This topic provides answers to some frequently asked questions about NGINX Ingresses, Application Load Balancer (ALB) Ingresses, and Microservices Engine (MSE) Ingresses.
Nginx Ingress
Which SSL or TLS protocol versions are supported by Ingresses?
Do Ingresses pass Layer 7 request headers to backend servers by default?
Can ingress-nginx forward requests to backend HTTPS servers?
Configure an Ingress controller to use an internal-facing SLB instance
How do I change Layer 4 listeners to Layer 7 HTTP or HTTPS listeners for ingress-nginx?
How do I collect access logs from multiple Ingress controllers?
What is the match logic of certificates configured for NGINX Ingresses?
What do I do if NGINX pods fail health checks in heavy load scenarios?
What do I do if certificates fail to be issued due to cert-manager errors?
How do I handle NGINX memory usage spikes during peak hours?
Why does chunked transfer encoding stop working since controller v1.10?
How do I configure access control based on IP address whitelists and blacklists in NGINX Ingress?
ALB Ingress
What is the difference between ALB Ingresses and NGINX Ingresses?
Can I enable internal access and external access for ALB Ingresses at the same time?
Why am I unable to view the ALB Ingress controller pod in the cluster?
How do I ensure that the ALB domain name used by an ALB Ingress remains unchanged?
What do I do if no error occurs in an ALB Ingress but changes do not take effect?
How do I accelerate server reconciliation when pods are scaled for one or more Services?
MSE Ingress
Which Ingress versions are supported by MSE cloud-native gateways?
What is the order of Ingress classes parsed by cloud-native gateways?
Do cloud-native gateways support both manual and automatic management of Ingress traffic rules?
Why is the domain name or route of a cloud-native gateway unavailable in the console?