This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
Service Region
API | Title | Description |
ListRegions | ListRegions | Queries the regions where Intelligent Media Management (IMM) is available and the supported languages. |
Project Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateProject | CreateProject | Creates a project. |
UpdateProject | UpdateProject | Updates information about a project. |
GetProject | GetProject | Queries the basic information, datasets, and file statistics of a project. |
ListProjects | ListProjects | Queries projects. You can call this operation to query the basic information, datasets, and file statistics of multiple projects at the same time. |
DeleteProject | DeleteProject | Deletes a project. |
Metadata Management
API | Title | Description |
Data set management | Data set management | |
CreateDataset | CreateDataset | Creates a dataset. |
GetDataset | GetDataset | Queries a dataset. |
ListDatasets | ListDatasets | Queries a list of datasets. You can query the list by dataset prefix. |
DeleteDataset | DeleteDataset | Deletes a dataset. |
Metadata Index | Metadata Index | |
IndexFileMeta | IndexFileMeta | Creates an index from metadata extracted by using techniques such as label recognition, face detection, and location detection from input files. You can retrieve data from the same dataset by using multiple methods. |
BatchIndexFileMeta | BatchIndexFileMeta | Indexes metadata of multiple objects into the specified dataset. The process involves data processing operations such as label detection, face detection, and location detection. Metadata indexing helps meet diverse data retrieval requirements. |
UpdateFileMeta | UpdateFileMeta | Updates the partial metadata of the indexed files in a dataset. |
BatchUpdateFileMeta | BatchUpdateFileMeta | Updates some metadata items of files indexed into a dataset. |
GetFileMeta | GetFileMeta | Queries metadata of a file whose metadata is indexed into the dataset. |
BatchGetFileMeta | BatchGetFileMeta | Queries metadata of multiple objects or files in the specified dataset. |
DeleteFileMeta | DeleteFileMeta | Removes the metadata of a file from a dataset. |
BatchDeleteFileMeta | BatchDeleteFileMeta | Deletes the metadata of multiple files from a dataset. |
Query and statistics | Query and statistics | |
SimpleQuery | SimpleQuery | Queries files in a dataset by performing a simple query operation. The operation supports logical expressions. |
SemanticQuery | SemanticQuery | Queries metadata in a dataset by inputting natural language. |
FuzzyQuery | FuzzyQuery | Queries the extracted file metadata, including the file name, labels, path, custom tags, text, and other fields. If the value of a metadata field of a file matches the specified string, the metadata of the file is returned. |
intelligent management | intelligent management | |
face clustering | face clustering | |
CreateFigureClusteringTask | CreateFigureClusteringTask | Creates a face clustering task to cluster faces of different persons in images by person based on the intelligent algorithms. |
CreateFigureClustersMergingTask | CreateFigureClustersMergingTask | Merges two or more face clustering groups into one face clustering group. |
GetFigureCluster | GetFigureCluster | Obtains basic information about face clustering, including the creation time, number of images, and cover. |
QueryFigureClusters | QueryFigureClusters | Queries face groups based on given conditions. |
BatchGetFigureCluster | BatchGetFigureCluster | Queries face clusters. |
UpdateFigureCluster | UpdateFigureCluster | Updates information about a face cluster, such as the cluster name and labels. |
SearchImageFigureCluster | SearchImageFigureCluster | Queries face clusters that contain a specific face in an image. Each face cluster contains information such as bounding boxes and similarity. |
CreateFacesSearchingTask | CreateFacesSearchingTask | Searches the dataset for the specified number of images most similar to the specified image or face and returns face IDs and boundaries in descending order of similarity. |
spatio-temporal clustering | spatio-temporal clustering | |
CreateLocationDateClusteringTask | CreateLocationDateClusteringTask | Creates a spatiotemporal clustering task to cluster photos and videos based on geolocation and time information. Spatiotemporal clustering allows you to group photos and videos taken during a travel or at different places by their spatial and temporal similarity. Based on spatiotemporal clustering, you can develop media capabilities such as media file categorization, photo collections, and image and video-based stories. |
QueryLocationDateClusters | QueryLocationDateClusters | Queries a list of spatiotemporal clustering groups. Multiple conditions are supported. For more information, see the request parameters. |
UpdateLocationDateCluster | UpdateLocationDateCluster | Updates a spatiotemporal cluster. |
DeleteLocationDateCluster | DeleteLocationDateCluster | Deletes a spatiotemporal cluster. |
Story | Story | |
CreateStory | CreateStory | Creates a story. |
QueryStories | QueryStories | Queries stories based on the specified conditions. |
GetStory | GetStory | Queries a story. |
CreateCustomizedStory | CreateCustomizedStory | Creates a story based on the specified images and videos. |
UpdateStory | UpdateStory | Updates the information about a story, such as the story name and cover image. |
AddStoryFiles | AddStoryFiles | Adds objects to a story. |
RemoveStoryFiles | RemoveStoryFiles | Deletes files from a story. |
DeleteStory | DeleteStory | Deletes a story. |
image clustering | image clustering | |
CreateSimilarImageClusteringTask | CreateSimilarImageClusteringTask | Clusters images indexed into a dataset by similarity. Image clustering is suitable for image deduplication and selection. For example, you can use image clustering to filter photos in your album that are taken in continuous shooting mode. |
QuerySimilarImageClusters | QuerySimilarImageClusters | You can call this operation to query the list of similar image clusters. |
Data Binding | Data Binding | |
CreateBinding | CreateBinding | Creates a binding relationship between a dataset and an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. This allows for the automatic synchronization of incremental and full data and indexing. |
GetBinding | GetBinding | Queries the binding relationship between a specific dataset and an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. |
ListBindings | ListBindings | Queries bindings between a dataset and Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. |
DeleteBinding | DeleteBinding | Deletes the binding between a dataset and an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. |
AttachOSSBucket | AttachOSSBucket | Binds an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket to the specified project. The binding enables you to use IMM features by using the x-oss-process parameter. |
DetachOSSBucket | DetachOSSBucket | Unbinds an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket from the corresponding project. |
GetOSSBucketAttachment | GetOSSBucketAttachment | Queries the name of the project bound to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. |
Image Processing
API | Title | Description |
EncodeBlindWatermark | EncodeBlindWatermark | Embeds specific textual information into an image as watermarks. These watermarks are visually imperceptible and do not affect the aesthetics of the image or the integrity of the original data. The watermarks can be extracted by using the CreateDecodeBlindWatermarkTask operation. |
CreateDecodeBlindWatermarkTask | CreateDecodeBlindWatermarkTask | Decodes the blind watermark in an image. |
GetDecodeBlindWatermarkResult | GetDecodeBlindWatermarkResult | Queries the result of an invisible watermark parsing task. |
DetectImageLabels | DetectImageLabels | Detects scene, object, and event information in an image. Scene information includes natural landscapes, daily life, and disasters. Event information includes talent shows, office events, performances, and production events. Object information includes tableware, electronics, furniture, and transportation. The DetectImageLabels operation supports more than 30 different categories and thousands of labels. |
DetectImageScore | DetectImageScore | Calculates the aesthetics quality score of an image based on metrics such as the composition, brightness, contrast, color, and resolution. The operation returns a score within the range from 0 to 1. A higher score indicates better image quality. |
DetectImageCodes | DetectImageCodes | Detects barcodes and QR codes in an image. |
DetectImageFaces | DetectImageFaces | Detects faces from an image, including face boundary information, attributes, and quality. The boundary information includes the distance from the y-coordinate of the vertex to the top edge (Top), distance from the x-coordinate of the vertex to the left edge (Left), height (Height), and width (Width). Face attributes include the age (Age), age standard deviation (AgeSD), gender (Gender), emotion (Emotion), mouth opening (Mouth), beard (Beard), hat wearing (Hat), mask wearing (Mask), glasses wearing (Glasses), head orientation (HeadPose), attractiveness (Attractive), and confidence levels for preceding attributes. Quality information includes the face quality score (FaceQuality) and face resolution (Sharpness). |
DetectImageCropping | DetectImageCropping | Detects the cropping area that produces the optimal visual effect based on a given image ratio by using AI model capabilities. |
AddImageMosaic | AddImageMosaic | Adds mosaics, Gaussian blurs, or solid color shapes to blur one or more areas of an image for privacy protection and saves the output image to the specified path in Object Storage Service (OSS). |
CreateImageToPDFTask | CreateImageToPDFTask | Converts multiple images into one single PDF file and stores the PDF file to the specified path in Object Storage Service (OSS). |
CreateImageSplicingTask | CreateImageSplicingTask | Creates an image splicing task. You can call this operation to splice multiple images into one based on a given rule and save the final image into an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. |
CompareImageFaces | CompareImageFaces | Compares the similarity of the largest faces in two images. The largest face refers to the largest face frame in an image after face detection. |
DetectImageBodies | DetectImageBodies | Detects human body information, such as the confidence level and body bounding box, in an image. |
DetectImageCars | DetectImageCars | Detects the outline data, attributes, and license plate information of vehicles in an image. The vehicle attributes include the vehicle color (CarColor) and vehicle type (CarType). The license plate information includes the recognition content (Content) and plate frame (Boundary). |
DetectImageTexts | DetectImageTexts | Recognizes and extracts text content from an image. |
Media Processing
API | Title | Description |
CreateMediaConvertTask | CreateMediaConvertTask | Creates an asynchronous media transcoding task to provide audio and video file processing abilities, such as media transcoding, media splicing, video frame capturing, and video to GIF conversion. |
DetectMediaMeta | DetectMediaMeta | Queries media metadata, including the media format and stream information. |
CreateVideoLabelClassificationTask | CreateVideoLabelClassificationTask | Detects the scene, object, and event tag information of video content. Scene information includes categories such as natural landscapes, life scenes, and disaster scenes. Event information includes categories such as talent shows, office events, performances, and production events. Object information includes categories such as tableware, electronic products, furniture, and transportation. Video tag detection supports more than 30 tag categories and thousands of tags. |
GetVideoLabelClassificationResult | GetVideoLabelClassificationResult | Queries the results of a video label detection task. |
GenerateVideoPlaylist | GenerateVideoPlaylist | Generates a live transcoding playlist and converts video files into M3U8 files. After a playlist is generated, the videos in the playlist are immediately played and the video files are transcoded based on the playback progress. Compared with offline transcoding, online transcoding significantly reduces the time spent in waiting for the videos to be transcoded and reduces transcoding and storage costs. |
Document processing
API | Title | Description |
GenerateWebofficeToken | GenerateWebofficeToken | Generates an access token for document preview or editing. |
RefreshWebofficeToken | RefreshWebofficeToken | Refreshes the access credential of WebOffice. The access credential of WebOffice is valid for 30 minutes. After the credential expires, you cannot access Weboffice. To access Weboffice again, call this operation to obtain a new credential. The new credential is also valid for 30 minutes. |
CreateOfficeConversionTask | CreateOfficeConversionTask | Creates a document format conversion task to convert the format of a document stored in an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket. |
ExtractDocumentText | ExtractDocumentText | Extracts the text from the document body. |
File Processing
API | Title | Description |
Compression Decompression | Compression Decompression | |
CreateFileCompressionTask | CreateFileCompressionTask | Creates a file packing task. |
CreateArchiveFileInspectionTask | CreateArchiveFileInspectionTask | Creates an archive file inspection task to preview the files in a package without decompressing the package. |
CreateFileUncompressionTask | CreateFileUncompressionTask | Extracts the specified files from a ZIP, RAR, or 7z package to the specified directory or decompresses the entire package. |
point cloud compression | point cloud compression | |
CreateCompressPointCloudTask | CreateCompressPointCloudTask | Compresses point cloud data (PCD) in Object Storage Service (OSS) to reduce the amount of data transferred over networks. |
Content Security
API | Title | Description |
DetectTextAnomaly | DetectTextAnomaly | Detects whether specified text contains anomalies, such as pornography, advertisements, excessive junk content, politically sensitive content, and abuse. |
CreateImageModerationTask | CreateImageModerationTask | Creates an image moderation task to ensure image content compliance. You can call this operation to identify inappropriate content, such as pornography, violence, terrorism, politically sensitive content, undesirable scenes, unauthorized logos, and non-compliant ads. |
CreateVideoModerationTask | CreateVideoModerationTask | Detects risky or non-compliant content from videos. You can use this operation in scenarios such as intelligent pornography detection, terrorist content and political bias detection, ad violation detection, and logo detection. |
GetImageModerationResult | GetImageModerationResult | Queries an image compliance detection task. |
Task Management
API | Title | Description |
GetTask | GetTask | Queries information about an asynchronous task. Intelligent Media Management (IMM) has multiple asynchronous data processing capabilities, each of which has its own operation for creating tasks. For example, you can call the CreateFigureClusteringTask operation to create a face clustering task and the CreateFileCompressionTask operation to create a file compression task. The GetTask operation is a general operation. You can call this operation to query information about asynchronous tasks by task ID or type. |
ListTasks | ListTasks | Lists tasks based on specific conditions, such as by time range and by tag. |
Trigger | Trigger | |
CreateTrigger | CreateTrigger | Creates a trigger. A trigger can trigger Intelligent Media Management (IMM) based on events such as events in Object Storage Service (OSS) to process files, such as images, videos, and documents based on data processing templates. |
SuspendTrigger | SuspendTrigger | Suspends a running trigger. |
ResumeTrigger | ResumeTrigger | Resumes a trigger that is in the Suspended or Failed state. |
UpdateTrigger | UpdateTrigger | Updates information about a trigger, such as the input data source, data processing settings, and tags. |
GetTrigger | GetTrigger | Queries the information about a trigger. |
ListTriggers | ListTriggers | Queries triggers by tag or status. |
DeleteTrigger | DeleteTrigger | Deletes a trigger. |
Batch Processing | Batch Processing | |
CreateBatch | CreateBatch | Creates a batch processing task to perform a data processing operation, such as transcoding or format conversion, on multiple existing files at a time. |
SuspendBatch | SuspendBatch | Suspends a batch processing task. |
ResumeBatch | ResumeBatch | Resumes a batch processing task that is in the Suspended or Failed state. |
UpdateBatch | UpdateBatch | Updates information about a batch processing task, including the input data source, data processing settings, and tags. |
ListBatches | ListBatches | Queries batch processing tasks. You can query batch processing tasks based on conditions such task tags and status. The results can be sorted. |
GetBatch | GetBatch | Queries the information about a batch processing task. |
DeleteBatch | DeleteBatch | Deletes a batch processing task. |