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VPN Gateway:CreateVpnPbrRouteEntry

Last Updated:Nov 27, 2024

Creates a policy-based route for a VPN gateway.

Operation description

  • Before you call this operation, make sure that you are familiar with the match rules of and limits on policy-based routes. For more information, see Manage policy-based routes.

  • Before you create a policy-based route, make sure that an IPsec-VPN connection is created. For more information, see CreateVpnConnection .

  • CreateVpnPbrRouteEntry is an asynchronous operation. After a request is sent, the system returns a request ID and runs the task in the background. You can call the DescribeVpnGateway operation to query the status of the VPN gateway.

    • If the VPN gateway is in the updating state, the policy-based route is being created.
    • If the VPN gateway is in the active state, the policy-based route is created.
  • You cannot call the CreateVpnPbrRouteEntry operation to create multiple policy-based routes for a VPN gateway at a time.


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:

  • Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
  • Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
  • Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
    • The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
    • If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level, All Resources is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
  • Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
  • Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
OperationAccess levelResource typeCondition keyAssociated operation

Request parameters


The region ID of the VPN gateway. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.


The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request.

You can use the client to generate a token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The client token can contain only ASCII characters.

Note If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically uses the request ID as the client token. The request ID is different for each request.

The VPN gateway ID.


The source CIDR block of the policy-based route.

The destination CIDR block of the policy-based route.

The next hop of the policy-based route.


The weight of the policy-based route.

If you use the same VPN gateway to establish active/standby IPsec-VPN connections, you can configure route weights to specify which connection is active. A value of 100 specifies the active connection, whereas a value of 0 specifies the standby connection.

You can configure health checks to automatically check the connectivity of IPsec-VPN connections. If the active connection is down, the standby connection automatically takes over. For more information, see CreateVpnConnection .

  • 100: The IPsec-VPN connection associated with the policy-based route serves as an active connection.
  • 0: The IPsec-VPN connection associated with the policy-based route serves as a standby connection.
Note If you specify active/standby IPsec-VPN connections, the active policy-based route and the standby policy-based route must have the same source and destination CIDR blocks.

Specifies whether to advertise the policy-based route to a virtual private cloud (VPC) route table. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

The description of the policy-based route.

The description must be 1 to 100 characters in length, and cannot start with http:// or https://.


The tunneling protocol. Set the value to Ipsec.


The priority of the policy-based route. Valid values: 1 to 100. Default value: 10.

A smaller value indicates a higher priority.


Response parameters


The response parameters.


The next hop of the policy-based route.


The weight of the policy-based route. Valid values:

  • 100: The IPsec-VPN connection associated with the policy-based route serves as an active connection.
  • 0: The IPsec-VPN connection associated with the policy-based route serves as a standby connection.

The destination CIDR block of the policy-based route.

The request ID.


The description of the policy-based route.


The status of the policy-based route. Valid values:

  • published: advertised to the VPC route table.
  • normal: not advertised to the VPC route table.

The time when the policy-based route was created.

This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.


The tunneling protocol. The value is Ipsec.


The source CIDR block of the policy-based route.

The VPN gateway ID.


The priority of the policy-based route.



Sample success responses


  "NextHop": "vco-bp15oes1py4i66rmd****",
  "Weight": 0,
  "RouteDest": "",
  "RequestId": "5BE01CD7-5A50-472D-AC14-CA181C5C03BE",
  "Description": "desctest",
  "State": "normal",
  "CreateTime": 1492747187000,
  "OverlayMode": "Ipsec",
  "RouteSource": "",
  "VpnInstanceId": "vpn-bp1cmw7jh1nfe43m9****",
  "Priority": 10

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400Resource.QuotaFullThe quota of resource is fullThe resource quota is exhausted.
400VpnGateway.FinancialLockedThe specified service is financial locked.The service is suspended due to overdue payments. Top up your account first.
400VpnRouteEntry.AlreadyExistsThe specified route entry is already exist.The route already exists.
400VpnRouteEntry.ConflictThe specified route entry has conflict.Route conflicts exist.
400VpnRouteEntry.ConflictSSLThe specified route entry has conflict with SSL client.The route conflicts with the SSL client.
400VpnRouteEntry.BackupRouteValidate backup route entry failed.Active/standby routes failed authentication.
400VpnRouteEntry.InvalidWeightInvalid route entry weight value.The weight specified for the route is invalid.
400InvalidNextHop.NotFoundThe specified NextHop does not exist.The specified next hop does not exist.
400IllegalParam.RouteDestThe specified RouteDest is invalidThe destination address is invalid.
400OperationFailed.RouteConflictOperation failed because there is already a route in VPC route table to another VPN on the same network block.Operation failed because there is already a route in VPC route table to another VPN on the same network block.
400OperationFailed.InvalidCidrBlockOperation failed because the specified network block is invalid.The CIDR block is invalid.
400OperationFailed.RouteConflictOperation failed because there is already a route in VPC route table to a non-RI and non-VPN next hop on the same network block.Routes that point to resources other than the router interface or VPN gateway already exists on the same CIDR block in the route table of the VPC.
400QuotaExceeded.VpnRouteEntryThe number of route entries to the VPN gateway in the VPC routing table has reached the quota limit.The number of route entries to the VPN gateway in the VPC routing table has reached the quota limit.
400VpnPbrRouteEntryPriority.NotSupportCurrent version of the VPN does not support setting custom pbr route entry priority.The VPN gateway of the current version does not allow you to set route priorities.
400TaskConflictThe operation is too frequent, please wait a moment and try again.Your requests are too frequent. Try again later.
400VpnTask.CONFLICTVpn task has conflict.The VPN operation conflicts. Try again later.
400VpnGateway.ConfiguringThe specified service is configuring.The service is being configured. Try again later.
400InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.An internal error occurred.
400VpnRouteEntry.SrcDestWeightConflictThe VPN gateway does not support Policy-based routing with the same source CIDR, destination CIDR and weight.VPN Gateway does not support policy-based routes that have the same source CIDR block, destination CIDR block, and weight.
400VpnRouteEntry.SamePriorityPbrRoutePrefixOverlapThe source CIDR and destination CIDR of Policy-based routes with the same priority cannot overlap.VPN Gateway does not support policy-based routes that have the same priority and overlapping source CIDR blocks and destination CIDR blocks.
400VpnRouteEntry.SrcDestConflictThe VPN gateway does not support Policy-based routing with the same source CIDR and destination CIDR.The source CIDR block and destination CIDR block of a policy-based route for a dual-tunnel VPN gateway cannot be the same.
400Resource.QuotaFullThe resources you are operating have reached the upper limit of the quota. Please increase the quota or use other solutions to avoid it according to the VPN operation document.The resources you are operating have reached the upper limit of the quota. Please refer to the VPN operation document to increase the quota or use other schemes to avoid it.
400CreatePbrRoutesQuotaFull.QuotaFullThe number of policy routes exceeds the quota limit.The number of policy routes exceeds the quota limit.
400InvalidCidrBlock.MalformedSpecified CIDR block is not valid.The format of the CIDR block is invalid.
403Forbbiden.SubUserUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource as your account is created by another user.You are unauthorized to perform this operation on the specified resource. Acquire the required permissions and try again.
403ForbiddenUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource.You do not have the permissions to manage the specified resource. Apply for the permissions and try again.
404InvalidVpnGatewayInstanceId.NotFoundThe specified vpn gateway instance id does not exist.The specified VPN gateway does not exist. Check whether the specified VPN gateway is valid.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-05-10The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-01-04API Description Update. The API operation is not deprecated.. The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-08-02The Error code has changedView Change Details