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Elastic Desktop Service:Send remote commands

Last Updated:Aug 23, 2024

The remote command feature allows you to effectively perform O&M operations on cloud computers without the need to connect to the cloud computers from Alibaba Cloud Workspace terminals. You can send remote commands to one or more cloud computers. You can also send remote commands to cloud computer pools. This topic describes how to use the remote command feature.

Background information

To use the remote command feature, you must activate Cloud Assistant. Cloud Assistant is a native O&M tool developed by Alibaba Cloud. You can use Cloud Assistant to remotely execute Batch, PowerShell, or Shell commands to automate O&M script execution and software installation or uninstallation on cloud computers, without the need to connect to them.


By default, Cloud Assistant Agent is installed and started on cloud computers. We recommend that you keep Cloud Assistant Agent running to prevent service interruption. The process of Cloud Assistant Agent installed on Windows cloud computers is Aliyun Assist Service. The process of Cloud Assistant Agent installed on Linux cloud computers is aliyun.

Before you start

The cloud computers to which you want to send remote commands are in the Running state.

Send remote commands to a single cloud computer

  1. Log on to the EDS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resources & Terminals > Cloud Computers.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  4. On the Cloud Computers page, find the desired cloud computer and use one of the following methods to send remote commands:

    1. In the Actions column of the desired cloud computer, click the ⋮ icon and then click Send Remote Commands.

    2. Click the ID of the desired cloud computer. On the page that appears, click the Command Execution Details tab and then the Send Remote Commands button.

  5. In the Send Remote Commands dialog box, configure the following parameters based on your business requirements and click Execute.



    Command Type

    • Windows cloud computers: Set the Command Type parameter to PowerShell or Bat.

    • Linux cloud computers: Set the Command Type parameter to Shell.

    Command Content

    Enter a command based on your business requirements.


    The command must be the type of command that returns a result upon each execution. Interactions with the command output are not supported.

    After a command is run, you can continue to enter another command in the Command Content text box to run the command.

Send remote commands to multiple cloud computers

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Operations & Maintenance > Remote Commands.

  2. On the Remote Commands page, click Batch Send Remote Commands.

  3. On the Batch Send page, configure the following parameters based on your business requirements and click Confirm Send.



    Command Configuration

    • Command Type

      • Windows cloud computers: Set the Command Type parameter to PowerShell or Bat.

      • Linux cloud computers: Set the Command Type parameter to Shell.

    • Command Content

      Enter a command based on your business requirements.


      The command must be the type of command that returns a result upon each execution. Interactions with the command output are not supported.

    Select Cloud Computers

    Select the cloud computers to which you want to send remote commands.

    • You can select cloud computers only in the Running state.

    • You can select up to 500 cloud computers in a region. If you select more than 300 cloud computers at a time, the system batch runs commands. You can query the results by command execution ID.

    • You can quickly filter cloud computers by the one of the following conditions: Cloud Computer Name, Cloud Computer ID, Office Network ID, Username, and Expiration soon.

    After a command is run, you can continue to enter another command in the Command Content text box to run the command.

Send remote commands to cloud computer pools

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resources & Terminals > Cloud Computer Pools.

  2. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select a region.

  3. On the Cloud Computer Pools page, find the desired cloud computer pool and click its ID.

  4. On the Command Execution Details tab, click Send Remote Commands.

  5. In the Send Remote Commands dialog box, configure the following parameters based on your business requirements and click Execute.



    Command Type

    • Windows cloud computers: Set the Command Type parameter to PowerShell or Bat.

    • Linux cloud computers: Set the Command Type parameter to Shell.

    Select Cloud Computer

    Select the cloud computers to which you want to send remote commands.

    • All: Send remote commands to all cloud computers that are in the Running state in the pool.

    • Specific: Select the desired cloud computers from the drop-down list to send remote commands.

    Command Content

    Enter a command based on your business requirements.


    The command must be the type of command that returns a result upon each execution. Interactions with the command output are not supported.

    After a command is run, you can continue to enter another command in the Command Content text box to run the command.

What to do next

After you execute a command, you can view the command status, ID, content, and execution time.



View command execution status on cloud computers

  • View command execution status on a single cloud computer

    On the Cloud Computers page, find the desired cloud computer and click its ID. Then, click the Command Execution Details tab to view the information about the remote commands that you sent.

  • View command execution status on multiple cloud computers

    On the Remote Commands page, search for the desired command by command ID. Click the ID in the Command ID column or View in the Actions column. On the page that appears, click the Executions tab or the Command Content tab based on your business requirements.

View command execution status in a cloud computer pool

On the Cloud Computer Pools page, find the desired cloud computer pool and click its ID. Then, click the Command Execution Details tab to view the information about the remote commands that you sent.