
Object Storage Service:オブジェクトの一覧表示

最終更新日:Nov 11, 2024

このトピックでは、バージョン管理バケット内のオブジェクトを一覧表示する方法について説明します。 すべてのオブジェクト、指定された数のオブジェクト、および名前に指定されたプレフィックスが含まれるオブジェクトを一覧表示できます。


  • このトピックでは、中国 (杭州) リージョンのパブリックエンドポイントを使用します。 OSSと同じリージョンにある他のAlibaba CloudサービスからOSSにアクセスする場合は、内部エンドポイントを使用します。 OSSリージョンとエンドポイントの詳細については、「リージョン、エンドポイント、オープンポート」をご参照ください。

  • このトピックでは、アクセス資格情報は環境変数から取得します。 アクセス資格情報の設定方法の詳細については、「アクセス資格情報の設定」をご参照ください。

  • このトピックでは、OSSエンドポイントを使用してOSSClientインスタンスを作成します。 カスタムドメイン名またはSTS (Security Token Service) を使用してOSSClientインスタンスを作成する場合は、「初期化」をご参照ください。

  • オブジェクトを一覧表示するには、oss:ListObjectVersions権限が必要です。 詳細については、「RAMユーザーへのカスタムポリシーのアタッチ」をご参照ください。



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import oss2
from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
# Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
auth = oss2.ProviderAuthV4(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())

# Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com. 
endpoint = "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
# Specify the ID of the region that maps to the endpoint. Example: cn-hangzhou. This parameter is required if you use the signature algorithm V4.
region = "cn-hangzhou"

# Specify the name of your bucket.
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, "yourBucketName", region=region)

# Call the list_object_versions operation to list the versions of objects in a versioning-enabled bucket. 
# List the versions of all objects, including delete markers in the bucket. 
result = bucket.list_object_versions()

# List the versions of all objects in the bucket. 
next_key_marker = None
next_versionid_marker = None
while True:
    result = bucket.list_object_versions(key_marker=next_key_marker, versionid_marker=next_versionid_marker)

    # Display the versions of the listed objects. 
    for version_info in result.versions:
        print('version_info.versionid:', version_info.versionid)
        print('version_info.key:', version_info.key)
        print('version_info.is_latest:', version_info.is_latest)

    # Display the versions of the listed delete markers. 
    for del_maker_Info in result.delete_marker:
        print('del_maker.key:', del_maker_Info.key)
        print('del_maker.versionid:', del_maker_Info.versionid)
        print('del_maker.is_latest:', del_maker_Info.is_latest)

    is_truncated = result.is_truncated

    # Check whether all versions of all objects in the bucket are listed. If the versions of all objects are incompletely listed, the list operation continues. If the versions of all objects are completely listed, the list operation stops. 
    if is_truncated:
        next_key_marker = result.next_key_marker
        next_versionid_marker = result.next_versionid_marker



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import oss2
from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
# Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
auth = oss2.ProviderAuthV4(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())

# Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com. 
endpoint = "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
# Specify the ID of the region that maps to the endpoint. Example: cn-hangzhou. This parameter is required if you use the signature algorithm V4.
region = "cn-hangzhou"

# Specify the name of your bucket.
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, "yourBucketName", region=region)

# Call the list_object_versions operation to list the versions of objects in a versioning-enabled bucket. 
# List the versions of all objects, including delete markers in the bucket. 
result = bucket.list_object_versions()

# List the versions of objects whose names contain the test- prefix. 
prefix = 'test-'
next_key_marker = None
next_versionid_marker = None
while True:
    result = bucket.list_object_versions(prefix=prefix, key_marker=next_key_marker, versionid_marker=next_versionid_marker)

    # Display the versions of the listed objects. 
    for version_info in result.versions:
        print('version_info.versionid:', version_info.versionid)
        print('version_info.key:', version_info.key)
        print('version_info.is_latest:', version_info.is_latest)

    # Display the versions of the listed delete markers. 
    for del_maker_Info in result.delete_marker:
        print('del_maker.key:', del_maker_Info.key)
        print('del_maker.versionid:', del_maker_Info.versionid)
        print('del_maker.is_latest:', del_maker_Info.is_latest)

    is_truncated = result.is_truncated

    # Check whether all versions of all objects in the bucket are listed. If the versions of all objects are incompletely listed, the list operation continues. If the versions of all objects are completely listed, the list operation stops. 
    if is_truncated:
        next_key_marker = result.next_key_marker
        next_versionid_marker = result.next_versionid_marker



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import oss2
from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
# Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
auth = oss2.ProviderAuthV4(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())

# Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com. 
endpoint = "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
# Specify the ID of the region that maps to the endpoint. Example: cn-hangzhou. This parameter is required if you use the signature algorithm V4.
region = "cn-hangzhou"

# Specify the name of your bucket.
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, "yourBucketName", region=region)

# Call the list_object_versions operation to list the versions of objects in a versioning-enabled bucket. 
# List the versions of all objects, including delete markers in the bucket. 
result = bucket.list_object_versions()

# List up to 200 object versions. 
max_keys = 200

result = bucket.list_object_versions(max_keys=max_keys)

# Display the versions of the listed objects. 
for version_info in result.versions:
    print('version_info.versionid:', version_info.versionid)
    print('version_info.key:', version_info.key)
    print('version_info.is_latest:', version_info.is_latest)

# Display the versions of the listed delete markers. 
for del_maker_Info in result.delete_marker:
    print('del_maker.key:', del_maker_Info.key)
    print('del_maker.versionid:', del_maker_Info.versionid)
    print('del_maker.is_latest:', del_maker_Info.is_latest)

# Check whether the listing is truncated. 
# If the number of objects in the bucket is greater than 200, the value of is_truncated is True, which indicates that the listing is truncated. If the number of objects in the bucket is smaller than 200, the value of is_truncated is False, which indicates that the listing is not truncated. 
print('is truncated', result.is_truncated)


OSSはフラット構造を使用してオブジェクトを格納します。 ディレクトリは、名前がスラッシュ (/) で終わるゼロバイトのオブジェクトです。 ディレクトリをアップロードおよびダウンロードできます。 デフォルトでは、名前がスラッシュ (/) で終わるオブジェクトは、OSSコンソールにディレクトリとして表示されます。


  • リクエストでプレフィックスをディレクトリ名に設定すると、プレフィックスを含む名前のオブジェクトとサブディレクトリが一覧表示されます。

  • リクエストでプレフィックスを指定し、区切り文字をスラッシュ (/) に設定すると、ディレクトリ内で指定されたプレフィックスで始まる名前のオブジェクトとサブディレクトリが一覧表示されます。 各サブディレクトリは、CommonPrefixesで単一の結果要素としてリストされます。 これらのサブディレクトリ内のオブジェクトおよびディレクトリはリストされません。

例: examplebucketという名前のバケットには、oss.jpgfun/test.jpgfun/movie/001.avi、およびfun/movie/007.txtのオブジェクトが含まれています。 スラッシュ (/) は、ディレクトリの区切り文字として使用されます。 次の構造は、examplebucketバケット内のオブジェクトとディレクトリを示しています。

 └── oss.jpg
 └── fun               
      └── test.jpg
      └── movie
           └── 001.avi
           └── 007.txt


  • バケットのルートディレクトリ内のオブジェクトのバージョンを一覧表示する


    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import oss2
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuthV4(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com. 
    endpoint = "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
    # Specify the ID of the region that maps to the endpoint. Example: cn-hangzhou. This parameter is required if you use the signature algorithm V4.
    region = "cn-hangzhou"
    # Specify the name of your bucket.
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, "yourBucketName", region=region)
    # Call the list_object_versions operation to list the versions of objects in a versioning-enabled bucket. 
    # List the versions of all objects, including delete markers in the bucket. 
    result = bucket.list_object_versions()
    # Specify the forward slash (/) as the delimiter. 
    delimiter = "/"
    next_key_marker = None
    next_versionid_marker = None
    while True:
        result = bucket.list_object_versions(delimiter=delimiter, key_marker=next_key_marker, versionid_marker=next_versionid_marker)
        # Display the versions of the listed objects. 
        for version_info in result.versions:
            print('version_info.versionid:', version_info.versionid)
            print('version_info.key:', version_info.key)
            print('version_info.is_latest:', version_info.is_latest)
        # Display the versions of the listed delete markers. 
        for del_maker_Info in result.delete_marker:
            print('del_maker.key:', del_maker_Info.key)
            print('del_maker.versionid:', del_maker_Info.versionid)
            print('del_maker.is_latest:', del_maker_Info.is_latest)
        # Display the directories whose names end with a forward slash (/). 
        for common_prefix in result.common_prefix:
            print("common_prefix:", common_prefix)
        is_truncated = result.is_truncated
        # Check whether all versions of all objects in the bucket are listed. If the versions of all objects are incompletely listed, the list operation continues. If the versions of all objects are completely listed, the list operation stops. 
        if is_truncated:
            next_key_marker = result.next_key_marker
            next_versionid_marker = result.next_versionid_marker


    ('version_info.versionid:', 'CAEQEhiBgMCw8Y7FqBciIGIzMDE3MTEzOWRiMDRmZmFhMmRlMjljZWI0MWU4****')
    ('version_info.key:', 'oss.jpg')
    ('version_info.is_latest:', True)
    ('common_prefix:', 'fun/')
  • 指定したディレクトリ内のオブジェクトとサブディレクトリを一覧表示する


    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import oss2
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuthV4(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com. 
    endpoint = "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
    # Specify the ID of the region that maps to the endpoint. Example: cn-hangzhou. This parameter is required if you use the signature algorithm V4.
    region = "cn-hangzhou"
    # Specify the name of your bucket.
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, "yourBucketName", region=region)
    # Call the list_object_versions operation to list the versions of objects in a versioning-enabled bucket. 
    # List the versions of all objects including delete markers in a bucket. 
    result = bucket.list_object_versions()
    # Set delimiter to a forward slash (/) and prefix to fun/. 
    prefix = "fun/"
    delimiter = "/"
    next_key_marker = None
    next_versionid_marker = None
    while True:
        result = bucket.list_object_versions(prefix=prefix, delimiter=delimiter, key_marker=next_key_marker, versionid_marker=next_versionid_marker)
        # Display the versions of the listed objects. 
        for version_info in result.versions:
            print('version_info.versionid:', version_info.versionid)
            print('version_info.key:', version_info.key)
            print('version_info.is_latest:', version_info.is_latest)
        # Display the versions of the listed delete markers. 
        for del_maker_Info in result.delete_marker:
            print('del_maker.key:', del_maker_Info.key)
            print('del_maker.versionid:', del_maker_Info.versionid)
            print('del_maker.is_latest:', del_maker_Info.is_latest)
        # Display the directories whose names end with a forward slash (/). 
        for common_prefix in result.common_prefix:
            print("common_prefix:", common_prefix)
        is_truncated = result.is_truncated
        # Check whether all versions of all objects in the bucket are listed. If the versions of all objects are incompletely listed, the list operation continues. If the versions of all objects are completely listed, the list operation stops. 
        if is_truncated:
            next_key_marker = result.next_key_marker
            next_versionid_marker = result.next_versionid_marker


    ('version_info.versionid:', 'CAEQFRiBgMCh9JDkrxciIGE3OTNkYzFhYTc2YzQzOTQ4Y2MzYjg2YjQ4ODg*****')
    ('version_info.key:', 'fun/test.jpg')
    ('version_info.is_latest:', True)
    ('commonPrefix:', 'fun/movie/')


オブジェクトを一覧表示するために呼び出すAPI操作の詳細については、「ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) 」をご参照ください。