-hまたは -- helpオプションを指定してコマンドを終了し、コマンドに関するヘルプ情報を取得できます。 ossutil [topic] を使用して、指定したトピックのヘルプドキュメントを取得できます。 次の表に、ヘルパーコマンドのサンプルを示します。
説明 | コマンド |
ossutilで使用可能な高レベルコマンドのヘルプを表示します。 |
cpコマンドのヘルプを表示します。 |
APIコマンドセット内のすべてのサブコマンドを表示します。 |
APIコマンド名前空間のput-bucket-corsサブコマンドのヘルプを表示します。 |
フィルターオプションのヘルプを表示します。 |
コマンドは、親コマンドとサブコマンドの2つのカテゴリに分類されます。 親コマンドはサブコマンドを含み、サブコマンドは他のコマンドを含まない。
ossutil is a tool for managing OSS (Object Storage Service) data.
Usage: ossutil [command]
Available Commands:
api The API-level commands
append Append content to a appendable object
cat Concatenate an object to standard output
config Creates a config file and stores configuration settings and credentials
cp Upload, Download or Copy Objects
du Get the bucket or the specified prefix(directory) storage size
hash Get the hash value of file
help Help about any command
ls List buckets or objects
mb Creates a bucket
mkdir Create an object with name suffix '/'
presign Generate a pre-signed URL for object
probe Detection command
rb Delete bucket
restore Restore frozen state object to read ready status
revert Revert the deleted object to the latest versioning state
rm Deletes objects
set-props Set the property of objects
stat Display meta information of bucket or objects
sync Sync the local file directory or objects from the source to the destination
update Update ossutil
version Show version
Additional help topics:
filter more information about filter flags, and how to use it in commands
Use "ossutil [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Use "ossutil [topic]" for more information about a topic.
サブコマンドに関するヘルプ情報には、説明、使用法、オプションのエイリアス、例、ローカルフラグ (オプション) 、グローバルフラグ (オプション) の6つの側面があります。
ossutil cat -h --language en
Concatenate an object to standard output.
To run this command, you must have the oss:GetObject permissions.
Usage: ossutil cat oss://bucket/object [flags]
1) View the content of the example.txt object in the examplebucket bucket.
ossutil cat oss://examplebucket/example.txt
2) View the content of the example.txt object with version id CAEQARiBgID8rumR2h*** in the examplebucket.
ossutil cat oss://examplebucket/example.txt --version-id CAEQARiBgID8rumR2h***
3) Specify a range and view the content of the example.txt object in the examplebucket bucket.
Only print the first 10 characters
ossutil cat oss://examplebucket/example.txt --head 10
Only print the last 10 characters
ossutil cat oss://examplebucket/example.txt --tail 10
Only print all characters from offset 10
ossutil cat oss://examplebucket/example.txt --offset 10
Only print 20 characters from offset 10
ossutil cat oss://examplebucket/example.txt --offset 10 --count 20
--count int Only print N characters (default -1)
--encoding-type string The encoding type of object name or file name that user inputs, valid value(s): "url"
--head int Only print the first N characters
--offset int Start printing at offset N
--request-payer string The payer of the request. set this value if you want pay for requester, valid value(s): "requester"
--tail int Only print the last N characters
--version-id string Specifies the object's version id
Global Flags:
-i, --access-key-id string AccessKeyID while access oss
-k, --access-key-secret string AccessKeySecret while access oss
--addressing-style string The style in which to address endpoints (default "virtual"), valid value(s): "virtual","path","cname"
-c, --config-file string path of the configuration file (default "~\\.ossutilconfig")
--connect-timeout int the client connection timed out, the unit is: s. (default 10)
-n, --dry-run do a trial run with no permanent changes
-e, --endpoint string the domain names that other services can use to access OSS.
-h, --help help for the command
--language string The display text language
--loglevel string the debug message level (default "off"), valid value(s): "off","info","debug"
--mode string Specifies the authentication mode, valid value(s): "AK","StsToken","EcsRamRole","Anonymous"
--output-format string the formatting style for command output (default "raw")
--output-properties strings the properties of output format
--output-query string a JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--profile string Specific profile from your config file.
--read-timeout int the client read timed out, the unit is: s. (default 20)
--region string the region in which the bucket is located.
--retry-times int retry times when fail (default 10)
--sign-version string The version of the signature algorithm (default "v4"), valid value(s): "v1","v4"
--skip-verify-cert specifies that the oss server's digital certificate file will not be verified
-t, --sts-token string STSToken while access oss
例2: put-bucket-cosr
ossutil api put-bucket-cors -h --language en
Configures cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rules for a bucket.
* To call this operation, you must have the oss:PutBucketCors permission.
* Disabled-by-default design
By default, CORS is disabled for a bucket. All cross-origin requests are not allowed.
* Overwriting semantics
If you call the PutBucketCors operation to configure a new CORS rule for a bucket for which a CORS rule is already configured, the existing rule is overwritten.
* Use of CORS in applications
Before you can use CORS in applications, you must call the PutBucketCors operation to configure a CORS rule to enable CORS.
For example, you must call the PutBucketCors operation to configure a CORS rule to access Object Storage Service (OSS) applications from example.com by using the XMLHttpRequest feature of the browser. You must configure the CORS rule in the XML format.
* CORS rule matching
When OSS receives a cross-region request or an OPTIONS request, OSS reads the CORS rules configured for the corresponding bucket and performs permission checks. OSS checks the rules in turn. If OSS finds the first match, the corresponding header fields are returned in the response. If the request fails to match the CORS rules, the CORS-related header fields are not returned in the response.
OSS considers that a cross-origin request or an OPTIONS request matches a CORS rule only when the request meets the following conditions:
* The origin from which the cross-origin request is sent matches one of the values of AllowedOrigin in the CORS rule.
* The method of the cross-origin request such as GET or PUT or the method that corresponds to Access-Control-Request-Method in the OPTIONS request matches one of the values of AllowedMethod in the CORS rule.
* Each header that is included in Access-Control-Request-Headers in the OPTIONS request matches one of the values of AllowedHeader in the CORS rule.
More description of this api, see also: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/oss/developer-reference/putbucketcors
Usage: ossutil api put-bucket-cors --bucket value --cors-configuration value [flags]
--cors-configuration supports both XML and JSON syntax,
and when the option value contains a file:// prefix, it means that the configuration is read from the file.
XML Syntax:
JSON Syntax:
"CORSRule": [
"AllowedOrigin": ["string", ...],
"AllowedMethod": ["string", ...],
"AllowedHeader": "string",
"ExposeHeader": ["string", ...],
"MaxAgeSeconds": integer
"ResponseVary": boolean
1) Allows cross-origin PUT and GET requests from www.aliyun.com, and specifies that the browser caches the response to request for 10,000 seconds.
Uses xml config file, cors-configuration.xml as follows:
ossutil api put-bucket-cors --bucket examplebucket --cors-configuration file://cors-configuration.xml
Uses json config file, cors-configuration.json as follows:
"CORSRule": {
"AllowedOrigin": ["www.aliyun.com"],
"AllowedMethod": ["PUT","GET"],
"MaxAgeSeconds": 10000
ossutil api put-bucket-cors --bucket examplebucket --cors-configuration file://cors-configuration.json
Uses json string in command line:
ossutil api put-bucket-cors --bucket examplebucket --cors-configuration "{\"CORSRule\":{\"AllowedOrigin\":[\"www.aliyun.com\"],\"AllowedMethod\":[\"PUT\",\"GET\"],\"MaxAgeSeconds\":10000}}"
--bucket string The name of the bucket
--cors-configuration string The container that stores the information about CORS rules of the bucket
Global Flags:
-i, --access-key-id string AccessKeyID while access oss
-k, --access-key-secret string AccessKeySecret while access oss
--addressing-style string The style in which to address endpoints (default "virtual"), valid value(s): "virtual","path","cname"
-c, --config-file string path of the configuration file (default "~\\.ossutilconfig")
--connect-timeout int the client connection timed out, the unit is: s. (default 10)
-n, --dry-run do a trial run with no permanent changes
-e, --endpoint string the domain names that other services can use to access OSS.
-h, --help help for the command
--language string The display text language
--loglevel string the debug message level (default "off"), valid value(s): "off","info","debug"
--mode string Specifies the authentication mode, valid value(s): "AK","StsToken","EcsRamRole","Anonymous"
--output-format string the formatting style for command output (default "raw")
--output-properties strings the properties of output format
--output-query string a JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--profile string Specific profile from your config file.
--read-timeout int the client read timed out, the unit is: s. (default 20)
--region string the region in which the bucket is located.
--retry-times int retry times when fail (default 10)
--sign-version string The version of the signature algorithm (default "v4"), valid value(s): "v1","v4"
--skip-verify-cert specifies that the oss server's digital certificate file will not be verified
-t, --sts-token string STSToken while access oss
データ型 | オプション名 | 説明 |
String | -オプション文字列 |
例: -- acl private |
Boolean | -オプション | オプションをオンまたはオフにします。 例: -- dry-run |
Integer | -オプションInt | 符号なし整数。 例: -- read-timeout 10 |
Timestamp | -オプション時間 | ISO 8601形式のタイムスタンプ (DateTimeまたはDate) 例: -- max-mtime 2006-01-02T15:04:05 |
サイズ接尾辞 | -オプションSizeSuffix | サイズ単位。 デフォルトの単位はBです。他の支持単位は、K (KiB) 、M (MiB) 、G (GiB) 、T (TiB) 、P (PiB) 、およびE (EiB) を含む。 例: -- 最小サイズの1024 -- 最小サイズ1K |
時間の単位 | -オプション期間 | 時間単位。 デフォルトの単位は秒です。 サポートされる時間単位は、ミリ秒 (ms) 、秒 (s) 、分 (m) 、時間 (h) 、日 (d) 、週 (w) 、月 (M) 、および年 (y) です。 数値は、小数とすることができる。 例: 1.5d -- 分年齢1.5d |
String list | -オプション文字列 | コマンドでオプションを1回または複数回指定できます。 オプションの出現ごとに、単一の引数または複数のコンマ区切りの引数を指定できます。 例: -- metadata user=jack, -- metadata address=china |
文字列配列 | -- option stringArray | コマンドでオプションを1回または複数回指定できます。 オプションの出現ごとに指定できる引数は1つだけです。 例: -- include *.jpg -- include *.txt |