
ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ:通常のメッセージの送受信

最終更新日:Jul 09, 2024

通常のメッセージは、ApsaraMQ for RocketMQによって提供される機能のないメッセージです。 通常のメッセージは、スケジュールメッセージ、遅延メッセージ、順序付けられたメッセージ、およびトランザクションメッセージを含む、特徴的なメッセージとは異なる。 このトピックでは、Node.js用のHTTPクライアントSDKを使用して通常のメッセージを送受信する方法に関するサンプルコードを提供します。



  • SDK for Node.jsをインストールします。 詳細については、「環境の準備」をご参照ください。

  • ApsaraMQ for RocketMQコンソールのコードで指定するリソースを作成します。 リソースには、インスタンス、トピック、および消費者グループが含まれます。 詳細については、「リソースの作成」 をご参照ください。

  • Alibaba CloudアカウントのAccessKeyペアを取得します。 詳細については、「AccessKey の作成」をご参照ください。



const {
} = require('@aliyunmq/mq-http-sdk');

// The HTTP endpoint. You can obtain the endpoint in the HTTP Endpoint section of the Instance Details page in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
const endpoint = "${HTTP_ENDPOINT}";
// Make sure that the environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET are configured. 
// The AccessKey ID that is used for authentication. 
const accessKeyId = process.env['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'];
// The AccessKey secret that is used for authentication. 
const accessKeySecret = process.env['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'];

var client = new MQClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);

// The topic in which the message is produced. You must create the topic in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
const topic = "${TOPIC}";
// The ID of the instance to which the topic belongs. You must create the instance in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
// If the instance has a namespace, specify the ID of the instance. If the instance does not have a namespace, set the instanceID parameter to null or an empty string. You can obtain the namespace of the instance on the Instance Details page in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
const instanceId = "${INSTANCE_ID}";

const producer = client.getProducer(instanceId, topic);

(async function(){
  try {
    // Cyclically send four messages. 
    for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      let res;
      msgProps = new MessageProperties();
      // The custom attributes of the message. 
      msgProps.putProperty("a", i);
      // The message key. 
      // The body and tag of the message. 
      res = await producer.publishMessage("hello mq.", "TagA", msgProps);
      console.log("Publish message: MessageID:%s,BodyMD5:%s", res.body.MessageId, res.body.MessageBodyMD5);

  } catch(e) {
    // Specify the logic that you want to use to resend or persist the message if the message fails to be sent and needs to be sent again. 



const {
} = require('@aliyunmq/mq-http-sdk');

// The HTTP endpoint. You can obtain the endpoint in the HTTP Endpoint section of the Instance Details page in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
const endpoint = "${HTTP_ENDPOINT}";
// Make sure that the environment variables ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET are configured. 
// The AccessKey ID that is used for authentication. 
const accessKeyId = process.env['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'];
// The AccessKey secret that is used for authentication. 
const accessKeySecret = process.env['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'];

var client = new MQClient(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret);

// The topic in which the message is produced. You must create the topic in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
const topic = "${TOPIC}";
// The ID of the consumer group that you created in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
const groupId = "${GROUP_ID}";
// The ID of the instance to which the topic belongs. You must create the instance in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
// If the instance has a namespace, specify the ID of the instance. If the instance does not have a namespace, set the instanceID parameter to null or an empty string. You can obtain the namespace of the instance on the Instance Details page in the ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ console. 
const instanceId = "${INSTANCE_ID}";

const consumer = client.getConsumer(instanceId, topic, groupId);

(async function(){
  // Cyclically consume messages. 
  while(true) {
    try {
      // Consume messages in long polling mode. 
      // In long polling mode, if no message in the topic is available for consumption, the request is suspended on the broker for the specified period of time. If a message becomes available for consumption within the specified period of time, the broker immediately sends a response to the consumer. In this example, the value is specified as 3 seconds. 
      res = await consumer.consumeMessage(
          3, // The maximum number of messages that can be consumed at a time. In this example, the value is specified as 3. The largest value that you can specify is 16. 
          3 // The duration of a long polling period. Unit: seconds. In this example, the value is specified as 3. The maximum value that you can specify is 30. 

      if (res.code == 200) {
        // The message consumption logic. 
        console.log("Consume Messages, requestId:%s", res.requestId);
        const handles = res.body.map((message) => {
          console.log("\tMessageId:%s,Tag:%s,PublishTime:%d,NextConsumeTime:%d,FirstConsumeTime:%d,ConsumedTimes:%d,Body:%s" + 
              message.MessageId, message.MessageTag, message.PublishTime, message.NextConsumeTime, message.FirstConsumeTime, message.ConsumedTimes,
          return message.ReceiptHandle;

        // If the broker does not receive an acknowledgment (ACK) for a message from the consumer before the period of time specified by the message.NextConsumeTime parameter elapses, the message is consumed again. 
        // A unique timestamp is specified for the handle of a message each time the message is consumed. 
        res = await consumer.ackMessage(handles);
        if (res.code != 204) {
          // If the handle of the message times out, the broker fails to receive an ACK for the message from the consumer. 
          console.log("Ack Message Fail:");
          const failHandles = res.body.map((error)=>{
            console.log("\tErrorHandle:%s, Code:%s, Reason:%s\n", error.ReceiptHandle, error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorMessage);
            return error.ReceiptHandle;
            if (failHandles.indexOf(handle) < 0) {
              console.log("\tSucHandle:%s\n", handle);
        } else {
          // Obtain an ACK from the consumer. 
          console.log("Ack Message suc, RequestId:%s\n\t", res.requestId, handles.join(','));
    } catch(e) {
      if (e.Code.indexOf("MessageNotExist") > -1) {
        // If no message is available for consumption in the topic, the long polling mode continues to take effect. 
        console.log("Consume Message: no new message, RequestId:%s, Code:%s", e.RequestId, e.Code);
      } else {