQLCollectorRetentionDescribeSQLCollectorRetentionQueries the retention period of the log files that are generated by the SQL Explorer feature for an instance.
DescribeSlowLogsDescribeSlowLogsQueries the statistics on slow query logs.
DescribeSlowLogRecordsDescribeSlowLogRecordsQueries the slow log details of an instance.
DescribeErrorLogsDescribeErrorLogsQueries the error logs of an instance over a specific time range.
DescribeSQLLogReportListDescribeSQLLogReportListQueries SQL log reports.
PurgeDBInstanceLogPurgeDBInstanceLogClears the on-premises logs of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.

Backup and recovery

CreateBackupCreateBackupCreates a backup file for an instance.
DeleteBackupDeleteBackupDeletes the data backup files of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DeleteBackupFileDeleteBackupFileDeletes the backup files of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
ModifyBackupPolicyModifyBackupPolicyModifies the backup policy settings of an instance.
DescribeBackupsDescribeBackupsQueries the data backup files of an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DescribeDetachedBackupsDescribeDetachedBackupsQueries the data backup files of an ApsaraDB RDS instance that is released.
DescribeBackupPolicyDescribeBackupPolicyQueries the backup settings of an instance.
DescribeBackupTasksDescribeBackupTasksQueries the backup tasks of an instance.
DescribeBinlogFilesDescribeBinlogFilesQueries the binary log files of an instance that runs MySQL or MariaDB or the write-ahead logging (WAL) files of an instance that runs PostgreSQL.
DescribeLogBackupFilesDescribeLogBackupFilesQueries the log backup files of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.


CreateTempDBInstanceCreateTempDBInstanceCreates a temporary instance for an RDS instance that runs SQL Server 2008 R2 and uses local disks.
DescribeLocalAvailableRecoveryTimeDescribeLocalAvailableRecoveryTimeQueries the time range to which an RDS instance can be restored.
DescribeMetaListDescribeMetaListQueries the information about the databases and tables that can be restored from a specified backup set.
RecoveryDBInstanceRecoveryDBInstanceRestores backup data of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance to an existing instance or a new instance.
CloneDBInstanceCloneDBInstanceRestores the data of an original instance to a new instance. The new instance is called a cloned instance.
RestoreTableRestoreTableRestores individual databases or tables of an instance to the original instance.

Cross-region backup and restoration

CreateDdrInstanceCreateDdrInstanceRestores data to a new instance across regions.
ModifyInstanceCrossBackupPolicyModifyInstanceCrossBackupPolicyModifies the cross-region backup settings of an instance.
DescribeInstanceCrossBackupPolicyDescribeInstanceCrossBackupPolicyQueries the cross-region backup settings of an instance.
DescribeCrossBackupMetaListDescribeCrossBackupMetaListQueries the databases and tables whose data is included in a cross-region backup file of an instance.
DescribeCrossRegionBackupsDescribeCrossRegionBackupsQueries the cross-region data backup files of an instance.
DescribeCrossRegionLogBackupFilesDescribeCrossRegionLogBackupFilesQueries the cross-region log backup files of an instance.
DescribeAvailableCrossRegionDescribeAvailableCrossRegionQueries the available destination regions to which the cross-region backup files from a specific source region can be replicated.
DescribeAvailableRecoveryTimeDescribeAvailableRecoveryTimeQueries the time range within which data can be restored from a cross-region backup file.
DescribeCrossRegionBackupDBInstanceDescribeCrossRegionBackupDBInstanceQueries the instances for which the cross-region backup feature is enabled in a region and the cross-region backup settings of these instances.
CheckCreateDdrDBInstanceCheckCreateDdrDBInstanceQueries whether an instance can be restored by using a cross-region backup set.
RestoreDdrTableRestoreDdrTableRestores data to an existing instance across regions.

Monitoring management

ModifyDBInstanceMonitorModifyDBInstanceMonitorModifies a monitoring frequency.
ModifyDBInstanceMetricsModifyDBInstanceMetricsModifies the Enhanced Monitoring metrics that are displayed for an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeResourceUsageDescribeResourceUsageQueries the storage usage of an instance.
DescribeDBInstancePerformanceDescribeDBInstancePerformanceQueries the performance metrics of an instance.
DescribeDBInstanceMonitorDescribeDBInstanceMonitorQueries the monitoring frequency of an instance.
DescribeAvailableMetricsDescribeAvailableMetricsQueries all Enhanced Monitoring metrics that are supported by an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeDBInstanceMetricsDescribeDBInstanceMetricsQueries the Enhanced Monitoring metrics that are displayed for an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

Parameter management

CreateParameterGroupCreateParameterGroupCreates a parameter template for an instance.
DeleteParameterGroupDeleteParameterGroupDeletes a parameter template from an instance.
ModifyParameterModifyParameterModifies the parameter values of an instance.
ModifyParameterGroupModifyParameterGroupModifies the parameter template of an instance.
DescribeParametersDescribeParametersQueries the parameter settings of an instance.
DescribeModifyParameterLogDescribeModifyParameterLogQueries the parameter modification logs of an instance.
DescribeParameterTemplatesDescribeParameterTemplatesQueries parameter templates.
DescribeParameterGroupsDescribeParameterGroupsQueries the parameter templates that are available in a region.
DescribeParameterGroupDescribeParameterGroupQueries the information about a parameter template.
CloneParameterGroupCloneParameterGroupReplicates a parameter template to the current region or another region.

Data migration

DescibeImportsFromDatabaseDescibeImportsFromDatabaseQueries the migration tasks of an instance.

Operation tasks

ModifyActiveOperationTasksModifyActiveOperationTasksChanges the switching time of scheduled O\\\\\\&M tasks for an instance.
DescribeActiveOperationTasksDescribeActiveOperationTasksQueries the details about scheduled O\\\\\\\\\\&M tasks for an instance.
CancelActiveOperationTasksCancelActiveOperationTasksCancels O\\\&M tasks that are not started.

Migrate MySQL to the cloud

DeleteUserBackupFileDeleteUserBackupFileDeletes the backup files of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.
UpdateUserBackupFileUpdateUserBackupFileModifies the description and retention period of a full backup file.
ListUserBackupFilesListUserBackupFilesQueries the details about the full backup files that are imported into an instance.
ImportUserBackupFileImportUserBackupFileImports the backup data of a self-managed instance that runs MySQL 5.7 to an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

Migrate SQL Server to the cloud

CreateMigrateTaskCreateMigrateTaskCreates a migration task to restore backup files from an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket to an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
CreateOnlineDatabaseTaskCreateOnlineDatabaseTaskOpens the database that is involved in a backup data migration task of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DescribeMigrateTasksDescribeMigrateTasksQueries the tasks that are created to migrate the backup data of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DescribeOssDownloadsDescribeOssDownloadsQueries the backup files that are included in a backup data migration task of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DescribeMigrateTaskByIdDescribeMigrateTaskByIdQueries a task that is used to import the backup data of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket.
TerminateMigrateTaskTerminateMigrateTaskTerminates an ongoing migration task of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.

SQL Server Active Directory (AD) domain

DeleteADSettingDeleteADSettingDeletes an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance from an Active Directory (AD) domain.
ModifyADInfoModifyADInfoModifies the AD domain information about an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DescribeADInfoDescribeADInfoQueries information about the AD domain of an instance. The information includes whether the instance is added to the AD domain, the name of the AD domain, and the account.

Cloud migration to an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance

CreateCloudMigrationPrecheckTaskCreateCloudMigrationPrecheckTaskCreates an assessment task for cloud migration to an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
CreateCloudMigrationTaskCreateCloudMigrationTaskCreates a cloud migration task for an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeCloudMigrationPrecheckResultDescribeCloudMigrationPrecheckResultQuery the details about the assessment report for cloud migration to an instance.
DescribeCloudMigrationResultDescribeCloudMigrationResultQueries the details about the cloud migration task of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
ActivateMigrationTargetInstanceActivateMigrationTargetInstanceSwitches workloads over from the source PostgreSQL instance to the destination ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

Tag management

TagResourcesTagResourcesCreates and adds tags to one or more instances.
AddTagsToResourceAddTagsToResourceAdds tags to an instance.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from one or more instances.
RemoveTagsFromResourceRemoveTagsFromResourceRemoves tags from an instance.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to one or more instances.
DescribeTagsDescribeTagsQueries tags of an instance.
DescribeDBInstanceByTagsDescribeDBInstanceByTagsQueries information about the tags that are added to an instance.

Extensions management

CreatePostgresExtensionsCreatePostgresExtensionsCreates an extension for a database.
DeletePostgresExtensionsDeletePostgresExtensionsDeletes an extension from a database.
UpdatePostgresExtensionsUpdatePostgresExtensionsUpdates the version of an extension on a database.
DescribePostgresExtensionsDescribePostgresExtensionsQueries extensions that are installed on a database.

Manager Replication Solt on ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance

DeleteSlotDeleteSlotDeletes a replication slot of an instance.
DescribeSlotsDescribeSlotsQueries all replication slots of an instance.

Other APIs

User secretsUser secrets
CreateSecretCreateSecretCreates a credential for a user who uses the Data API feature.
DeleteSecretDeleteSecretDeletes the credential of a user who uses the Data API feature.
DescribeSecretsDescribeSecretsQueries the credential of a user who uses the Data API feature.
Dedicated cluster managementDedicated cluster management
DescribeDedicatedHostGroupsDescribeDedicatedHostGroupsQueries information about an ApsaraDB MyBase dedicated cluster.
DescribeDedicatedHostsDescribeDedicatedHostsQueries the information about the hosts in a dedicated cluster.
MigrateDBInstanceMigrateDBInstanceMigrates an instance across hosts in a dedicated cluster.
RebuildDBInstanceRebuildDBInstanceRebuilds the secondary instance of a primary instance in a dedicated cluster.
MigrateConnectionToOtherZoneMigrateConnectionToOtherZoneMigrates an instance to a different zone.
ModifyDBInstanceDelayedReplicationTimeModifyDBInstanceDelayedReplicationTimeConfigures the replication latency for a read-only ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.
CheckServiceLinkedRoleCheckServiceLinkedRoleChecks whether a service-linked role (SLR) is created.
DescribeDBMiniEngineVersionsDescribeDBMiniEngineVersionsQueries minor engine versions that are available for an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
DescribeRegionInfosDescribeRegionInfosQueries the regions.
DescribeDBInstanceNetInfoForChannelDescribeDBInstanceNetInfoForChannelQueries all endpoints of an instance.
DescribeHostWebShellDescribeHostWebShellQueries the webshell URL that is used to connect to the host of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
DescribeClassDetailsDescribeClassDetailsQueries the details about the instance types of an instance by using the code of the instance types.
DescribeKmsAssociateResourcesDescribeKmsAssociateResourcesChecks whether the specified resource of Key Management Service (KMS) is associated with an ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DeleteReplicationLinkDeleteReplicationLinkDeletes the data synchronization link of a disaster recovery RDS instance and promotes the disaster recovery instance to the primary instance.
DescribeReplicationLinkLogsDescribeReplicationLinkLogsQueries the operation logs of the data synchronization task for a specified ApsaraDB RDS instance.
CreateReplicationLinkCreateReplicationLinkCreates a disaster recovery instance for an ApsaraDB RDS instance and configures a data synchronization link.
RebuildReplicationLinkRebuildReplicationLinkRe-creates a data synchronization link for a disaster recovery ApsaraDB RDS instance.
DescribeRCSnapshotsDescribeRCSnapshotsQueries the details of snapshots. The details include the status of the snapshots, the amount of remaining time required to create the snapshots, and the retention period of the automatic snapshots in days.
DetachRCDiskDetachRCDiskDetaches a pay-as-you-go data disk or a system disk from an RDS Custom instance.
DeleteRCSnapshotDeleteRCSnapshotDeletes a cloud disk snapshot.
CreateRCSnapshotCreateRCSnapshotCreates a snapshot for a cloud disk.
DescribeRCDisksDescribeRCDisksQueries the disk information about an RDS Custom instance.
DeleteRCDiskDeleteRCDiskReleases a pay-as-you-go data disk. The data disk can be a basic disk, an ultra disk, a standard SSD, or an Enterprise SSD (ESSD).
AttachRCDiskAttachRCDiskAttaches a pay-as-you-go data disk or a system disk to an RDS Custom instance. The instance and the disk must reside in the same zone.
DescribeRCClusterConfigDescribeRCClusterConfigQueries the kubeconfig file of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster in which an RDS Custom instance resides.
AttachRCInstancesAttachRCInstancesAdds RDS Custom nodes to a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
DescribeRCClusterNodesDescribeRCClusterNodesQueries the RDS custom nodes in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
DeleteRCClusterNodesDeleteRCClusterNodesDeletes a RDS Custom node from a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
ModifyDBInstanceReplicationSwitchModifyDBInstanceReplicationSwitchEnables or disables the native replication feature of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL.

Events and Tasks

DescribeHistoryEventsStatDescribeHistoryEventsStatQueries the statistics of historical events in the event center.
DescribeHistoryEventsDescribeHistoryEventsQueries historical events in the event center.
ModifyEventInfoModifyEventInfoModifies information about the events in the event center.
DescribeHistoryTasksStatDescribeHistoryTasksStatCollects tasks in the task center.
DescribeHistoryTasksDescribeHistoryTasksQueries the historical tasks that are created within 30 days.
ModifyTaskInfoModifyTaskInfoModifies information about the historical tasks in the task center.

Obsolete APIs

DestroyDBInstanceDestroyDBInstanceYou can call the DestroyDBInstance operation to destroy an instance. The instance is in the Locked state.
DescribeTasksDescribeTasksYou can call the DescribeTasks operation to query the tasks that are running on an instance.
DescribeDBInstancesForCloneDescribeDBInstancesForCloneQueries a list of instances.
DescribeDBInstancesByPerformanceQuery instances base on performanceYou can call the DescribeDBInstancePerformance operation to query the performance of instances.
DescribeDBInstanceDetailQuery the details of an instanceYou can call the DescribeDBInstanceDetail operation to query the details of an instance.
DescribeDBInstancesAsCsvDescribeDBInstancesAsCsvQueries the instances.
ReceiveDBInstanceReceiveDBInstanceSwitches a primary instance to a disaster recovery instance or a disaster recovery instance to a primary instance.
DescribeDBInstancePromoteActivityDescribeDBInstancePromoteActivityThe operation is phased out.
DescribeBackupDatabaseDescribeBackupDatabaseQueries the databases that are involved in a backup file.
CopyDatabaseCopyDatabaseReplicates the databases of an instance that runs SQL Server 2008 R2 to another instance. This operation is phased out.