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Cloud Phone:How cloud phones access the Internet

最終更新日:Nov 07, 2024

This topic describes how to enable Internet access for cloud phones. If your new cloud phones cannot access the Internet, you can refer to this topic to resolve the issue.

Enable Internet access for cloud phones


  1. Log on to the Cloud Phone console.

  2. On the Instance Group page, find the instance group to which the cloud phone for which you want to enable Internet access belongs. On the instance group details page, click View next to the Network parameter to go to the Network page.


  3. On the Network page, find the desired network and click the value in the VPC ID column to go to the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console.


  4. On the details page that appears, click the Resource Management tab and check the value of the VPC NAT Gateway parameter.


    1. If no Internet NAT gateway is available, create a NAT gateway on the Internet NAT Gateway page.


    • VPC: Select the VPC in which the current cloud phone resides.

    • Associate vSwitch: No restrictions. We recommend that you select the vSwitch of the zone where the current cloud phone resides from the drop-down list.

    • Access Mode:

      • If you want to bind a VPC-specific elastic IP address (EIP) to the current cloud phone, select SNAT for All VPC Resources. In this access mode, a Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) entry is automatically created. All cloud phones in the current VPC can access the Internet by using the SNAT entry.

      • If each cloud phone has CIDR block requirements, select Configure Later. After you create the NAT gateway, go to the SNAT Management tab and manually create an SNAT entry. For more information, see Step 7 in this section.

    • EIP:

      • If you have existing EIPs, select an EIP from the drop-down list.

      • If you do not have existing EIPs, click Purchase EIP.

  5. If the current VPC has an existing NAT gateway to which an EIP is bound and an SNAT entry is created, the cloud phone can access the Internet. If no EIP is bound or no SNAT entry is created, proceed to Step 6 and Step 7.

  6. On Associated Elastic IP Address tab of the NAT gateway details page, click Purchase and Associate EIP if no EIP is available.


  7. On the SNAT Management tab of the NAT gateway details page, click Create SNAT Entry.




    Configure the SNAT Entry parameter based on your business requirements.

    • If you set the SNAT Entry parameter to Specify VPC, all cloud phones in the VPC of the NAT gateway can access the Internet by using the bound EIP.

    • If you set the SNAT Entry parameter to Specify vSwitch, the cloud phones associated with the specified vSwitch can access the Internet by using the bound EIP.

    • If you set the SNAT Entry parameter to Specify ECS Instance/ENI, the specified cloud phones can access the Internet by using the bound EIP.

    • If you set the SNAT Entry parameter to Specify Custom CIDR Block, you can specify a custom CIDR block. In this case, cloud phones in the specified CIDR block can access the Internet by using the bound EIP.

What do I do if the cloud phone still cannot access the Internet after a NAT gateway is created?

If you configured a NAT gateway for your cloud phone by performing the preceding steps and the cloud phone still cannot access the Internet, perform the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:

Check the route table


After you create an Internet NAT gateway, a route table is automatically created in the current VPC.

  1. Log on to the VPC console. Go to the details page of the VPC in which the cloud phone resides. Then, check the number of route tables in the VPC.


  2. Click Route Table to go to the Route Tables page.


  3. Click the ID of the route table that you want to check to go to the route table details page. On the Custom Route tab of the Route Entry List tab, you can view the number of route entries.


  4. Check whether the next hop of the route table is an Internet NAT gateway for which an SNAT entry is configured. If the next hop is an Internet NAT gateway that has an SNAT entry, proceed to check the SNAT granularity and security group settings. Otherwise, delete the current route entry and add a new route entry.

  5. Click Add Route Entry. In the Add Route Entry dialog box, set the Next Hop Type parameter to NAT Gateway.


Check the security group


After you create a cloud phone, a security group is automatically created for the elastic network interface (ENI) that is attached to the cloud phone.

  1. Log on to the Cloud Phone console. On the Instance page, find the cloud phone and obtain the value in the Private IP Address column. The obtained private IP address is the private IP address of the ENI.


  2. Log on to the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) console and go to the Elastic Network Interfaces page. Then, search for the desired ENI by using the private IP address obtained in Step 1. In the search result, click the ID of the ENI to go to the details page and obtain the security group.


  3. Click the ID of the security group to go to the Security Group Details tab and check whether the outbound rules are correctly configured.
