This topic describes status codes that may be returned by DashVector.
Reason | Code | Description |
Success | 0 | The operation was successful. |
Timeout | 408 | The operation timed out. |
Closed | -998 | The client was disconnected. |
Unknown | -999 | An unknown error occurred. |
EmptyCollectionName | -2000 | The collection name is empty. |
EmptyColumnName | -2001 | The field name is empty. |
EmptyPartitionName | -2002 | The partition name is empty. |
EmptyColumns | -2003 | Empty fields exist in the document. |
EmptyPrimaryKey | -2004 | The primary key of the document to be inserted is empty. |
EmptyDocList | -2005 | The list of documents to be inserted is empty. |
EmptyDocFields | -2006 | The field list of the document is empty. |
EmptyIndexField | -2007 | The index field of the document is empty. |
InvalidRecord | -2008 | The document record is invalid. |
InvalidQuery | -2009 | The query request is invalid. |
InvalidWriteRequest | -2010 | The write request is invalid. |
InvalidVectorFormat | -2011 | The vector format is invalid. |
InvalidDataType | -2012 | The vector data type is invalid. |
InvalidIndexType | -2013 | The index type is invalid. |
InvalidFeature | -2014 | The vector is invalid. |
InvalidFilter | -2015 | The filter is invalid. |
InvalidPrimaryKey | -2016 | The primary key is invalid. |
InvalidField | -2017 | The document field is invalid. |
MismatchedIndexColumn | -2018 | The index field does not comply with the setting. |
MismatchedDimension | -2019 | The number of vector dimensions does not comply with the setting. |
MismatchedDataType | -2020 | The vector data type does not comply with the setting. |
InexistentCollection | -2021 | The collection does not exist. |
InexistentPartition | -2022 | The partition does not exist. |
InexistentColumn | -2023 | The field does not exist. |
InexistentKey | -2024 | The primary key does not exist. |
DuplicateCollection | -2025 | The collection already exists. |
DuplicatePartition | -2026 | The partition already exists. |
DuplicateKey | -2027 | The primary key of the document already exists. |
DuplicateField | -2028 | The document field already exists. |
UnreadyPartition | -2029 | The partition is not ready. |
UnreadyCollection | -2030 | The collection is not ready. |
UnsupportedCondition | -2031 | The query condition is not supported. |
MismatchedBatchResult | -2031 | The batch query statement does not comply with the setting. |
OrderbyNotInSelectItems | -2032 | The sorting field is invalid. |
PbToSqlInfoError | -2033 | Failed to convert the query parameter. |
ExceedRateLimit | -2034 | Traffic throttling was triggered. |
InvalidSparseValues | -2035 | The value of the sparse vector is invalid. |
InvalidBatchSize | -2036 | The batch size is invalid. |
InvalidDimension | -2037 | The dimension is invalid. |
InvalidExtraParam | -2038 | The extra parameter is invalid. |
InvalidRadius | -2039 | The radius query parameter is incorrect. |
InvalidLinear | -2040 | The linear query parameter is incorrect. |
InvalidTopk | -2041 | The top k setting is invalid. |
InvalidCollectionName | -2042 | The collection name is invalid. |
InvalidPartitionName | -2043 | The partition name is invalid. |
InvalidFieldName | -2044 | The field name of the document is invalid. |
InvalidChannelCount | -2045 | The number of shards is invalid. |
InvalidReplicaCount | -2046 | The number of replicas is invalid. |
InvalidJson | -2047 | The JSON text is invalid. |
InvalidClusterConfig | -2048 | Cluster parameters are incorrect. |
DuplicateCluster | -2049 | The cluster already exists. |
InexistentCluster | -2050 | The cluster does not exist. |
InvalidClusterStatus | -2051 | The cluster status is invalid. |
RpcTimedout | -2052 | The RPC request timed out. |
InvalidSparseIndices | -2951 | The index of the sparse vector is invalid. |
InvalidEndpoint | -2952 | The endpoint is invalid. |
NoAuthCluster | -2958 | You are not authorized to access the cluster. |
SignatureErr | -2959 | A signature error occurred. |
ClusterNotServicing | -2961 | The cluster is not ready. |
InvalidClusterName | -2962 | The cluster name is invalid. |
InvalidClusterStatus | -2963 | The cluster status is invalid. |
ForbidCreateCollection | -2964 | A collection cannot be created while updating the cluster. |
CeasedCluster | -2965 | You have an overdue payment for the cluster. |
InvalidClusterSpecifiation | -2966 | Cluster specifications are invalid. |
ExceedIdsLimit | -2967 | The maximum number of primary keys in the document is exceeded. |
InvalidVectorType | -2968 | The vector type is invalid. |
ExceedRequestSize | -2970 | The maximum request size is exceeded. |
EmptyClusterName | -2971 | The cluster name is empty. |
EmptyVectorAndId | -2972 | Both the vector and primary key are empty. |
ExistVectorAndId | -2973 | Both the vector and primary key exist. |
TokenEmpty | -2976 | The API key is empty. |
TokenDelete | -2978 | The API key has been deleted. |
TokenExpired | -2979 | The API key has expired. |
TokenDontExist | -2980 | The API key does not exist. |
DropPartitonFilter | -2992 | Deleting the default partition is not allowed. |
InvalidDocId | -2994 | The primary key of the document is invalid. |
ExceedFieldLimit | -2995 | The maximum length of the field in the document is exceeded. |
ExceedCollectionLimit | -2996 | The maximum number of collections is exceeded. |
ExceedPartitionLimit | -2997 | The maximum number of partitions is exceeded. |
ExceedDocLimit | -2998 | The maximum number of documents that can be inserted is exceeded. |
InvalidArgument | -2999 | The parameter is invalid. |
SystemError | -50000 | A system error occurred. |