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Application Real-Time Monitoring Service:What is ARMS?

最終更新日:Aug 19, 2024

Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) is a cloud-native observability platform. It provides the following sub-services: Browser Monitoring, Application Monitoring, Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus, Synthetic Monitoring, Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for Grafana, and Alert Management. ARMS provides features that cover browsers, mini programs, mobile apps, distributed applications, and containers. You can use ARMS to implement full-stack performance monitoring and perform end-to-end tracking. ARMS helps you improve monitoring efficiency and simplify O&M.



For information about the billing of ARMS sub-services, see Billing (new).




Billing method

Application Monitoring

You can monitor Java applications that run in distributed architectures and view application topologies, API calls, abnormal transactions, and slow transactions.

  • Performance tuning before and after stress testing

  • End-to-end monitoring after microservices transformation

  • 24/7 status monitoring and alerting of applications

Billing (new)

Browser Monitoring

You can monitor the health status of web pages and mini programs based on the page loading speed, page stability, and call success rate of external services.

  • Quick troubleshooting of reported errors

  • Auxiliary content delivery network selection

  • User experience optimization of websites


Managed Service for Prometheus

Managed Service for Prometheus is a managed monitoring service that is provided by Alibaba Cloud. The service is compatible with the open source Prometheus ecosystem, and allows you to monitor a wide variety of components.

Collection, storage, and visualization of multiple types of metrics

Billing (new)

Managed Service for Grafana

You can use Managed Service for Grafana to start the Grafana runtime environment without the need for O&M. Managed Service for Grafana helps you efficiently analyze and view metrics, logs, and traces. You do not need to pay attention to complicated tasks such as server configurations and software updates. This improves O&M efficiency and reduces your workloads.

  • Centralized display of O&M and monitoring dashboards

  • Integration of self-managed data sources

  • Multi-dimensional data query


Application Monitoring eBPF Edition

As an end-to-end observability service developed for Kubernetes clusters, Application Monitoring eBPF Edition provides an overall observability solution for IT developers and O&M personnel. It monitors metrics, application traces, logs, and events of Kubernetes clusters.

Non-intrusive monitoring of ACK clusters

In public preview

Application Security

Application Security is developed based on the Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) technology. Application Security can provide runtime self-protection for applications and protect your applications against the attacks that attackers exploit most unknown vulnerabilities to launch.

  • Protection against security vulnerabilities

  • Identifying security risks of third-party components


Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic Monitoring deploys detection points in a variety of regions around the globe to simulate how users access online services under different network conditions, and continuously monitor the availability and performance of networks, websites, and file transfer.

  • Network performance monitoring

  • Service availability verification

  • Troubleshooting and fault location

  • Network optimization

  • Service quality reports

  • Business monitoring


Alert Management

This sub-service provides features such as alert management, alert notification, and automatic escalation to help you efficiently identify issues and resolve alerts.

Multi-channel collection of alert events, contact management, and alert dispatch

In public preview

Activate ARMS

For information about how to activate each sub-service, see Activate ARMS.

Customer feedback


We have built a top-down observability system based on ARMS to maximize our business benefits and monitor the full lifecycle from R & D to production. We used the ARMS agent to collect trace data and performance data, Prometheus exporters to collect container cluster data, Prometheus Service to store the monitoring data of container clusters and applications, and Log Service to store logs and trace data.

New Carzone

We are using various ARMS sub-services, including Application Monitoring, Prometheus Service, Grafana Service, and Alert Management. Prometheus Service and Alert Management helped us implement efficient alerting based on DingTalk ChatOps and alert handling 24/7.